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I think you need something more viscous as a lubricant for those basalt fibers, that page says it's used just before the winding
@kimholder but then there's that tape recorder in between, at number 8. That makes me a bit suspicious.
maybe that could be optimized somehow so you don't even consume any
longer fiber before the winding maybe
wait, let me find a better diagram, i've seen a few
Just heat stuff enough, and it will become liquid. Even Pluto so cold seems to liquify now and then. As would a rocky planet close enough to its Sun. A parabola of metal foil will liquify any part you wish in the Lunar surface. Heat and liquid don't seem to be hard constraints.
@LocalFluff that's why i want to use it for everything.
@TildalWave yeah. it doesn't seem to be much. i have to ask about it.
@TildalWave Sorry for not getting the ticker tape here. But what do you want to use for everything? Coal? Sunlight? Intelligence? It all sounds great, where available.
oh, i think you mean me? heat, producing a liquid, which is molten basalt, which i use for everything
anyone wanna become a planetary scientist for FSI? jobswithucf.com/postings/44172
A million, yes many million of years from now, future humans, or that which follows us, will, as we have always does, ask themselves what their origin is. Who created them. And their archeologists will track them down to Earth and to Apollo 11, the first extra-tellurian artifact.
And what do we, their interstellar creators, have as our meaning of life? No one knows. This is our God, our creator. Blind randomness. Our originator is as clueless as we are clueless to what we originate when we spread life to the galaxy.
btw @BrianLynch i was totally planning to say on the space show that an engineering prof from queens has vetted my concepts and said they are basically sound
so the dome stuff is changing, but at some point if you want to qualify that, or leave it out,
@kimholder Cool :) I hope the CCPE or PEO doesn't come after me lol -- until I get my professional engineer designation I can't sign certificates of authority lol
@kimholder you'll have to mention it's Queen's uni in Kingston, CA because there's a Queen's uni at Charlotte, NC too
i wondered if you'd have time before the interview to take a look a bit more to make sure that is really what you think
oh of course, and conspicuously mention brian's name several times
But I certainly think your design and analysis approach is great, and yes I will give you some more detailed feedback
You can drop my name if you really want, but I'm not somebody that people will go "oh yea I know who that is"
no, but that's the point, isn't it?
so maybe they will say that next time?
Also, just to clarify: I'm a post-doctoral fellow, also an adjunct professor (basically a fancy title for contract instructor)
Bah, the lunatics can dress in tin foil and live in glass domes. Harshing and whittling. And clattering.
I'm just now putting together my application for a full faculty position -- my proposed research program is entitled "Advanced technologies for mining in space and on Earth"
@LocalFluff (to do list: consider acoustics)
@kimholder true :) I'm just flexing my humility... would be awesome to have you spit my name out to the masses!
@BrianLynch yeah, you talked about that. i think it will sell to young engineers like hotcakes
I can almost imagine Dr. Spudis in a titanium foil skirt in a sunlit glass bulb on the Moon, but I refuse my mind to do so.
yes, our department is purely mining, no space research (outside of some projects in my lab), so I'm hoping to dazzle the committee with this stuff
space is more in the air for the last few years. i think you are striking while the iron is hot.
i have the feeling david livingstone will be asking me some about my background and the genesis of the project
agreed, I don't want to get my hopes up unreasonably but this is definitely a great opportunity for me and comes at the right time in many ways
so you can expect a fair bit of 'blah blah blah SX blah blah TildalWave blah blah Brian, Geoff, duzzy, Miha something, blah blah blah'
I'm too stupid and lazy to start a fundraising campaign, otherwise I would've managed a project to build a sphinx on the Moon. It would easily get a million contributors a day.
@BrianLynch i consider NASA getting extra money a good sign
@LocalFluff like the deathstar kickstarter campaign?
BTW there's a lot of interest for what ESA plans with the Moon
@TildalWave i have followed it a bit.
they're moving together with Roscosmos and JAXA is interested in doing something together, NASA is like a cat on a hot tin roof because they really want to but lawmakers don't let them,...
I think even CSA and Israel have expressed interest
tho that's within ESA actually
(i read lawnmowers won't let them)
there is a lot of interest in the moon outside of nasa
even within NASA they're just not openly talking about it
luckily CSA is a special member of ESA so I can bid on their projects too
but they do seem ready to officially continue their pet projects as soon as they'll be allowed to
yes, that is certainly the impression i got
where does LPI get their money from?
i do not know. they are adjunct to nasa in some way, aren't they?
> part of the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) and is supported by the Science Mission Directorate of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
okay, i've ordered a fresnel lens 1m on a side
and there is plenty of basalt sand around here
and plenty of sun this time of year
and not only that, i'm going to write up something about that 3d sintering scheme on the forum just to get it off my chest. because i did actually think about it and discard it.
a few months ago
(now must make omlette and hash-browns with salsa)
@kimholder fantastic!
you're gonna have so much fun with it I'm almost jelly
maybe even more because you have enough sun to use it
we have about as much sun here this time of the year as Pluto
(enjoy your meal, that sounds delicious!)
@kimholder sweet, I will be keen to see what you do with it!
you should bug the inventor of that one I linked to get some secret hints
@RussellBorogove You might wanna substantiate the "sats would slow down and eventually stop", maybe link to Lorentz force or some Maxwell's equations / Faraday's law of induction? Things like that?
Ugh. Not worth it to me
ah yeah ... treadmill ... wot? :))
I missed that part, so yeah, not even any need to explain how dynamos work
I used to teach a lab on vehicle suspension dynamics -- i.e. vibration. As students learned about resonance, they would almost always jump to -- hey can't you use resonance for perpetual motion?!?
2 hours later…
@kimholder, just saw somebody post this on FB: planetaryresources.com/2016/01/…
3D printed from a ground-up meteorite
9 hours later…
@BrianLynch ha, that's really cool
@BrianLynch yeah, i definitely should. once i have it and i've tried it out a little, i try to contact him.
@TildalWave hee, almost jelly :)
in related news, NASA Establishes Planetary Defense Coordination Office spacepolicyonline.com/news/…
because we all know that's gonna save us from the impending doom :)
that was another "cute typo" for you @kim ("impeding doom" LOL)
heh, i can't help thinking that it is really there for the defense reasons vaguely referred to as 'any potential threats'
which dooms usually are
yea, i noticed that. i was going to say, do you have mixed feelings about impeding doom? should doom maybe not be impeded?
Wouldn't a doom already be impeding? Why would we need to impede it more? You mean to undoom it? :))
(who said English isn't fun? :P)
well, if you cut the 'the' there, then saving us from impeding doom you stop impeding doom. so i cut the 'the', being a doom sort of person.
oh and B612 has a new page b612foundation.org
goes to check for Closest Approach To Earth (0.000 AU) in Baalke's Space Calendar :))
wow, they have a very well designed site.
it wasn't too shabby before either, maybe it was just getting a bit bigger than what it was designed for
that IAA Planetary Defense Conference last April apparently got many people moving, looking forward to the next one then
i'm a little surprised to see a private advocacy body with a sophisticated satellite design
^impeding doom
Why does it seems like the number of upvotes I get on an answer is inverse proportional to the actual importance of it?
because the complexity of an answer is inversely proportional to the number of people who will get it.
@Hohmannfan it's always been like that here
yeah what @kim said
But it does not feel so good that my highest ranking answers are about nuking things in space, I am not a big fan of nuking things in general.
I have to repeat like every so often that I haven't a clue about space exploration, it's just something I'm interested in as a sidekick, not my professional activity
that because I have most rep on the site
which is actually more representative to how much effort you put into it than how much you know on the matter
but yeah, I did learn a great deal while answering too
Being totally fanatic also helps a lot :)
so TL;DR don't be too bothered about votes, those have a life of their own
and even if I'm often like the Don Quixote tilting at the SuperCollider, that's just for kicks really ;)
The only thing keeping ion-drives alive are that they glow blue, the shuttle had cool looking wings, and Mars is very red.
(pun intended)
@Hohmannfan nuclear reactors glow blue too :P
Chirenkov (or something) radiation
Cherenkov :)
You know this boring, grey lump of metal? Well, it is very interesting because of invisible things happening inside it.
@Hohmannfan my agenda is to get the humanity into space so I can have this best piece of the Universe all for myself :))
Wanna team up?
there is a great short story by Asimov where everyone goes home after work to their own dimension
oh that would be lovely
@BrianLynch What? Does other people not do that?
not normally, you should have your landlord check that!
No charge for 4-dimensional space
5+ dimensonal!
we already have 4!
I live inside this blue phone box, it is enough for me...
(I suppose "universe" makes more sense)
nice, very Thoreau-like
Response triggered by keyword("Thor-"): I hear a lot about the 'miracles' of thorium reactors, but isn't it just: 1. Make thorium into uranium. 2. Burn uranium in a reactor. I know it is another isotope, but fissile stuff is fissile stuff, and it is more true anyway than the people claiming it is nuclear power without radiation. (yes, someone said that to me!)
My coffee hasn't kicked in yet so I can't fully understand the advantages/disadvantages listed in en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorium_fuel_cycle#Nuclear_fuel
Coffee? Not tea with milk?
I'm American. Coffee with heavy cream.
There hasn't been tea in America since 1773 right?
sorry I mean 'Merca
they just left all of it on the Mayflower :P
ah you were referring to the Boston tea party
I guess you're right, can't have the tea disagree with you without first having some
:) haha yea
We don't drink tea. We drink bacon!
I drink coffee too, of course. After all, I am Norwegian: statista.com/statistics/277135/…
i recently ran out of tea and there WASN'T ANY IN THE SUPERMARKET. AHHHH...
The Space Show w/ Dr. Henry Hertzfeld of Space Policy Institute on launch economics, reusability, asteroid mining,... is now podcast live. More info in the newsletter
starts in 5 minutes
posting early for @kim :)
predictably, the show is not loading
however i am this time repeatedly reloading
@TildalWave what did you say the web address is now? not the kara.fast-serv one, but the one that is a url?
These things are always blocked at work. :(
it's that button-sized image on the "listen live" page :P
no not that
Anything but that!
@kimholder dunno then what you mean, they're all URLs
anyhow, vlc loaded the fast-serv file that downloads when you click on that button
which rhythmbox and audacious have never done
that's the .pls file (playlist) yes, all it has in it is kara.fast-serv.com:9192
yeah i know that address by heart now, but no program i have ever loaded it
that's odd
have you tried with "load URL" or "load stream" and similar?
well it works in all players I have, I just checked
works even in Windows Media Player
remember i am on ubuntu
the android apps have no excuse
it should work in VLC on android, I used that before
or XMMS on linux
that's the address i was looking for, you listed it a couple of days ago
an aspx address?
ah that... yeah that one now gives 404 not found
but you shouldn't need it
it's same as the .pls link just in a bit different format, but nearly all players also have some sort of "load/play URL/web address/web stream" option in menus
in which you put http://kara.fast-serv.com:9192/
ah, ok. vlc on android loaded that right away.
it didn't occur to me that was actually a regular url and that the beginning was just omitted.
i was always omitting the http://
<asx version="3.0">
<ref href="http://kara.fast-serv.com:9192" />
<title>The Space Show</title>
<author>Dr. David Livingston</author>
<copyright>© Copyright 2015 Dr. David M Livingston & One Giant Leap Foundation</copyright>
this would be a .asx file entry
just edit some new text file, add that in, then save as .asx
I'm not sure what the actual file that the link to it is dead would look like, so some entries are just whatever I thought fits there
yup, works, my Win players accept it
trying the asx
that was rhythmbox, which i really should delete
audacious worked with the kara address
that .asx link doesn't work?
it does, but i don't know how i load that into one of those programs. when i tried to get rhythmbox to open the asx file i save to the desktop as spaceshow.asx with that same text, it did nothing
ubuntu doesn't have a right-click open with function for that
are your speakers on? :))
i have gotten it working with audacious, and vlc
so then it works
i did mention that...
i was just showing that it really does not load when a perfectly reasonable attempt to do that is tried with several of my programs
the pls doesn't work
and with rhythmbox, even if you spell it out, it still doesn't work
@TildalWave A pls file? Oh dear don't tell Simon...
dunno about that
@DavidFreitag why?
@TildalWave It'll all go to his head
ah hahha yeah I wouldn't want that
@kimholder I never really used Rhythmbox
and I try to avoid VLC when I can too, but it seems to work OK on Android
most of the time
anyone understand that question?
(the kara address works when properly formatted... haven't gotten the asx to work. just to be clear)
@BrianLynch which one?
on the show?
something about students and free speech
not really
that is just coming on, on my feed
I have no idea how that relates to the show
just didn't even sound like a space question
"safe space"... space? did that guy even know what the show is about?
almost sounds like a prank question
or a stalker one
yea haha
when is that Musk's plan with Mars supposed to be published?
yeah though question @BrianLynch !! :))
yea i choked him up lol
it's a bit unclear how do e.g. OST and "rescue agreement" apply to private sector, that's what's now being worked into US legislation with fist attempts, but those are faaaar from complete
yea exactly
and I'm thinking about what David is saying right now
huge cooperative conglomerates work better for giant projects
Oh definitely, if I can return back to that Mayflower (LOL), it's gonna be similar won't it? Many people came on it to same destination for different purposes, not all of them were incompatible.
yea for sure
almost the best possible situation for space exploration and development, competition driving innovation with unavoidable cooperation amplifying everyone's progress
(or they all fall like dominos... lol)
a bit like contemporary astronomy
all the interesting projects are way bigger than efforts of individuals can manage
and once you have infrastructure, it's shared among all the many investors
but I don't think that requires any paradigm shift that hasn't shifted already
yea, so if they recognize that from the beginning then you'd hope to see more investment into infrastructure from a cooperative group I think
yea maybe a bit of a stronger wording than needed
I guess we'll have to invent a few more banks for that, but it wouldn't be a first
bonds maybe? dunno
i bought two. the shipping from china for the alibaba option was going to be too expensive
is that from some rear projection TV?
yeah. hubby was actually trying to get me one (or a few) by inquiring with a local repair shop
we figured that around here there might still be people who have one and throw it out and it might end up in a shop one way or another
and your intention is to try and replicate the solar scinter idea?
well, i just want to get a sense of how the material behaves
you're making me think that I should add this to my list of proposed research projects
i know it is a very different situation, but i can get lots of material that is roughly analogous
there is loads of basalt sand here
is it that different from the sand in the Sahara?
or you mean compared to regolith?
its black sand, all volcanic material
oh gotcha
it is mostly or entirely basalt
i think... i mean, i have to check, but if it is volcanic sand then it is basalt i think
there ya go. and ground pretty fine, though not as fine as regolith
I'm still fond of that basking on the sun on the beaches of Santorini
most are black sand, like Perissa (not sure of spelling) but there's also white and red ones
that does sound great.
it's interesting how that black sand actually reflects in all colors of the rainbow when you look closer
it does? interesting
yeah I think it's because it's small enough that it exposes its crystalline structure
something like that
I didn't really care so much about things like that when I was there LOL
i'm thinking of what sort of camera i need to properly document my experiments :)))
that tour of the vineyards was great tho :)
@kimholder I wouldn't sacrifice some expensive one, you might damage its sensor with focus onto such bright spot
maybe get some sun filters
10 kg of obsidian on my desk
@TildalWave yeah, that was what i was wondering about
cost of obsidian chunk - think it was $8
is the colour varied or all black and just the reflection/shininess making it look grey?
wow really?
no lack of it
@kimholder oh that's nice, it looks a lot larger than 10 kg tho
look at those scratches it did LOL
you could make a lot of weapons for fighting off the undead from north of the Wall
it isn't quite pure black. we have a brown one too
it's just an unfinished plywood desk, it scratches from anything
supposed to be temporary, but i like it
obsidian is pretty rare here
@kimholder oh don't worry my desks are all scratched and I don't care either
there's the brown one from some impurity, and a mug for scale
that's melted clay?
that would make sense, the soil here has a high content of red clay
well yeah sense ... hmmm ... wouldn't that require like extreme temperatures to melt it?
i assume it is just a small percentage that got washed into a lava flow
that was fluid enough to thoroughly mix with it
anyhow, there is tons of such material that i can test to see how it melts :]
or cracks, or what have you
someone suggested i go talk to a university here and see if i can draw them in to doing some work on this, by pointing to PISCES work along the same lines
which i might do
Surely not ...
PISCES (Personal Identification Secure Comparison and Evaluation System) is a border control database system largely based on biometrics developed by Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.. == Overview == The PISCES-project was initiated by the Department of State, Terrorist Interdiction Program (TIP) in 1997, initially as a system for countries in improving their watchlisting capabilities by providing a mainframe computer system to facilitate immigration processing in half a dozen countries. Foreign authorities used the technology to watchlist and exchange information with the United States Department of State...
blimey I got this strong deja vu feeling
looks like basalt sand has lower melting temperature than silica sand
did we talk about this before?
Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems
that makes a lot more sense :)
headed by rob kelso. who has a SX / moonwards tshirt :)
ah yeah? nice!
they have been working on basalt paving tiles
for a landing pad or what have you
on the Moon?
i'm looking for it, it was a presentation at LEAG
i like his rovers much, much better :]]]
what am i forgetting? oh yeah...
darn, did it wrong...
is that no longer a reply to @duzzy? well anyhow, it's a duzzy thing...
What did I do? :P
@duzzy it was that one... and anyhow it's been a while
Oh, yeah. That. >_>
@kimholder ha ACME Landing Pad :) I heard of that before (probably LEAG?) but forgot about it
maybe that was the source of your deja vu
entirely possible
gee is that moon mission question too broad?
@BrianLynch yeah, i like your reply. i get a homework question feel from it.
I like how a first aid kit is included in the necessary supplies.
Well, maybe a first aid kit.
just vote to close as unclear, the close text will say what needs to be done to reopen it
or too broad, opinion based,... your choice
I gave them the best answer I can think of haha
hey, where have i seen that video before? :D
it's not a self-contained answer tho
all of it is elsewhere
Moon Machines
link-only answer and not spam
can you please either expand or convert to a comment?
Yea I suppose, I just figured the whole thing was garbage and going to be closed anyway so I threw caution to the wind...
sure but you might get an upvote from some other rebel and that then locks the thread as worth keeping around
and thanks :)
oh really? if you upvote an answer then the question is uncloseable?
it can be closed, but it won't magically disappear in time :)
anyway, your "answer" didn't meet our standards of quality, mostly because none of it was where you posted it as such LOL
and YouTube videos can easily disappear without notice
yes it was definitely not an actual answer
I suppose the OP wouldn't pick up on my subtle meaning of commenting as an answer with a YouTube video of people listing off what he wants in about 30 seconds lol
Ok, maybe the required equipment is too broad but I thought it is like a "standard" what would be the crew size, qualification, ect..? — jonapap 8 mins ago
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