Just heat stuff enough, and it will become liquid. Even Pluto so cold seems to liquify now and then. As would a rocky planet close enough to its Sun. A parabola of metal foil will liquify any part you wish in the Lunar surface. Heat and liquid don't seem to be hard constraints.
@TildalWave Sorry for not getting the ticker tape here. But what do you want to use for everything? Coal? Sunlight? Intelligence? It all sounds great, where available.
A million, yes many million of years from now, future humans, or that which follows us, will, as we have always does, ask themselves what their origin is. Who created them. And their archeologists will track them down to Earth and to Apollo 11, the first extra-tellurian artifact.
And what do we, their interstellar creators, have as our meaning of life? No one knows. This is our God, our creator. Blind randomness. Our originator is as clueless as we are clueless to what we originate when we spread life to the galaxy.
btw @BrianLynch i was totally planning to say on the space show that an engineering prof from queens has vetted my concepts and said they are basically sound
so the dome stuff is changing, but at some point if you want to qualify that, or leave it out,
@kimholder Cool :) I hope the CCPE or PEO doesn't come after me lol -- until I get my professional engineer designation I can't sign certificates of authority lol
I'm just now putting together my application for a full faculty position -- my proposed research program is entitled "Advanced technologies for mining in space and on Earth"
I'm too stupid and lazy to start a fundraising campaign, otherwise I would've managed a project to build a sphinx on the Moon. It would easily get a million contributors a day.
they're moving together with Roscosmos and JAXA is interested in doing something together, NASA is like a cat on a hot tin roof because they really want to but lawmakers don't let them,...
I think even CSA and Israel have expressed interest
> part of the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) and is supported by the Science Mission Directorate of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
and not only that, i'm going to write up something about that 3d sintering scheme on the forum just to get it off my chest. because i did actually think about it and discard it.
a few months ago
(now must make omlette and hash-browns with salsa)
@RussellBorogove You might wanna substantiate the "sats would slow down and eventually stop", maybe link to Lorentz force or some Maxwell's equations / Faraday's law of induction? Things like that?
I used to teach a lab on vehicle suspension dynamics -- i.e. vibration. As students learned about resonance, they would almost always jump to -- hey can't you use resonance for perpetual motion?!?
I have to repeat like every so often that I haven't a clue about space exploration, it's just something I'm interested in as a sidekick, not my professional activity
that because I have most rep on the site
which is actually more representative to how much effort you put into it than how much you know on the matter
but yeah, I did learn a great deal while answering too
Response triggered by keyword("Thor-"): I hear a lot about the 'miracles' of thorium reactors, but isn't it just: 1. Make thorium into uranium. 2. Burn uranium in a reactor. I know it is another isotope, but fissile stuff is fissile stuff, and it is more true anyway than the people claiming it is nuclear power without radiation. (yes, someone said that to me!)
The Space Show w/ Dr. Henry Hertzfeld of Space Policy Institute on launch economics, reusability, asteroid mining,... is now podcast live. More info in the newsletter
it's same as the .pls link just in a bit different format, but nearly all players also have some sort of "load/play URL/web address/web stream" option in menus
it does, but i don't know how i load that into one of those programs. when i tried to get rhythmbox to open the asx file i save to the desktop as spaceshow.asx with that same text, it did nothing
ubuntu doesn't have a right-click open with function for that
it's a bit unclear how do e.g. OST and "rescue agreement" apply to private sector, that's what's now being worked into US legislation with fist attempts, but those are faaaar from complete
Oh definitely, if I can return back to that Mayflower (LOL), it's gonna be similar won't it? Many people came on it to same destination for different purposes, not all of them were incompatible.
almost the best possible situation for space exploration and development, competition driving innovation with unavoidable cooperation amplifying everyone's progress
i assume it is just a small percentage that got washed into a lava flow
that was fluid enough to thoroughly mix with it
anyhow, there is tons of such material that i can test to see how it melts :]
or cracks, or what have you
someone suggested i go talk to a university here and see if i can draw them in to doing some work on this, by pointing to PISCES work along the same lines
PISCES (Personal Identification Secure Comparison and Evaluation System) is a border control database system largely based on biometrics developed by Booz Allen Hamilton Inc..
== Overview ==
The PISCES-project was initiated by the Department of State, Terrorist Interdiction Program (TIP) in 1997, initially as a system for countries in improving their watchlisting capabilities by providing a mainframe computer system to facilitate immigration processing in half a dozen countries. Foreign authorities used the technology to watchlist and exchange information with the United States Department of State...
I suppose the OP wouldn't pick up on my subtle meaning of commenting as an answer with a YouTube video of people listing off what he wants in about 30 seconds lol
Ok, maybe the required equipment is too broad but I thought it is like a "standard" what would be the crew size, qualification, ect..? — jonapap8 mins ago