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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

A-10 is a beautiful bird
so is F-15 for the matter
F-22 as well.
Wish they had built more of them. Or exported to Japan or Israel.
Which ones don't you like ?
@Antzi F-86 Super Sabre.
Not a huge F-35 fan. Cool plane, but not a good replacement for A-10.
Why not "good" ?
I'll try to get my pilot license as soon as I get a life a bit more stable...
Tho I can only dream about flying propeller planes :)
@Antzi The A-10 is designed to take bullets and fly, low, slow, and shoot out tanks. Carries several hundred rounds. F-35 will be dropping JDAMS/JSOW from on high. Too expensive and vulnerable to do the low level ground support role.
A-10 is AWESoME for that role.
F-35 is very meh for that role.
Might be a good F-16 replacement but not the A-10.
@Antzi did you mean anything else but prop planes or are you getting a license for a glider?
I see
@Antzi My 8 year old can explain this in great detail to you. :) Do not ask him about it.
is your 8 yo that white rectangle? :)
My family is very pale. we burn easily!
you joined in marriage fair and square?
I'm considering both, gliding sounds like a cheaper way to get into business before moving on to small propeller planes
motor glider would be in between I guess
or light aircrafts
@geoffc the last question is: Do we still need to carries this kind of attacks.
@Antzi Fair point. Will the US ever have a big tank battle again? Dunno. But it is a great gun against armored personell carriers, Humvees, etc.
Carries Hellfires, and mini-rockets. Lots of ordance (Cheap things) that you can waste on low value targets. Flies low and slow.
F-35 dropping a JDAM or even a GPS guided bomb is more expensive than firing bullets.
Webcast is going live
Less live, but at least a logo!
Launch of SpaceX Falcon 9 v1.2 rocket deploying 11 Orbcomm OG2 satellites to LEO is now webcast live on SpaceX, Livestream and YouTube.
beat you to it :P
You even had a link! To hack with you! : )
YouTube has about 15 seconds delay for me
@geoffc three links :P
just rubbing it in :)))
TRiple hack you then.
Liking these guys better than the last time they had colour commentators.
Mission progress bar is clever!
yup like that
Hey its Insprurker again!
a who?
that's the guy's name?
Merlin to the right of me, Dragon to the left, here we are stuck in the middle again...
Merlin Octaweb behind him.
How much do you think they could sell tickets for tonight?
Hawthorne tickets...
Hahaha "First for a rocket that delivers a payload to orbit" to distinguish from Bezos. :)
that guy is still on the landing pad :)
Wait but Why guy i sa lucky bugger. Getting atour of Hawthorne, and getting to do the broadcast.
Wow, that is a long line of Merlins.
They are cheating and reusing old footage of the factory.
I think he's going to try to catch it.
Put down the Inconel, you can't afford the cost of the raw materials guy,.
why how much it costs?
It is not that expensive, but not cheap.
it's just some alloy
Nope, cheaper than I thought.
did I just say it's just some alloy? LOL because I'd totally like some platinum uranium alloy, it's also just some alloy :))
Oh!!! I hope they play the Launch-Land-Relaunch video if they succeed.
Net freeze on my end! Doh.
(SpaceX Funk video).
Inside terminal count. Want to hear the launch channel.
I decided to skip Star Wars tonight to watch it in real life tonight.
OH! Landing Zone video!
They really cleared the trees around it.
OCISLY shot!
If this landing is successful, will this one actually be reused, or are they going to just use it for further testing and end up breaking it?
They fluctate. Initial use is LC-39A pad fit tests. Disassembly at some point. Maybe testing at Spaceport America.
They seem to have changed their mind several times already.
I was trying to find a feed for today's launch, then I realized I could just come here.
Or Youtube. Or probably NASA TV.
(Tildal linked it several ways).
I found his links.
None of these guys know what to do with their hands.
Doubt NASA TV, ORBCOMM is commercial, so...
Yep, showing a Mars thing, mostly an ad.
I saw the first video link, and thought it was some commentary. Switched to a second feed and realized it was all the same...
way more of a production for this launch than others
It's return to flight.
better pay off :D
─if you just joined, links are here─┘
I'll remind you that ORBCOMM had the black launch (That didn't happen) with no media coverage.
22 mins ago, by TildalWave
Launch of SpaceX Falcon 9 v1.2 rocket deploying 11 Orbcomm OG2 satellites to LEO is now webcast live on SpaceX, Livestream and YouTube.
Guess they've come full circle.
Back to launch director channel! Yay!
black with spacex or ula?
The launch was called off that day. SpaceX.
40 seconds!
Oh crap, am I watching delayed?
Dang it!
go livestream
told you YouTube has about 15 seconds lag
@geoffc it exploded
@NickT you're gonna give him a heart attack
what's mach1 in kph?
like 1000?
@NickT One day we shall meet. Then I shall exact vengence for that very mean comment. (My name is Geoffrey Carman, you annoyed me, prepare to die).
Man, that engine flame looks bad...
Both me and my wife thought it was an explosion...
interesting plume color
wtb daytime launch
Further than the last F9.
second stage ignition
Interesting they show the speed/ altitude.
no footage of boostback? :P
it's too high now
@NickT Priority is payload?
There should be when it gets close.
Priority is always payload.
@geoffc naturally, but what is shown on stream doesn't affect payload
Ahh, km/h. That explains it...
I was thinking they were close to orbital velocity, which was surprising as ORBCOMM's altitude is more like 750 km.
28000 km/h = LEO
4 minutes till touchdown.
I'm used to m/s for such things...
I'm used to m/s, but for Kerbin orbit.
They are just showing the 2nd stage cause the don't want to show the first stage unless it looks like it will be successful.
but it would take about 9 minutes since sep so...
good, good...talking points about why blue origin didn't really count....
I think the last ORBCOMM launch had the rocket fueled like 6 times. I think SpaceX was tired of broadcasting, and thus decided not to allow the broadcast to be aired.
suicide burn started
entry burn successful
half a minute ...
on camera coming in
yes, yes, yes....
Tango Delta Nominal
I think they just did that.
Oh babayu!
RIMU Stable
holy shit
they did it
Take that Bezos!
IT LANDED!! Oh my god!!!
Why is there still fire?
Launch Land and Relaunch!
That was amazing!!!!
That was one of the best things ever.
The camera as it was coming in hot was awesome!
11/10 technical excellence, 5/10 camera work, 1/10 time of day, would watch again
Stage 2 seems low...
best unmanned rocket launch in the history of mankind ladies and gentlemen
the telemetry is frozen
621 km..
it seems like it
should be climbing now at that speed
Speed just flickered 1 kmh
he just said nominal trajectory
Who cares about Orbcomm now. They were an excuse to land it!
Past SECO so speed should be relativly stable now.
622 km circular orbit = 27179 km/h
what's target orbit altitude?
this deserves to be front page everywhere
mah stream died
@kimholder I want to see Musk's tweet to Bezos after this.
deploy #1
"Fully grown adult lion"... I bet everyone knows how big that is.
so now do they just let the rocket boil off all it's LOx to safe it?
@NickT And RP1 to be drained, and TEA/TEB to be removed. (Dangerous stuff, not as bad as MMDH, but not good stuff).
Strange, it's lower than the previously launched OG2 satellites. Guess that's what they wanted to do.
Perhaps not circular orbit?
is that custom deployer?
merry christmas, elon
I'm curious why 11 and not 12...looked like columns of 3 on a 4-sided truss
That what you mean?
cubesats in slot 12?
They said one was a mass simulator.
@PearsonArtPhoto Balances out the load.
Orbcomm did not want to launch 12 into this plane?
Orbcomm satellites are low Earth orbit communications satellites, operated by the United States satellite communications company Orbcomm. As of July 2014, 51 such satellites have orbited Earth, with 50 still continuing to do so. == Satellite types == === Orbcomm-CDS === Orbcomm-CDS (Concept or Capability Demonstration Satellites) are spacecraft which were launched to test equipment and communication techniques used by the other satellites. The first three CDS satellites, Orbcomm-X, CDS-1 and CDS-2, were launched before any operational satellites, in order to validate the systems to be used in the...
This completes Orbcomm's constellation, so yeah
Also, WOW.
I'm still extremely excited by this... I can't even imagine how the people there feel.
@RussellBorogove You sure? I thought there was one more launch for Orbcomm still?
18 satellites made. I think 1 a few years back (That re-entered shortly thereafter), 6 in previous launch. That means 11 left.
(BUt could be bad memory).
I want to see re-runs of landing!
Now that is how you do an RTF!
200% success
"Is there another satellite?"
Pretty sure I heard it was the complete constellation at some point in the cast?
did anyone else see what looked like MMOD at extreme relative speed passing close by when the last Orbcomm OG2 was deploying?
@RussellBorogove I guess my memory was wrong.
The numbers add up to 18 launched OG2, which I think is how many they built.
They had to wait a long enough to get it out there!
Micro-Meteoroid and Orbital Debris
Could be.
didn't look like anything that upper stage could produce, like RCS thruster or whatever
So, ORBCOMM goes from the launch with no media, to the most publicized launch for some time...
Will check Space Track when they have the updates to see if there is anything.
how fast can they get to the 1st stage after it has landed?
I'm tempted to ask if that pencil analogy is accurate.
It's pretty close.
@PearsonArtPhoto From a difficulty level, though? I.e. if you had the same control and proportional delta-V on a pencil, would it be roughly as 'hard'?
224 feet (F9 1.1 length) * 1454 feet (Empire State Building) / 19 cm (pencil) = 160 km
in The Nineteenth Byte, 13 mins ago, by quartata
I mean, SpaceX's earlier track record was pretty puts on sunglasses explosive
^ cued to awesome part
@TildalWave i think you're a bit ahead there, it cues up after the landing
what do you mean? what does?
@TildalWave the replay above, it starts right after the landing
@kimholder I just linked to all of it, including intro music
@kimholder There's no time cue in @TildalWave's link. It should start from the beginning (and does for me). I guess YouTube is just being weird for you.
huh. funky.
i guess it has registered i was just watching it at that spot, and continues from there
Are the rings in the landing video a side effect of filming, or are they real?
This is from ~ 5 seconds to ~ 17 seconds in.
Bezos is starting already!
Congrats @SpaceX on landing Falcon's suborbital booster stage. Welcome to the club!
Periscope of the landing:
@HDF I'm pretty sure that was just lens flare.
@RussellBorogove Thanks; I thought so.
The first time they land one in the daytime is going to be almost as exciting to see
On that periscope, landing is around 12-13 minutes. Supposed to be able to hear the boom.
@geoffc Gah, needs Flash. :( Do I seriously have to install periscope on my phone to see that?
Boom at 14:20. Sounds like it exploded. But it was the boom.
user image
From VAB, long exposure showing launch, land, (waiting still for re-launch).
@IlmariKaronen Worth it! The Sonic boom is awesomely scary, if you do not know it lands safely.
@geoffc That's an awesome picture of an awesome event!
@IlmariKaronen Just missing the relaunch part.
But that is a matter of time.
SpaceX launch team confirms a good deorbit burn of the Falcon 9 2nd stage, key test before future launches.
All 11 have checked in,
user image
@geoffc Oooh! I really like that one.
Someone noted that the previous one is the first ever double streak photo of that type/. :)
Sonic boom at 2 minutes.
When they shut down the engine, before the final relight, it is scary, you think it is lost.
I didn't notice it when it was live, but I saw that it was standing after the smoke cleared and I was already excited. If it had died, that would have been terrible.
No worse than the previous attempt...
It would have been a bit worse.
@Undo I'm not quite sure, that's an interesting question...
The more they try it, and the closer they get, the more is expected.
I'm guessing that the orbit was lower than the previous ones to allow them to shift into their proper orbit a bit quicker.
Sorry, having worked in the satellite industry for a while, I'm curious about silly things...
It doesn't seem silly. It seems relevant.
moar pretty pictures
These pictures are so cool.
Also, hey Rogozin how about these Trampoline Rockets, huh?
It's on the front page on almost every news outlet in North America, but not at the top
I wonder what a good comparison would be, the first time a ford came off a production line?
People probably didn't realize how important that was either
I'm not sure I realize how important this was either. I'm still shell-shocked and a bit drunk of happiness.
I've been looking at it as being pretty significant... but right now it's just a really cool day.
I think of it as history first (despite Blue Origin's New Shepard and SpaceX own Grasshopper / F9 Dev's). It proves it can be done. Now the next step is to prove it can be reused and pretty penny saved in doing that. Then everyone will follow in one form or another and we'll have competition to launch to orbit at about 1/10th the current price per kg (half of it already achieved). Then even cheaper with economy of scale. It's gonna be awesome!
It is going to be awesome. That's what I'm excited about. With launches potentially getting so much cheaper, imagine how much stuff can be put up there.
Hmmm... I think maybe this is kind of like the cotton gin.
Aye but mainly also what (how capable stuff, not just how much of it). Miniaturization plays a huge role here too.
except, with less slavery.
@TildalWave What do you mean?
@duzzy that launch is only one part of the total mission cost
So, you're saying the combination of this, and the advances in satellites, is what makes it good?
what makes it really, really good is that soon even deep space exploration (or prospecting, if you want) will be affordable enough that we won't have to watch only governments doing it... at which point, when the whole point of it isn't throwing as much money into it as you can possibly excuse, things become smaller, more efficient, standardized, automated,... we'll own the place then if we'll want to
I've seen a lot of people talking about private companies going to asteroids, the Moon, Mars... but is there anything else they would see worth going to?
I guess some universities might be interesting in doing some things, though. Do you think that might be possible?
just microgravity research is valuable a lot on its own that private entities are throwing billions into it
think of all the advances in materials science we could now afford and have them much faster
it all goes exponentially from making cost to orbit much cheaper
orbital industries anyone? :)
So, what's next?
doing this over and over and over again
Then what?
next is making this reliable
That makes sense.
but the good thing is that even if the landing fails, you don't lose anything that you were delivering.
3 hours later…
Well, next step is to relaunch that one first stage without spending too much refurbishing it
Last night was good - I got around to watching Star Wars, and then the Falcon landing. Nice!
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
There's a crane set up next to the Falcon 9.2, looks like they'll have it horizontal today.
that doesn't quite make sense, in avian world a falcon would have a crane down, surely? :P
For the record, Blue Origins has taken government money as well.
$3.7 million, compared to a much higher sum for SpaceX, but...
jeff bezos had deeper pockets from amazon though, too.
i gotta say, i cried when the landing came in.
@kimholder OK, I have understood now that I shall use block level $$ when I have my equations on a separate line. But why exactly? Are there some rendering issues? BTW, thank you again for correcting my hailstorm of grammatical errors.
the block level renders the symbols larger in most cases, a formula with fractions with exponents benefits a lot
though i tried it on your answer to the Hohmann + Tsiolkovsky question and it didn't help
Maybe because it is just a large blob of an equation anyway :)
Hohmann + Tsiolkovsky sounds like some really weird fanfiction
all equations are large blobs to me :D
It was you that pointed out the magic of MathJax to me? It looks so much better than linear notation!
@PearsonArtPhoto all money is govt issued and belongs to the govt, check the text on the bills ;)
"this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private"
number of questions related to new shepard that came in after they landed it 3 weeks ago: 0
number of questions after last night's F9 landing: 7 so far... including one about the comparison to new shepard
@kimholder Sensing that perhaps people have figured out the difference between suborbital and orbital? :)
@Hohmannfan it gets a lot easier imagining it with energy, all those equations you mention are already derivatives for convenience sake but they do make it less intuitive
geoff the stage 1 did NOT go at orbital speed
That only applies to cash.
number of questions related to any satellite launch by the Soyuz rocket last six months: 0
@PearsonArtPhoto :P
Stage 1 was well below orbital speed. I posted the number in my answer, but something like 1.6 km/s.
@Hohmannfan well, there have been questions about soyuz in general
we pay each other in debt, that's the moral of the story ;)
@Antzi But the mission was orbital.
@Hohmannfan and wait, are you sure about that?
Look at the base. They have moved it to the leg folding fixture already!
Tidal: "this note is legal tender for all debts, public and private" This does not mean that the money belongs to the government, but rather that you cannot refuse it in exchange for payment
They are moving on this. Figured they would spend a week taking photos in front of it! :)
@kimholder Just a guess, I may be wrong
Means you cannot force someone to pay you in bitcoin if they offer you USD
@geoffc among those into it enough to get here, no question
So, when the (Insert name of place) doesn't accept cash...
@Hohmannfan i think there were a few questions related to the failed launch
I know my dad received a speeding ticket once, that couldn't be paid with cash, credit card, or personal check. Money Orders were required...
It's illegal, but usually not prosecuted
It seems that is illegal?
Legal tender is a medium of payment recognized by a legal system to be valid for meeting a financial obligation. Paper currency and coins are common forms of legal tender in many countries. Legal tender is variously defined in different jurisdictions. Formally, it is anything which when offered in payment extinguishes the debt. Thus, personal cheques, credit cards, debit cards, and similar non-cash methods of payment are not usually legal tender. The law does not relieve the debt obligation until payment is tendered. Coins and banknotes are usually defined as legal tender. Some jurisdictions may...
SpaceX confirms successful Falcon 9 Upgrade 2d stage reignition after Orbcomm sats released - key for GTO telecom missions, where $$ lie.
For the record, money lies in government contracts...
GTO is only the second largest consumer...
"In some jurisdictions legal tender can be refused as payment if no debt exists prior to the time of payment" Ok so in some place you can just refuse the whole transaction I guess
And was there even any significant changes on Stage 2?
But a Speeding ticket would imply debt to the government.
@Antzi it means that the value of debt is controlled by whoever is the issuer,... in larger scheme of things, all the value of money comes from government debt, so back to my point, that if you dig deep enough there isn't any distinction between "private or public"
So it should be illegal to refuse to take cash to pay something like that off... Interesting...
Pear yeah, if I recall correctly, some people won lawsuit against Paris City hall because of that
Well, that was years ago, so...
all money is issued by govt ... at least at one point in time any monetary value in circulation originates in public debt
Not bitcoins.
ah no of course not, until you want to convert them to anything
bitcoins operate on scarcity
Tidal, hmm actually banks can kind of issue money. They just can't issue banknotes
but the interesting bit (no pun) is where value is assigned to it
But they can open a bank account for you with n USD on it, in this way they created money.
My Android chatroom is talking about the F9 launch, and Space is talking about money. Strange day...
So, there's a secret hat that depends on having a meta post with 5 upvotes, and 5 downvotes.
I've heard other sites have a meta question devoted to having people post in that question only their requests to get the hat. Thoughts?
Fractional-reserve banking is the practice whereby a bank accepts deposits, makes loans or investments, and holds reserves that are a fraction of its deposit liabilities. Reserves are held at the bank as currency, or as deposits in the bank's accounts at the central bank. Fractional-reserve banking is the current form of banking practiced in most countries worldwide. Fractional-reserve banking allows banks to act as financial intermediaries between borrowers and savers, and to provide longer-term loans to borrowers while providing immediate liquidity to depositors (providing the function of maturity...
Hmm I think we should make the condition of obtaining a secret hat secret
It might be hard enough for people to figure out so that they won't spam the website
Nevermind. People will figure out anyway
@PearsonArtPhoto I am trying! Lots of images and links found to share. But no one wants to talk about it. :)
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

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