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@duzzy that doesn't get us out of having to move it, though. i voted to close on the grounds it is off-topic. it helps people learn where to find things, and keeps the two areas nicely separate. Anthony X is a pretty active member, so even if it is only for him, that counts for a little something.
The kind of spam one attracts from such bots, maybe says something about one's age, beauty and folly?
@briligg I didn't imply that it shouldn't be closed, just that I found what Tildal was talking about.
@LocalFluff mmm, it's a pretty passive thing, that particular trick.
@duzzy ok. i wondered because you didn't so vote, it would appear.
I've never before voted to close anything.
I didn't want to initiate it. >_>
@LocalFluff i think they just load up all the sites they've managed to steal with the most typical things some innocent thing might click on.
@LocalFluff We can fix that. It is not hard to start signing you up for all sorts of things.
My dead dog, dead cat, all get amazing amounts of mail, physical and electronic.
7 hours later…
I remember very well last time I clicked on an ad banner. It was in 2006, it's soon a ten year anniversary. I was looking for games to go with Playstation portable as a birthday gift. The ad led to a spam site which tried to make people pay for access to an illegal torrent site. There's nothing to gain by clicking on ads.
5 hours later…
Two self-deleted, two highly downvoted and closed, and two questions that remain and seem fine (one might use an edit) so far today. Assuming you're not all busy chilling like it was the middle of summer (:P), we could use a bit more activity from our reviewers. Surely some of the closed/deleted ones identified questions that could be just fine for us?
Q: Is there some entertainment reality tv programms for simulating testing of human ability to cope with living in closed environment?

KangaroooThere was some movie about people living in big closed sphere. But is there real Moon or Mars like environment, very small and very uncomfortable to live for long time and to simulate problems witch needs fast fixing? Is there tests for living in small space like shuttle, ISS or small Mars house...

I think it's just poorly worded, and could result in several question that we don't yet have here about, basically:
Note that there were and are several closed ecosystem and isolation experiments running, including NEEMO, Biosphere, BIOS, Mars 500, SEALAB, and of course the ISS and other space stations themselves. This list is not exhaustive, but many of these actually streamed (or still stream) live video, so you could direct yourself a reality show as much as you'd want. — TildalWave ♦ 27 mins ago
We definitely don't have many questions about these experiments.
I have no idea what entertainment reality TV means tho :)
or why would it be tagged with ... failure to entertain? :D
2 hours later…
asking about reality tv programs sounds like he's looking for a show to watch for entertainment
from his comment that's probably not the case but he didn't edit it to make that clear
OP's comment only makes it worse I'm afraid
I have no idea what answer would qualify OP's requirements. There's definitely live streams to watch that feature what he describes. NEEMO has them when available, so does ISS,...
Would Nautilus qualify? :))
I think the question might be based on reading some Mars One related article, but it doesn't state so anywhere.
I don't recall if Mars Arctic 365 had live streams too, but they might have had them.
The Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station (FMARS) is the first of two simulated Mars habitats (or Mars Analog Research Stations) established and maintained by the Mars Society. == Background == The station is located on Devon Island, a Mars analog environment and polar desert, approximately 165 kilometres (103 mi) north east of the hamlet of Resolute in Nunavut, Canada. The station is situated on Haynes Ridge, overlooking the Haughton impact crater, a 23 km (14 mi) diameter crater formed approximately 39 million years ago (late Eocene). The location is approximately 1,609 km (1,000 mi; 869 nmi...
it mentions several live broadcast events but no mention of a live stream accessible any time
1 hour later…
posted on August 04, 2015

On July 28, 2015, the Operational Land Imager (OLI) on the Landsat 8 satellite captured images of algal blooms around the Great Lakes, visible as swirls of green in this image of Lake St. Clair and in western Lake Erie.

Lake St Clair!!
has anyone ever used this amazing looking tool i can't get to work?
Which one?
let's see...
one of these would be nice
Those five?
five? it should show a long list of possible files
well, look at that...
I did. :P
the link doesn't work - i was in a sub-directory...
ode.rsl.wustl.edu - /moon/datafile/derived_products/coveragekmlfiles/moon/lro/lroc/Cdrwam/
how about that?
That's much different.
when i click a file, it downloads, i click the download, google earth opens... and loads the files onto its map of earth :P
I won't get to try until I get home.
The files are blocked by the proxy server here.
thanks for trying :)
No worries.
So it loads the files, and what happens?
Is it okay if I star that comment with the url so I can play with it when I get home? :P
i have a beautifully organized layout of the photos taken by the LRO - mapped onto Africa.
@duzzy please do, i could use some help :)
mapped into Africa?
yes. i've tried several times. now its over the indian ocean.
i fear it may somehow have to do with linux? is that possible?
oh - they have a forum... excellent.
Excellent, indeed. Because I'm confused by what you're trying to do. :P
i'm not trying to map photos of the moon onto the earth... it's just doing that by itself.
2nd Landing Site Workshop for the 2020 Mars Rover (day 1/3) is now live
The Space Show w/ Hannah Rae Kerner re "The Space Destination Debate Gets Us Nowhere... Literally" is now podcast live. More info in the newsletter
sorry for delay
2 hours later…
@briligg that's "normal" behavior in Google Earth when you import KML files for other celestials
> Since the image is overlaid on the Earth, sizes, distances, time of day, and axial tilt will not be correct...
I can relate to that :))
A: How smart are existing and developmental EVA spacesuits?

Organic MarbleI was hoping someone else would answer this because I only know about the EMU, but apparently not, so here goes. The EMU is not smart at all. Remember it was designed in the late 70s. There is no automated control of the suit at all. The astronaut controls the suit through the use of switches...

"I was hoping someone else would answer this because I only know about the EMU, but apparently not, so here goes."
Is that a common thought here? I kind of like it when different people answer with their expertise on certain parts like this.
Then other people who know about the different suits can answer with their information on those ones. Does it always necessarily have to be one person who knows everything in order to answer?
@TildalWave yeah, i figured it out. although i swear i'd already tried once switching to the moon with no luck. but the forum peeps helped me out right away :)
@duzzy at the very least it gets the juices flowing.
currently enjoying this page
downloaded the entire 202 mb file :P
That is pretty cool, and they're right. The astronomers around here love that one. :P
@briligg How good are you at identifying chili types? I have one lemon-yellow habanero but can't find its name or anything more about it. It's not Fatalii or Devil's Tongue. It looks kinda mean LOL
I didn't yet try it ... I'm still gathering courage :)
gee, probably i'd ask hubby.
they certainly look good to eat, don't they? :)
oh yes ... tho this one does look like it has that "don't touch" written all over it
it's cute tho
we once bought one simply on looks, which nobody at that particular market stall knew the name of, and were suspiciously eager to sell.
it was a very homer simpson moment.
we never ate it. the idea was to plant the seeds.
and that's the problem why I can't find what it is ... it's too nice looking to be any of the two I mentioned, it looks kinda like Tiger Paw but is really bright yellow
wait I'll take a pic of it
ha, you even have a chart! that's dedication.
not sure how well it shows how strong lemon in color it is tho
@briligg neah it came in a box like that
some Dutch growers direct
gotta say - is it about an inch long? because it looks a lot like that mystery chili we bought, except it is a different color.
I suspect it might even be of Fatalii (the company, not variety)
@briligg it's 4 cm, so about 1.5 inch
hm, probably too big to be the same.
of course, chili intensity also varies a lot by growing conditions. presumably they have made it as hot as possible.
i'll ask hubby when he gets here.
@briligg I know of a few inch long lemon yellow chilies, see e.g. cayennediane.com/peppers/cumari-do-para or cayennediane.com/peppers/aji-charapita or even a small www.cayennediane.com/peppers/lemon-drop-pepper/
@briligg thanks
it's a mistery one to me, and I've already successfully identified two boxes of them today
it is quite possible that it's a hybrid tho
those Dutch are quite crazy about that LOL
i don't hold out a lot of hope he'll know, btw. he only knows local varieties.
I think that Fatalii alone cross-bred over 3,000 varieties
@briligg yeah but it might also be something native to, erm, some place, dunno
there are so many odd looking chilies out there that you'll have problems identifying them
I had one today that looked exactly like Aleppo but was about 5x stronger so I suspect a cross-breed with Dundicut (based on taste and heat). I'm quite happy with my identification tho, because I can't think of anything else that it could have been. With this yellow habanero, I'm not even sure about anything. I've never seen anything like it.
sadly, they come in those mix packs and no labeling of each ... and from Netherlands no less from grower direct so that can mean it can be by anyone that likes to cross-breed
but it's a fun game, I think I'll get some more boxes LOL
it is pretty neat that they have gone on a chili breeding spree. those dutch, always a keen eye for a market.
heh they sure are crazy about that... but they also produce excellent seeds
well, we do too but we're much smaller and I guess more local
BTW I just realized today that there's two different "Dutch Orange" habaneros ... one is "the dutch type orange" and the other is "bred in Netherlands" LOL
of course, they might also be those that are both, just to add to confusion :)
kinda doing 2 things at once - and not working as hard as i should. you're distracting me. :P you should feel guilty.
why can't i find an lro tag?
there must be one.
haven't found any way to pull it up. guess i'll make one.
@briligg I'll take the dog out and leave you do your stuff for 15 minutes or so then :P
a 3 letter tag is maybe a bad idea, the full name is too long... lro-probe? lro-orbiter?
wait - now i need advice!
lro seems fine to me, I'll add some synonyms later
lunar-recon-orbiter would fit
eep, too late
no problem :)
OK I'm off then
(i knew it needed more tags but wasn't sure what the terms were. thanks.)
so I again saw a weird flying creature of the mechanical kind
a big, fast, low overflying military type drone the size of F-16 that used no positional lights and made no sound (so obviously nuclear battery powered)
so I wonder, if they're apparently "unlisted" can I shoot them down?
I could use one of those batteries so I can donate it to NASA for something actually useful
it was the size and shape of RQ-4 Global Hawk but it looked to me like with slightly wider wings
you could avoid these problems by not looking at the sky so much
hey it's not my fault it was in the way of my daydreaming :P
of course, i guess you live in a great part of the world for spotting NATO hardware curious about how that whole balkans thing is going.
was pretty hard to miss, but I bet whoever operates it was told by its producer that's impossible LOL
in fact it's so impossible I've only saw them at least three times this year
I think I even know where from and where to
again, in your part of the world maybe they are past caring...
well last I checked we're not in war so they're not respecting air traffic regulations
so I suspect it has something to do with Mercans
what's that?
Americans :)
NATO to be precise
which we're a part of, but that only means we have same fast food available here for the US soldier
they do pretty much as they please
overall they are mostly useful. annoying, but useful.
it only takes two annoying sides to get to grips for them to become obsolete tho
which, I fear, they know all too well
are you holding your breath? i'm not.
heh no, me neither
do you by any chance know of any good tools for editing gifs in linux. yes, i'm trying with gimp, but i'm having a lot of problems reducing the palette, which is my only hope of getting this file down to a reasonable size.
kpaint? but you shouldn't have problems doing that in GIMP either
> To reduce the colour palette you have to go to "Image -> Mode -> Indexed", select "Generate optimum palette", and set the Maximum number of colours...
yeah, posterize works okay, but not when you get below about 20 to 30 shades, depending on what it is
And you might want to select some dithering
let's see
I thought you're on your new pride and joy computer now?
hmm it's really been 5 days since I posted any answer? :O
@TildalWave excellent :) i had a feeling it was a good moment to be lazy and ask.
also i figured there must be a good tool for that, i just didn't know how to find it. i did try.
my pride and joy computer sure looks awesome, but i have to mail-order it and it is a bit hard to justify the expense, what with the dollar the way it is, the duty at the border, and the fact my computer works perfectly fine :P
@briligg Ah you didn't yet pay for it? OK then I guess it's not too late to scream at you: IT'S TOO EXPENSIVE!!! :))
what, are you talking about the one i linked to yesterday?
sure, it's all passive, but look I have all the bells and whistles in mine and I constantly turn it off thinking it's off
hm. getting the fancy big slow fans isn't easy here either.
you can haz near-silent PC for alot less
dust is also a big issue here, it would be nice to not have to think about having to clean fans.
@briligg you take normal 12 cm ones ... then you take them out, replace the black wire with where the yellow one is ... voila, it's slow and silent
it's even simple to do
what about fan speed control?
@briligg why? you only need that on CPU/GPU
you can get yourself some fancy coolers for that
for a lot less money than the system you linked to
for cpu, yes, for gpu, haven't found anything, not here
and the case fans don't need any speed control at all, it's all BS ... all you want is reasonable air circulation going somewhere in, and on the other end out
@briligg I have one 7770 OC it's near silent and good for non-gaming use... and you should get even faster ones now for about $150 that it was new then
Heh, we are talking about building computers in the DMZ as well.
hm, i could probably keep my current motherboard in that case too..
I can help select parts if you'd like.
when I say "near silent" I mean completely silent most of the time (doesn't even spin fans), almost completely silent when I do heavy image / video editing (you can hear a mosquito from 5 yards away but not the fan from 10 inches away), and pretty silent during heavy gaming
of course, I don't really use it for gaming, it's much too slow for that, at least the new shooters and such
it's great in Adobe things tho
@DavidFreitag i would like - though mexico has a limited market. if it is an american product we don't have to pay duty, so i have to limit myself to that.
@briligg Are you able to order things from Newegg?
OC, is that american? sounds pretty solid, then i'd just have to think about the cpu cooler
yep, one of my favs :)
You can probably find most of the things on newegg on Amazon as well.
@briligg No OC is just "overclocked" the company is Sapphire I think
oh. why do i feel like i've seen it as a brand too?
but there should be like two or more generations newer ones out now, with same design
I gotta admit I don't quite follow hardware news any more
@briligg because I think it also is
there's the "Orange County" :))
if you're a biker LOL
@DavidFreitag it's NAFTA that is the issue - made in america means no duty. or canada, but that never comes up... :P
and then there's the OCZ if you're into computer hardware
yes - ocz, that's it.
@briligg Well if you want to give me your current specs, your requirements, and a price range I'd be glad to help
aren't you sweet
I get a lot of enjoyment out of building PCs
@DavidFreitag @briligg you might wanna double-check he's still talking about computer hardware :))
@DavidFreitag i wanted to have that joy too, but it turns out i am all thumbs : /
@TildalWave Heh, this is not the DMZ, no funny business here :]
T doesn't always see it that way :]
i need to run large blender files, terrains that could be quite big, and equally large graphics files
@briligg I didn't necessarily mean physically building them. Just selecting the parts to fit a known performance mark and price mark is really fun for me.
The actual putting together part is more tedious than it is fun, but the sense of accomplishment when it powers on and retains all of the blue smoke is really nice :D
i have a gigabyte mb, an X58A-UD3R, kind of old but i think it will still take a new i7 cpu, and not slow it down too much...
it is a neat thing, but i've gotten myself into trouble before.
got a bleeding-edge mb without considering that i was going to have to learn to oc
I really haven't found a reason to overclock. Really all you end up with is using too much power and generating some extra system instability.
there was something about the ram and the board design - the market was oc, they set it up so basically you had to up the voltage on the ram sticks, because duh, you are going to do that anyhow, right?
LOL, the only cpu compatible with your motherboard on newegg is a $450 refurbished six core i7
and i couldn't get replacement sticks that were properly rated at the time
ok... new motherboard i guess...
$450 for their six-core? I haven't looked at them in a while, but that seems to be a LOT lower than it used to be.
@duzzy It's an LGA 1366 motherboard, it's quite old.
@briligg You can get a decent motherboard for $50 USD
Yeah, motherboards are cheap.
pfft - when i bout the gigabyte, they charged me over $100
i think it was more like 150
Don't get me wrong, you can still buy $300 motherboards
well, that makes it easy.
note that power fluctuations where we are, are extremely common.
I don't think I've ever spent $150 on a motherboard... but I've never been a person with a lot of money. :P
we are on a good surge protector, but the brown-outs still bite.
mine was about $250 but it's in the "pro ultra" range
@briligg what is your price range? (in USD)
My price range for motherboards is usually in the $60-100 area.
But I have bought cheaper ones before. ;)
hm. i can reuse my case and psu, and my hard drives. let's say, uh, no more than $1000 for the cpu, gpu, ram, and mb.
and their respective coolers, because quiet matters to me
@briligg What is the wattage rating on your current psu? I can get you a new one for also $50
I'm like a kid with that. Oh yes, double NIC please. Oh, and at least 12 SATA. And please let it have 6 or more USB3.... so you then find some series that starts at $100 but because I want everything on it, it comes out as pricy as it does. I'm the same with pizza toppings :)
Also $1000 is enough to get you a practically top of the line computer.
lol with pizza toppings I like to get a 2-topping pizza but put two toppings on one half, and two different toppings on the other half, and it still counts as a 2-topping pizza. :)
@duzzy yeah that doesn't quite work the same for mobos
That would be weird, though.
remember daughterboards?
@duzzy Well if you get your bandsaw and a soldering iron...
I've read about daughterboards... but I wouldn't say I remember them.
@DavidFreitag That sounds like fun. :P
I've done it before.
except, it would be really hard with the multiple layers, yeah?
i'm not finding anything about the psu, or the case it came with. it is a coolermaster mid-tower as old as the motherboard. how can i check?
PSUs that come with the case are usually not known for quality or reliability.
you might have to remove the side panel
How old is it?
the side panel has been off for years : /
@briligg The label on the psu should say, but if it doesn't try searching the part numbers.
@duzzy Coolermaster? I think that's Enermax. They ought to be good.
yeah, i don't see any sticker on the psu, not on the part i can see, or on the case
@briligg Also, are your hard drives SATA or IDE?
I actually don't know Enermax.
Ok cool.
coolermaster does have a good reputation
They do.l
I have an OCZ PSU that's a copy of some legendary single rail Enermax design. It's really stable, and cool & quiet too. I specifically wanted that one because of it.
actually, making the mb as future-friendly as possible is also something i like. i'll upgrade to ssd when it really becomes sensible to do so.
i thought i would have by now, but then i stopped making huge graphics a few years ago and there hasn't really been a need.
still trying to figure out how to determine the wattage of the psu...
i think i'll have to take off the face and unscrew it once i power down tonight.
@briligg SSD is sensible now. Get your boot device, and installed program fles on SSD. Get a second disk for data.
It is 100% worth it now, even 2 years ago.
An SSD will make your computing life better than any other investment you can make.
my system experience has generally improved since switching to linux. it boots up as fast as i need. i don't move around large files a great deal.
i figured, wouldn't it be better to put extra money into the cpu, gpu, and ram?
Ok @briligg here goes. cpu, cpu cooler, motherboard, ram, power supply, gpu
And an ssd, and a hdd if you want.
hee, it's like a christmas stocking :)
Oh shoot
I went over. That gpu is really expensive :\
i'm looking it over...
The current tally with no SSD or HDD is $1100
i'm probably fine with 16 gb of ram. i can expand later.
That psu I gave is way overkill
@DavidFreitag that all seems reasonable, but why a mobo with PCI slots?
@TildalWave That's a good question. Backwards compatibility?
yeah, i won't be putting in a bunch of hdd's or anything
@briligg RAM is pretty cheap now, I doubt it'll get much cheaper than that
@DavidFreitag does she need it?
might be better looking for pretty much the same mobo but with 1x16 2x8 PCI-E
@TildalWave I didn't know, I assumed on the safe side.
um, a pci express for a wifi card...
ASUS makes some neat mobos with a wifi daughtercard in the pack
actually that's all there is now besides the gpu. used to have more
and their WiFi is pretty decent actually
You could go with this mobo, 16GB of ram and this psu
And then it's less than $1000, but only just
@DavidFreitag no no nononon no Antec PSUs!!
cases are fine, PSUs are crap
sigh fine.
even though it has literally the best rating on newegg.
well, that usually means something doesn't it?
could they perhaps have learned from their errors?
@TildalWave What about Seasonic?
@DavidFreitag good
Because this psu is a bit of a steal.
@DavidFreitag it is, but depends on what GPU then, it's kinda at the limit for some
man, that gpu looks awesome.
@TildalWave A GTX 960 sips power, so with the current build even a 380W psu will work.
ah the 960? Should be just fine then
yeah I just went back...
@briligg if they have, they've learned a great deal on my experience with them personally LOL
So the final build looks like this: cpu, cooler, mobo, ram, psu, gpu
I literally had to send back hundreds of their PSUs only to receive replacements that had to ship back again
yeah, long story and mine is not the only one, there should be whole pages of similar stories on the net
tho, frankly, nobody orders in bulk from newegg
so no ratings there
@DavidFreitag And that build squeaks in at $960
Includes 2 8GB sticks of ram, so you can upgrade with another 16GB to 32GB in the future
that system looks pretty sweet. will there be a lot of reading and writing to the hdd with blender? backup times and things like that don't bother me, but i wouldn't want a slowdown when working with files.
i know everyone raves about ssd
i could get a little baby one maybe
@briligg Initial load times will be slow, but once everything is in memory there will be no appreciable difference.
@briligg yes but you should be fine with higher I/O of SATA 6
okay, i'm good with that then.
@briligg this ssd is very cheap, and nearly the best on the market. It has a 5 year warranty.
The only thing better (consumer wise) is the 850 pro, which has a 10 year warranty.
Hynix makes some really decent ones with 5 y warranty too ... but I'd also go for 850
what am I saying, I did go with 850 :)
I wouldn't mind trying to RAID two of them tho
At $75 it's pretty unbeatable for the performance/quality that you get.
I read a lot of conflicting arguments about whether it makes sense to stripe a couple SSDs. What do you guys say?
@briligg The only thing left to do (beyond deciding whether to shell out $1000...) is to determine whether your case can support an ATX motherboard/ATX power supply.
actually, perhaps i'll by a new case locally... truth be told, the hard drives i have now are literally superglued into their slots :]
@briligg If you are looking for a new data drive, these are dirt cheap.
because, uh, i think it was that some brackets went missing? um, there is some good reason...
And a black caviar will never go wrong.
@duzzy Well you'd want to do that with drives that were made for it. And frankly, I don't need it, I just thought it would be fun.
I have HDDs in RAID arrays tho, that's different and makes a lot more sense
That's $0.07/GB
one reason the side panel is off, other than just general air flow, is the optical drive doesn't fit, and i didn't use one for a while but then we started using my machine for watching videos on dvd, and now it sits on top of the machine with its data cable winding around behind into the mb.
@TildalWave It would be fun. :P
@briligg this optical has never gone wrong for me
@TildalWave Why doesn't having SSDs in a raid make sense?
oh - um, i have an extra challenge for you...
Sure thing
@DavidFreitag What would you achieve? OK, in parity RAIDs but there's no point in striping them on a desktop.
I often see a lot of people talk about striping SSDs, but then I see other people that do benchmarks on that configuration and say that it doesn't really do anything.
we pay duty on anything that crosses the border that isn't manufactured in the united states - no msi, no noctua
the duty rate depends on the item but is at least 20% and can go up to 40% or even more.
checking such things is a quagmire i've never managed to solve.
@briligg :O
things made within the NAFTA treaty area? Amazon delivers in two days, nice as can be.
@briligg might be worth checking the new pro enthusiast class Supermicro mobos then
or newegg. of course. i just remember what a pleasant surprise it was to order a $20 pair of headphones and have them show up so quick, and be cheaper and better than what i could get here.
if you get them in the end cheaper than an equiv ASUS / MSI / Gigabyte / ... then I'd go for that too
@briligg Yeah that might be very difficult to solve. Not many of the top of the line manufacturers make things in the US
maybe intel...
well it would work :D
There are only 3 intel motherboards on newegg, of those none are compatible with that cpu
i'm just checking where manufacturers are based...
If ASUS is a US manufacturer, that would make this really easy
it isn't
evga - they are
"As of 2009 ASUS had manufacturing facilities in Taiwan (Taipei, Luzhu, Nangan, Guishan), mainland China (Suzhou, Chongqing), Mexico (Ciudad Juárez) and the Czech Republic (Ostrava)."
Supermicro is CA based
and their mobos are top notch
mexico? mexico...
uh, maybe i could source that here
oh LOL MX I didn't see that
ironically, if it crosses the border, i bet it would still be slapped with duty unless they can check it was actually made here
Does it matter where that particular device is manufactured, or only if the company has a manufacturing location in that country?
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