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Chris went away ;(. I only lost 16.
I was bracing myself for -200 or -300
Hmmm yes looks like only accepts and perhaps some other rep changes are reverted, either that or the normal votes are still left to be recalculated. Honestly, I haven't a clue :O
Oh, yeah. Let's see what happens if I trigger a rep recalc...
accepts shouldn't be reverted, though.
looks like they were
Recalc didn't do anything.
I checked one of my answers that I know CHris accepted and it's now without an accept ... kinda makes sense, if there's no user to accept it
Then how'd I manage -16?
@UndotheSnowman No I didn't expect it would, these things are likely manual.
@UndotheSnowman 8 answers of yours that Chris accepted
Then that should be... way more than -16.
accept = +15.
@UndotheSnowman hmmm no wait... I got confused of course, what I meant is those +2 that you accepted an answer by him
Oh I don't know
irrelevant, I would rather Chris is here
But it's his decision.
well it's mine to miss him around here
who's gonna answer my space debris and odd orbits questions now?
neah, actually that's not fair, we do have folks that are perfectly capable of answering them ... we'll just have to kick them more often to move their butts and write something
what's that?
@TildalWave User graph.
That's better.
But still sad.
@UndotheSnowman you should probably add some filter to unanswered questions, it's kinda unfair that they're there if they're only a few hours old
@TildalWave Can't, that's how the system hands them to me.
I don't have any kind of info about the unanswered questions themselves.
@UndotheSnowman can't you subtract by the number of new questions?
Sounds like effort. But I'll try it.
sound suspiciously like effort ;)
"Sound like" is out of fashion, and the "Sounds suspiciously like" is obviously on the rise, which is proven here: books.google.com/ngrams/…
to prove that you have to combine them if you wanna be hip
which I might not be because I just used "hip"
This might take a while.
of what?
Making an initial backup. Over the network.
@DavidFreitag there's something wrong with your script.
Oh yes ... I forked out for proper Intel NICs for that, makes a huge difference
@UndotheSnowman hahahah, that happens to me sometimes... I'm not sure why.
There's five now.
@DavidFreitag what's it supposed to be?
Just mash F5 and they will go away
@TildalWave That's the MathJax extension
@DavidFreitag Didn't work. All that happened was my keyboard backlight got turned down ;P
@DavidFreitag Oh you init before you destroy don't you?
@UndotheSnowman Sounds like you need to mash FN+F5
You're likely Swiss
@DavidFreitag Cmd - R ;)
@TildalWave Nah, the extension only injects the javascript into the page
I'd actually like to see how many of those things I can get.
No idea what triggers it.
@DavidFreitag yes, but it's an extension, it lives outside the window
Someone ping me.
@TildalWave No, it lives within the chat window.
@UndotheSnowman moo
@undothesnowman PING!! (that's the strongest one)
Hmm, that's not it.
Still only five of 'em.
should shake your browser pretty good
It has to do with having multiple chat windows open simultaineously
@DavidFreitag Not in this case.
@DavidFreitag yes, like I said, you initialize before you check if the object already exists
Perhaps it has something to do with returning from sleep / hibernate
Ah. @DavidFreitag every time I press the upload image button it adds one.
@UndotheSnowman Can't replicate that..
upload... > upload. Don't even need an image.
hehehe new "window" with a chat handle
@UndotheSnowman aha, it works. heh it's kinda funny
I suppose i could check for my button class before adding it, that would fix the issue.
@DavidFreitag make sure you're not reinitializing all of it, otherwise it's a proper memory hog
@TildalWave There's no initialization, all that happens is that the MathJax file gets added to the head and the button gets displayed
@DavidFreitag Ah OK then you should be fine
Actually, i don't have to add anything, just move a bit.
Well, that's freaking weird.
Hmm, must've been a neutrino.
Either way, @UndotheSnowman, your extension should update automagically to version 1.2 just as soon as Google's minions are done scanning it.
They don't think you would try to do evil, do they?
If you can't wait, or you prefer non-play based extensions, the packaged crx file is in the github: github.com/dvdfreitag/SE-Chat-MathJax
Just don't have both versions enabled, I'm not sure they will play well together...
On average 35.1 people per day use use my extension. Or, at least, they have it enabled when they load a chat page. Oh, and a maximum of 57 users ever on 11/14.
@DavidFreitag yes yes a type Ia supernova no less
@TildalWave Heh, i meant it must've been a neutrino having an adverse affect on my computer
OK which one you like more: meta.astronomy.stackexchange.com/a/177/13
Just curious, I know which one is better
The first one i'd say. But there are elements of the second one that should be incorporated into the first one to make it better.
The second one doesn't quite look right, the colors on the shore change a bit to abruptly. Otherwise it looks good. The first one is a bit too boring and repetitive.
OK yes the first one is a lot better, but on both the image and the text. If you look at just the OnO part you'll see why. Small details like that make you actually look closer at some image you glanced with the corner of your eye.
The colors from the second one are too contrasty at edges because I needed them so before applying photo filter over it to get the first one. I didn't feel like improving on the byproduct too much.
Just replace the bottom part of the first one with the second one and you're golden
No, the first one's text is better. The second one might look better, but that's not the point of ads.
@Scrooge Bah Humbug!
@TildalWave Wait... ads aren't meant to look good o_O
@DavidFreitag No, ads are meant to be seen and read.
and in this case ... clicked on
Yes, but it's in plain text just beneath that..
Ah you mean the astronomy.stackexchange.com text in white?
Despite your feelings, it's still extremely readable in that star shape, you can still see that it should represent an 'o'
OK that is perhaps slightly blurred because of the photo filter, true. I probably forgot to exclude that area when I was applying it
In it's current state, the first image is a bit boring, but the bottom one is not.
Also, in the first image the dot looks more like a comma, whereas the small white star looks much better in the second one.
@DavidFreitag No it's not about readability with those O's it's about symmetry and what we're trained to look at ... e.g. eyes and wheels are good examples that you'd recognize with peripheral vision and subconsciously refocus
@TildalWave Well, fine. Just take the insides of the second 'o' in the second image and exchange them so that they aren't exactly the same in the first image.
Or, at least, make the inside two 'o's on the first image different from each other.
But that's the point, they have to be exactly the same. For same reasons I describe before. Trust me, I did try first with what's now "the second one" and some other ways, including changing inner spots so they're not the same. IMO they didn't have the desired effect, at least not as good as with two exactly the same. BTW, Coca Cola is using this trick too, even from "ancient times" of advertising.
Heh, i guess... you're the artist after all
3 hours later…
7 hours later…
Mars 1 has a contract to build an unmanned spacecraft. Wow... cnn.com/2013/12/10/tech/innovation/mars-one-plan/…
@Pearson that sounds great ...
posted on December 11, 2013 by Elisa Chisari

Gravitational lensing is the deflection of the trajectory of a photon by gravity, and it is a natural consequence of the theory of General Relativity. Lensing distorts the shapes and orientations of galaxies and in today's post, we discuss a new method to reconstruct dark matter maps of our Universe using the position angles of galaxies.

2 hours later…
posted on December 11, 2013

In a view from high altitude, height can be a difficult thing to gauge. The highest of clouds can appear to sit on a flat plane, as if they were at the same elevation as the ocean or land surface. In this image, however, texture, shape and shadows lend definition to mushrooming thunderheads over the Indonesian island of Flores. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s

1 hour later…
@called2voyage Makes sense. Thanks for clarifying ;)
@UndotheSnowman No problem.
eyes the snowman auspiciously
@called2voyage What's that about M1 getting into business?
g'day all
yuck living on Mars ... no internet :)
I'm curious if NASA has some risk management plans for the ISON meteor shower newscientist.com/article/…
2 hours later…
Aviation proposal is nearing 100% commitment. Please drop in and commit if you're interested!

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