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@Hennes :]
Imaginary numbers......
To be honest, i think i probably spend three hours of my life dealing with imaginary numbers. In all of my schooling i have never encountered complex numbers.
I used it in our equivalent of highschool.
Yeah - same here, but for only a day or so.
Calculate the places where aX^3 + bX^2 + cX + d equals zero.
I made a MathJax extension for chat, if you want to use it.
It got marked down because the answer was "You can not do that" (by which they meant "you can not do that with the stuff we tought you, and if you read some other books and know more then we just mark the question as bad".
I love it when teachers put things on the test that cover material that they never taught
2 hours later…
Q: How does the surface area of a heat shield impact the ideal angle of attack for reentry?

UndoThe Apollo command module had a diameter of about 12.8 ft (which I assume is pretty close to the diameter of its heat shield). However, the heat shield for the new Orion spacecraft is a little bigger, at 16.5 ft (again, the diameter of the vehicle itself).                                           

@UndotheSnowman here's one fantastic chapter from FAA on Returning from Space: Re-entry (PDF) it should have you covered if you take the time to read it ;)
oh and Coming Home: Reentry and Recovery from Space ebook is now downloadable for free off NASA pages
@TildalWave I wanted to thank you for being the big part of the site you are. It's been an awesome journey watching the site grow up, and working together on the issues that arise ;)
@UndotheSnowman C'mon you're making me blush now :) I'd be here anyway as a mod or not, I love it here. I wish I had all the time to research everything, there's not a single boring question here.
We need some Tildal clones, to provide awesome answers to every question.
Clones would be of no use to me, their experience still wouldn't be mine :P And who'd tolerate them? I sure wouldn't LOL
They would all vote for each other, and you would have to suspend them :P
oh, the gods of the internet finally caught up to my online chemistry teacher :P
@UndotheSnowman the "format war"?
@TildalWave Yup, same guy. A beaver chewed on the cable going into his area or something and completely wiped him off the face of the planet as far as the internet is concerned.
He says that pages take 3-4 minutes to load.
Which means he can't run his classes. Which means he can't tell me how to format my paper. Which means I can format it in a decent way!
It just sounds like lame excuses really. I dunno much about him, but I got impression he's just lazy.
@TildalWave I was in his class when the beaver wiped him off the planet. Unless he's really good at faking a rapidly failing broadband connection, he's telling the truth.
It was amazing - halfway through the class, he started sounding like he was inside a barrel going down a waterfall.
At the end of the class I'll expose his name... I don't want to now, he searches the internet for bad things said about him.
how come you're doing your classes online?
if it's not too personal ...
Because I'm homeschooled.
And I can do my classes without getting out of bed this way.
Which is awesome.
hehe OK that's not that bad of a reason actually
So, I'm actually the lazier of the two :P
He's very industrious - he runs classes morning through night. He's just prickly.
so you're studying to become a professional pillownaut?
@TildalWave Yes.
Actually, a pillowdev.
Good grief, have I only been on the network for a year? Feels longer.
you're a yearling?
I'm not yet
On SO.
Yup, this is my first post:
Q: Is there a mathematical expression parsing library on Android?

UndoCurrently I have an app on iOS that I am looking to port to Android. This app uses the Objective-C GCMathParser framework/class. I am looking for a replacement on Android (or a way to make GCMathParser work on Android) that would be able to calculate stuff like: 2*2 (2+3)+2 ((2+3)+2)/5 (-2 ...

December 6, 2012.
Wait, no, this is:
A: UITableView doesn't scroll

UndoTry saying self.tableView.userInteractionEnabled = YES; after you implement the clock view. If this doesn't work, try [self.view bringSubviewToFront:self.tableView];

I remember being soo excited to be able to vote ;)
Then I found mSO.
seems tableView was the clue there in the last one
+1 for yours and the accepted one
;) Thanks.
I've never programmed much for android tho ... the new Delphi XE seems reasonably convenient for that as far as IDEs go tho
I'm iOS, really.
I know... and Delphi is too, Android, iOS, Windows and OS X
but their pricing sucks so I'm now doing a lot more stuff in Lazarus
which is free
Meh, Xcode is better. But if you were going cross-platform...
And I really like Sublime Text
I'm used to Delphi's IDE
tho truth be told I mostly develop backends now
posted on December 07, 2013 by Astrobites

This month's undergraduate research post features pulsars as a probe of our galaxy's magnetic field, and the possibility of asymmetries in supernovae associated with gamma-ray bursts.

@TildalWave good morning ;-)
@Hash Morning!
@Undo morning have a good day
You too ;)
Morning @Hash ;)
BTW @UndotheSnowman what app you use to draw these images like here space.stackexchange.com/q/3058/49 ?
Paper (iOS)
@Tildal ^
@UndotheSnowman pretty cool, shame it's iOS only
An Open Letter to President @BarackObama from Bill Nye of The Planetary Society @ExplorepPlanets http://www.planetary.org/blogs/bill-nye/20131205-an-open-letter-to-the-president.html#.UqK3dmQRr3c.twitter
3 hours later…
             &‌​nbsp;            &nbs‌​p;             &‌​nbsp;   
very elegant
@Undo I'm pretty sure you could use a non breaking space
In word processing and digital typesetting, a non-breaking space, also known as a no-break space or non-breakable space (NBSP), is a variant of the space character that prevents an automatic line break (line wrap) at its position. In certain formats (such as HTML), it also prevents the “collapsing” of multiple consecutive whitespace characters into a single space. The non-breaking space is also known as a hard space or fixed space. In Unicode, it is encoded as . Non-breaking behavior Text-processing software typically assumes that an automatic line break may be inserted anywhere a space ...
7 hours later…
I awaken.
@JohnB is sneaking up on 10k.
How do we feel about homework questions?
@TildalWave Why?
I'm good with them.
Q: Orbit Mechanics for circular Polar Orbits, Latitude-Longitude

Tas TorIn this case I have to launch a satellite into an circular polar orbit at height 800 km. My question is: I need to find the latitude and the longitude of the satellite as reference of time (t) and I have to plot it in a map using matlab :) Thinks I know: h= 800Km, i(inclination)=90 Deg due to ...

seems too narrow to me
@TildalWave I think it's one of those real-world questions we need.
But yeah, it is narrow. Especially the part about plotting it in MatLab.
@TildalWave I wish we had like custom OT close reasons like SO - I really don't like that last sentence.
Is this homework? It seems too narrow by specifying input parameters and software used to plot ground track with to be of any future use to the site, would you please edit your question to clarify what is the purpose of your calculations (you start by saying "I have to launch a satellite into an circular polar" but somehow I doubt that is actually the case) and if possible frame it a bit wider? Thanks! — TildalWave 17 secs ago
It's almost too narrow and too broad at the same time :P
@UndotheSnowman that last sentence... I'd just edit it out
@TildalWave Yes. Absolutely.
Got to go now - be back in a few hours. I'm fine with whatever you decide to do with it.
that's just pushing responsibility forward :P take care! ;)
@TildalWave What is the last words expansion in that home work question
@Hash Tas?
It's just a signature (which is going to go away once I wake up enough to trust myself with edits)
A: What is the farthest a spacecraft has traveled away from earth?

Michael KjörlingWikipedia states that Voyager 1 is currently farthest from Earth; it gives the distance as of Dec 3 2013 as 126.95 AU ($1.899 \cdot 10^{10}\text{ km}$) from Earth. At that distance, the speed of light delay is approximately 17 hours 36 minutes. By Dec 7 2013 it was listed as at a distance of 127....

^ We need this guy to write more answers.
Oy @Manish!
Venus is as the closest distance to Earth today no? It's still big low on the horizon here
@TildalWave Go ask on @Donald.McLean's site ;)
Neah ... too localized :)
plus, I know how to open Wolfram Alpha ;)
That's what we need! A wolfram-alpha SE plugin that just takes each question title and plugs it in to W|A. Community could post the answer!
it's still closing the distance, but it looks pretty big tho
Who is closing whose distance?
Venus to Earth
Will that change the sex ratio demographics?
tempted to flag as offensive
@Undo You female?
Poor Earth )+: Stuck in the middle between Mars, and Venus
@ManishEarth Didn't Aarthi do the upside-down smiley face thing?
Eh? Somebody copying me?
c'est terrible
Dangit, a bunch of stuff just shows up as little squareses.
Glares @Undo
Look what you did now!
^ No superscript!
Got to go now - bye folks! Try not to hurt each other with the ASCII - some of those things are sharp.
@Tilda At werk?
king diamond :)
@Everyone neah at home
Looks a little like an TIE fighter with some modifications
What exactly powers a solar-sail? The hypersonic solar wind, or the energy in the particles?
No symbology for moi q+: You'll have to type it out loud
@Everyone well ... both
@Everyone radiation pressure
Hm? Then a solar sail may, beyond the heliopause, be powered by the CMB?
@Everyone Well I argue in one of my answers that that wouldn't make much sense (like pulling yourself up by your own hair), but if you have your light beam source somewhere else then yes you'd get useful push. Problem with onboard laser is that while you'd get some push it would also be negated by the push in the opposite direction at the point of your light source
and using laser alone without the sail isn't efficient
Ah. You mean because CMB is ubiquitous?
hmm CMB LOL... dunno why I read that as RTG :D
CMB is pointless because it's more or less equal from all directions
heh. happens to me all the time. head-in-the-clouds they tell me
It's Saturday ;)
Ugh. Isn't there any way, other than a sail, to move in space without consuming oneself?
@Everyone consume someone else? :D
if there's something to compress
@Tilda I mean, fuel is part of the original space-craft mass per contemporary technology
Ergo, self-cannibalization
Ought to be something more than ramjets |+:
Right now the only visible options (to me) are self-cannibalization, sail, ramjets
I know what you meant and yes, it is somewhat annoying but that's how it goes. You wanna accelerate mass, you're gonna have to push against some
Yeh. That fuelforms part of launch mass too; no fuel depots in space )+:
No maps either
How about electromagnetic propulsion? You know... sailing the eddy currents :)
e.g. find a massive body that you find magnetically repulsive LOL
@Everyone doubt it, but if you can get usable escape velocity then why not?
there's some particle acceleration to near the speed of light in the magnetic interaction between the Sun and the Earth for example
We went through that earlier I think. Remember the space-tether experiment?
@Tilda Too slow for the moment to have anything to do, I think
brb. dry throat.
1 hour later…
@TildalWave I'd day that if we don't get a response to your comment by tomorrow we should close it, with nuking following sometime afterwards.
Watching The Right Stuff again ... White House after the launch of Sputnik:
> Was it them? Was it their German scientists who got them up there first?
> No. No, it was not, senator. Our Germans are better than their Germans.
@UndotheSnowman Well it currently has one vote to close, and I'm not mod-hammering it, it's not really problematic.
Sounds good.
Hehe that movie is still hilarious even tho I watched in now prolly 5 times or more. The funniest thing about it is that most of it actually happened not much differently than how it's shown there, it really was that naïve era of spaceflight :)
@Scrooge hey dr. UV ;)
I actually decided to keep this user name - it speaks to my grumpiness and bah-humbugness
@Scrooge Noooooo!!!
i actually posted a question on astro... shocking I know
it's a good screen name methinks
Ok if you really want to ;)
I'll go read it :)
lol i already have
those ghosts don't scare me
Good question, @UV-D/@Scrooge.
i am struggling a bit to write questions and answers...the past 2 months have been hell on earth
Is there a question Mark Adler can't answer?
i am just waiting for the "that is where Saturnians fart" comment
in the next 3 weeks, I am moving house (to a place over 600km north of here)
but I have an awesome new teaching job
now, where did they go?
by the way, @UndotheSnowman your meta post telling spammers that they need to do better is classic!
@Scrooge interesting way to exchange atmosphere :D
or create one LOL
@TildalWave i have former colleagues that exchange atmospheres when they speak too
funny that the atmosphere on Titan isn't that far off than what comes out with farts either
I wonder if it smells the same yellow it looks like :D
someone had eggs for breakfast
i'd imagine so, that is a rancid smell
hmmm possible question
yup but think of all the plastics ... we should totally send there a 3D printer LOL
could earth support a ganymede sized moon
why not?
what would the upper limit of the size of the moon that the earth could support
I don't understand in what sense you mean that? Support by what? I see no reason why our moon couldn't be even bigger than the Earth as far as orbits go. Of course, that'd change a few things around here.
yeah, twas just a random thought
For one, our common barycenter would shift out of Earth's own body
tides would be absolutely huge
lots of weather and likely a lot thinner atmosphere too
oh yes, and surfable
but it all depends on how close it would be
orbital period more or less
like i said, i am struggling a bit with questions
if it was large enough, we'd still have dinosaurs :)
with a really interesting space program LOL
we still do... my former colleagues
oh c'mon a hag is not necessarily a pterodactyl :)
you have not seen these hags
these are haggier than usual
i need to forage for food
Where's @RhysW lately?
@Scrooge Thanks! ;)
@TildalWave I think I heard something about him moving or something.
yup I also remember something along those lines, but it's been quite a while now, surely he managed to plug his router in the wall socket no? :)
One would think so...
last seen Dec 3 at 19:51 on Astro.
Nov 8 at 12:33 on Space D:

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