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3:18 PM
Geoff Dalgas on November 11, 2019

We are always looking for ways to make it easier to be a part of the Stack Overflow community. One of the ways we make things easy is by offering the option to log in via other services, like Google or Facebook. As of today, we’re adding another option to log in – GitHub!

What this means to you is that you can now sign in to Stack Overflow by choosing GitHub when logging in, just like you can do now with Google or Facebook. 

Speaking as one of the developers who helped build this, I’m excited to bring this feature to our community especially because it’s been a longstanding request fr …

And F-9 flight #4 (first!) for the booster has delivered Starlink 1.0 mission to orbit. Landed for 4th time on OCISLY. Reused a pair of fairings (first!). Ms Tree and Ms Chief are NOT out trying to catch the fairings due to sea states.
Payload is coasting before one more second stage burn then they start to deploy the 60 (!!!) satellites. Which they do by lightly kicking them out, and letting them bounce around and seperate naturally until there is room, and each deploys its solar array and powers its flight to its orbit.
And they got footage of the landing on OCISLY this time! Link did not cut out! Super cool. Comes in, engine flaming, hot and fast, sudden stop, right on the bullseye.
(As someone pointed out, don't piss off Elon Musk. He has a better CEP with his boosters than ICBM's! You might get a 'error' and a booster landing on your house.
4:00 PM
And deployed! Off they drift to get some room, then Hall Effect ion thrusters to their proper orbits.
Jonathon McDowell who tracks orbital launches, and orbits of stuff, has a regular series of tweets on the orbits of the first 60.
No doubt he will add in the next 60 now as well. Wonder how he will handle it for the 10th launch and 600 to graph out. :)
6 hours later…
10:04 PM

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