@Cerberus Because under US law we have to comply with DMCA requests - no matter how silly - or risk losing our "safe harbor" protections. At which point, we'd pretty much be screwed.
@Cerberus not a lawyer; from what I've been told, we have a short period of time to comply (2-3 days or some such) after which the author can dispute and get it put back up (they're sent a notice to the same effect at the same time). That's assuming we want to comply with the DMCA. If we don't, we can certainly put up with litigation from whoever whenever... But that's pretty much just a way to burn money without any hope of getting anything in return.
@Cerberus they didn't have much to gain from sending the take-down either - they got a huge amount of bad press over it, and far more people ended up reading the answers there than would've ever seen it otherwise.
@Cerberus IIRC, it's not a setup where you can pick and choose which ones you feel have merit. Either you operate under DMCA safe harbor rules for all copyright claims, or you forgo the protection even in cases where the claims are legit.
Recall in the Viacom vs YouTube cases, the primary claim was that YouTube was claiming safe harbor protection but being picky about what they actually took down.
@Shog9 In any case, I think at worst the safe harbour would be removed only in that specific lawsuit, and only against the specific "works" you would be accused of infringing upon in that specific lawsuit.
I don't think so. But, I really don't know either. There's a contact person for those who handles them and involves us only in weird situations.
This situation was weird because the actual take-down notice (which you can find posted elsewhere on the site) asked for the entire question to be removed... And it was.
@Cerberus I honestly have no idea how that would be handled. Pretty sure "safe harbor" doesn't apply when you're the person posting the content, but it probably comes down to how badly whoever wanted to be a jerk about it.
CipherCloud just filed a DMCA notice with stack exchange to take down the question How is CipherCloud doing homomorphic encryption? (now deleted by stackexchange).
Since I obviously can't post the full question+answers here, a short summary of what it contained:
The question itself asks if/how...
Stridulation is the act of producing sound by rubbing together certain body parts. This behavior is mostly associated with insects, but other animals are known to do this as well, such as a number of species of fish, snakes and spiders. The mechanism is typically that of one structure with a well-defined lip, ridge, or nodules (the "scraper" or plectrum) being moved across a finely-ridged surface (the "file" or stridulitrum—sometimes called the pars stridens) or vice-versa, and vibrating as it does so, like the dragging of a phonograph needle across a vinyl record. Sometimes it is the st...
You are describing a variation on the classic rhetorical device anadiplosis, “the repetition of the last word (or phrase) from the previous line, clause, or sentence at the beginning of the next”.1 In your variation, anadiplosis is combined with ellipsis, “omission of a word or short phrase easil...
@tchrist "Yahoo News: selling as news today what has been known to the world entire since the last millennium!"
Yahoo News, 8 hours ago: "Coffee snobs can now take it to a whole new level. The world’s most expensive cup of coffee is made from beans that are extracted from the excrement of a small animal."
Frigging Wikipedia, for crying out loud: "During the era of Cultuurstelsel (1830—1870), the Dutch prohibited the native farmers and plantation workers from picking coffee fruits for their own use. [...] Soon, the natives learned that certain species of musang or luwak consumed the coffee fruits, yet they left the coffee seeds undigested in their droppings. The natives collected these luwaks' coffee seed droppings, then cleaned, roasted and ground them to make their own coffee beverage."
I just spake English for the first time in ages. On the phone. To an American woman with Rockwell Collins. The funny part was I had more trouble understanding her than the other way round.
they often post weird quotes like "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.", I think these quotes reflect what just happened to him in real life
And they make it harder to understand their analogy
@KitFox I am in similar situation so I cannot easily unfriend them
My elder brother wanted me to respect him all the time when I was young and punished me by punching me or slapping me whenever I disrespected him in some way
@KitFox You mean someone who has an older brother? You should see the guy that has a younger brother. He's totally messed up. Every time he eats a sandwich his younger brother comes out of no where and punches him in the gut.
...if he's lucky. On bad days he gets his balls crushed.
@O0oO0oOO0ooO Your brother was a bully because your parents are terrible and he didn't know how to behave properly. You would have done the same in his place.
Smartphone addiction is an addiction that can be destructive to social lives outside of mobile devices, including smartphones. Although it is not an official addiction, it is now prevalent worldwide, as it causes trauma and anxiety, among other symptoms.
General Effect of Modern Communication
Addiction and dependency on the most sophisticated of communication systems (computers, tablets, and smart phone) decreases academic performance, face to face communication, social relations, causes psychological problems, and sometimes results in death. According to Dolan, “Addiction specialist M...
My 30th birthday, my brothers got together and the eldest brought his new girlfriend. He'd recently separated from his wife, and this girlfriend I knew from high school. I was nice to her, but they wanted drama or something. Anyway, it sucked.
> A Labour councillor has claimed he fathered a child with an alien - and he has sexual relations with the extra-terrestrial about four times a year.
> Simon Parkes, a 53-year-old driving instructor and married father-of-three who sits on Whitby Town Council, said his wife was ‘very unhappy’ with the revelation.
> He added: ‘But it is not on a human level, so I don’t see it as wrong.'
so either he's unfaithful AND having sex outside his species, both of which would be a huge shock to any typical marriage, or he's delusional, or he's making it up for some inexplicable reason. Which is worse?
Reminds me of the scene in Ghostbusters when Egon says to Pete that Dana, who saw a monster in her fridge, "is telling the truth. At least, she thinks she's telling the truth." To which she replies "so either I'm crazy or I have a monster in my ice box."
@Zirak ha ha no, I want to know the rules, so that I can troll the system, either redefine !! to make it act like a Y-combinator. I don't want it to change necessarily (I'm not asking you to modify it), I just want to see if we can abuse its powers.
@MattЭллен hm...yeah. I've gotten in the habit of answering in comments because making a full answer out of it is time consuming, and frankly some questions just bug me in the exposition, so I don't feel like answering for serious.
@MattЭллен mmmm... potato with melted chocolate..mmmm.