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> Hi, Carolyn, Many of our friends and neighbors have kids (we don't) and have now reached the age where they or there parents are trying to fundraise;
"The age where you fundraise"—this is unreal.
Teaching children to beg?
Yeah, I bet you like it!
Got a better suggestion for underfunded schools, or children's sports clubs, or whatever to get the money that they need?
> mostly for private school tuition (the latest request is from a friend whose 18 month old is in some kind of preschool).
@DavidWallace fund them more
> We can afford to buy whatever they're selling, although we almost never want the stuff. The thing is, we all live in an upper middle class community, and our friends could afford to just give the schools more money themselves.
I resent feeling like I have to buy this stuff to fund my friends' kids' private schoold education. Am I being a grinch and do I need to suck it up? I am wondering if I stop buying, maybe these parents will think that fundraising is more trouble than it's worth and they'll just take on the added financial cost.
Again, badgering people takes away the decision and the judgement from the place where it belongs (= with those people).
It's immoral, in my opinion, unless you know that (almost) everyone who is bothered will be OK with it.
So what should the parents do?
Mind their own business.
Not beg.
It's really terrible.
More specifically? What should they do when their school pressures them to fundraise?
@DavidWallace pay it themselves
> our friends could afford to just give the schools more money themselves
Even if they couldn't begging is a no-no.
@DavidWallace Decline or pay the money themselves.
Or do it in a non-intrusive way.
Like through a poster. Or on Facebook.
And asking for money for something that is in your own interest is miles worse than asking for money for charity, too.
So why can't the people being "badgered" (badgees?) just say "no thanks, I don't need an XYZ, but good luck with your fundraising" when the children come?
They can, but it's not always easy.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 He's back?
And why should they? They have done nothing wrong, and they don't deserve being put through the trouble.
Trouble? 10s of their time?
In fact, I might dump "friends" who did that to me.
It's simply unacceptable behaviour.
Or I would see them less.
And so would many people I know.
for doing what?
If it happened one time, it would just result in gossip and annoyance. But several times is too much to bear.
If you say yes the first time, it will happen several times.
@JohanLarsson Having your children beg your friends to donate money to their school. In a personal, direct way.
@DavidWallace Do you believe that it makes me frustrated and annoyed?
Do you think it is good not to make people feel that way?
OK, I promise not to send my son to your home to beg.
Great. That's settled, then.
Now, most people hate being asked for money.
What did your parents do when your school did this?
So don't send him to anyone else either. Ktxbai!
You'll need to talk to my ex-wife about that.
My school didn't do this, except the stupid stamps thing, but it wasn't an obligation or anything. I only did that once when I was with a friend who did that.
And I hated it more than anything.
But anyway.
I'll talk to your ex some other time.
Right now, I will talk to my bed.
So how much did your school pressure your parents to do the stupid stamps thing?
Not at all.
My parents may not even have known.
I don't know how that system worked.
Every school in the western world does that!
I think perhaps the school just told the children they could sell stamps and what it was for (some charity about children in Africa), and then after school, when they were being picked up, some children would ask their parents whether they could sell stamps or something?
Mind you, it was of course not money for the school. That would have been absurd.
@DavidWallace Does what?
And why would a school need more money anyway?
In recent years, universities have started begging in subtle ways. I think it's an Americanism, but either way it's blegh. But at least one is never approached personally, so it can be ignored or acted upon without being badgered/etc.
Maybe a school needs more books for its library. Or better computers. Or a new roof over one of its classrooms. And the money that they get from the government won't stretch to it.
They get enough money from the government.
Do they? Where in the world does this happen?
Here, at least.
They don't need new computers: a computer from 2003 will be fine.
What if their students need to learn software that won't run on a computer from 2003?
And school libraries aren't terribly important anyway, at least we never used ours in high school, and primary school doesn't need a large library. We always went to the public library.
What software would that be?
Anyway, EXACTLY what the school needs to buy is irrelevant. The point is, what if the school's funding from the government is inadequate?
Then they should increase their tuition.
What if that's illegal?
But not make children beg.
Then they should close down.
Haha, you just closed down every public school in New Zealand and Australia.
Possibly in USA and Canada too.
Okay, if begging is truly their only option to hire enough teachers and a building with a roof, then you're in a third-world country, so then all bets are off, maybe begging is your only option, and then parents will agree that it is reasonable. But in the West?
@DavidWallace Somehow I doubt that. Don't those schools just want money for non-essential things?
Haha, I can't WAIT till you have children of your own.
A school could do without any computers at all, for example.
We rarely if ever used computers at school: always at home.
If, for example, they wanted their graduates to be unemployable.
Their graduates take the central exam, which is the same everywhere.
All you need is competent teachers.
Not computers or a library.
And 10 years from now, how easy will it be for someone who knows nothing about computers to get a job?
Everyone has a computer at home. Everyone knows how to use a computer, and they don't learn it in school.
Really? That's a very bald assertion.
If, indeed, at some time in the future, it becomes absolutely necessary to have recent computers at school (how many, anyway?), then schools need them. But that is not the case now, since everyone has a computer at home. An I strongly doubt whether that will come to pass any time soon.
I teach children, and they use computers. And, since they do after-school work with us too, they need computers in our building. But they're about ten years old (XP) and a bit slow, but they work perfectly fine for accessing the web and office applications. That's all they need.
and what would you do if your organisation couldn't even afford THOSE computers?
Then we'd do without.
But I could buy those computers for about € 150 each, including screen.
Probably a lot less, even.
Which is peanuts compared to what the teachers and the building cost.
Like I said, I've a feeling your tune will change when you have children of your own.
That's not really an argument.
Did I say it was?
Look, I don't know the situation of schools in your country; all I can say is that it sounds weird to me if you say "schools have no choice but to beg".
This room is for incomprehensibility, not arguments.
Very well.
It is kind of a way of life.
People expect schools to need to fundraise.
Nobody likes it. But we live with it.
How perverse. Maybe that should be changed, instead of tolerated.
But whatever, it's none of my business.
And when a school DOES need (want?) new books for its library or a new roof for one of its classrooms, it asks local businesses for "prizes", and runs a raffle which involves kids trying to sell as many tickets as they can.
The kids are encouraged to sell those tickets to their relatives, neighbours, parents' friends and so on.
It's how things work. Here and in many other WESTERN countries.
And it surprises me a little that you claim that this doesn't happen in The Netherlands.
I also think it teaches children wrong values, i.e. begging, but also an certain emphasis on money.
Having children raise money for their own school? No, that doesn't happen here, or I have never heard of it.
Maybe. What annoys me is when they send 20 (or some other number of) raffle tickets home with each kid, and tell them they have to bring the money back after they've sold them.
For charity, that happens.
@DavidWallace Wow.
I don't know what to say.
In the past, I have gone down to the school, with whatever item it was that was being sold, and said "we're not selling these, but thanks anyway".
I would buy all the tickets from my child, send the money to the school and the tickets too, and kindly request that they stop pressuring my child.
@DavidWallace Great!
But such a bother.
Emerik's soccer club does the same thing.
And I try to persuade Jasmina that we should buy the requisite number of tickets ourselves, rather than pressuring our friends and relatives.
But usually I fail to do so.
Asking parents to volunteer for a school or club is different, btw. Still very annoying, but perhaps reasonable.
@DavidWallace I agree. Or just bring them back.
Or just donate the fucking money all at once.
To shut them up.
Won't work.
I mean, if the school sent a latter to all parents, that might still be somewhat acceptable, if the school were truly desperate and destitute.
Schools make a lot of money this way. They're not going to stop doing it just because the parents of one child kick up a fuss.
As long as one can refuse without taking any action.
@DavidWallace They can at least stop bothering one child that way?
A school should not be a business.
It's a public utility.
If one takes no action, one's child gets pestered by the teacher. "When are you going to return your money from the raffle tickets?" etc.
Perhaps that's the problem.
Wow. I would call up the teacher and kindly request her to shut up.
But it's really really bed time.
You said that 24 hours ago.
Good night!
Almost exactly.
I know.
I always say it.
You're not becoming a creature of habit are you?
2 hours later…
specification writers are so r-tarded
they write 100 + pages of specification and talk about unnecessary details but always forget to mention really important ones like:
"Please add 2 more new lines at the end of data so connection can be established"
it took me 3 days to figure it out =(
@O0oO0oOO0ooO What specification?
This one
HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Accept: 7NTO5otuQEgdoWlPKPOPbENp6b0=

That is what I had and clients do not accept them because it only has 1 more new line at the end
but if you have 1 more extra new line, they are happy with it XD
I mean 2 more extra new lines
2 hours later…
@DavidWallace last I checked, not great.
@Cerberus what nonsense. Tell that to the French. Or the Chinese.
Or the Americans, for that matter.
@RegDwighт The French, Chinese and Americans do not have a hereditary monarchy. Spain might be a case in point, though.
[I hate the iPad chat interface. It doesn't work well]
@AndrewLeach The French do not have a hereditary monarchy now. That was not my point, though.
And the Americans have been ruled by the same three-odd families for decades.
Everything new is well-forgotten old.
The US, China, and Russia right now are all more of monarchies than the UK or the Netherlands.
So anyway. Neither is it impossible to get your traditions back, nor is it advisable not to get rid of shit traditions just because they are traditions.
I hate when a person that I highly assumed he is from a certain country is not actually from that country but somewhere else
because I was wrong
Q: Dealing with offensive users on chat

Matt N.If someone uses swear words in chat such as "shit", "fuck" or "asshole" then they might get flagged by other chat users and subsequently (and automatically) banned. If someone personally offends a user without using any swear words to the point where the attacked users decides to leave chat for...

I want to change my name to "cuntpatrol"
@skullpatrol Wow, so all that drama is all about you?
Do people flag fuck and shit?
I cannot take it anymore
what is it?
she is honey boo boo's mom and honey boo boo is right infront of her
One more appeal:
Q: What does the expression 'Do the fish' mean?

Dan TaoI just recently heard this expression and couldn't quite figure out its meaning from the context, unless it means something like "take the bait." Is this a common expression? Is it perhaps an abbreviation of another expression? Most importantly, if it is a common phrase, what does it mean? Edit...

It is crazy 'too local'. Vote to close!
@JohanLarsson sometimes
I've been temp-banned from this room for that. Although that was only once. most people are more easy going
I was banned for a pic once, don't even know if it was offensive just took the first pic google gave me
ha! crazy
did you add the woman? :D
it's just chance, really. some days sensitive people are in/lurking in chat and some days not
@JohanLarsson no
ok waiting two more days before asking again :D
You are never in the C# room? Pretty nice regs there
I'm rarely on the SO chat site at all
I think I would get even less work done :D
SO chat is blocked at work for me, SE chat is not
really! how peculiar
I'm in the room now.
in what room?
hmm, why can't I see you there?
the green orc head is reserved for EL&U. everywhere else I look like a human
also, I use my real surname, not a Russian transliteration
@RegDwighт I said in modern times. France was in the 19th century (twice).
And neither China nor America have the good part of a monarchical tradition, which is the rituals and the national symbolism. Instead, they have the bad part, and I wouldn't call them an monarchic, but rather oligarchic.
And, as Hobbes has shown us, an oligarchy is perhaps the worst thing of all: at least the damage is somewhat limited to a single family if you have a Leviathanical situation.
@Cerberus yeah yeah yours is lipstick, mine is pig. Whatevah.
You said monarchy never comes back. You are wrong. Period.
And you know that to boot.
No, I said in modern times.
And I was talking about the ceremonial part of monarchy.
That is weasel wording.
What is modern times? Other than a movie by Chaplin?
It's a cop out.
It's after 1945.
And that's hippo wording.
Two thousand years from now, there will still be monarchs. You just speculate to no longer be alive then to get called out on being wrong. So I'm calling you out today.
They will not be fun monarchies, with the proper rituals and decorations: instead, they will be hideous, like North Korea.
Ah but you can't know that, either.
In fact a world full of North Koreas will just blow itself up rather than waiting for 2000 years.
Once you destroy the old ceremonies, you can never recreate them, because people in modern times lack taste. Look at modern architecture: for every beautiful, harmonious, decorated building you destroy, you always without exception get a hideous modernist block in return.
I hate that new "art" as much as the next person, but come on. That is a grand exaggeration to put it mildly.
And anyway. Have you seen your king? You say that thing is beautiful?
Who is the king of USA?
Still Cheney, for all I hear.
@RegDwighт I thought he was viceroy?
How is he king?
That's what he'd have you believe, yes.
@RegDwighт Why? Modernism touches on every aesthetic expression.
@RegDwighт He can be put away in a carriage.
that's so mean!
He doesn't mind. He understands.
like saying Jeremy Beadle could have worn a prosthetic hand
@Cerberus "people in modern times lack taste" is humbug. It is hogwash. I will not discuss it.
He understands, I don't :D
I have taste. I'm eating mints right now. I can taste the mintiness
@Cerberus why not put him away completely, then, and just look at the carriage?
@JohanLarsson The current ruling dynasty is or should have been rotating between the Clintons and the Bushes. Next term, it will be Clinton again, probably, with Hillary.
@RegDwighт They don't lack taste in every area, but they do lack taste when it comes to decoration and harmony in the visual arts. And the essence of a ceremonial monarchy is decoration. It is decoration.
@Cerberus are you a royalist for real?
I looked at a nice carriage in a museum just last year. I only paid 5 Euro, once. And I didn't have to put some asshole in there and pretend that he's somehow better than me because he happens to be inside.
@JohanLarsson Depends on your definition?
Not just to annoy Reg
Do you watch their weddings live or on TV?
@RegDwighт That's an artificial setting. If your King were to parade around town in it, you could appreciate it the way it was intended. I know, the monarchy in Germany was pretty bad, so understand that you wouldn't want to have it back.
@Cerberus it decorates itself. It does not decorate anything else. It is its own purpose. If it can sustain itself all by itself, so be it. If it has just one right more than me, or costs me just one cent, it should go kill itself with a pillow.
@JohanLarsson I would probably watch the wedding of my own crown prince(ss), but that's about it. I don't know the names of all the princes and princesses either. So it doesn't interest me that much. But I'm still very glad that we have it.
@Cerberus that is complete nonsense now. What do I have to do with the monarchy in Germany?
And how can I want it back?
Plus your monarchy is German. So really, you're getting nowhere at all.
I think I'll rather go sit in the garden. Looks like today is the one sunny day of the year.
it's really nice out. I spent a few hours in the park
@RegDwighт No, it decorates the country. And do you have any idea how much your government spends on "decorating" your country with hideousness every year? I think it would be € 10 billion on hideous government buildings alone in Germany. And, no, most of those 10 billion are not needed at all, just a ego boost for the mayor or civil servant.
I went for a walk with friends earlier this morning. It was fun. But quite short.
@Cerberus ok then you are a royalist in my definition. My view is closer to Regs but I don't care much.
@RegDwighт I mean to say that I can understand you might want to get rid of your dynasty if they have grossly misbehaved.
@Cerberus we've had that discussion before. Please. This chat has all the numbers. Please remember one thing. I beg you.
I'm off.
@JohanLarsson Wouldn't you want to keep it if only for democracy? Because most of the people really like it.
@RegDwighт We haven't.
@RegDwighт enjoy the sun!
But bye.
@Cerberus I don't know really. Here is some decoration btw
married to a Brit!
is he a Brit? I though American but proud to not know :D
According to Wikipedia, anyway. He's got dual nationality — UK and US, but his accent is mostly British and he was born here
She has developed some kind of strange american accent
:D I can't tell because I don't know how the Swedish should sound!
The ti-hi in the end got famous quick, parodies everywhere
@JohanLarsson Aww.
@JohanLarsson I also heard an English r. Is that normal in Swedish?
(I also heard a word like ferloved, which must mean engaged, like in Dutch verloofd.)
or maybe it was foreloved! sex out of wedlock
Perish the thought!
@Cerberus 'förlovad' means engaged yes
@Cerberus you liked it?
Too bad he is a businessman. Not really fitting for a Prince-Consort. Then again, it's better than a sports trainer...
@JohanLarsson They looked sort of cute, but the whole scene was a bit awkward.
In Sweden I think it is only women age 30-80 without education who care about the King et al.
But they come in huge numbers and they buy the gossip magazines
@JohanLarsson Haha, well, maybe I am just that?
Yes, we have the same problem with tabloids.
@Cerberus but you said...
Silly people are into all sorts of celebrities, including film stars and football players, but royals are their ultimate objects of adoration.
@Cerberus I don't really see a problem with tabloids other than that is sad people cant find more productive use of their time, like chatting :D
I don't care about the personal lives of our princes and princesses at all.
@JohanLarsson Well, exactly!
New church building in Rotterdam. That's copper.
And of course most of the new building is apartments (400 units) and office/commercial space.
White houses look cool, brown house looks too heavy
It just looks weird, but at least it has some sort of charm. There are two problems: 1. it is most likely ugly from up close. No decoration, just huge plates of copper, and lots of bolts and concrete between the plates. That's part of the issue with modernism: it only looks from a distance, not from up close, at how a building looks. It doesn't care about the people who actually use the building and its environment.
2. It doesn't fit in with other styles: it's totally random. There is no harmony with other buildings. But at least Rotterdam was bombed hard so it doesn't matter a great deal any more.
It's funny how in Asia news about an earthquake looks exactly like a video game.
yeah! the numbers look like damage points
like mother nature just pulled off a special move on a group
is that Taiwan?
is it recent?
Today or yesterday. One person died.
@MattЭллен Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand ``
quickly messages friend
Well, it was only magnitude 6.
I guess mother nature didn't have enough mana for a stronger quake.
I truly wonder why so many things in East-Asia look "cute".
Why they want it that way.
Asians must have the "cute" gene
my friend was playing computer games this morning. he must be fine.
thank god for steam!
That one person that died was probably busy painting his roof or something.
yeah something like that. or maybe it was a monster attack and they're covering up the real reason
Bowser rather than mother nature?
@mrshiny Can someone explain why Android has such a low share of the browser market?
Could it be that Chrome on Android is taken as part of the Chrome stat rather than the Android stat?
That would also explain Safari!
What's the difference btw "while" and "when" in While/when flying you cannot unfasten your seat belt
If any?
in that particular sentence? none.
Or Texting while flying vs. Texting when flying.
used as a conjunction in that way they mean the same thing: while vs when
Okay- cool.
Where's Cerb?
Amsterdam! :p
Yeah, that's true.
otherwise, I don't know :D
> Women who thought they had to tell the truth admitted they had more sexual partners than both the women in the control group and men in general. For men, the effect was the opposite, in that they tended to claim more sexual partners when they could get away with lying. Apparently, sex itself is the one area where the two sexes feel compelled to live up to their reputations.
(This is when people are subjected to a fake lie-detector.)
(By the way, all lie detectors are fake, in that they do not work.)
they are anxiety detectors
@MattЭллен new stuff? Pretty good.
@JohanLarsson nah. old :D definitely very good
oh old, then I should know it :(
I heard about a reunion last year or so.
oh! I don't follow them, I just love that song. I bought the album, but I haven't listened in ages
gets a star for awesome
You guys have them^?
oh, maybe not
what are they called?
oh! yeah, we have those
I took the dogs for a walk and in one place it smelled like inside a perfume bottle. They were everywhere.
yes really nice but almost too strong
citrusish smell
think it was them at least
if that's what they looked like, then I'd say definitely
I walk there a couple of times per day but this time was special
Yeah they have a very strong smell.
2 hours later…
Walked by the lilys again, this time the smell was noticeable but nothing like a few hours ago.
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Empty room is empty?
Well, it is Sunday.

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