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@Cerberus V of D?
3 hours later…
I realised that you don't need to work at Mcdonalds to support your life while in college
because it's not like Mcdonalds actually want to take away your dignity and force put on a Mcdonalds hat
and you always have parents supporting you 4ever
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Hmm is that some other series you're referring to, the Vicar of D—? This is Keeping Up Appearances.
@Cerberus Dibley.
It sounds familiar.
But I've never seen it.
Dawn French.
And hello!
I like her.
It's early here.
10:13am I believe.
And somewhat late for you.
Not really late here.
Not 10:13 PM?
Has the sun set already?
It is 8:13. And sunset was about 5:05. It is almost winter, after all.
See, that's what you get when you talk to me early in the morning.
i don't often talk to you early in the morning.
And when you live upside-down.
Except when you're still up from the previous night.
That doesn't help either.
@DavidWallace This is true.
But I got up at 8.
Because my dear friend insisted that we visit a museum on a Saturday morning.
And do a guided tour, of all things.
I hate those.
Mais c'est la vie.
The things we do for our dear friends!
Our les-than-dear-to-be friends.
Oh. That's not good. What did he/she do wrong?
Well, this!
But I am mostly joking.
Any particular museum?
How do you say that properly anyway? Less-than-dear friend to be?
The Rijksmuseum, the State Museum.
It has at last reopened, after having been renovated and partly closed for a decade.
OK. And I don't know. especially don't ask me about the hyphens.
I was never very dashing.
Haha that is a lie!
Oh, Cerby, you're so sweet!
Have we seen pictures of you when you were 18?
Umm, I don't think so.
If you have, it wasn't intentional.
I don't think so either.
The museum in the distance.
It's actually a bit of a tacky, Catholic monster from the 19th century.
But we like it now, because...everything built after the war is so hideous.
You may disagree.
I think most people do.
Umm, I don't know. It looks nice. I'd have to go there.
is that where you live?
@DavidWallace Yay!
I'm hardly looking forward to this:
Is that the queue to get in?
Although this was probably soon after the reopening.
And I have already printed a ticket, so we get to enter through some side door. But there may still be queues.
I wonder why it feels nothing when I plug in earphones to my nose
This was during the renovation. They broke open the floors.
but when you plug them in your ears, you start to hearing sound
The opening banquet, Queen at the centre.
I dislike that colour grey.
@TemporaryNickName Well, what organ do you normally use to hear sound, your ears or your nose?
ears, but I found that when you put a earphone deep inside your mouth, you can slightly hear the music
How did you find that out?
The sound can reverberate around your skull.
And it may be able to pass from your mouth to your ears through certain tubes that you have there. Your ears are connected to your throat in some way.
Which is why swallowing and chewing can help if your ears are clogged during a flight.
Haha, such a strange discussion
wow, watching youtube is better than watching boring Australian tv shows
I have come to a conclusion that Australian TV shows have been focusing on making fun of fat people since 2000 and it hasn't changed
1 hour later…
> As far as we know, no life form evolved separately, so all organisms have a common ancestor if you go back far enough. Animals and plants fall under the category of eukaryotes, with membrane bound organelles. This category also includes organisms such as fungi and slime molds. I believe this split was around 1.6 billion (1,000,000,000 UK billion (edit: maybe not UK but 109 however you look at it) years ago
2 hours later…
"I want 5 new of them" seems right. Sometimes adjectives can be used as nouns, e.g. the rich. — Stan 2 hours ago
A: Adjective + "of them"

AdrianoThe main problem with the sentence "I want five new of them" is that the word "new" is an adjective. Generally, the word that comes directly before the phrase "of them" is usually a noun that is used to specify some type of quantity. For example: "I want five of them." "Out of the hundre...

I don't know what to say.
In fact I'd prefer to outright delete both.
"It is silly of them" is a completely different construction and a red herring. And "the rich" have absolutely nothing to do with anything here. "I want five of them new" is probably the only comment worth addressing in an answer. That answer, however, must not say things like "several is a noun". We should get our act together. This is one of the worst first impressions we have ever made on anyone. To answer the actual question, "I want five new of them" is ungrammatical in any dialect I am familiar with. "I want five new ones" is what a native speaker would say. — RegDwighт 19 secs ago
There, threw away half of the comment and turned it into an answer.
I hate Korean people in Australia. Most of them live in their comfort zone, which is this little tiny Korean town in Sydney and Australian tv shows make fun of it sometimes
some people never get a chance speak to a real Australian person because they came here to work for Korean employer
And why is that reason to hate everyone of their ethnicity in Australia? They can't all be that way
Just when you thought Wikipedia had a list for everything, it goes ahead and demonstrates that you can't begin to imagine how huge "everything" really is.
This is a list of fish on stamps of Bulgaria {| class="wikitable" |- !rowspan="2"| Year !!rowspan="2"| Date !!rowspan="2"| Type !!rowspan="2"| Species !!rowspan="2"| Species author !!rowspan="2"| Value !!colspan="4"| Stamps catalogues !!colspan="2"| Taxonomy !!rowspan="2"| Common name |- ! Scott !! Yvert !! Mitchell !! Sta. & Gib. !! Order !! Family |- | 1965 || () || NOR || Dasyatis pastinaca || (Linnaeus, 1758) || 1 ct || 0 || 1328 || 1542 || 0 || Rajiformes || Dasyatidae || Common stingray |- | || || || Sarda sarda || (Bloch, 1793) || 2 ct || 0 || 1329 || 1543 || 0 || Perciformes || Sco...
@RegDwighт Hey, why are you posting my article?
I wrote most of that.
Not the widely disputed sturgeon, of course.
@JohanLarsson What's up with all the riots? Where the hell did that come from?
I don't know much about it really
Think it is hooligans
Is anything happening near you?
Some of the cars burning might be insurance frauds also.
Quiet here, I live in a small city
How far from SH?
As I understood it the riots started with an arrest where some guy got killed.
Maybe they wanted a Rodney King thing
Okay, that's far.
But I think the guy who got killed pulled a knife on the cops
But I heard there were also riots in Malmö and Göteborg...
Or how do you spell it?
think I don't really know much about the whole thing
I understand.
Gothenburg () is the second largest city in Sweden and the fifth largest in the Nordic countries. Situated by the Kattegat, on the west coast of Sweden, the city proper has a population of 528,014, with 549,839 in the urban area and total of 949,812 inhabitants in the metropolitan area. Gothenburg was founded by royal charter in 1621 by King Gustavus Adolphus. At the mouth of the Göta älv, the Port of Gothenburg is the largest port in the Nordic countries. Gothenburg is home to many students, as the city includes both the University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology. ...
There has been riots in Malmö a couple of times over the years.
You probably know more than I do about this :D
the only news I read is this chat
But we're hardly new!
When we say video do we mean that it's both audio and video or do we mean just video?
in screencasts for examples
a screencast is a video recording.
Does it mean audio+video
Usually, yes.
or does it mean a video that may have audio narration
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah, Akhi Noah.
@Noah That is also possible.
Yes, it may well have audio included.
@DavidWallace Salam U alikum
How are you doing, Brother.
Very well, by the grace of Allah.
@Cerberus, how was the museum?
Great. Haven't seen you for quite sometime. Hope you have been splendid. @DavidWallace
Mostly yes. I am often quite splendid indeed.
So here is the thing: a screencast is a video recording that may have audio narration some times.
Okay, great. Thank you.
@DavidWallace When we say de facto what do we really mean by it? This is becoming the de facto standard...
etc. etc.
It means it's not REALLY a standard, but it may as well be!
Okay, thanks.
@DavidWallace It has turned out rather well, it looks nice. Lots of art and stuff, you know!
How was your evening?
You sound surprised.
Lovely, actually.
You are lucky to have such a quality museum.
@DavidWallace I have been to that museum a couple of times...but this was the first time since the big renovation. And I just wasn't looking forward to a guided tour. But it was OK.
What did you do?
I spent most of the evening skyping with someone.
With a certain someone?
Is it the non-T. of T.?
That would be the one.
That's been going for quite a long time now!
Oh, just 'cause.
yes, it has been a while. It's been weird too.
Weird in a fun way, or in a frustrating way?
Almost always in a fun way.
@Cerberus Yes sir, Vicar of Dibley.
Hi Cornbread. Bye Cornbread.
@DavidWallace Good.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Kewl.
I don't know how much I can really tell you, sorry.
No need.
@DavidWallace Around?
Can I ask you something?
Not related to English
Or writing.
What's the best book you have or might recommend on Islam?
for what audience?
No, be more specific. For new Muslims? Born Muslims? Non-Muslims who might convert? Non-Muslims who probably won't convert? What is your aim?
I want to know about the history of Islam.
Sorry, I haven't read anything specifically on the history of Islam. Do you want to ask some of my friends?
Yeah, that would be helpful.
I found one book by Martin Lings, but they don't have it for Kindle.
I will try to remember. You could ask the other Muslims who come to this room too.
Other Muslims in this room?
Well, I don't see any here at the moment.
Or at most one anyway, other than the two of us.
LOL. Let me ask you this: What is the most interesting book on Islam you have read so far?
Aside from the Holy Quran.
I'd like to say The Qur'an! But if I had to be honest, I'd say the one by Yahya Emerick.
"The Complete Idiot's Guide to Islam".
I was just skimming through the list on Amaazon.
It does have a little about the history.
Okay- great. The cool thing is that it's available for Kindle.
Not sure if you have a Kindle. But it's a great reading device. specially the new one. Kindke Paperwhite
A good book on the meaning and translation of the Holy Quran? Consider me a newbie.
I don't have one. I read that book on dead trees.
It is a general introduction to all aspects of Islam.
The only translation/interpretation that I have is the Yusuf Ali one. It seems OK to me.
A friend of mine has Pickthall and finds it good.
I got a great recording from noorbox production. I think they have modified the one by Mohsin Khan and Dr. Hellali. But the text and narration seem to be of outstanding quality. I sent them an email asking if they had it in text, haven't heard form them yet.
I think the English version of this recording is available on Audible.com. But it doesn't accompany the arabic recitation with it.
Have you seen any of the web sites with lots of translations and recitations?
Yeah, I think so. Mostly, I google them. So i don't really have a favorite one.
There are two that I use. quran.com has many translations but just one recitation. quran.ksu.edu.sa/index.php?l=en has many recitations but just one translation.
The latter is nice, because it highlights each Ayah in the translation as the recitation progresses.
4 hours later…
@DavidWallace !
Surely not a translation?
A: What is the noun that corresponds to the verb "to miss"?

user44879Good day,ladies and gentle men, my name is Dr AMADI the great spell caster in Africa, i have help so many people for different kind of problems,who say there is no solution to problems on earth, that person as tell you a big lie, i cast all kind of spell, such as, spell to make quick money, magic...

@RegDwighт A gem.
1 hour later…
@Cerberus Surely not. Although some translation did occur!
@DavidWallace phew!

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