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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Problem-solving has always been second-nature to me. It's part of my inner engineer.
So to take the time to try to think about how I figure things out and then explain that to a little person is a real challenge.
Especially when half the time, my brain says "it just looks like the kind of place I'd hide something."
@KitFox I can imagine
Q: What is the plural of the plural "details"?

Mike RylanderWhat is the plural of the plural "Details"? is "Detailses" correct? I want to pluralize itemDetails. Note: This is a programing variable and is grammatically correct with reference to the use of camel-case without spaces. I wish to name a lists of itemDetails using a pluralized form as opposed...

I went with GR at first, then changed my mind to NARQ. Any objections?
I feel like I'm missing something.
Well, he got schooled.
I think NARQ is more appropriate.
I have no idea what he's after.
Or Off-Topic.
Is there such a thing as a plural of a plural?
Of course not.
list of lists of things? sounds like a db guy
I suppose that could be a real question related to the English language.
@KitFox right. Naming programming variables.
@RegDwighт Yeah.
Name it whatever you want.
But I think theoretically a question about plural plurals maybe could work.
But not for the purposes of just naming something.
help him editing the question? I would be interested in reading the answer
or answer it here :D
The answer to what? I still don't understand.
There is no answer other than there's detail, and there's details, and there's no detailses. This is common knowledge.
Collections of details?
That's not a plural of a plural.
in a way maybe, but it also suggests there is nesting or other structure
@KitFox yeah I think there must be something like that, but it's hard to think of examples. Your best shot is checking stuff like scissors or pants or glasses, but we all know what the plurals of those are.
@JohanLarsson that is syntax. Not morphology.
ok I wont argue (cos I suck :)
@RegDwighт I agree, and I don't really want to expend effort on it right now.
@JohanLarsson Never prevented me from arguing.
I feel like I'm stuck on superbitch today. Any ideas to help me adjust my attitude?
Just stop, cold turkey
In which direction? Supergirl or superevilbitch?
In the nice direction.
It would have been helpful if some one mentioned "But please, don’t ask any questions about the following topics. They are out of scope for this site. ... Naming, including naming programming variables/classes" from the FAQ. — Mike Rylander 6 mins ago
I decided to come back to SE for fun!
Hey @kitfox! I changed my email address, I will email you again!
> Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny. — F. Outlaw
might apply ^
It'sa Jasper Loy!
@JasperLoy How do I know it's really you?
@RegDwighт tries to restrain bitchery
@KitFox I will email you now with some secrets! Yes, be careful, someone tried to impersonate me on math, lol.
Where is my g-deasley sanding sponge?
checks pockets
sorry, I've not seen it
I need to chill out.
@kitfox Done! I just emailed you with my new address...
I am getting worked up and my husband is becoming the target of my ire, which is completely unfair because he hasn't even done anything.
go for a run?
@KitFox don't ever do that, I broke up with my ex because of that
I'm not that kind of girl. It's irritating when I can't contain myself.
I can't go for a run, I've got the boys with me, but something physical is a good idea.
All women are that kind of girl to some extent ime :D (maybe all men too)
Guys, my new email is jasperloy at ymail dot com.
And yes, beware of imposters.
Yahoo has yahoo.com, ymail.com and rocketmail.com.
@JohanLarsson It's not unusual to focus negative feelings on partners, since they are loving and supportive and absorb shit usually. Like paper towels, but not disposable. So I guess more like chamois cloths. Or nice linens.
Or underpants.
Anyway, I strive to be rational and not treat my partner unfairly. So I need to get my head straight.
I seem to be having a hard time of it today. I'm not sure why.
yeah but naver shit in your nice linens
Or in your spaghetti.
probably solid advice
Mar 14 '12 at 19:16, by JSBᾶngs
@Meysam yep. "I shit in your spaghetti." (Note: do not shit in people's spaghetti)
I got it from @JSB.
especially spaghetti, because that might look like bolognese
@KitFox "Honey, for Mother's day, I got you some nice linens because I don't want to replace you just have you go through some nice dry cleaning once in a while. (the kids got you some underwear. So cute!)"
@matt Boo!
hi @JasperLoy :)
Anyway, he'd probably be a jerk if you'd just give him a chance. Also he's probably thinking bad thoughts that he's not telling you. Thoughts like "Why can't she put her shoes away, goddammit!"
Maybe I should open a new account on ELU as well, lol.
@MattЭллен you have just made spaghetti that little bit less appetizing to me. Thanks.
@Mitch anytime.
@JohanLarsson Holy shit, I'm fucked. The only thing saving me is that I'm lazy. Sorta breaks the chain right in the middle.
No, I should say and think about the nice things that I like about my husband. I bet that would change my mood.
@Mitch haha, it is a nice quote though think there is some truth to it
Haha, the database still has my ymail address so I got 100 bonus already on ELU!
@JasperLoy yay, points!
I think when they delete my account, even if they wanna keep the votes, they should purge it so that a new person with the same old address will be considered a new person.
Because, you see, old emails are recycled, though not so soon.
For example, maybe after a year, the same address can be reused by another person.
well, did you associate it with your math.se account?
email address recycling. very energy efficient.
@MattЭллен Yes, but I don't have 100 there yet, lol.
oh! right
This is a BUG...
submit a bug report to meta
submit a hug report to meta
I will make it a point not to downvote on my new account.
double meta jinx
only positives.
triple feta jinx. no backsies
I've noticed that one can rack up a lot of rep by just editing things. 2 pts here and there can add up.
@JasperLoy I have zero downvotes lifetime, write comments suggesting improvements instead
For example, Persian Cat has gotten almost all her positive rep from editing.
I flagged an answer once, it said "go jump off a bridge" think I flagged it as OT
flagging is ok. for a moral outrage.
See how you do vs. the sample group on matters of science and religion.
It's hard to believe people are that dumb. The questions are pretty much middle-school level.
perfect score on science. now doing religion.
perfect for science! phew
but question 6 was wrong
perfect on religion as well. TAKE THAT, SCIENCE!
nano technology deals with everything, but it itself is small
arguably, the two questions about prayer and/or bible reading in school are questions about constitutional law, not religion
I think that most people only know their own religion, which is why a perfect score puts you in the 99th percentile, versus 93rd for science.
The simpler explanation is that people are stupid.
there were more questions about Xianity than anything else, so it was clearly pitched to the home team
(by which i mean, the protestant anglosphere)
Also, the questions were in English!
yeah, srsly
not even one in greek or sanskrit
Now my network profile and chat profile has the same ID as before, lol.
only 12/15 for religion
@MattЭллен Loser.
Which hell will you go to when you die?
@Robusto Depends on what you have done.
@Robusto the sexiest one, with lots of cushions
one of my incorrect answers was about US law, which is OK because US law is crazy
@MattЭллен Only a foreigner would say that. A real American would say US law is totally fucked up.
13/15 in religion.
I guessed at the Great Awakening question because I remembered Jonathan Edwards from my first semester American Lit class. He was the "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" dude, IIRC.
I got that one wrong
@KitFox I hope your ear is OK. My right ear got blocked after I tried to clean it with cotton bud, lol.
I chose the middle one
n e way, time to go!
I chose Billy Graham, but mostly because I confused John Edwards with Jonathan Edwards.
13/13 on science.
True or false are such stupid kinds of questions.
@JasperLoy Better now.
@KitFox That's true.
Or is it?
sighs, goes back to sanding walls
Difference is, knowing the science things is useful. Knowing the history of religion, not so much.
Although I did feel smug that so many people got the "do unto others" is not a commandment wrong.
> According to rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court, is a public school teacher permitted to lead a class in prayer, or not?
How the f am I supposed to know.
That's not a question about religion. That's a question about US politics.
I need to raise a meta post now on why I got the association bonus, and on one site but not the other, lol.
@RegDwighт Nice new picture!
12/15 on religion. Had to guess on the last half. Never heard of the First Great Awakening. Sounds like some overseas rubbish.
13/13 on science.
The hardest question on the science quiz was whether I went to college or high school.
Good thing they didn't ask if you were gay.
I keep confusing the two, and technically I never went to either.
BBL dinner.
I am happy that I can start all over with my new account, yay!
Welcome back.
Only that it is not really a new account to the system.
Perhaps using a totally brand new email would have done the trick.
Or perhaps the IP is involved, dunno.
This is a real bug...
@JasperLoy yeah I don't get it. Is this your way of never casting more than X votes? Casting X votes, then deleting your account, then casting X votes again?
@RegDwighт You know, I am a little sad that the system is not treating it as a BRAND NEW ACCOUNT. Maybe I should delete it again and do it the RIGHT way, lol.
Well you tell me, you're the expert in all things deletion.
We need to ask Jeff for the answer, lol.
Perhaps you should also call yourself Mariah Carey next time, so nobody can guess who you really are.
I am not sure who I am now actually.
I need to find myself again.
Look under the sofa.
Or on top of the cabinets.
Did you find a spot for the airplane?
No airplane for now, lol.
I am going to think of a new avatar.
By the way, note that one cannot delete a wordpress or gravatar account!
Outside play time! Later!
@RegDwighт I totally would guess Jasper if I saw a Mariah Carey screen name.
> Science and Technology Knowledge Quiz Results - You answered 13 of 13 questions correctly.
Stupid quiz.
I'm not a scientist.
Who is "Joseph Smith"? That must be a rather common name.
Wait, wasn't he that creepy Mormon?
the creepy mormon
as in, the one who made all the mormons
Then I guessed that one right. I only remembered from a Sherlock Holmes novel.
I have no idea about American law.
And "First Great Awakening", never heard of that. Must be another American thing.
> You answered 14 out of 15 questions correctly
I'm good at M/C.
> 10. According to rulings by the U.S. Supreme Court, is a public school teacher permitted to lead a class in prayer, or not?
Got this one wrong.
yeah, first great awakening was an american thing
big religious movement in the late 18th century
Jonathan Edwards is the big name there
Is that why your country is still religious?
Charles Finney (another option for that Q) was the Second Great Awakening
@Cerberus no. there are plenty of other reasons.
But then the question becomes, why did the FGA happen?
honestly, i don't think that the FGA is really a good explanation for anything at this point
Hmm is there consensus about any reasons?
reasons for what? current american religiosity or the Great Awakenings?
The former.
i actually don't know. i'm sure lots of ideas have been floated.
it should be pointed out that religiosity is the human norm
We had a bit of a religious réveil in the 19th century, but it petered out by the end of the century.
the better question is why europe is so irreligious
i would guess that the absence of an american state church was a major contributor to continuing religiosity
Well, in many ways people became less and less religious as they became richer, if you look at the period after, say, the year 1000.
With some remarkable peaks, of course.
@JSBձոգչ Hmm why do you think that was important?
@Cerberus all of the large established churches went through a similar period of decline in the 19th and 20th centuries
including the largest american churches
Holland has always been more tolerant and diverse when it came to religion than neighbouring countries, and yet we have very low religiosity.
however, the largest american churches were a much smaller portion of the total churchgoers
It is true that our smallest sects are the most conservative.
the decline of american presbyterians, episcopalians, etc. is pretty similar to the decline of their sister churches in europe
but the numbers are kept high by the baptists, pentecostals, etc.
But...what is the cause, what the effect?
Did the more conservative, more orthodox people join the smaller churches?
It seems to have been that way here, at least for Protestants.
yes? this has been argued over and over
it's more accurate to say that the cultural trends leading to the decline of american mainline denoms never affected the smaller churches much to begin with
and the mainlines have never been quite so all-encompassing in america as the established churches in europe were
@JSBձոգչ How can you know that?
@JSBձոգչ How do you mean?
that's pretty well documented
@Cerberus america was pretty much founded by "dissenters", who were cut off from the large institutional churches. the dominant religious model in america has always been lots of small, mostly independent churches with relatively little institutional structure
I mean, were people in smaller churches just saved from the general trend, or was the decline of the larger churches partly caused by people who left larger churches to join smaller ones?
@Cerberus a little bit of both
Even so, many smaller churches are dying as well.
At least here.
Actually, it is only the most conservative churches that are declining more slowly here; the size of the church may be accidental.
still, i think the real question is why europe is so irreligious. historically and in comparison with most of the globe, america is normal. europe is the weird one.
@Cerberus this is largely true here.
But you can see people become less religious as they get richer all around the world, on average.
theological conservativism, devotional seriousness of the members, and resistance to decline are all positively correlated
Yes, apparently.
@Cerberus i'm not certain that's always true. and there may be a hidden variable here
Yeah there are many variables.
But not many atheists are ever reconverted.
Compared to the other way around.
the hidden variable i'm thinking of is western modernism
becoming "rich" is often a matter of adopting western styles and attitudes, including religiosity
As to Europe being an exception: Europe has rarely, if ever, followed trends that originated elsewhere, while things often happen the other way around, at least on some level.
And religion has seen steady decline in America too.
if the richest countries in the world were all very religious, then becoming rich might be correlated with adopting religion
and actually, we have historical examples of this
@JSBձոգչ I don't know, I don't think the link is accidental.
@JSBձոգչ Yeah, I don't think that is the case here.
early medieval europe was characterized by barbarian tribes settling down, becoming civilized, and adopting christianity
@JSBձոգչ Sure, it's not always that way. There are many variables.
not b/c civilization in intrinsically christian, but because the existing civilization was christian
Yes, well, that is one factor.
Another is that certain forms of culture just procreate better. Polytheism has always been very weak.
hinduism has been pretty resilient
Animism < polytheism < monotheism, when it comes to natural selection.
I'm not so sure.
@JSBձոգչ Yes, there are other variables.
India and China both have no monotheism for the most part.
But, if anything, the monotheist religions have encroached on polytheism, rarely the other way around.
also, polytheism has a way of reasserting itself. christianity, islam, and buddhism all have incorporated a kind of polytheistic practice through the veneration of the saints
Not islam.
Gli europei adottarono il Cristianesimo perche' non avevano altre opzioni, a parte il paganesimo.
yes islam
but you don't hear about it much
Just as European irreligion is very Christian in many ways.
Hi @carlo!
Who are the islamic saints?
@Robusto Sufi saints?
@Robusto The Prophets?
@Cerberus i actually think that Atheism : Christianity :: Christianity : Judaism
@Robusto Jinx.
@Cerberus no jink. i was agreeing with you
@JSBձոգչ In what way? Chronologically, yes.
Hi @JasperLoy how are you? I asked to kit of you and she tell me you have destroied your account.
@Robusto give me a second to google
@Carlo_R. Yes, this is my new account. Beware of imposters! I remember you had grandchildren!
@JSBձոգչ Haha, I was just disagreeing with Robusto, but he and I both came up with Islamic saints.
@JasperLoy Who are you anyway, Mr Imposter?
@Cerberus Well, it depends on your definition of saints isn't it? Isn't saints just sth he just coined?
@Jas, yes, I'm happy to hear from you. I have three grandchildren.
@JasperLoy Uh what?
I santi della religione cristiana hanno la stessa funzione che gli dei hanno nel paganesimo.
@Robusto okay, so there are lots of mazar throughout the islamic world.
@Cerberus Exactly what I said. He just used the term saints in a number of religions so one can define it in anyway one chooses.
i'm trying to find a link for the mazar i went to, but can't
@JasperLoy Sure.
anyway, the mazar is effectively identical to a catholic saint's shrine
the reason why we see less of this is our perception of islam is heavily colored by the Wahhabi and other sects who are "protestant" and reject the veneration of the saints
@JSBձոգչ But they don't treat them the same way as the Christians (especially Catholics) do saints, do they? Do they actually pray to a mazar as if it were some demigod?
@Jasper, yes, saints do not exist.
@Robusto not to the mazar, but to the saint. absolutely.
@Robusto here's a site with some islamic relics for you: khwajagharibnawaz.net/AJMERCHISHTY.htm
What is the "mazar"?
@Rob Read up on Timbuktu.
I have to go.
Interesting conversation.
@Cerb, later!
yeah, no offense, but I have reached my tolerance level for saints of any religion. Plus I need to finish something before I go home. Later.
@Carlo_R. Bye!
@Robus, later and agree!
@Jasper, are you still jobless? In Europe the number of jobless is growing.
@JSBձոգչ I have heard that you are from Romanian. Do you?
@Carlo_R. I don't, but my wife does
@Carlo_R. Yes, but it is largely because I am sick. I am taking a long break to recover...
@Jasp, what recover you have had. Earth attak?
@Carlo_R. Ah, that is my secret!
Some year ago, about 1972, I also have a recover for a long time.
In fact, during my work on construction, I fall from an high place.
And I was fractured for a long time.
My wife says that I no longer became the same person I was before.
@JSB, are you christian because your culture or because your choice?
@Jasp, after the fracutured time I have done a lot of effertos to became normally.
@Carlo_R. Some things can never be the same again...
@Jasp, yes, I agree. Life is like a river. The same atom don't go twice trough the same place.
@Jasp, however these things are fully compehensible only after 70 years old.
@Carlo_R. Yeah, though some people realise some things pretty early.
Just when the life has passed.
Yes, you are right. But in Western world this doesn't happen very often.
We have all the things we need.
I think to African or South American people, for example.
@Jasper, could you help me to write a letter to Cartaino so he can consider that the commit phase should be reduced to 100 users?
@Carlo_R. I think you can write it yourself. Your English is understandable.
@Jasper, If I don't remind wrong you live near NZ. Do you?
Singapore, right?
How is the everyday life in Singapore?
I rather not talk about it.
@Jasp, I agree. In fact I also don't want to talk about Italian life.
@Carlo_R. Haha. I like spaghetti carbonara...
@Jasp, I too.
But I have a question.
Can people of same sex married in Singapore. I have heard tha in NZ it will be legal from the next 19 August.
@Carlo_R. No. There is even a law forbidding gay sex here, lol.
@Jasp, in Italy too, but in France it is legal now.
So, maybe, it will be legal in Italy early.
I am not gay, but I don't like people who don't like gays.
@Jasp, I agree.
@Jasp, I like to chat with with you, but now I have to eat. So I great hello you and I hope to see you later :)
@Carlo_R. OK.
I have been changing my picture to reflect holidays.
Next week is National Clitoris Awareness Week.
Brace yourselves.
is the fist a worker thing?
@JohanLarsson Solidarność!
@MετάEd braces himself
@MετάEd That's very...interesting.
I shall keep it in mind.
Care for a preview?
I'm drunk anyway, so bring on the clitorides (or is it clitores?)!
Did that work?
Not what I expected.
@MετάEd OMG!
It's kind of glorious, isn't it.
@MετάEd Looks more like a small penis...oh, wait...
By the way, I am really waiting for TPTB to answer my meta question.
I think it is a big flaw in the system.
@Cerberus Can't be.
It looks more like a bunch of chillies, lol.
Hey @Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 this is my new account, lol.
I deleted my old one long ago...
That's why I have almost 0 rep now you see.
For fun.
you have a strange idea of fun
Wow, you got a star.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hey! That's what I was going to say!
And I didn't even star that!
Who's playing with the stars?
Ohh I was going to say something about Android phones to Mr Shiny, but I forgot.
I didn't star it either
No shit.
Less than 20 minutes ago, I was talking to this guy who insisted that Opera Mini on his old Ericsson was fine, and he really didn't need a smartphone.
He is a bit of a computer nerd, so I felt free to counter him.
guess he has simple needs
my old ericsson was fine too, when all I expected it to do was what it did when I bought it.
He said, "I can use any website, and Google Maps, everything!".
for some definitions of "any" and "use"
I told him I was using Opera Mini on my ancient phone until last summer, when I got mah Android.
And that it was so much better.
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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