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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

nite dogs, time to sleep in CET
3 hours later…
@RegDwighт Have you done a Domo?
Q: Every Threatened Command

koumisIs there an overlooked error in some article: Throughout the ordeal, he did as they asked while silently analyzing every threatened command, every overheard snatch of dialogue for clues about where and when they might kill him. What is a 'threatened command? How is a command 'threaten...

So if you wonder for days what the funny smell in the fridge is, and your better half keeps insisting that it's not the black beans that are going to get used eventually, you maybe should check the beans anyway. Sooner rather than just a few minutes ago. Ewww.
@MετάEd Plus ça ne change pas. . . .
@aediaλ Ah. Bio experiment.
Indeed. I'm once again thankful for this dishwasher.
And happy it is warm enough to open so many windows even at night.
@aediaλ glares through his May Day blizzard
The 80s from right beforehand might have been a bit warm, but the 18 tonight is not conducive to open windows.
Sympathy to @tchrist who I suppose will just have to not let anything smelly grow in the fridge until never. (I swear I was already typing that, but the phone makes me slow.)
Aww. It was beautiful today here. At least 18C.
2 hours later…
Q: What is the difference between a fob and a dongle?

HoganTitle says it all, what is the difference between a fob and a dongle? I'm talking of course specifically about the two types of hardware that are used to facilitate interfacing with computer systems and software. (This was added to point out how ON TOPIC via the FAQ this question is, after it w...

you guys want this one?
Were you planning on deleting it, so were looking for a more lasting home?
It’s all CW’d.
And Closed.
I don’t know that we would have any better answers than are there.
Can someone brainstorm an idiom/phrase that describes someone who wants to cut costs say by saving a small amount of money when a larger expenditure is done? Say, you want to buy something that's $100, and you're haggling for 50 cents with the seller of the item.
there's probably something closer to your situation, but it escapes me at the moment
Thanks @MattЭллен
no problem :)
@Candide I suppose you might call the person a scrooge
True, true, from "A Christmas Carol" I believe. And Scrooge McDuck from Duck Tales
sub-optimization might apply
@JSBձոգչ Nay. I just happened to mention it here. (And two of us in The Upper Room talk about it all the time.)
hmm, I haven't had a weight scale around me for quite awhile and when I measured it today, I saw I gained 5 kg =D
Now I am obese again
@TemporaryNickName Did you measure the weight scale? Now, that weight scale has really put on some weight.
@Candide I didn't measure the weight scale
I have measured myself on the weight scale
:) sarcasm, not your thing, is it?
It did not make sense at all
alright, get on reddit and get some karma on jokes then
@Candide I think going on reddit is like becoming a very well informed man living under a rock
so that person ends up rocking.. =)
Do you reckon I have a good sense of humor?
the joke about women is not very nice imo
Much better! :) Kinda cheesy, not sarcastic enough. We all have our rocks we have to live under.
Mine is called "Job".
Yo mama so fat she sat on Kmart and lowered the prices
that one is funny^
not funny, just strange, maybe take a break from the chat for a while?
or back to some ELU topic perhaps
I think my previous humor rocked too much and my new humor sounds only mildly funnier to you but it is extremely funny in reality
hahaha honey boo boo's mom actually looks like your thumb
of all the things, that gets flagged?
I have never flagged anything in chat
ok I am sorry, but it was really funny so I had to share it with people
it's fine. It's not flag worthy
The vulgar, sexist joke was perhaps, but a picture of a woman and saying she looks like a thumb, not so much
lets move on
only problem is I'm at work so not very chatty :D
me too :D
Bold teenagers exploring humor?
@JohanLarsson that can literally be "hai"
@TemporaryNickName yeah
Ohai @KitFox
I was on my way to the shower and breakfast. Thought I'd stop in and see if anything needed my attention.
Which it doesn't.
Did you listen to the asmr recording?
Would this be on topic over here, it's about to get closed on DIY:
Q: What is difference between Home Appliance , Personal Appliance and White goods?

Repair Indiaplease provide the difference between Home Appliance , Personal Appliance and White goods ? there are other confusion with consumer electronics and electronics...please define!

uh, maybe with extensive edits.
it would get closed here too, unless the OP puts in some work.
pretty sure it would be closed at English Language Learners too
they need to pick up a dictionary
Yeah. OP needs more "this is what I think, this is what I found, here is why I'm confused"
@BMitch Generally, if you're asking for the difference between two or three words/phrases, you should show that you've done some research: You include some dictionary definitions and explain exactly where the confusion lies.
if they explain why the dictionary definitions don't satisfy them, then we can talk
(And while I was typing that, two others said the same thing.)
At least we said the same thing.
That was kind of hot. Now I feel awkward.
The OP is most likely a spam account, so I don't have too much concern closing them. So closed it is. (And I'm sure none of this is proper English, sorry.)
I don't love the what i have tried part of questions I like them to be short and clear questions. I know I'm a|in minority
It just needs to show a little effort. I don't care if it's short.
Everything sounds like innuendo this morning.
Ima shower. bbl
learned a new word
Thanks, everyone. /waves
no probs :D
@KitFox yes & liked it
@KitFox I wasn't sure if you were doing it for humour. ASMR doesn't happen to me, so I can't tell if it's good for that. It wasn't soothing, I think the whisper was a bit raspy for that. I prefered your style in the other one.
or maybe I was in a rush when I listened to it (I was getting ready for a MtG meet up)
did you finish it?
I only heard the first part.
No, I started in on Ravensholm.
did you sleep after?
Remarkably, yes. My husband came home early or else I might have stopped before we got the shotgun.
He played the last round.
up on the tower?
I'm trying to remember
No, no, just the last round we played.
We haven't finished it yet.
Unfortunately, he got pretty frustrated and we were tired, so it wasn't until after we threw in the towel that we realized that he probably wasn't going to be able to kill all the crabheads, and should have just focused on solving the puzzle instead.
Now where did I put my pants?
oh, yeah, the crab heads respawn forever
raises eyebrow
My husband likes to kill things.
And he doesn't like puzzles so much.
I like puzzles, and I actually enjoy them more when I'm under attack because usually they're too easy.
Fighting zombies while taking stock of the situation is much more of a challenge.
I found it quite stressful the first time
Anyway, I'm dressed and off to breakfast with my boys.
Why punctuation matters
Could you help me, I can find what does "Awesome thanks" mean?
it means Awesome, thanks
i.e. That's awesome, thanks
where awesome means great
@Jez Haha!
not as good as this though
wow don't think i've ever seen that before
6 million views - ZERO thumbs down
High view count for that genre
i want to play dwarf fortress!!!! damn rest of life
i need to build my airlock area for screening new migrants, set up a hall-o-traps or something for goblins and other things, guard dogs to deal with thieves
an outdoor penned-in and roofed pasture for animals
and here i am working. not getting crucial stuff like playing dwarf fortress done. :-)
I never seem to get nothing done
the act of doing nothing that is
It's hard.
> When we're frolicking through a field somewhere, our gadgets stowed far away, the internet still impacts our thinking: "Will I tweet about this when I get back?"
Who are these "we"?
not me|I for sure
@JohanLarsson What ever happened to il bel far niente, anyway?
@Cerberus the person frolicking and the people they are with
@Cerberus they?
@tchrist I live by it, ty for the quote
@MattЭллен Not we?
@JohanLarsson Apparently.
@Cerberus maybe. I suppose they could be overgeneralising
@Cerberus The interesting thing is that that sentence could be made to work in any of first, second, or third person — and still mean precisely the same thing.
asuuming the reader frolicks and thinks of tweeting frolicks
I'm reading about this guy who went offline for a year and now describes his experiences.
@MattЭллен You think?
@tchrist Just like the morning and the evening star. It is a coincidence.
When you’re frolicking through a field somewhere, your gadgets stowed far away, the internet still impacts your thinking: Will I tweet about this when I get back?
When one is frolicking through a field somewhere, one’s gadgets stowed far away, the internet still impacts one’s thinking: Will I tweet about this when I get back?
When they’re frolicking through a field somewhere, their gadgets stowed far away, the internet still impacts their thinking: Will I tweet about this when I get back?
Don't forget I.
I shan’t.
When I’m frolicking through a field somewhere, my gadgets stowed far away, the internet still impacts my thinking: Will I tweet about this when I get back?
When we’re frolicking through a field somewhere, our gadgets stowed far away, the internet still impacts our thinking: Will I tweet about this when I get back?
I’d say that all five of those are saying the same thing.
Or close enough as to make no matter.
Just the tone is different.
Like morning star and evening star.
But those aren’t the same at the same time of year.
@Jez You know what language it is? Does not sound like Norwegian to me.
Just as I and you aren't the same in any context.
Frolicking always sounds vaguely naughty to me, the sort of thing that Herr Mozart might try to sneak into a canon.
Funny that you don’t cut capers in the field nor frolic in the street, but only the other way around.
@tchrist That's because you can't be frolicking without licking.
@MετάEd Sagte die frau.
Frolic sounds like snacks to my dogs
This is an ideal question imo (no research effort)
@JohanLarsson I think Bringhurst discusses the difference between the Anglophone point versus the European one. Also, there is a bit of fuzziness when people are discussing digital cameras rather than digital images.
maybe graphic designers are lazy? Admittedly SO started out to answer every programmer question, regardless the triviality of it. Then they realised that answerers got a bit annoyed when askers didn't put effort in
And not just because of Bayer interpolation: not all pixels need be the same shape.
The Nikon D1X model had rectangular pixels.
> The D1X's pixel grid layout is rectangular rather than square (though still uses the Bayer GRGB colour filter array), in camera processing turns the 4028 x 1324 raw pixels (5.33 megapixel) into a 3008 x 1960 pixel image (5.9 megapixel).
> While it's clear that some interpolation is being carried out in the vertical direction (to get from 1324 rows to 1960 rows) there is also compression in the horizontal direction (reducing from 4028 to 3008 columns), this compression is used to add detail to the vertical data.
It’s the only camera they ever did it that way with.
I don’t think it worked out as well as they wanted. Plus it was a high-cost custom sensor.
@tchrist ty for sharing, you know a lot man!
@JohanLarsson It’s all an illusion.
A: More formal way of saying: "Sorry to bug you again about this, but ..."

gabrielyes i was it bother of this and i could taken it have not but the problem is was you thou this would conclude not me therefore it fault was yours, you are a mama tranca estupida puta perra i am english-hispanic mother fucker that will kill you sucka

His rhyming leaves something to be desired.
And I used the wrong flag, darn it.
Was this comment actually in any regard a helpful one?
Before asking any question check previous posts. Any questions? — Kris 3 hours ago
Since when aren’t gerunds nouns?
1. Receiving is a gerund not a noun. 2. The question is open-ended and subjective. — Kris 3 hours ago
His non-native speakerdom is showing:
"5.38 by 2.75 by 0.31 inch." or "5.38 inch by 2.75 inch by 0.31 inch." are both acceptable, too. — Kris 7 hours ago
He doesn’t know how to use measuring units.
I often wonder if his native language isn't English and he thinks he knows better than he does
Looks like the answer must be yes to both.
"In the Hall of the Mountain King" () is a piece of orchestral music composed by Edvard Grieg for the sixth scene of act 2 in Henrik Ibsen's 1876 play Peer Gynt. It was originally part of Opus 23, but was later extracted as the final piece of Peer Gynt, Suite No. 1, Op. 46. Although (or perhaps because) a performance of the full piece runs to slightly less than 3 minutes, its easily recognizable theme has helped it attain iconic status in popular culture, where it has been arranged by many artists. The piece is played as the title character Peer Gynt, in a dream-like fantasy, enters "the...
looks to be Norwegian
Guess how much profit is made on extra memory in the Iphone 5, if you go from 16 GB to 32 GB.
Expressed as a percentage of the original cost of the memory modules.
@MattЭллен Close, except that it is more than double that; based on the cheapest Dutch webshop, it is: 1375 % extra profit! Yay!
1. buy memory modules
2. ???
3. Profit!
2. Be Apple.
Although other companies still make crazy profits on extra memory too.
@Jez yeah, was just nonsensical enough for me not to recognize
2 hours later…
in Functional Programming on Stack Overflow Chat, Apr 28 at 22:03, by FredOverflow
If you search for "suicide" on SO, the most relevant result is tagged :)
I have a new excuse for fucking off. Used to be "my code is compiling" did the trick, and still does. But now I can add this new one: "I am opening up the IntelliJ IDE. I will be fucking off for approximately 15 minutes."
it means IntelliJ is slow?
It's a pig.
pigs are pretty fast in short distances I think, at least boars
yeah, you want to stay away from angry pigs
hippos, too
actually, most of the stereotypically "fat" animals are pretty fast
Sperm whales?
Most animals are faster than humans, fat or not.
They're pretty fat.
@Robusto But humans are faster in the long term.
Faster than most land animals.
Even horses, they say.
@Cerberus The long term doesn't count if you're being chased by a predator.
but humans were the predators for pretty much all of their evolutionary history
It does count if you're the predator.
Yes, that goes without saying.
it's generally believed that earli humans were endurance hunters, following prey until they dropped of exhaustion
So you will eventually get that gazelle.
which is why we're really good long-distance runners
But fat lot of good that does you if you're being chased by a grizzly bear or a lion.
but mediocre sprinters
@Robusto You can use a spear.
Tell you what. I'll give you the spear and you hold off the grizzly. Deal?
is there much evidence of bears or lions ever eating humans very often?
there are lots of easier things to eat
@Robusto Were I a caveman, I'm sure I could.
@JSBձոգչ How much evidence does there have to be?
@JSBձոգչ Not very often.
it's obviously possible, but i don't think that it exerted significant selective pressure
Fatal bear attacks in North America have occurred in a variety of settings. There have been several in the bear's wilderness habitat involving hikers, hunters, and campers. Brown bear incidents have occurred in their native range spanning Alaska, Northern and Western Canada, and portions of the Rocky Mountains in the United States. The locations of black bear wilderness fatal attacks reflect their wider range; all Canadian Provinces except the Atlantic Provinces, and several major mountainous areas in the United States. Bears held captive by animal trainers, in zoos, carnivals, or ke...
lions don't eat apes very often, either
and bears basically never hunt humans
My BiL's in-law's best friends were eaten by bears.
@JSBձոգչ That's not what I hear. Black bears do.
Especially human children. Keep your kids away from black bears. Seriously.
@KitFox i can't tell whether or not you're joking. o_O
@JSBձոգչ I'm not. I think it was the Huffmans, listed on that page.
They were camping in a national park in Alaska.
They were seasoned campers too. They had their food tied up and away from the camp.
Still got eaten.
i'm sorry
Well, I didn't know them. They were three degrees from me.
Oh my gosh, that's terrible! Why would bears do that? I didn't think they attacked people unless threatened.
But still, three-degrees-from-bear-attack is closer than I thought I'd be.
I was hitching through Canada and got stuck on a gravel road in Glacier National Park. A grizzly walked out of the woods about 50 yds. away, stood up on the road, and huffed a bit. Then walked on. I didn't know whether to shit or go blind.
@WendiKidd They get hungry or feel threatened.
@KitFox That's terrible :/ One more reason I will never ever go camping.
i love going camping
@JSBձոգչ I think polar bears is the only animal which considers humans food
So I looked it up and it was for sure the Huffmans.
One word: bugs
Not to mention bears, now
this might be a good time to mention that my brother, who has two young kids, has had wolves come into his front yard
and he just had a third. so now he has three tasty wolf-snacks at home
My grandparents get mountain lions sometimes
"just had a third" = born this morning at around 8:00
They are best when fresh and gooey.
@WendiKidd mountain lions. now those will eat you given half a chance
We have turkeys, skunks, and foxes.
And sometimes whatdoyoucallems. Not porcupines...
Not hedgehogs...
What are those things? Gah.
Like a groundhog.
Almost have it.
We had a woodchuck, which we trapped and moved to the regional dump.
After she had four adorable babies.
i i couldn't tell the difference between a groundhog and a woodchuck
I think they are the same thing.
i don't think i have ever seen either
Except they are called woodchucks here.
@WendiKidd The bugs in the north are insane.
i have seen adorable river otters, though
I've seen otters play with macaques.
At the San Diego Zoo.
The groundhog (Marmota monax), also known as a woodchuck, whistle-pig, or in some areas as a land-beaver, is a rodent of the family Sciuridae, belonging to the group of large ground squirrels known as marmots. Other marmots, such as the yellow-bellied and hoary marmots, live in rocky and mountainous areas, but the woodchuck is a lowland creature. It is widely distributed in North America and common in the northeastern and central United States. Groundhogs are found as far north as Alaska, with their habitat extending southeast to Georgia. Description The groundhog is the largest sciurid...
She liked our apples, but she liked the garbage better.
More variety.
oh, so they look like big brown prairie dogs
ok, then
Supercute and superdestructive.
i also get groundhogs confused with gophers
but wikipedia pics inform me that gophers look more like big moles
pointy faces and big teeth
And they tend to have large communities, I think.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Not much. They seem to prefer rhubarb and apples and lily shoots and daffodil bulbs.
Don't like hosta though.
in C# on Stack Overflow Chat, 22 hours ago, by zneak
There is a reason men's rooms are waaaay stinkier than women's rooms.
@JohanLarsson hahahahaha
clearly, this is an issue deserving of national attention and a total ban
On the other hand, one of the perks of having a penis is peeing wherever you want.
My eldest refuses to pee standing up unless he's watering the trees (to make them great biiiig ).
penis is a better design ime :D
He sits on the toilet. I'm a little perturbed by it, but I figure he'll outgrow it.
low maintenance
Harder to smuggle things in, though.
both of my boys were lukewarm on peeing in the toilet, until they discovered that they could pee standing up
that got them interested
for a long time the little one was the only boy in his toddler class who would pee standing up
all of the other boys wanted to copy him
I wonder if that would get the little one interested. Problem is, his foreskin doesn't retract yet, and so he always pees rightwardly.
That just made me laugh.
close to TMI now
So my eldest got a school readiness report from his pre-K program yesterday.
He did great!
They said he was a fabulous student and they were confident he'd be successful in kindergarten next year.
Also, that he was a "kind friend."
</mommy brag>
@tchrist I'm considering another virtual shampooing of my nonexistent hair :D
@KitFox makes me very glad to hear for some reason, gratz!
I worry a lot, probably excessively, that I overestimate his abilities because I'm his mom and I think he's great.
But he's the only kid in his class that can read.
And do math.
Probably the only one who can play Portal too.
I don't know much about kids so should probably not give advice but: make sure he knows you love him and not his achievements
Oh, always.
And praise on the effort, not the accomplishment.
To help develop his perseverance.
yeah that is what I was trying to remember ^ :D
He demonstrates a remarkable amount of problem-solving abilities for a five-year-old.
Some of that comes from trying to teach him strategy instead of the answers.
But I tell you, trying to teach that is hard.
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