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I wouldn't use a slash in formal writing if you can avoid it.
i agree
i will omit it
I'm working on last para now
The argument, overall, seems a little tautological and obvious, but maybe you can't avoid saying in essence "we don't have good security requirements, so this increases the risk of security incidents".
you are referring to last para? right
The text in general, building up to the point you make in the last part.
oh okay
you may be right
i need to tailor it and make it simpler
Any business operations performed under this weak and insecure model of service delivery would make NADRA unattractive for business and in the process deviating from its original and evolutionary purpose of providing reliable, trustworthy and efficient services to its customers and People of abc
is it fine or do i need to first explain what is insecure service delivery model
@Saladin It depends what your audience expects and who they are, too. I usually feel that if it's for a few people who are used to pages of prose that they barely read, it may not be worth the effort; if it's for a lot of people or it's very important that your audience be swayed by your argument, it is worth more time to be succinct.
no this presentation is for top execs
not many people
few but important
what is 庚寅年?
@Saladin If "service delivery" is a common term where you are, I think saying it is insecure makes sense. (I wouldn't introduce "service delivery" without explanation at my work because we don't really use that phrase.)
yes its like IT term
so its common
I'll brb in a few minutes. I have to turn off the crock pot and rescue my Roomba that tried to go somewhere and got stuck
@Meysam something not in English :D
I keep forgetting to look up the instructions for how to change Roomba back to English, but I have the worst time understanding her cries in Spanish from across the house.
Aye caroomba!
I can't believe I have never in my life before this week noticed that I say iorn instead of iron.
As do most Americans, apparently.
Eye yearn. Hmm.
eye un
for I am non-rhotic to the core
I have an eyeurn but it's in the bottom of my hall closet because I don't actually own an eyeurning board.
has the barest whispers of asmr
All of these that have swishhhhh noises give me an involuntary spine tingle but I don't like it. I never make it through the videos. I wonder if there's something wrong with me.
You don't like the tingles, huh?
Is it possible to use an expression like "from now on" or "from X on" for objects? For example, suppose that there are ten objects put next to each other, and I want to tell someone to select one of them after the third one. Is it possible to say: "select one of the objects from the third one on"?
I had long hair for years and I didn't like other people brushing my hair either.
Nor the sound.
Interesting. I wonder if it's a sensory integration thing.
I like having my hair brushed.
@Meysam You could. I would know what you meant.
I like my head scratched when I have short hair.
I like the thought of scratching your head with your short hair.
@KitFox Do you think there is any better way to say that?
I rub the back of my head a lot more when I've had it cut short.
@Meysam Maybe "after the third one" but that would imply not the third one, so I don't know.
@Meysam I wouldn't know for sure if you meant to include the third one. I would probably only say "from the x on" with things that naturally go a progression like streets: "From Main street on, it's only five more streets until you see the tree where you turn left"
Or in the expression "from there on out", I guess.
I just learned how to fold underpants.
WTF, I'm still in here?
@KitFox it's easier when they're square.
hugs Salonpas patches
I had no idea there was a fancy way to do it.
I usually just ball them up and throw them in the drawer.
I stack them flatly.
me too. or I try
I flat them stackly.
feels sleepy
someone said yesterday about putting them in bags. Cerb, maybe? That sounds like a good idea. it would free up a draw for my bajillion t-shirts
Just don't wear any. Then you don't have to store them.
true, but I do need to wear some when cycling, to prevent... chafing
pants are easier to apply
I'm buzzing but it's making the top of my head hurt.
The only clothes of mine I care much about having right side out and folded are actually undershirts and underwear, so that if I need to get dressed bleary-eyed I can do it without thinking.
contemplates what getting dressed would be like if not bleary-eyed
I can always figure out the shirts and pants, but undergarments are a pain when you're tired, I think. And I hate hate hate them inside out if they have seams or something that chafe.
Well, even more bleary-eyed than usual.
I don't like to set clothes out the night before, I like them to be there in the dresser.
@MattЭллен we have deodorant-looking sticks for chafing.
BBL target
I'd like it if my clothes would put themselves away. I dress off the floor and out of the basket often.
Gawd, this consulting firm we're working with wants to add Knockout.js to the OVER 9000 frameworks they're already using. Am I too much of a purist because I prefer to write jQuery plugins to do what I need?
I mean, why add another leaky abstraction layer to the mix? What does that help?
I was at jQueryUK last week. I saw some interesting talks about removing jQuery and just using plain javascript
I have resisted getting one more laundry basket because I know I would just leave it on the bedroom floor with wrinkled clean laundry in it.
I also have these ridiculously small laundry baskets so they fit down my basement stairs, you know, along with my arms around them to carry them. They fit basically one load of laundry (sometimes a little overflowingly depending on what it is). I feel like I'm always carrying them someplace.
essentially, don't just use it for using it's sake. Which I guess you know. Me and frameworks rarely get along anyway. I've yet to use a javascript one
Stoopid clothes.
My work is nearly the opposite, @Rob; I've had the hardest time convincing anyone to hop on the framework train, even though no one has time to write anything and it would probably help
I think we're using backbone at work. I'm not sure though. I should check that out
my boss did some fancying up of the web-based diagnostic tool and I haven't gone back through the code to see how it works now
See, writing front-end code like jQuery plugins is the fun part for me. MVVM frameworks seem like crutches to enable middle-tier developers to do things on the front end.
Christ, they can't take a piss without reaching for a framework.
Of course I'm seeing things from the grass-is-greener side, but it does seem like the grass has at least been watered recently with stuff people are already using that works and has some sort of documentation
takes piss, then decides leaving it would have been a better plan
@MattЭллен I took a long time to cotton to jQuery, because of my bias against frameworks. Then I realized jQuery just cleans up a lot of things that are painful in vanilla Javascript and lets you get on with your life. It's pretty minimal, and very efficient.
@Robusto definitely. I do love it's cross browser stuff too. no more worrying about how to attach events and such.
@MattЭллен Exactly. No-more-tears event attachment is one of its best features.
Another is easy referencing of DOM elements through CSS selectors. That is just brilliant.
here's one talk about using less jQuery: speakerdeck.com/rem/i-know-jquery-now-what
is intrigued
I love Joss Whedon and Nathan Fillion.
And Shakespeare.
@KitFox Firefly!!!
Well, see, I already use Javascript in my jQuery.
@Mahnax Yup. And Castle.
plus John Bender is pretty hawt.
@KitFox I still need to watch Serenity.
@KitFox and Dr. Horrible's sing along blog
@MattЭллен I've not heard of it. Sounds awesome.
@Robusto yeah, I was thinking this as the talk progressed, feeling a bit smug
@KitFox !!
@KitFox it's starring Barney from How I met your Mother
@Mahnax Yes, you do!
@MattЭллен Neil Patrick Harris. Doogie Howser, MD, you mean.
@KitFox yes! sorry, I'm bad with actor names
It's waiting for me.
@MattЭллен Oh, he's a Ruby guy. I'm already prejudiced. Ruby is the Apple Computer of whatever.
@KitFox I didn't know this was a thing. I keep up on movies and pop culture by... well, usually stuff shows up on Netflix eventually
@Robusto he seems to be more a maths/functional programming guy. but yes, his blog has a lot of ruby on it
I also don't buy into the "speeding up Javascript" thing. Javascript is really fast, unless you're stupidly adding elements to the DOM one by one in nested I also don't buy into the "speeding up Javascript" thing. Javascript is really fast, unless you're stupidly adding elements to the DOM one by one in nested for loops.
@KitFox do want
I can create 10k elements in Javascript and add them to the DOM at the end and it takes like 500ms.
@Robusto I think it's more speeding up jQuery, by making fewer jQuery calls, and more plain javascript calls
@aediaλ Yeah, me too. But I was getting a fix on YouTube and saw this.
but, yeah. It was more an interesting piece than a useful piece
> It appears that Baxter Academy the beleaguered charter school hoping to open in Portland has not had the enrollment hoped for.
This school has been doomed from the start.
It hasn't even opened yet, and it had to fire its director for financial antics.
@MattЭллен I just wrote a typeahead jQuery plugin that does everything, can be registered with any inputs using different datasources, including making service calls, and it's 2.63k minified.
what is typeahead?
Sounds cool
You know like in the search input of your browser, you start typing and it starts offering you suggestions based on what you've already typed? That's a typeahead.
oh! nice.
BTW, my typeahead can give multiple inputs different datasources, but you can override any of them at any time without disturbing the registered defaults.
And it only adds one element to the page, which gets repopulated at every call.
wants to brag too but is doing really, really boring stuff and not even getting a new kitchen yet
<= is totally getting a new kitchen
I'm not getting a new kitchen, but the old one looks better than ever.
I'll have a dishwasher soon.
Well, I have one now except it's not wired in and it needs a cabinet around it.
But the downstairs toilet is working again!
Details, details. Nothing prevents you from filling it with dishes.
Not the toilet. The dishwasher.
Did you see the pic of the living room?
I transcript-skimmed.
Congrats on getting it done!
You even redid the floor, is that right?
Yeah, we redid all the floors.
And put sheetrock over all the walls.
All my wood floor in the house is in pretty decent shape, so we're not touching that for like ever. Except the stairs/upstairs hall carpet has gotta go soon and I'll find out what's under there. And the kitchen and addition don't have wood, but instead the ugliest, cheapest looking fake wood patterned vinyl flooring ever invented.
And did a lot of rewiring.
It was all crumbling horsehair plaster.
We've replaced the windows too.
And new roof.
Horsehair plaster? Is that different than normal plaster?
Sounds like birds in my gutters. Hmm. I hope they're not trying to live in there.
@KitFox I happened to have watched that clothes folding video you pinged me with just a day or two ago
First time I heard 'em in there today. Shoo sparrow, shoo! I just cleaned you out last fall!
@Matt: Oh, I see where he's going with this. He's trying to get you to stop chaining jQuery functions together and using a map/reduce model. Not bad if you have lots of stuff to do, but totally unnecessary for most things.
Well, I'm sneaking out.
You blew it.
Don't rat me out, OK?
bes very quiet
@KitFox One of the main requirements for sneaking is not announcing it to the world.youtube.com/watch?v=M9BNoNFKCBI
I didn't. I announced it to you guys.
It's a rookie move. You hate to see it, but ...
You're not the world.
we are not the world
@Robusto yeah, exactly
sneak, now! sneak away little fox!
ohai @JSBձոգչ are you excited about Dragon's Maze?
a little, i think?
i've been off of magic for lent
but easter is on may 5, just in time for the mtgo release :)
I don't know much about it, but I'm trying to get back into the game, so I'm going to a local event tomorrow for some prerelease fun
oh, it should be awesome
a very complex set, for sure. lots of colors. lots of mechanics.
I'm looking forward to being beaten a lot as I find out about it
it should be really fun
hehehe. I posted that in aww! this afternoon :D
That kind of day.
@Robusto you try that Singleton yet?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 For a moment I thought you were talking about design patterns. But, no, I haven't tried the Singleton scotch whisky yet. But if my liquor store has it, I will try it.
I've lately been drinking the Glenmorangie version that is aged in sherry casks. Interesting notes.
bah. 404d by the review queue
seems to be a temporary bug
All bugs that you fix are temporary. The rest are permanent.
All the bugs I think I've fixed are permanent
what does the room title mean? I don't even have a guess other than that it might be punny
The Cyrillic characters sound out MMX
The Chinese characters mean something else. it's in the transcript somewhere
a year or processor voodoo?
It's perfectly plain.
Apr 10 at 10:48, by Robusto
@RegDwighт You might add 二千十 in parentheses for those who don't get it. That will clear it right up.
I meant to type 二千十年. But he went with Chinese anyway.
Year of the Tiger? It's not the Year of the Tiger! On behalf of tigers everywhere, I am offended.
have we had year of the fire cock already?
like, recently
Why, are you looking for an excuse to fire your cock?
I love hotrods
the next time will be 2017 to 2018
I have more a expensive computer than car
me too! because I don't have a car
I used to, and it was still (initially) cheaper than my computer
but you know how repairs add up
@Robusto no I did not. Kit changed it.
and petrol, and insurance and tax
You people don't remember anything.
what's anything?
@MattЭллен yeah cars suck
@MattЭллен A stuffs you don't remember.
@RegDwighт I can't tell who changes that thing. All I know is the only interaction I had regarding that was with you. So there. sticks out tongue
@RegDwighт true dat
@Robusto yes and you don't remember the results of that interaction. sticks out middle toe
I remain unimpressed and way too sober.
Apr 10 at 10:48, by RegDwighт
room topic changed to English Language & Usage: Celebrating (二千十) incomprehensibility since ЭмЭмИкс (no tags)
It's one message down from yours. The one you just quoted.
but what does it mean? :D
don't tread on the grass? Or maybe "no smoking in this closet"
@JohanLarsson start reading from here, then go on chronologically, or alphabetically, or numerically.
spoonfeed me?
pay me?
I'm not your nanny, but I can be for one trillion dollars.
Hurry, these prices won't last.
gonna have to ask my accountant
@MattЭллен 禁煙
Rauchen verboten.
@JohanLarsson gonna have to fire your accountant for using up money you could spend on me
And now I have to go feed the damn cats and have a drink. Not necessarily in that order.
Give the drink to the cats and you solve both problems
maybe even permanently (strange typo)
@Robusto yay more ancient-vase carnage.
Anyone in here speak polish?
would be surprised if the owl does not
@JohanLarsson Then I shall hope they arrive soon! I have a question :)
Oh you edited
Now I'm confused lol
there are some polish guys in the c++ room
@WendiKidd sry about that
@JohanLarsson haha np
Jag förstår inte polska,
Okay Reg, I'm going to bug you with a question then :)
What do you mean, "then"?
now I'm really confused
I think I need more sleep lol
ask the q
I just said that I don't speak Polish. And not in Polish.
he does not understand Polish
I just, guessed
then does not follow
@MattЭллен I don't either. That's my problem ;)
Is Google Translate giving you nonsense?
/retreats with what's left of my brainpower
@WendiKidd the polish guys in c++ are not online now, just checked
it sounds like the c++ room might be able to help you
@WendiKidd bring it on already.
Just post the sentence and be done.
Nah, someone posted a question on ELL about a grammatical construct that doesn't exist in english. I thought I understood their question but then I read the wiki article about the construct and it sounds like it's actually something completely different than their question
You don't get it translated by not sharing it.
Q: Little hard translation from Polish to English "Someone waited but _not done_"?

ChameleonI want to translate ktoś nie doczekał się (na X) i zrezygnował (== "someone was waiting [for X, and X didn't happen] and resigned"). I cannot find the right negation for wait; maybe there is no equivalent. I found some translations that very close to what I want to say. He did not live and ...

@WendiKidd I answered that question. On ELU.
Bring the hammer down.
LOL really?
LOL really.
Dang, and I was trying to help them. So it's just a repost? Ok, closing
Well, teylyn did. And the OP didn't believe her. So I stepped in and told him it was solid advice and he should take it.
Now I see his game.
He will keep posting it around the internet until someone invents a word.
A: How to say "he was waiting long time but not ... (did not reach goal)"?

teylynMaybe ... In vain ... might be suitable. It's hard to tell from the example. You were waiting for the sun but then darkness fell. You were waiting for the sun but it did not appear. You were waiting for the sun but something else happened. You were waiting for the sun but it was in vain.

Read the comments. I'm not gonna repost the entire thread.
I'm afraid you are approaching it all wrong, @Chameleon. Translation does not work that way, you cannot hope to translate your sentence word for word in whatever language you please. You can have an exact translation of doczekałem into another Slavic language, like e.g. Russian; but not into a Germanic one, like English or German, because they are simply wired completely differently from Polish. For these, Teylyn's answer is exactly right. Take it and run with it. — RegDwighт yesterday
Yeah, I clicked on their ELU account from their profile and found the question. Reposting = bad.... /sigh
There is the exact same verb in Russian. I know exactly what he wants. I also know that he is not going to get it in English.
In English, you use a completely different grammatical construct to express that. Not just a prefix on a verb.
So teylyn's "in vain" is right on the money, or anything synonymous with it.
But there simply is no English verb meaning "to have finished waiting with no result".
Yup. I got the prefix part from reading the wiki article he linked, but then it didn't seem to be the same question as was in the actual question so I wasn't sure. Matt posted "in vain" as an answer to the ELL question as well. That's as close as you're going to get to the negation, I think.
Another construction that is quite typically used in English is "he waited for hours but it never happened" or some such. You get the drift.
But of course "in vain" is more elegant.
Indeed! If you want to emulate the borg you could go with "futilely" instead ;)
Yeah, as I said, any number of synonyms. But them will all be adverbs.
waiting is futile. you will be assimilater
: D
@MattЭллен cue question, assimilater or assimilator? And is it related to ass?
Actually I withdraw the second one because I have that distinct feeling it has been asked already.
hmmm. I guess doms will be assimilators

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