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watches yesterday's NBC Nightly News
Anything interesting?
I'm waiting for my boy to go to sleep.
Also, reading.
Also, drinking scotch.
Boy needs to sleep. Go to sleep, boy!
Ho yeah.
Congress voted down gun bill for extended background checks.
Bomb threat at Boston federal court house.
Ricin letters.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 asdfjkl
My son is yelling now.
Q: How are pluralized forms of fictional words determined?

Southpaw HareHow does one determine the correct pluralization of words that have been "made up" in their singular forms only? Is it possible to determine the "most similar" existing word and mimic its pluralization rules? Is the only way to ask the original author or canon source?

@WendiKidd red states.
Montana. Arkansas. et cetera.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Bloody ones.
What if we split into two countries?
Lincoln thought that that was a bad idea.
@KitFox because you yelled at him to go to bed?
I wish we’d just let the idiots go hang themselves.
@tchrist I think I saw a similar question recently. Either on ELL or ELU, I forget which.
@tchrist or shoot themselves. Then we can give prominence to that, and the idea can spread.
Kinda like self-deportation taken to the next level.
I also forget what happened to it. But it was something about plurals or caps or something with made-up words.
remembers she has scotch
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 No, he started off singing, then telling a story to his kitty, I think. It probably just got really exciting.
@KitFox LOL!
@WendiKidd “Hey like dude you know those guys who make stuff up, like how do they like do that stuff like?”
@tchrist hahahahaha
And not an answerable question.
Thank you for making me laugh :)
I’m just a cut-up character.
Well. The answer is, "There is no answer, it's different for each word." But...still a bad question. :)
Well. Probably.
I bet you guys could come up with one now that doesn't, just to prove me wrong.
WTF, USPS. Those ricin letters were postmarked April 8.
@WendiKidd Every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.
@WendiKidd “What question has no answer?”
@tchrist "There is no question which has no answer."
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I like your new gravatar, btw.
@Robusto I know right? she finally drew it! :)
@WendiKidd Does the set of all sets that do not contain themselves contain itself?
I was like....you are cornbread. Why avatar iz cake?
@Robusto thanks! I need to make it square.
I think it works as is.
Because he looks sneaky?
Violate the boundaries of the square!
I could use some work sassies myself.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 He?
@tchrist If I'm reading that right... That's the null set, right? So... Does nothing contain itself. I'm going to say "No, but that's a great philosophical question!"
Oh yeah, and American Airlines.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Them.
@tchrist Wait no, I did read it wrong
Now you're making me think
@tchrist I used to subscribe to Sassy.
@tchrist Pull up your Spanx and pitch in. You have to put in your own work around here, boy.
> In a certain library, some books are catalogues that contain lists of other books. For example, there is a catalogue of all the books on the second floor, and a catalogue of all the books about birds. Some catalogues might include themselves. For example, the catalogue of all the books in the library certainly includes itself.
> Such catalogues have red covers; the other catalogues, which do not include themselves, such as the catalogue of all the plays of Shakespeare, have blue covers. Now is there a catalogue of all the catalogues with blue covers?
Why is my boy still awake?
@KitFox Not enough Scotch.
The NyQuil hasn't kicked in?
Get him drunk.
Fucking ladybug in my fucking drink.
@Kit Are you thinking of sending the question to F&SF?
I myself had The Balvenie tonight, tyvm.
@KitFox Whoa, during this season? Really?
feels angry about how the night is unfolding
@Robusto sounds good.
@KitFox The night unfolded like a botched piece of origami?
@tchrist Some kind of crazy infestation. I woke up two nights ago with them crawling on my in my sleep.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Is good. Real good. Mmm-good.
@Robusto Yeah, OK. I can roll with that.
I could send you a foot or two of snow. That should take care of them.
They were here in the winter too.
Just even more now.
Now that really is weird. How do they survive, in your attic or something?
Of course I have to fish the bug out of my scotch and finish it anyway.
You know, our parking lot at work still has some sand-crusted snow piles in back where it was once in 12-foot piles.
@KitFox No, the Scotch will do that for you.
We've still got a few bits of snow left too.
I had two feet between Monday and Wednesday, but as I left work 30 miles to my south today, theirs was all gone already. Comes and goes.
A Fine and Private Place is a fantasy novel written by Peter S. Beagle, the first of his major fantasies. It was first published in hardcover by Viking Press on May 23, 1960, followed by a trade paperback from Delta the same year. Frederick Muller Ltd. published the first United Kingdom hardcover in 1960, and a regular paperback followed from Corgi in 1963. The first U.S. mass market paperback publication was by Ballantine Books in 1969. The Ballantine edition was reprinted numerous times through 1988. More recently it has appeared in trade paperback editions from Souvenir Press (1997), Ro...
@Robusto Watcha thinkin?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Don't start what you can't finish.
24 hours ago, by KitFox
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 coughs, points to private place
@Robusto red, gold, and green
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Was it a fine one?
@tchrist indeed. Immaculate landscaping.
Concept art, then.
@Robusto no, I do not.
sips scotch, tries not to think about cigarettes
Oh, don't mention them.
They would disrupt the flavor, anyway.
I have no idea:
Q: Is there the word, “Skyfall (or Sky falls) in English?

Yoichi OishiI found the word, “Skyfall” being used in the article of April 18 Nikkei.com. under the title, “What the collapse of the gold bubble tells” with the following lead copy “International commodity market represented by gold collapsed on April 15th. The collapse was triggered by the dropdown o...

we will stand tall / and face it all / together / at skyfall
Hells no.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I just don’t know the answer.
He couldn’t find it anywhere, and I know he practiced due diligence.
I am a bit surprised.
Skyfall sounds like Nightfall.
I am sure there was an SF story called that. I mean Skyfall. Nightfall is obvious.
Harry Harrison.
Henry Higgins.
Harry and the Hendersons.
Harry from Night Court.
I knew it sounded familiar.
@tchrist Not top shelf, IMO.
@Robusto No, not really. But it probably amused me well enough in 1976.
Skyfall sounds like Velikovsky. Or Chicken Little.
There, now somebody else can go answer our esteemed Japanese scholar. I hafta go do late-night work.
"Then came a torrent of rain— what is known in Sweden as a skyfall. You know, the kind of rain that drenches you to the skin. "
Boy is still awake. WTF?
Hiya @Mitch.
sw:skyfall -> en: downpour
@KitFox hey!
I’m totally amused that one of the Skyfall links is to a book called Je révise mon anglais aux toilettes.
I do that -all- the time!
wait...what's an anglais? could be a pastry, or it could be some outre sex thing
> In fact, Homo has been witnessing skyfall events since before he was sapiens. Not only minor meteorite falls, which were amazing enough. Very massive stones also were coming out of the sky, and these were producing dramatic spectacles.
Speaking of outré sex things.
Ðone sélestan sǽcyninga ðara ðe in Swióríce sinc brytnade.
I don’t see any himinn-haust there.
I know, right?!
@Mitch You’re thinking of crème anglaise. Again.
It's for Helm Scylfinga's enjoyment only.
He was supposed to meet me here ...
dit il a la mode francaise
looks at watch
he was here just a few moments ago.
pie a la mode
wondering where you were.
I found the answer to the alien plurals question.
I hope he’s happy now.
Vowel-affect(at)ion always chokes me up.
Newspaper advertising - does anyone know if frequency discounts for insertion apply on a week-by-week basis, or just a general basis?
@tchrist yes, please.
The rate card is unclear.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 That seems nearly an improper question, madame.
@tchrist a madam should know the frequency discount for insertion, yes.
The only remaining questions is why the hell Tolkien didn't just write a grammar and dictionary be done with it. As opposed to what he did was play around a lot, then wrote the grammar and dictionary, then wrote his novels with snippets following the grammar and dictionary, then he threw away the grammar and dictionary. So why didn't he just not throw them away?
Apropos de rien, I love the word beldames.
@Mitch He didn’t.
da nada
They’re in the hands of 5 scholars.
he kept hem?
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 It varies.
Yeah, this is too controversial. And I have to run. Darn it.
I'm using the new Swedish pronoun for singular plurals.
Carl F. Hostetter is one of the five. Chase down the topic. Must fly.
How Deep Throat of you.
I . . . I poured too much scotch.
@tchrist chased down. neat. but it is more convincing me to learn more esoteric and useless languages like Irish or Norwegian.
My coworker is apparently still orking.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 There is no such thing.
poor cow.
So, the linguistic stuff exists, is in very rough form, is being shepherded more slowly than glaciers flow, and we have have no idea when we will get to see what.
I know this may be obtuse, but it's all made up.
I have to stop doing Swiss-time meetings and move to Mexico-time instead.
Gosh, this corner over here is awfully dark. If only I could take advantage of a lamp that could sit on my lap.
@Mitch So is mathematics.
“. . . and tell me that you love me!”
Yeah, i know.
And is mathematics not beautiful?
My kit didn’t come with a headlamp, damn it.
Ultraviolet light.
There are some rules to beauty
Ultraviolent light, my droogs.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I need a little drencrom for me gulliver.
Speaking of binging.
I need to dispose of some uniforms. However I cannot find ANY mention if the official military supplies shop thats NOT inside a military camp accepts them
and I can't just walk into a military camp to dispose of uniforms
army/navy store?
Are you a fugitive?
I feel your pain. Er, plain.
well, local equivilent
@Robusto to the milk bar!
banana republic?
naw, I'm a reservist
I'm a recidivist.
but they changed the uniforms, and I'm stuck with a bag of obsolete uniforms
I'm a conscientious objector.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Did you ever actually read the novel? It's really good.
I'm tempted to cut the tags, and just throw them out
I'm Gunga Din.
@Robusto no. Have it.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I'm an unconscientious objector. You might say a lazy objector.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者: we have conscription here. Conscientious objectors get thrown into jail for that period.
@Mitch I'm Gung Ho.
I'm an unconscious objector.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Do you still have dairy bars there?
@tchrist underground.
@KitFox: I'd argue, were you unconcious...
I just said I was.
then you can't object
I just said I do.
well technically there might be ways this could be done
I obmect.
technically but then again I never studied technique.
but there's nothing stopping me from say drawing a mustache with a indelible marker.
AKA technic.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 a friend of G.I. Joe.
I frequently let nothing stop me.
@Mitch Gastro-Intestinal Joe? How's he doing?
So you'll stop at nothing.
I may stop at something. Or nothing. It's hard to remember.
@Robusto He's got smooth moves.
ahh, third party sources say this is possible
since I can't trust the government to actually have this on an official website, the idiots
what..it's illegal to resell or repurpose uniforms that have their original tags?
@Mitch So says Paris Talsis.
@Mitch: yes ;p
Nov 16 '11 at 17:53, by Robusto
@RegDwightѬſ道 — So I forgot about it. It happens. As you yourself noted, this is the age of short-term memory loss and Google. As I've said before, sometimes I look up things on StackOverflow and find that the accepted answer was written by me.
How many? business plan developing
these are used. Unless someone has a fetish for old faded uniforms... ;p
Mar 26 '11 at 12:02, by Robusto
But then I've also had this strange experience: the Web has robbed me of my memory and made me lazy. Instead of trying to remember the fine points of an API method call, say, I will simply Google it and read about the arguments and their data types, etc. But twice lately my Googling has pointed me to my own accepted answer to a StackOverflow question, which I didn't recognize until I saw my gravatar at the bottom. Scary.
15 mins ago, by cornbread ninja 麵包忍者
I . . . I poured too much scotch.
I can't remember saying that.
which would creep me out. I'm keeping the set thats not faded the hell out tho
what? then just throw them away...or give them to a homeless shelter...or throw a party and hand them out as party gifts.
Don't you find all this talk about Army uniforms fatiguing? Just curious.
C'mon, give it up.
or shred them and make mattress stuffing with them...ok that's also creepy.
If @Martha were here, she'd thwack me but good.
@Robusto golf clap
@Robusto If I had a nickle for every time I heard that one.
@Mitch Name two things that are unpleasant that were meant to involve fun somehow?
If I gave you a nickel for every dime, I could buy my own scotch.
@Mitch: they're actually pretty nice to sleep in after a year or two of hard use.
I like fatigues.
I like trains.
But seriously, folks, I once called @Kit a two-bit whore ... and she hit me with a bag of quarters! rimshot
@Robusto Disneyworld and Disneyland.
I'm not cheap.
@KitFox No: golf and clap.
Yes, I got that.
I was moving on.
Stop moving on from my jokes. You can't run forever.
You're not cheap if you can afford both Disneyland and Disneyworld
@JourneymanGeek shred them and make stuffed animals out of them.
Are they wool?
Yes sir! Yes sir!
Three bags full?
He never said.
The bags are half empty.
If you GIS 'cornbread ninja', you get a lot of pictures I've taken of cars.
Looks like they may make us vote on a pot tax next election.
Let’s just vote no. :)
The effing state wants a 30% tax. Screw them.
That would kill Bed Bath & Beyond.
@KitFox no, cotton
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Looks like you ninjaed off more than you could chew.
@Mitch SERIOUSLY considered that
But I admire your resolve.
Go big or go home, I always say.
@Robusto: or just dive in and live there.
Hey, you should get together with @Wendi and make a game of that. Could be bigger than Angry Birds and Farmville put together. Who doesn't love giant cornbread cupcakes?
@Robusto Hee. That would be hilarious
BTW, rule of thumb: If you are wondering whether you're high enough yet, you're not.
One of life's bitter lessons.
(and before I get told that its a myth, this bloody well did happen), but the last time I was in a room full of weed smoke, I wouldn't describe what I was as high ;p
Were you holding your breath?
no. I think I would probably describe myself as painfully mello
I hated it
@Robusto The problem is the delayed-onset thingies. Don’t drop another hit of acid or take another pill just because the first hasn’t quite hit yet.
@tchrist Like Janis Ian, I learned that lesson At Seventeen.
The first time I allegedly got high, I smoked an entire joint by myself. My boyfriend says "Wow, you burned that whole thing on your own?" And I stared at him. "How the fuck am I supposed to know not to smoke an entire fucking joint?"
@KitFox: no. kinda didn't feel anything at all.
of course
I can neither confirm nor deny that those events were either real or fictional.
I was pissed. I was a smoker, so I treated it like a cigarette. He knew I'd never smoked weed before. What a prick.
Well, my first few experiences with acid were with mediocre product, so my friends and I would drop one, then 20 minutes later drop another. It got to be a habit. Then we hooked into some of the real stuff. But we were creatures of habit, and after about 20 minutes we went again: almost instantly we started blasting off on the first one. That was a night to remember. I just wish I could remember it.
Sounds familiar.
But memories escape me.
I've never dropped acid.
This may not be a bad thing.
In your case.
Then there was the time I took an entirely regulation dose of flu meds. I apparently was posting on SU that day. I think that's still my second or third most highly voted question.
@KitFox How did you get through so much neuroscience without ever giving that a try?
Take enough and it's like your brain is a clock that you disassembled and laid out on a table.
My mother.
Yo mama?
She's a fruitbat. She dropped acid.
Don’t confuse cause and effect there, or even correlation and causation.
I'm not confused.
It's an association, is all.
You can effect a cause and cause an effect. Circular reasoning works because circular reasoning works.
She smoked pot too, but a lot of people I know and love have as well, so it isn't as strongly associated with "fruitbat" as dropping acid.
Some of the smartest people I know have dropped acid. And some of the stupidest.
Tells you nothing.
I didn't say it did.
Flying foxes are actually quite attractive.
I stopped at 21, once I realized it had nothing left to teach me. But I did learn a lot from it.
My husband, who I love second only to my children, has dropped acid, and I don't think less of him.
@Robusto Did you leave school then?
I never did it because my mother did it and she's a nutbag and I don't want to be like her.
@tchrist I wasn't in school then.
@KitFox You are just re-enforcing the false connection in your own mind.
guys, does the term "indie" generally applies to independent game developers or what?
But, seriously, I didn't get art until I contemplated it while tripping one day. Then it all made sense. All of it.
@TemporaryNickName I don't know. I think I would understand it that way in context.
balls, that was a loud noise
Shall I do it again?
@KitFox ok
but it doesn't matter anymore because volume is set to lower level
@Robusto Collegiate trips outnumber post-collegiates by two orders of magnitude. We thought ⅛ of a tab was a good way to stay awake. We didn’t really know drugs, of course.
But school was really the last time to be serially irresponsible like that. Otherwise you have to drown yourself in Black Rock City for a couple of weeks.
And I'm out.
hmm, dudes sitting next row of me were listening to taylor swift song and now call me maybe song
smells not very good about them
@tchrist Wow. No kidding.
Guys, when you are doing a project
and you cannot think of what the title is going to be
you temporary name your project such as "EmmaStone" "EmiliaClarke" "EmmaWatson"
But how do you call this terminology? is it "Project code"? I forgot
> In þat Ile is the Mount Ethna‥& the wlcanes þat ben eueremore brennynge.
@tchrist why are you being so sour?
speaking of "being so sour" what does it exactly mean?
@TemporaryNickName I don't know...I think camelCase has no capital in the first word.

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