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Q: What is “long” doing in “all (time-period) long”?

tchristWhat part of speech is long playing the part of in the bold parts of the quotations below? For one thing, it shows at a glance how much money is on hand for any particular purpose all month long. The fishermen stayed in their nets the whole night long. Some people prefer to live in places t...

we've been having fun all summer long
I think it’s a postposition. Am I nuts?
It is equivalent to during the whole summer, and during is a preposition.
Or a preposition governing a previous verb.
Wonder what Lawler will say.
I don’t like calling it an adverb any more than I like calling ago an adverb. It doesn’t sit right with me that adverbs take complements.
We call thems that do “prepositions”. ’Cept this one comes after.
And I even less like calling it an adjective modifying the time period.
Although “all the livelong day” does have livelong as an adjective, but that’s different. Kinda.
works on the railroad
@tchrist all summer = all summer long
The whole day v. the whole day through.
Unnecessary emphasis. Loss of ten yards, repeat first down.
I must travel to the cave with the wine and the boyfriend.
Go in peace.
Good night, and good luck.
Lawler may still be awake, but almost everybody else is long gone.
mother, will they put me in the firing line / ooh, ahh / is it just a waste of time
hmmm, Kim Jung un was named as 'Sexiest man alive' by comedy website Onion news and the whole North Korea believes that it's true
this seaman video is freaking funny
@TemporaryNickName that sounds like the voice reading this here youmakemetouchyourhandsforstupidreasons.ytmnd.com
5 hours later…
Q: What you think about INDIAN ENGLISH

JashanWhat you think about Indian English. i read about an article in Indian news paper about the Indian English, a developing new language such as Canadian English and American English from British English. What you think about it? is it possible to Indians to make their own language? and is it accept...

Dear next person who upvotes questions that are egregiously off-topic on every site of the network: I will personally come to your house and bludgeon you to death with a giant Indian.
3 hours later…
@RegDwighт would it be the world's fastest Indian?
He would try to bludgeon as fast as possible, yes.
why not just pun them to death?
@A As much as it is Uncommon, is it correct? — artfullyContrived 15 mins ago
brain asplode
3 comments and 1 answer say it's fine. what more can we tell you?
Do I need to just plow through and close shit again?
@JohanLarsson wait, you still alive?
@KitFox maybes
That means I can't pun people to death.
My "don't flag stuff as gen ref" is not popular.
but this one's gen ref with 3 close votes
@RegDwighт or you haven't tried hard enough
@KitFox I did see some down votes
I did try trying hard enough.
Perhaps I didn't try hard enough.
Oh, right. Updates. brb
And I'm back.
Did you miss me?
I missed you seven.
Only seven?
Actually eight, but I don't want to be whining.
Famosity has changed you.
Speaking of famosity, where the heck is my CUUSOO project, LEGO?
You said two days, or 72 hours at most.
Today, today. Patience. Don't get your feathers ruffled.
They said two business days.
It's Mittwoch.
Those are like progress bar minutes.
Yeah, Microsoft days.
I bought @Rob's new book.
If you were on a desert island, it could be a Robinson Cuusoo project.
I thank you
Can you tell me why I added a datatable of keys as a parameter here?
Why would I do that?
so you could easily get at the keys
@KitFox so you never have to look for you keys again.
Damn, Matt is faster.
@KitFox Awesome. Thanks.
I expect more from my meat, @Rob.
stamps foot
Haha, I know you do.
Sadly I don't own a Kindle. So I can't even pirate Rob's new book.
I'll rip it into a pdf and email it to you.
Perhaps he can retell it here, in his own words.
@RegDwighт Kindle Player for PC.
I don't own a Kindle either.
There's also the cloud reader.
@Robusto it's a thing?
And it's a free thing?
How else do you plan to read my novels when I finish writing them?
If you don't read one right away, is it still novel?
I guess I could give you a free copy for doing the German translation.
@MετάEd That's awful. Just awful. I will have to steal it.
I don't like the whole "we can take all your ebooks away on a whim" nature of amazon, so some other way, I guess.
@MattЭллен We have a real paper book for sale on Amazon.
@MattЭллен I will trade you for one of yours then.
Fuck, I was going to work from home but my rermote desktop doesn't want to work. I may have to go in after all. Fuck.
can't take that awaaaaay from meeeee
@KitFox :D deal!
@Robusto Oh that bites. Increased security?
@MετάEd orly? what is it?
It's a collection of fairy tale poetry.
That sounds like fun.
I like fairy tales.
@KitFox I dunno. Might be a network issue at work, or my work computer may have shut down unexpectedly. Either way, hassle time.
Try punching it.
Or jQuery.
I guess I passed this table so that the detail would match the summary. scratches head
@KitFox We got Gail Carson Levine.
I hate network issues.
The writing is amazing.
@KitFox um. If I am to do the German translation, I will have a free copy, in two languages.
Whacha wanna gimme, the text I only just translated?
In fact, if I am to do the German translation, I will give you a free copy of your book. In German.
Yeah. See? It's funny.
Es ist lustig.
And I'll give you a second copy, absolutely free, for doing the Russian translation.
I am just full of beans this morning.
But what if I order now and am among the first hundred callers?
Then I'll throw in a pair of gently used panties.
I'd expect a free skyscraper and some shea butter.
Laundered, if you prefer.
@RegDwighт but wait! if you order ... now then you'll get a free set of steak knives
I only accept stuff I laundered myself, and only in money.
@MετάEd Really? That's cool.
@MattЭллен aMAzing! What will they invent next?
wonders never cease!
Dear wonders, please cease and desist.
@KitFox Yes.
@RegDwighт All Russian money is laundered, I thought.
I said money. As in, not Russian.
Which reminds me: is the Russian mafia going to put a hit out on Cyprus now?
Who gives a shit about Cyprus. Not even half of Cyprus.
@Robusto You mean like break one of its fingers?
Why one?
@RegDwighт Well, from what I understand, Cyprus was a favorite spot for laundering (and folding and storing) Russian money.
That was like a year ago. They are long gone. They are not stupid.
The buck starts with these people, it never stops with them.
You funneh.
And you're a fox.
I am? checks Oh yeah.
Also a kit.
We'd need to check her affiliations.
Oh, sorry. Rabbit-holed.
I haven't watched Seinfeld in maybe fifteen years.
@RegDwighт We call those fillies of hers littermates where I come from.
Here they started airing the very first seasons a few weeks ago.
May 23 '11 at 12:05, by Kit
@RegDwight I am not affiliated with Knight Industries.
These I haven't watched in maybe sixteen years.
I did watch Knight Rider just the other day, though.
And I think there was a character called Kit.
I was funnier back then.
> Is its too a development in the Indian English?
Q: Indian English usage of "na"

JashanI have heard a lot of conversations end up in the word "na" mainly among in youth of India. eg: You know naa.., You have phone naa.. etc. Does it make any sense? Is its too a development in the Indian English?

The car was a kit you bought from an ad in the back of a 'gentleman's' magazine.
...from parts picked in the dumpster outside the back of Radio Shack
I think it’s a “Hey, Jude” question.
@Mitch Which magazine, Justice League of America?
Popular mechanics
Yeah it's a 'hey jew' question. 'naa' is from Ashkenazi 'nu'. "I'll just sit here in the dark, nu."
Anyone happen to know the LaTeX control sequence for an endash?
That's the one I use.
@KitFox Two hyphen-minus characters.
Q: What is the LaTeX command for "em dash" (—)?

TarekI am trying to insert the symbol in the title of the question, which I copied from a PDF article, but it appears as space in the output file. What is the corresponding LaTeX command?

Em dash is three.
Take 3 for an em dash.
Damn it.
I am so faster.
Thx. I don't know why I couldn't remember that.
I don’t think this can be rescued:
Q: Help sheet for determiners and prepositions

lightshoneI'm trying to produce a simple help sheet for foriegn speakers on English determiners and prepositions. Specifically, a basic description of when to use each type of determiner, and then the list of exceptions etc. Also, for prepositions, perhaps a list of the 10 or 20 most commonly used prepos...

Christopher Houston "Kit" Carson (December 24, 1809 Carson explored the west to California, and north through the Rocky Mountains. He lived among and married into the Arapaho and Cheyenne tribes. He was hired by John C. Fremont as a guide, and led 'the Pathfinder' through much of California, Oregon and the Great Basin area. He achieved national fame through Fremont's accounts of his expeditions. He became the hero of many dime novels. Carson was a courier and scout during the Mexican-American war from 1846 to 1848, celebrated for his rescue mission after the Battle of San Pasqual and h...
Other famous Kits.
And I'm out. Laters.
That’s the one everybody knows.
He lives down in the Crestones.
Kit Carson Peak is one of the 54 fourteeners in the state of Colorado. It lies in the Sangre de Cristo Range near Crestone Peak and Crestone Needle and is named after the frontiersman Kit Carson. The peak is also known as Kit Carson Mountain, a name that is used for both the massif with three summits (Columbia Point, Kit Carson Peak and Challenger Point) or to describe the main summit only. Recent history In 1995, the Baca Ranch, which included Kit Carson Peak, was purchased for $15 million by a group that included Yale University. By 1997, one of the partners in the group, ranch...
I used to go there a lot. It’s very nice.
The exceptions have exceptions. The rules are chaos. A cheat sheet is hopeless, you cant even cheat at English. Just learn them one by one. Or learn Java, no prepositions
@tchrist good luck with that.
Help sheet for prepositions.
That's the last thing anybody needs. Literally. It's the last thing one can possibly master.
Filling three tomes, too.
everyone you meet / they're jamming in the street / all night long
@RegDwighт They misunderstand the entire language acquisition process.
Or misapprehend, even.
Everyone does that. Especially people who have never learned a foreign language. But also the rest.
Nobody stops to think for a second how they learned their mother tongue.
It'll be a hit new comedy: How I Tongued Your Mother
How I Misacquired A Language.
When I search for bubo scandiacus, my image is the second.
Is that because I am logged in as me?
That can't be because that image is on Commons and in no way tied to my Google account.
Has Google become that smart? Or my image that popular?
when I search, your image is 3rd
So it's still on top.
the 3rd image in your screen grab is first and the second one is second
One place is nothing, could do with IP, time zone, previous search history, browser, orc color, really anything.
@MattЭллен the third image is first? But that's mine as well.
It's the same owl.
The photos were taken like thirty seconds apart.
@RegDwighт ah, well there you go. you're famous!
On y voit.
Did you mean en?
Well, I’m being locative.
Y tú mamá tambien
Not partitive.
We see there/that thing.
Yes, and I'm being tryingtounderstandive.
On le voit, then.
Yes, better.
@MattЭллен Esa película ya la vi.
Moi aussi
¿Y te ha divertido ésa?
oh, wait, not I haven't
I just remember thinking about watching it a lot.
@MattЭллен It's really good. I watched it a few months ago.
Mkay, they are adding new projects to CUUSOO now.
Three are up already.
Mine is not.
waits for it
It's usually only three to five per day.
@MattЭллен You should watch it.
hmmm. it's not on Lovefilm instant. why aren't all their films on instant? ripping is really easy FFS
Même si tu n’as pas d’espagnole.
Why the hell French uses indicative there I Do Not Understand.
What the hell French is that?
Why isn’t that subjunctive?
hells bells
Hall's balls
I guess you have to use bien que if you want a subjunctive clause. That’s lamissimo.
@RegDwighт Now I know where you live.
No comprendo, pero si, hablo un poco de Español. No mucho, y no bien.
I had no idea you were caged.
@MattЭллен You have to use with an acute whenever you mean yes or the emphatic particle. The other si means either if or the reflexive pronoun.
I did wonder. I forget how accents work in languages, because I don't use them
Yo sí sé lo que dices, pero no no sé si lo sabes tú.
1982 wow
Yay for writing documentation!
@MattЭллен Spanish uses written accents either to override the stress rule or else to distinguish homophones.
@KitFox it's not much of a secret. It's on my wiki user page.
Has been for a decade.
@MattЭллен Every language uses them for different things altogether. French uses them for pronunciation or etymology, not for stress.
hiding in plain sight!
@MattЭллен Además, no se usa letra mayúscula con lenguas en castellano.
@RegDwighт I meant the owl. Sheesh. No fun at all.
@KitFox so did I. Sheesh.
oh. I guess that's just my English showing
@RegDwighт Sheesh.
Did you know that sheesh backwards is hseehs?
I can see that.
how did you guys like my musical intermission?
It was not yours. It was Falco's.
Old school, bro.
And it wasn't available in my country.
@RegDwighт Untrue: ʃiʃ backwards is still ʃiʃ.
And I had posted it in this room myself countless times.
@tchrist untrue. A ʃ in front of an i is nothing like a ʃ.
ʃi is not the same as ʃ, glottal stop, i. If that makes it easier.
Someone should do that nice visualization, what's it's called.
examines his glottis
The stuff linguists do day in day out, I can never remember the name.
Some spectogram shit.
or graph?
Or that.
Especially seeing that it's Wodan's day.
Graph doesn’t count.
Graph is German for count!
Nor is one.
Count van Count.
@RegDwighт Makes more sense on Tyr's day, dunnit?
Graf Zahl.
@KitFox you tell me. I'm not much into sense these days.
hands @Kit a drink to quench her Tryst
Sense and sensormatically.
I have no trysts.
Not on Wodan’s day, no.
Today you have wood.
I thought I had just one.
Ed Wood.
Het Wood.
It’s fucking blizzarding on me again. I just had 14" and now I can’t see again. This is the oddest not-spring.
Het woodtje.
Where's Cerberustje?
A gould question.
@Cerberus! Whereje artje thouje?
he's taking a dragon's age to respond
Oh! I get it. Hahah.

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