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Is that Death Cab?
The 88.
Oh. I see. It says right there.
My personal rate of return on my 403b was 14.5% this year.
In case you were interested.
I don't even know what a 403B is.
It's a 401k for educators.
In the death cab.
Oh noes!!1! i iz out of coffee pods!
Since when are educators in the death cab?
Since I was labelled thusly.
Completely unjustly.
You want justice? Go to a whorehouse. You want to get fucked? Go to court.
What justice will you find at a whorehouse?
Come on, even you should be able to connect the dots on that one.
First coffee, reheated from yesterday. Still warming up.
Apparently, it will take a while.
What, did I move to Alaska? I don’t usually complain about the weather, but it’s fucking April and single digits. I have more than a foot of new snow out there.
And downtown is several degrees colder still, great.
You'd like to be fucking April, wouldn't you?
We’ve broken our old record low temp.
Spring is not in the air.
My daffodils and violets and hyacinths sure did look nice though.
@KitFox What? Someone called you a coffee pod? The nerve!
In other news...
even though this is totally off-topic, I welcome its entertainment value...
Q: Riddle about ATM machine

Mr.J4mesI am about to have a presentation about an ATM machine. I want to have a nice introduction by using a riddle to introduce our topic. However, I have googled for hours without any results. I'd be very grateful if you could show me a good riddle that describes an ATM machine :P.

All I can think of is the old joke: "What's the difference between an ATM and your mother?"
My mother's dead. Happy now?
Oh...so you know the joke?
An ATM puts out twenties.
Why did the ATM machine cross the road?
To crush the addict's head?
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
ATM machine.
ATM machine who?
See, I didn't say I knew the answers to the riddles about ATM machines. Only the riddles themselves.
ATM machine is in ur lobby, dispensin ur monies.
What do you get when you cross an ATM machine with a baboon?
A red-assed Republican.
@KitFox link? I don't see him even commenting.
A: Non-rhotic dialects and intrusive r

Colin FineThe "intrusive r" is well known, common, and often stigmatised, in non-rhotic forms of British English.

Re: ATM riddles - see..it is totally on topic.
OK, that's Colin Firth or Colin Fire or somebody... and yes it is shocking because it means it must be a really common phenomenon to be stigmatized.
Yet you hear it said in even the poshest BrE accents.
@KitFox Not very helpful.
Not even an answer.
Doesn’t seem like it to me, no.
@Mitch Wow. Really. tweaks brain I swear I read that three times as StoneyB.
It's a great comment.
@KitFox You should stop tweaking. Bad for your health.
I converted it.
I've had many comments, now two useless answers.
Yeah, I tried to leave a comment asking if it was a comment, and got the red box.
I've never had such an unanswered question.
I was going to flag it, but that would only encourage you as both the mod and the OP to move it.
Or maybe I have, I dunno.
I thought I chased down a bunch of intriguing references.
You did.
No, I didn’t post them as an answer, just here.
@Mitch And you thought I oughtn't?
Also, it would contribute to the delinquency of comment chain lengths, which you have been known to chide @tchrist for.
@tchrist you should make an answer out of them.
also, see the wikipedia article on just your question.
The remaining answer is probably incorrect, because we did find a rhotic accent that had it.
This one is ridiculous. I mean, the third comment is an answer. Half of the comments are answers, but no one is answering. coughs Mitch coughs
And there are about fifteen comments on it.
@Mitch I did, but a bunch of the articles that tchrist posted and other sources suggest that Wiki is wrong.
@KitFox If this were a case of civil rights legislation, you'd have to recuse yourself. As it is... oh I just remembered, I brought snacks!
Well, not wrong, per se, but too generic.
@KitFox Oh. Then @tchrist better get his act together. And all his references too. and make an official answer.
I had Kris all over me for my moderating yesterday, so today I'm just going to eat chocolate and let the site degenerate.
@Mitch I could probably update my question with more information about the things I've learned, but it's irritating to have a bunch of answers in the comments.
I could just copy everybody's stuff and self-answer, I guess.
@KitFox It's funny how...I was going to say how funny it is that people can be annoying. It's not that funny.
@KitFox Is this part of the open record?
@KitFox I would totally upvote that.
unless @tchrist answered it.
@tchrist You can read the comments yourself. Well, not the ones I deleted.
Yes, I read them.
That’s why I asked the way I did.
I wish deleted comments were readable.
Actually I take that back. I delete half my comments right after I post them.
@Matt +1 Great observation! 'not modern': like, pre-Internet. With you on that one. — Kris 7 hours ago
They are for me. I take you can't see them?
because they're mean and snarky (or both).
well, if had my choice of superpowers, i'd pick time-travel or invisibility first, but reading deleted comments would work.
Q: Can I use "lardy-dardy" to describe a man's gay lisp and gesture?

dancer20If this is not OK, I have three more questions. How can I ever use lardy-dardy? Which word should I be using instead? Is there a new generation of buzzwords to use?

Oh shit. You can see that I'm lying! I only delete like every so often, and I'm not mean or snarky usually (or am I?). In fact the 'ATM and you mom' joke was the only one recently.
@tchrist oh...that totally deserves snark.
@Mitch Surely you mean thnark.
@Mitch I have to look them up. They aren't immediately apparent, unlike deleted posts.
@Cerberus Yeah that's not a very good intro. And it glosses over the fact that many custom roms are crap and getting worse because the manufacturer support can be terrible (cough asus, samsung)
wonders whether we can use Gothic in our usernames
oh gawd why oh why do people have to eat in the office and stink the place out?
we even have a kitchen-cum-dining room they can eat in
one or the other, but not both!
@tchrist Snark, yes, but it's a legitimate question.
the title question is legitimate, but the rest is a mess. "can I ever use lardy-dardy?" What the hell is being asked by this? Can I?
Which out of the new generation of buzzwords can I use to describe a slovenly woman who tries too hard to get ahead in the corporate world instead of taking care of her family at home where she belongs?
Just asking.
Fembitch, I think, is the most modern term I can think of.
Legit question.
slovenly like messy, or slovenly like slut?
Oh slutty, of course.
The glass ceiling is mirrored.
No, slutty is old school.
What? That is my favorite word in online scrabble which isn't considered a word.
That's ridiculous!
I know!
But 'butt' is OK. What are they thinking?
which online scrabble are you playing?
um...not actually scrabble but...what's the name...word twist... I think (make as many words as you can from a scrambled 6 letter word).
The online scrabble dictionary accepts both slut and slutty
As well it should.
so lots of opportunities for 4 letter words which they don't allow, plus some words like 'slut'
Cuss words really ought to be acceptable.
the scrabble dictionary is like the most inclusive dictionary I've ever used. almost every letter combination is in there.
they also allow qi which means they are poltically twisted.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah. I hate the Scrabble dictionary. Trhjpwt means "a word that is made up to use up the letters on your Scrabble tray."
That's a good word
50-point bonus
hard to fit it on the board though
unless there's a dangling S
My highest scoring word was 93 points, besieged.
then you can do trhjpwts
I once put "Quintile" on some kind of doubler or tripler, that was pretty sweet
Wow. Nice.
We keep all our scrabble scores written in little notebooks so we can flip back and say "wow, on Jan 2nd 2001 I beat you by 30 points"
My mom has a notebook with games going back to the 90s
back then the final scores were like 70-63-90 or something
we were pretty bad players
there's an actual scrabble dictionary?
it isn't mandatory for the rules
all the players just need to accept some third-party arbiter
> xylophone does not appear in Merriam-Webster's Official SCRABBLE® Players Dictionary, 4th Edition.
I like using the scrabble one because it's free, online, and hard for other people to disagree about it
Yeah, but then you have those annoying people who memorize the made up Scrabble words and use them. I hate that.
Hate that.
haha, that's us
We have a notebook down at our camp with canasta scores from the 60s.
we're always using tricks like "vee" is the name of the letter V
XYLOID [17 pts]

resembling wood


a hard, woody fruit

XYLOL [15 pts] , (XYLOLS)


XYLOSE [16 pts] , (XYLOSES)

a type of sugar


the preparation of sections of wood for microscopic examination
Those are the only words containing xylo in the official dictionary
Well, I'll give you that. But really, things like, I dunno, etx or something.
@KitFox that's a long time. I've never played canasta
I haven't either. It was from my grandparent's generation. I don't know how many years worth of scores there are, but it's a lot.
@KitFox not found. But that'd be a sweet word to use. I've memorized a list of Q-without-U words.
Also, they kept notes about what game they had hunted. Or not.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, no. We couldn't play scrabble together. Or we'd have to agree on a real dictionary.
@KitFox we also play leniently: people are allowed to place a word, and if it's challenged and they lose, we let the place another word
"xylophone" "xylophone isnt a real word" "yes it is" "nope, not here in the scrabble dictionary" "then what's this thing i'm playing?" "wooden... boards... musical thing."
I bet xylophone was left out of the Scrabble dictionary intentionally, so that one of the editors could use it as her ace-in-the-hole.
@Jez yeah very odd that it's not in there.
So I just checked some of the scrabble q-without-u words and they are in OED
"Xylophone for 80,000 points! Haha, sucker!" "Nope. I challenge it." "What? Are you crazy? Everyone knows that xylophone is a word!" smug smile, pushes Scrabble dictionary across table
i thought people just used real dictionaries with scrabble anyway
maybe because it has more than 8 letters?
oh you cant have more than 8 letters in scrabble? i dont play it
you have 7 tiles
Scrabble words can have more than 8 letters...
You could put xylo- on phone.
or x.......e
but I think the scrabble dictionary doesn't list words longer than certain sizes
> qualification does not appear in Merriam-Webster's Official SCRABBLE® Players Dictionary, 4th Edition.
that must be it
So...you could challenge any word longer than 8 letters and win.
tries not to look at main site
> fictional does not appear in Merriam-Webster's Official SCRABBLE® Players Dictionary, 4th Edition.
oh, the word
@KitFox Just use the OED: that way any short random sequence of letters counts as a word, and many longer ones. :)
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 we allow 'convincing arguments' or ones that just sound good, or words that ...well we just like to fill out the board.
Sometimes we played red-neck scrabble, wherein you were required to misspell words.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 qatar? it's a proper noun! verboten!
@KitFox ?? for real? I can misspell words pretty good. just by one letter? or all?
ha ha I didn't mean that.
or that
@Mitch Convincingly.
@KitFox oh, or kindergartener scrabble, where you have to spell everything like my daughter does. well, did. she's much better already.
@RegDwighт Nice. You know, I was thinking of Pentium MMX processors for some reason.
then she'd be able to play.
@Mitch good [gʊd], a., adv., and sb. Forms: 1 gód, good, 2-6 god, 4-6 gode, 3-4 guod(e, 4 godd(e, goed, (gowde), 4-5 goud(e, 4-6 good(d)e, 4-8 Sc. guid(e, 4-9 Sc. and north. gud(e, (4 gwde, 5 guyd, 6 north. gewd), 4- good.
@RegDwighт See how my brain automatically goes through the most convoluted spasms in order not to understand you?
!! but those are historical, like pre 1700's
@Mitch Read the century numbers, son.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You mean if you have a custom ROM and you're using an Asus phone, there won't be an AOSP ROM available on Google for ROM makers to base updates on?
uh Dad? -what- century numbers?
Or is it not called AOSP—I hate abbreviations. You know what I mean.
@Mitch Duh, the ones in the listing.
1 = 1100–1199.
“4-6” means Fourteenth through Sixteenth Centuries.
you mean '4-6 good(d)e" ?
6 = 1600–1699.
If I remember correctly.
And specially, 1 actually means 0-999.
they're just trying to be cryptic!
Yeah OK.
@Mitch Save print.
Wait, so 2 = twelfth century, then?
I always confuse OED notation with Italian.
OK..so my statment stilll stands pre 1700's except for "guid(e, 4-9 Sc." and that's for Scottish which...I don't count.
But they don’t get more specific in the 2E than before 1099. Or 1066. :) Basically, all EOE counts as the same.
Where cinquecento = 1500–1599, si?
@Cerberus What I mean is that certain vendors don't give out enough information to allow rom makers to do things like compile kernels or fix drivers or anything. So the only rom that works properly on the device is its stock rom. See, for example, the Transformer TF101.
@Mitch Scottish English as English still doth count.
@Cerberus Yeah, drives me nuts.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh okay, yeah, but, in most cases, ROM developers overcome those difficulties, at least for the more popular phones.
I suppose the paper OED had an excuse; but, in electronic format, there is none, and they should just write the centuries in full and on new lines.
@Cerberus No, not necessarily. Example: the cyanogenmod project is de-emphasizing the galaxy SIII and SIV unless they get real help from Samsung, because there are serious problems with those phones and samsung isn't helping at all.
The "spelling" section being collapsible anyway.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That was just one guy speaking for himself.
@Cerberus No, that was one of the core CM GSIII devs
not just any guy. one of only two or three doing the work.
The CM team distanced themselves from him. But, sure, it is annoying for them; it's just not impossible, and they will conquer these difficulties.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, but the others still distanced themselves from him.
And he admitted that he spoke only for himself.
@Cerberus The CM team said "we're not excluding samsung" but they also said "but maybe nobody is working on it? who knows, we're not a centralized project"
Yeah OK.
I remember trying ROMs on my Kaiser.
The point being that even a really popular phone might not get third-party dev support if it's too hard to work with.
Things have progressed a lot since then!
The Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM worked, except that sound didn't work...
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Sure, it is a problem, but I don't believe they won't succeed in the end.
They're just complaining (and rightly so).
It has always been a problem; but in fact developers seem to be getting better and better at it. Custom ROMs are better now than they have ever been.
@Cerberus The thing is, the phone hardware changes so fast that lots of phones never get supported. I mean look at the TF101. It's a dual-core 1GB ram tablet, a great candidate for CM, but there is a known bug where it crashes and reboots randomly, that affects a lot of users, and only the stock rom works. Nobody is working to fix it.
It would be a stroke of extreme bad luck if the S4 of all phones should fail to get a few good custom ROMs.
@Cerberus not bad luck: bad developer relations on samsung's part.
Hm. Did someone change the room topic? I am pretty sure the first kanji was "two", not "hrgmphl".
You swooped.
Sure, sometime you're out of luck. It's not perfect. But, no offence, the Transformer is a less popular device. That's why I would personally be more inclined to get a more popular phone/tablet.
@Cerberus it was the most popular tablet at the time.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Bad luck for users. Other Samsung phones do work.
@Robusto will not stand this aggression.
Still nowhere near as popular as the S4 will be.
I would probably wait until a decent custom ROM had been developed anyway, before buying a phone or tablet.
I have a question.
@Cerberus well, there were no roms for tablets at the time, because of the whole honeycomb kerfuffle
That was long before the coming of Christ!
I.g. the coming of Icecream Sandwich.
Android tablets, and tablets in general, have become a lot more popular (though still nowhere near as popular as phones).
The TF101 was released with HC 3.0, then got updates for 3.1 and 3.2 then ICS 4.0.
Not many of my friends have tablets.
I can think of one. There are probably more, but a small minority.
And it wasn't until ICS AOSP was released that it was even possible to build ICS... and then it took a long time for rom makers to incorporate ICS into their code.
In fact JB source dropped right after the first ICS rom release from CM.
Do you think Samsung has become so popular because they really make better phones, or because of other reasons?
Well, I do think they make top-notch phones
I don't really see it. HTC is just as good if you ask me. Except that they have no removable stuff.
And LG? Their phones look good.
almost every LG phone I've seen is garbage
lately they've improved a bit
The Optimus G?
I have no idea why anything is popular with the general populace, ever. I never owned a Samsung, always hated Razr with a passion, and it still escapes me why Nokia ever was famous for anything.
well, you're looking at their latest flagship phone
I have an LG mid-range phone from 2011 on my desk and it's awful.
@RegDwighт Yeah, I wonder about Nokia too...
I am not even mentioning iPhones, of course.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Why is it awful?
@RegDwighт Oh, I wasn't even thinking of those.
It looks ugly, the plastic back feels cheap, like old packaging, the screen is mediocre, and it's slow as hell. really fucking slow.
It's slower than my nexus S which came out the year before.
And it only runs ICS despite having enough horsepower for JB
The Asus we gave to my friend actually works pretty well. The screen is clearly lower quality, and there is something odd about the camera; but the rest seems to work just as well as Samsung phones.
Even the N4 which is a pretty nice phone, I don't like it as much as I liked the GN.
Why not?
I like the feel of it, but the screen bugs me, and it has no support for USB accessories.
More importantly, is this something the average person would really notice?
and the power button is hard to press.
@RegDwighт My favorite old cell was a Samsung. I liked it because it was a compact flip phone and it was really durable. I have an HTC now and it's pretty good OK.
@Cerberus well Nokia did have a great GUI and was a charm to use, I'll give them that. But that was back when there were no GUIs at all and the only things you ever used your Nokia for was texting, playing Snake, and actually making calls. That lasted for about two years, I'd say. Tops. Why they were able to stay ahead for a full decade longer, I will never understand.
My first phone was a flip Samsung too!
Was it blue?
@Cerberus In Canada, anyway, people don't notice anything about the quality of the phone because all the phones in stores are plastic dummies.
It wasn't my first, but it was the first one I liked.
@RegDwighт Ah OK, so it started around the time of the 3310? I remember everyone had that one.
I owned four Siemenses, then they went out of business, and I've been with SonyEricsson ever since. Never had any complaints, not once.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I mean when comparing between friends. You know.
@KitFox Mine was silver-grey.
Black and white screen.
@Cerberus well, sure. average users will notice what the phone looks like or how slow it is and tell their friends.
We are Siamese, if you please
@Cerberus yes, and the problem with Nokia — my problem, that is, but apparently not anybody else's — is that fast forward fifteen years they are still at the level of the 3310, give or take.
@RegDwighт Such selection! I don't think I can get those around here.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 What I am questioning is whether the things you were saying are really big enough for casual users to notice.
@RegDwighт Heh yeah, the law of ehh what is it called?
Anyway Samsung is also in a good position in north america because they didn't have any brand issues that I can recall. They were known as a decent brand, maybe not the best, but better than average. Whereas LG's brand is not so good here, and Sony has done a lot to piss off people. Sony doesn't have brand loyalty like other companies do.
Der Gesetz der Bremsenden Vorsprung?
and HTC is a totally unknown brand here.
@KitFox my first Siemens was also the first mobile phone ever to feature a color screen. It had three colors: red, green and blue, and could generate a couple shades in-between these. Twas fun.
That's what it's called in Dutch anyway, except not in German.
@RegDwighт Ooooh, aaaaah.
Yeah, I could play Reversi on it. Reversi! Blue vs. Red. In the 90s! Imagine that!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Do average people really have this impression of brands? Because, for me, all of the Asian brands seemed much alike, and they still do, to some extent.
It is only because of you that I have become afraid of Sony.
I couldn't do that on my phone until...um...2005, I think.
@Cerberus Of course people have impressions of brands. It's what a lifetime of advertising does for you.
Q: What is the difference between intellection, cerebration, mentation and thinking?

SoulzI looked them up in the dictionary. They all seem to be related to the process of thinking but I don't exactly understand how they differ from each other.

@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 But HTC had the first really popular smartphone! After Blackberry, that is.
Even I instinctively distrust brands I've never seen before. They have reputations, real or imagined.
@Cerberus popular where?
Intellection? Mentation?
I havetion never heard of such thingtions.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Are you sure? Because I really don't have an impression of many mainstream brands except that they exist.
Kool and the Gang.
Mentation is straight out of Dune.
Like Sony, LG, Samsung, Asus, HTC...
@Cerberus I'm pretty sure. I saw it all the time when I sold computers.
Ask me in 2010, and I would have totally shrugged.
Hah - was reversi actually released as Othello because of the black/white thing?
Dell, HP, Compaq...still no idea.
To be honest, I usually didn't really believe one mainstream brand could be much better than the others.
I remember playing Othello in elementary school.
@Cerberus there were more brands back then: IBM, AST, Packard Bell, ...
I remember the commercials for it too.
@KitFox so you're one of them Dune nerds? reddit.com/r/geek/comments/1bhnuv/i_count_5/c96w906
Oh sure, IBM and Bell are the same thing. I wouldn't have cared for one brand or the other.
An unknown brand, that is something else.
@Cerberus but they can, and are. Usually it depends on the company and the product line. EG when I sold computers, Compaq was a pretty reliable brand, and AST was CRAP. really awful. But on paper their computers looked equivalent.
@RegDwighт The book, or the game Dune, or Dune II?
AST, though, made really unreliable computers and their customer support was terrible.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I still don't believe the difference in "quality" is that big.
@Cerberus You ask me? You ask me? Well I'm the only one here. You ask me?
Why not ask you?
I liked all Dunes.
Then, after a couple years, Compaq came out with a new line of computers (the ones with a Q button on them that made the computer play a video narrated by the actor who played Q on star trek). That whole line of computers was awful, truly awful. so full of defects.
Although I haven't read all the sequels.
I have read the books written by his son. A bit more...superficial, but still very enjoyable.
I liked Claire Dunes in Shakespeare in Love. But then she stopped looking cute and started doing Home Insecurity.
@Cerberus It's the difference between a computer that actually works, versus one that crashes randomly or totally locks up, or just fails. I'm talking really high failure rates.
they're all in the dictionary, but they're all uncommon, or maybe even rare
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You see, 99 % of my friends wouldn't have known this.
Homeland is officially the most boringsest shit to ever walk the face of this planet.
It is not even interesting to an American. Much less to an Unamerican.
@Cerberus Well, the thing is, people DID know this. back then computer reliability was a big problem. and certain brands had reputations that even uninformed people had heard.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I don't know, all computers seem to work pretty well. I have never seen a computer that really didn't (and it wasn't the user's installing tons of crap).
@Cerberus you're just a child. How many computers did you buy/sell/repair/build in the late 90s?
@RegDwighт I don't know.
Maybe it was different in the 90s.
I understood all the references, but I read the books. Does that make me a Dune nerd?
But, in the aughties, all I remember is that people didn't care about brands.
Or have any idea about quality.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh god, why must you bring up such painful memories?
@Cerberus It was. Windows NT and Windows 95/98 changed things quite a lot. Plug-n-Play was a feature they had to invent, and advertise, because before that it was Plug-n-pray.
My PC at home is a Compaq. I have no idea who Q is, but at least it doesn't say "Hello" in Mr Zulu's voice when booting up.
I remember trying to get extended memory to work...I must have mentioned that before.

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