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Not just cats, kittens! Awwww that's adorable!
One more, then I'll stop spamming.
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too cute
too...many....adorable....kitties.....*head explodes*
Here is a cute kitten gif if anyone wants it.
Now I'm done.
Oh, you.
You just had to throw that one in there!
In all fairness I was lulled into a false sense of kitten-security!
Kittens have a way of doing that.
Where's @cerb when you need someone else to click the links so it's not just you?
Well, he's never going to click it now. Not that he was the target; it was you that I was planning to trap.
He still doesn't know what the link is, though. I have a feeling curiosity might win out. Plus if I ask nicely he might do it :)
He knows what the link is.
Hmm what?
I am very curious.
Come on, Cerb. You know this one.
You know what the link is, if think hard enough.
Oh, just click it already
"The" link?
He posted two links up there
The one in question, yes.
Aww yeah. Bon jovi, everyone.
"here is a cute kitten" and "yet another"
click them
I have!
Hello there.
Both of them?
And they are cute! I see three.
No not pictures
The links, he posted them after the pictures
The links, doggy.
@Mahnax Click the back arrow here
Ohh the ones in chat.
yes lol
I thought the stars.
Oh, no
How droll of you, Sir Humphrey.
You clicked, then?
Come on, man. You knew that one.
I laughed :)
I haven't been rickrolled in years
I know such links exists, yes.
@WendiKidd Really?
@Cerberus Yep. Does that mean I don't spend enough time on the internet? xD
eating pancake
@WendiKidd Or too much! If you've become immune.
Oh no, I've clogged the star wall. Sorry, Reg.
Though I am online quite often. Maybe not in the right places!
You need Google Glass, then.
I do still enjoy hearing that song once in a while.
I wonder why it was ever chosen in this capacity?
It's not even a bad song, though.
I like it.
I love the jeans suit.
Or something.
And he has such a deep voice for a small man.
Johnny had a little drink,
But Jonny drinks no more,
For what he thought was H₂0
Was H₂SO₄.
@Cerberus The denim jacket?
Or does he only look small because of the oversized clothes?
@Mahnax And trousers!
@Cerberus Oh, indeed.
@Mahnax That sounds poisonous.
@Cerberus Sulfuric acid.
Seems hard to mistake for water.
They're both colourless…
Gosh, how almost-unscientific of me.
Yeah but when your tongue starts melting I think you'd notice
Someone made an April's Fool joke warning people that their tap water might contain dihydrogen monoxide.
Telling people that ingesting too much of it was lethal, and immersion halts breathing.
Many concerned citizens called the police and health authorities.
@Cerberus I'm very sad to hear that.
Oy. April Fools jokes that cause mass hyteria should not be allowed.
But it was so funny!
@Mahnax Yeah...people should just Google it if they don't understand chemical terminology!
@Cerberus Although Googling hydronium hyrdroxide is fairly pointless for someone who is clueless enough to fall for the joke.
What is that?
I dropped chemistry after one year...
H₃0⁺+OH⁻ -> 2H₂O
So if you use both names consecutively, that means "the product of the reaction between the two substances"?
Hydronium and hydroxide are what make acids acids and bases bases.
@Cerberus Eh, sort of. There's a whole crap-ton of naming rules.
I remember 2,3-dimethyloctane and such.
That was fun.
@Mahnax Ah!
I just really disliked my teacher.
That was false, I think.
And the book was boring.
@Cerberus Ah, ambitious.
The "ph stands for…" bit was false.
Who's ambitious?
You, hehe.
Dropping out of Chem because of the teacher!
It was a joke, perhaps a little ad hominem. Sorry.
Oh. Well, I already had so many subjects.
Ah OK, I get it.
I understand.
Normally, you took 7 subjects. I had 9, so I alreadyhad 4 overlapping ones.
And you really don't need Chemistry for palaeography.
So I had to skip many hours of Latin, Greek, French, and History.
Indeed not.
@Cerberus The important things.
I was considering studying physics at uni, and you didn't need chemistry for that.
@Mahnax Well...none of the stuff in school was really important.
Hmm, they overlap a little, but no, I suppose not.
Mathematics B and physics were required, I think.
I like Maths.
I suppose it's different for you.
Yes, it's likely.
Yeah, I liked maths all right, most of the time.
Wow, I'm going to have a good amount of transfer credits come the end of next year.
Oops, never mind.
> Transfer credit is awarded for Higher Level (HL) exams where a final grade of at least 5 is achieved. No transfer credit is
awarded for Standard Level (SL) exams.
That means I'll only get credits for Biology, English, and History, provided I achieve the required 5.
What are they good for?
Getting one out of taking first year uni classes.
What does that mean?

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