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@tchrist "But Microsoft broke its 2009 pledge and was fined 561 million euros by the EU Commission on March 6 for failing to offer users a choice of web browser."
How does one become unable to download and install a different browser?
Microsoft promised / was ordered to provide a screen at installation where you could pick a browser. They didn't.
I'm not sure why the EC decided to move against MS on this specific issue, as there are so many other things MS has done wrong, but I suppose it is good for users and society in general to encourage browser variety.
Sansa Stark, eldest daughter of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Stark, held captive by the King on the Iron Throne at King's Landing
Arya Stark, youngest daughter of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Stark, missing and presumed dead
Bran Stark, second son of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Stark and heir to Winterfell and the King in the North
Jon Snow, bastard son of Eddard Stark, and a man of the Night's Watch
what the hell is "bastard son"??
@TemporaryNickName Illegitimate son, or natural son. Son out of wedlock.
but he is a legit son
@TemporaryNickName I know nothing of Game of Thrones. But apparently he is not the son of Catelyn Stark, making him illegitimate.
hmm I see
I hope George R.R. Martin won't die before he finishes writing all the series
@TemporaryNickName I'm sure George hopes so, too.
I think most of ideas in Game of Throne has come from real world (e.g. translating Islam religion and call it Mislam in the novel) and other fantasy novels like Lord of the Rings (But only good parts).
Q: Does ‘Yo’ in ‘yo mama joke’ actually refer to “Your” mother?

Yoichi OishiI find “Top 10 Yo Mama So Fat Stupid Joke List” including ‘Yo mama so stupid that she got hit by a parked car’ and “Top 10 Yo Mama So Fat List” including ‘Yo mama so fat she put on her lipstick with a paint-roller.’ Based on Google Ngram, the word, ‘yo mama’ and its counterpart, ‘yo papa’ came i...

+ adult contents (pornographic), which we have never seen before from other epic fantasy novels.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 All right, then.
Apparently Game of Thrones is responsible for the popularity of the word sexposition.
I think I should start asking my friends, "What's your favorite sexposition?"
What is it supposed to mean?
I don't recall hearing that word, if such it is, in Game of Thrones.
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 I think yo moamma joke refers to "hey, mom you are so fat that..."
@Cerberus nooo I was pouring wine!
@cornbreadninja麵包忍者 Slow!
You...you...transcript reader!
@MετάEd do you mean Game of Throne first came up with the term sexposition?
Don't deny it.
but it's too modern word to be used in medieval (or stone age) time isn't it?
@TemporaryNickName I assume the word was coined in response to Game of Thrones, not by Game of Thrones.
Firs time I heard the word. The concept sounds frankly ridiculous.
@Cerberus Apparently a lot of plot exposition takes place during the sex scenes.
I haven't seen the show though.
I have...
I don't remember.
Even calling it exposition seems...off.
Just picking a funny word, even though it doesn't really cover what it is supposed to mean.
Background information <≠> exposition.
Even sexplanation would have been (marginally) better.
@Cerberus I think the double meaning is the hook.
As in expose?
It's still off...
I am sure this kid is going to continue writing Game of Throne when the original author dies
@TemporaryNickName Fanfic?
Either way, original story or fanfic.
@TemporaryNickName Nice.
Well there's writing, and then there's whoriting.
I see we were discussing Uranus earlier.
Is there any reasons why Britney Spears says "Britney is bit**" in her every songs?
Why does it have to be four syllables in Japanese?
It's a two-syllable word.
For that matter, why do people add an extra syllable in English?
How many vowels do you see.
I hope Britney Spears put on a Australian accent one day instead of British accent. So when someone bothers her she can go "It's Britney mate!"
@MετάEd Is it one of those vowels that count as two syllables in Japanese orthophony?
> I’ve typically approached BioWare games as the reincarnation of some major saint, waiving rewards and helping puppies save their lost kittens. I’d resigned myself to selecting the goody-twoboots option throughout Dragon Age 2, and cringing as I politely thanked the man who tried to stab my kidneys out.
@cerb the other day my screenshot thing wasn't working so that is a smartphone pic of my giant monitor. sorry for the blur. I just felt compelled to show you
@aediaλ I'm sorry for the bite marks.
Is that you?
It's funny that I should bring you a book.
I don't remember that scene.
Hey, do I have a subquest?
I don't play with myself.
So I wouldn't know.
It's not a quest, just one of the things the dog can bring you if you're out exploring and you ask if he sees something interesting.
I don't think I took Mabari Cerberus out enough to find everything, but I got a ball of yarn, a few other things and this codex entry.
Ohh! I didn't even know you could do that!
See, no reason to avoid playing with yourself after all.
Regardless of what the Chantry taught you.
It's so hard when I play with myself.
tries to stifle a giggle
But really, I have only a few skills, don't I?
What I like about the three mages in my party is that I can make them do basically anything.
Turn them into fighters too.
Do you use any mods btw.?
Nah 'cause I have the game installed through Steam.
Wait, does that mean you can't use mods??
I don't really know.
I haven't really cared to try either.
I have had to install mine through Origin (because the stupid CD wouldn't work, probably DRM again), but I can install mods just fine.
Oh OK.
I have some nice mods.
Oh gods I hate Origin.
I had heard lots of bad stuff about it, and I hate EA as much as the next guy; but actually, it worked pretty well.
Last time I had to play an Origin game that I was holding the physical DVD for it made me re-download the whole darned thing and I was so angry.
Only unlocking the DLCs didn't work properly, but that is done from within the game. So AE's DRM managed to mess up everything, but it was not Origin!
I did have to redownload the whole game, but that was only because the CD didn't work.
I have this mod that makes all spells and abilities more balanced. I have one that provides more detailed tooltips for nearly everything. I have one that tells you what item you receive when you receive something.
And prettier faces for most of the people.
And more.
Here's me with my awesome hammer of thwacking.
Haha wtf.
I never looked at that hammer this way.
It looks really weird in a few cutscenes that are clearly designed for someone using a blade.
Oh hmm.
I didn't realize there were those.
Either way, it's pretty obscene...
Like I killed an orc and there was this little clip of me stabbing it, but with a giant hammer.
My best buddy Alistair clearly approves.
@aediaλ Oh! That's really stupid.
@aediaλ the game looks nice, what's the title?
I see. He has an interesting taste in women.
Dragon Age: Origins.
It's really fun if you like RPGs.
@Cerberus I am almost never a mage (my husband often plays games as one, and I like seeing the spells, but I just... don't have the patience or something)
Hmm not bad, those stats.
Do you know Scarlet Blade?
You just want to hack away at people? Okay...
By the way, is "+% healing received" bugged for you? It is supposedly bugged.
One of my mods addresses that.
@TemporaryNickName Never heard of it?
It's an interesting RPG game, concept is similar to Game of Throne (they have totally different scenario but..)
I have no way of knowing, I guess.
Yeah it's very hard to test.
I don't die much but it's not like I have a huge % bonus to healing anyway.
Wynne is healing herself or Morrigan more than me anyway at this point because they have so little armor in comparison.
@TemporaryNickName So it's not yet out?
@aediaλ True, true.
I am not sure, but it's the only game in the world 99% of players are men
Hi. Wanted to ask a small question before I hit the sack. Is the word "stickies" appropriate (& common) when referring to important/featured articles? (stickies as in paper stickies)
@TheoneManis It would depend on context whether it even makes sense... "sticky post" is common in the back end of a content management system, but I'm not sure that outside that context it means anything to most people
A post that you make "sticky" would be one that you keep at the top of the page above other blog posts, for example.
But your viewers wouldn't care about the term.
@TemporaryNickName Hmm how is that possible?
I heard in Scarlet Blade, when you goto a town, many characters are standing still naked and dancing while facing no where.
@aediaλ The thing is, on my personal blog, I want to highlight some posts (for myself, but they'd be useful for others too). "Featured" doesn't sound nice in the context of a personal blog. So...
I don't know, sticky/stickied implies for me that they remain at the top of your blog always, even above more recent posts.
It's rather specific, on web pages.
"Stickied"... mmm, nice :)
I don't know whether the verbal or the adjectival form is more common, actually...
IMO "stickied" makes more sense (until I find a better "term"), so thanks for the suggestions @aediaλ and @Cerberus
@TheoneManis I would personally pick something less specific, like "principal" or "important" or "essential"...but it's your blog!
Or "Must-Read".
It also depends on what your blog is about.
It's all about personal rumblings... what I learn, my notes and stuff
so, it's totally personal (yet useful for the public -- sometimes)
Then I'd probably pick something like the above examples.
I wouldn't worry overmuch about it then. Use a label that makes sense to you to categorize these posts, whether that's "highlights" or "read these first" or whatever else.
* ...deep in thought... "Must-Read" or "Stickied"? *
@aediaλ right.
Food for thought as I sleep. Good night, and thanks again!
Good luck!
God damn I hate university
@TheoneManis Good night! Actually, "food for thought" might be nice?
@TemporaryNickName What's it doing to you?
Tiny bit more Dragon Age even though I should be sleeping? Maaybe...
It sucks =( Lecture slides are written in 2005
and most of things aren't even used in real world
@aediaλ Yay!
@TemporaryNickName Hmm I see...
I think maybe I'll play some more too!
I'm still in Orzammar, cleaning up.
My average mark is 75% I guess this is not that bad because lecturer told me you are doing well now
@Cerberus I am a terrible influence, huh.
@TemporaryNickName Sure, it's a nice average.
@aediaλ On the contrary!
So I might going to quit Uni lol it's useless and most of things that I am currently doing (programming) is self taught
Maybe pick different classes?
Or sit it out until you reach more advanced classes?
@TemporaryNickName Hmm. Well, only you can decide if it's worth it.
But if you're near the end I encourage you to get through it, because generally having a degree is better than not.
that's a lecture slide from a class that is the most advanced one in entire Uni lol
If you're not that far in, and you think you will have the opportunity to go back later (or to a different school) after some real-world experience, maybe that is an option?
Some good things I learned from university is obviously improved my English little bit.
Keep in mind, though, I think everyone hates some of their classes.
I want to improve more and more
Good evening.
@Cerberus Heh.
@Mahnax Hiya!
@aediaλ Ahoy there!
Ahoy, cap'n.
How's it going?
Do you ever play PC games, or are those for kids?
Grey Wardeningly!
I realised only today why your title as Grey Warden is mentioned so much by people.
Because they cannot pronounce your name.
It's like how they call Shepard Shepard.
In Mass Effect.
Never played that.
I know the two games are often compared.
But it has FPS combat, right?
You'll be working on a romance and they still call you Shepard. Not that I don't call some friends by their last names - several of the many Matts I know I can't even think of as Matt properly, college habits die hard - but it is funny.
Hey, I'm a Matt. Sorta.
Sometimes I forget. It's been one of those days.
It's uhh third person with pausing abilities to use powers
Nowhere near the number of powers as DAO.
And a lot more shooting in realtime.
@Mahnax Hmm do you? Why?
You're still Bob to me, but also Mattish.
@aediaλ Hmm so you have to point and shoot all the time?
That's what I was afraid of.
@Cerberus I always think of my name as Matthew, and I imagine Matt as a separate entity, so whenever someone calls me Matt I think "hey, that's me?".
Ah OK.
Yeah especially in hard battles I guess there's a lot of shooting.
Does anyone call your Matt?
I sniped.
No auto-target?
I wonder what DA2's battle is like.
Hmm things improve targeting and you can look at the situation while paused
I believe you have to click to execute all the moves by hand for your controlled character.
@aediaλ Hmm OK.
I just hate button mashing and aiming, in an RPG.
It wasn't that bad for me and I'm really not a big FPS type gamer. In fact ME2 was what got me into the modern action/rpg sort of genre
Oh! So what is this genre? DA?
I think fallout, skyrim, mass effect, maybe dragon age would all fit (but I've read varying definitions)
Sorry for the typing, switched to the phone and have DAO up again :)
Hi @simchona
@aediaλ But combat is totally different in DA compared to those other games.
After a long period we've met.
Real time + aiming v. pausable and instructable.
Well, ME is perhaps a bit in between.
@Cerberus: It'd be early morning at your end?
I wonder you wake up so early.
@Cerberus:Today we've festival called as Holi.
Its amazing in our culture.
Yeah it's early morning, and bed time for me.
Have fun with/at your festival!
disappears in a cloud of smoke
So you're going for sleep?
We make a variety of colors to greet our acquaintances, friends.
Bye @Cerberus
Go for sleep.
I'm also leaving.
6 hours later…
@Cerberus The Google Translate anglification looks to have four, or even five, syllables.
Q: I am puzzled by conflicting opinion on a coffee. I am puzzled by conflicting opinion on coffee

Atique KhanThis sentence is from syllabus book. And am confused which is correct?

All I have to add is that I too am puzzled by such conflicting opinions over coffee.
I mean, can't we all just get along?
no. I am right about coffee, all people who disagree must be exterminated.
Good lord. Why is that open?
because of rubber neckers.
That's not funny. I have a neck ... compromised by extra flexibility.
Also I came here to say something important and you're all distracting me with this nonsense.
but are you made of rubber? do you neck?
I have already said too much.
Mr Fantastic!
What...did he say too much?
We've uncovered your identity Reed Richards AKA Mitch
It's a heavy weight to bear. People always asking for favors like 'can you change this light bulb?' or 'can you unclog this drain?' or 'can you stop this madman from destroying the world?'
I just want to go back to my lab and try to engineer the perfect espresso.
I disagree. Italy-based means based in Italy. Italian-based mean based in or on Italian. the second option doesn't make sense.
But 'Italy based' sounds wrong.
although ngrams disagree with me
@Mitch hence the hyphen
what...'Italy-based' sounds better because it has a hyphen?
OK. I'm convinced.
Not really.
"they are an Italy-based company" makes sense.
Oh...I remember what was so important...
we it about cosmic rays?
No, it we about something else.
has the invisble woman given birth to invisible babies?
shit, forgot again.
@MattЭллен it was a mixed marriage, you can see their internal organs. Kids can be so cruel.
I know! like an octopus but on the inside.
this is why three parent conception should be banned
babies with invisible skin
OK science question of the day...
it's the obvious consequence of using donor mitocondria
(this was not the important question I had before but it'll do.)
@MattЭллен isn't surrogate motherhood sorta like that?
not as far as I'm aware.
exchanging mitocondrial DNA at conception so that children don't have the same mitochondrial DNA as their mother is currently illegal, but is under review as a cure for mitochondrial disease
so why are fish so much alike each other, but mammals seem to be much more differentiated? That is, fish have mostly the same body type, but have been evolving for bajillions of years longer than mammals. But really, the only weird thing for fish are eels. With mammals, you have bats and bears and seals and humans and mice. What up with that?
@MattЭллен why is that illegal?
@Mitch something to do with effecting the germ line
or is that germline?
anyway, because it involves icky things like taking the neucleus from an egg and replacing it in a new egg that's had its neucleus removed. almost all the DNA is the same, except the mitchondial DNA, which is around 0.002% of all our DNA.
some people think it will pave the way for sex selection
but most people don't
surrogate motherhood but by the egg not the person.
Doctors do all the icky stuff for us so that we can watch it on TV.
That's not very committal.
could be more, could be less
@Mitch we're all basically the same shape - four limbs, one head, one butt. Look at the angler fish vs the clown fish vs the hammer head shark
seeing the little male be consumed is something I will reserve for halloween or something :S
@MattЭллен it consumes itself, really
it doesn't get eaten
its body is consumed by the body of the female
well, sorta, yeah. but not eaten. it causes its own body to fuse with the female.
that's why I said consumed.
maybe subsumed is more approriate
how are you today?
It is amazing how many sex-differentiated species treat males like nothing more than baby-makers, and yet women are still denigrated in modern society as the weaker sex.
@MattЭллен Shitty.
But at w-rk!
So that's new.
true. are you spending time with the project lead, in the hopes that his ear will get infected?
I should go cough on him.
My boss was very naughty while I was gone.
He caved.
He was very apologetic to me this morning.
what has he given in to?
He agreed that it was the wrong way to do things.
I'm to give teacher leader accounts to principals who ask for data access.
The Japanese for fox is kitsune: 狐 or, phonetically, きつね.
@KitFox what data will they see?
Pretty much nothing like what they think they will see.
No demographics, limited assessments, but lots of intervention data.
all the data for their school?

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