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Hmm you can't order all Lego sets from everywhere?
@Robusto you should always end questions with a question mark.
@tchrist Black holes release hawking radiation.
@RegDwighт Sez you.
@KitFox Haha oh, dear. Little Miss Cuckold.
@Robusto Well yes. There's no adding to that.
@Cerberus Pardon?
Sven Yargs agrees with me.
@KitFox Wait, did I misunderstand? I thought you meant she was stealing her colleague's research and presenting it as her own.
Cerberusski agrees with me.
Do I?
He ended it in a question mark.
@Cerberus No. She was "presenting" to her colleagues. It's a sexual come-on among female primates.
@Cerberus I didn't understand how "cuckold" fit in that context. And she's not stealing it.
Oh, that.
Yes, I do agree.
@RegDwighт Did he now.
@KitFox They’re tenderer when they’re younger.
Why are you arguing about it!
What is this grammar.
@KitFox Oh, don't make me explain it if it's nonsense! My apologies.
I am really asombrate.
What are you hollering.
Frau Holle und der Schnee.
@Cerberus The only definition I know of cuckold is a man whose wife is cheating on him.
Sub umbra alarum tuarum Iehova.
Go see if you can get Grammar Girl to polish your johnson.
And given the personal attacks of yesterday, I was a little put off.
Ok, since when does Reg spew Latin at us?
@KitFox Don't sell yourself short. You look more like a big put off.
@Robusto I hear females tend to look at each other as much as males look at females, and they certainly notice new clothes and hair-do's sooner...
@Cerberus It's still the same old story. A fight for love and glory. A case of dew or dye.
@Cerberus People look at people.
Hey, leave him alone. Cerberus putts from the rough.
@Robusto Are you saying my ass looks fat in this gravatar?
There’s a QI clip I’m sure I’ll never find that is hilarious about the difference between what men look at and what women look at.
@KitFox Well ...
@KitFox Oh, I was rather thinking of infiltration followed by exploitation.
Men look at crotches and boobs. Oh, asses too. Women look at faces.
Men look at crotches? Really?
Yes, apparently.
Yup. Shocking, I know.
What for?
Camel toes?
All crotches. On anything. Women. Men. Dogs. Cows. Always crotches. It is very odd.
@Robusto Now, now. Women look elsewhere too.
The shocking thing is that they look at both female and male crotches. Science says so.
Oh. Weird.
He’s right.
Just doesn't seem to have much point.
@Robusto killed the chat with his johnson for me.
It isn’t even about sexual orientation. Men look at crotches. I do not grok.
In fact he killed my entire Internet connection.
I mean, I can understand boobs and asses.
Oh, dear.
Luckily we all know what happened next. He fixed the cable.
It is as automatic as pupil dilation.
Not even restricted to humans.
And by we all I mean everyone but Cerberus, of course.
Aren’t you a man, puppy?
But, I hope?
"Hey, there cable guy. Oops, I'm not wearing any pants! Well, that's OK. Come on in anyway."
Ah thanks.
@KitFox Haha have you ever done that?
You mean in real life?
Women, in contrast, apparently tend to look at faces.
@RegDwighт I have to speak the truth, however it comes out.
@KitFox If you saw a cable guy approaching your house who looked really good...
In fact you know what. Go watch the fucking movie already.
When you weren't married yet.
@RegDwighт Again, now it all makes sense!
@Robusto just make sure not to use a nagelbett.
And with that I'm calling it a day.
Happy flying!
Don't stay out all night.
Yes, a spijkerbed.
Sep 26 '12 at 21:10, by RegDwighт
To this day, everybody I know keeps wondering if they misspelled Nagelbrett, or punned on purpose.
But I'm afraid they didn't get it.
Ouvert et haut.
The spikes are supposed to be closer together.
Let's split the difference: hawt.
Let's divide the difference: 1 or 9.
That is sort of funny.
I speak very little German; what's the pun?
The pun is that it is English.
Funny, huh?
@MετάEd Nagelbett means "nail bed" (bed of nails, in the English idiom) but it also means something like cuticle in German.
Oh, that.
Reg keeps wondering why they didn't say Nagelbrett (nail board), and I keep wondering what he's bothered about.
Yeah, in Dutch cuticle = nagelbed; bed of nails = spijkerbed ("spike bed").
Idioms don't translate.
Sure, in English it's the nail bed and the bed of nails.
What is a nail board?
So you could get away with nail bed in English. But "nagelbrett"?
Maybe an emory board?
For filing nails. An emory board.
In German that's a Nagelbrett?
I'd call that a file (vijl).
I dunno, ask Reg.
Or is it veil?
Stupid Dutch spelling.
I think veil is vile.
Nail files are generally made of metal; nail boards are made of fiber.
Are there any common English words that you sometimes forget how to spell?
Even after some thinking?
Is there the connotation of "a bed for nailing" as in sexual relations?
Not connotation. What's the word?
Haha, probably not in Nagelbrett...
@Cerberus Many.
Because comparative is unlike comparison.
Specially bizarre.
That darned a in one place but i in the other.
Necessary. Occasionally.
Why does one speak a speach?
@TRiG Hmm yes...I would have to trust my spelling checker on that.
@TRiG We have that question.
I can’t work it out the way I can occurrence and separate, the two most commonly misspelled words in English.
@KitFox But you can figure those out if you stop and think for a moment right?
Google Translate offers Nagelfeile for both "nail file" and "emery board".
Actually, any ee or ea combination with an eee sound will trip me up.
A file is metal.
3 mins ago, by MετάEd
Nail files are generally made of metal; nail boards are made of fiber.
@Cerberus Yeah.
@tchrist Yeah because comparison is from French, comparaison. But surely you will remember when you give it some thought?
@MετάEd See?
Suppress is hard for me too. Ironically.
@KitFox Right.
I don’t get it wrong, so much as I want to. My fingers do the wrong thing.
In Dutch, there is ei and ij, which are pronounced the same.
@Cerberus Usually when I can't remember it's because there are variant spellings.
I want suppress to be like surprise.
So still wondering if Nagelbrett is even a word.
And there are many minimal pairs.
@Robusto Ah OK, so then either option is OK.
You mean: "Ah, OK, so then either optioin is okay."
@KitFox No, no, not surprise. You're thinking of that medicating lozenge.
A suppository is always kind of surprising.
> Emery boards are pieces of cardboard which have emery or emery paper glued to them, making them both abrasive and flexible, used for fingernail and toenail care.
I'm trying to think of a class of common English words that are hard to spell. -ity/-ety/-able/-ible/etc. comes up, but you will remember after a moment or two.
I don't know if you were around earlier when I learned that I had the wrong idea about principle and principal. Totally wrong, never knew it.
@KitFox That's not a variant spelling. Those are different words.
@MετάEd No no, not Sucrets. You're thinking of something awful.
How totally?
@Robusto I know.
See? :)
It is a commonly known error...I would have expected somebody to point it out to you?
@Cerberus I had them all mixed up.
“*Nagelbrett*: Es existiert keine Seite mit diesem Namen!”
I mean like extol and extoll. Not that I ever forget those.
I'll take it from Wiktionary that it's a "no".
@Cerberus Not until today.
You might have said the principle's office?
@MετάEd Hahaha.
@MετάEd Welche Seite? A oder B?
@Cerberus No.
OK so not totally!
@KitFox No, no, not secrets. You're thinking of that other medicating lozenge.
But the principle point in the story was...
That's funny.
Morality plays.
It's such a silly mistake that it is below shame.
@Robusto Gibt es keine andere Seiten?
I try to think of my ij/ei errors the same way.
@MετάEd No, no, secrets aren't awful. And not Ricola. You're thinking of those other throat singers.
And yes, I know I don't know my genders.
@MετάEd Look down.
@MετάEd Du musst den Vorhang zur Seite ziehen, um die zu sehen.
@tchrist Hello, Winkie.
And now you know.
Are you kidding?
@Robusto Die zu sehen?
Um die zu sehen?
To see them.
Ah OK.
You need something there.
And this was linked as related to Ricola:
No, no, not Rekuhkara. You're thinking of that dance where you try to step on the insect.
Well, well. Was that Romney I saw there?
No, not tarantella. You're not thinking of an arachnid.
@Robusto No, no, not a tarantula. You're thinking of that wanderer guy in the book.
@Cerberus Not many actually hot chicks there.
Not even the stewardesses?
So was that Romney or not?
@MετάEd No no, not Taran. You're thinking of that bastard half-elf.
With the orange beard.
@KitFox No, no, not Elrond (that bastard). You're thinking of the guy, what's his name that started his own religion.
Who is maybe from Qualinesti.
Elrond is not a half-elf.
And not L. Ron Hubbard either. You're thinking of the woman who had no bone for her dog.
No, not Elrond Hubbard. You're thinking of a Virginia Woolf character who turned into a flower.
No, no, not old Mother Hubbard. You're thinking of your alma mater, oh, I can't remember the name of the university, you know.
I never went to Goddard. You must be thinking of my most favorite math professor.
Me go to bed now, watch Archer.
@KitFox AHEM!
Good night!
Silly fox.
Of course Elrond was a half-elf: both his parents were.
Fine. He doesn't have a beard and he's not anywhere near from Qualinesti.
And what's he got to do with Taran?
Peredhil have beards? Really?
Lúthien was a half-elf, and I’m certain she had no beard.
The bastard red-headed half-elf I'm thinking of most certainly has a beard.
He was returning to Solace after some soul searching when the troubles began.
@tchrist Only in Tolkein's world.
Anywhere in Eä, yes.
@KitFox You can't be thinking of Tom Lehrer.
No, no, not Gödel. You're thinking of how to call the goats home from the mountains.
@MετάEd No, but I think we talked about him once. Even though he's not famous or anything and you can't be expected to remember.
Maedhros had red hair.
@MετάEd No, no, not yodel. You're thinking of that stuff you eat.
@tchrist Why are you still in Tolkien's universe?
I live there.
No, no, not strudel. You're thinking of when you daydream with a pen.
You said yourself that beards were heretical.
It's the only place that will take him.
No, I didn’t.
@MετάEd No, no, not doodle. You're think of the all the things you carry around.
I said that beards as a distinguishing feature of half-elves seemed heretical.
Plus I was surreptickling you.
Why would you do such a thing?
Perk you up.
Ruin my rep.
What, are we friends or something?
I was teasing with words, silly.
Sneaking tickles into other words.
Bed time, eh?
At least you appreciate my lack of warmth.
@KitFox No, no, not booty.
You're thinking of that David guy who juggles his glass balls.
giggles Whut?
I was actually thinking of kit and caboodle.
David Bowie. But you'd have to have seen the right movie.
No, no, not kit and caboodle. You're thinking of that old piano piece.
I must to bed.
I'll think about the piano piece.
Good night!
@KitFox Night!
@Cerberus No, no, not night. You're thinking of that movie director.
You know we don't have movies down here.
Down where? I didn't figure you for an antipodean.
I am a hypopodean.
What do you think infernus meant?
The Hydra mentioned is the same as my mother.
@Cerberus Kadath.
The underworld is a fictional location in the Dream Cycle of H. P. Lovecraft. It is described in detail in Lovecraft's novella The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath (1926). The underworld lies beneath the whole of the Dreamlands and has a few entrances to it in various places. It is dimly lit by a mysterious phosphorescence known as the "death-fire". The underworld is inhabited by a variety of horrors, the most common being the ghouls. Inhabitants Ghasts After a moment something about the size of a small horse hopped out into the grey twilight, and Carter turned sick at the aspect of that...
I haven't read Lovecraft.
Wow. I just upvoted a question.
What wows me is how many questions I had to go through to get to that one ...
And ... 2.
How excruciatingly horrible to read and what is "every very" — mplungjan 15 hours ago
What the OP did in response to this comment is truly jaw dropping.
He replaced the wrong word?
@Cerberus Yes.
Should we edit it?
@Cerberus No. When an OP goes out of the way to make a particular word choice, then changing that word choice it seems to me is too radical an edit.
And a relevant comment has already been posted, which I have upvoted.
I am out of all kinds of votes. My work here is done.
I see your point.
2 hours later…
@tchrist: It came to me in a dream, believe it or not. Cello uses bass clef, usually, but also alto and tenor. The viola that uses alto clef. Obviously I used to know this stuff. Anyway, back to bed.
Anyone know of a site that tells you how to pronounce foreign names given their Latinized spelling?
I tried Forvo, but they don't really have much in the way of foreign names, just English ones
4 hours later…
@Reg: 22,6 Prozent der Schüler können lediglich simpelste Texte verstehen. Ist es wahr oder erfunden?

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