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no no not Dorian Gray, you're thinking of Phoenix's real identity.
no no not Dorian grey, you meant that band from the 80's with that hair.
@KitFox No no not Jane Grey, you're thinking of the woman who tried to take power from Queen Elizabeth I.
Googles QEI
oh, um, maybe not QEI
No no, not Lady Jane Grey. You're thinking of that Brontë novel.
And it was Jean Gray.
all the same letters :D
Yep. Confusing.
I need an umlautted e.
_He teased Jim. I heard it._ can be rewritten as: (which one of the following is correct?) I heard his teasing Jim. (teacher says this is right) or I heard him teasing Jim. (I think this is right)
I heard him teasing Jim. is probably more common.
I heard his teasing (of) Jim. is acceptable.
So I heard his teasing Jim. could be read as an elision.
both are correct, if you accept "teasing Jim" as a noun phrase
@KitFox Yes. But what's grammatically correct? Teacher says, "possessive adjective comes before a gerund"
and there, I heard his teasing Jim. is right, he says
like "I head his loud music"
[I heard him] [teasing Jim] or [I heard] [his teasing Jim]
or "I head his ball bouncing"
Uh. Yeah.
Interesting example.
Ah, ok. Makes sense, but not so much in the given case. But I could be wrong. So, the sentences can be combined either way?
@MattЭллен and @KitFox wait...
eats chocolate
nevermind :P I think I understand now
I heard his bouncing ball.
I heard his racing engine.
I heard your rousing speech.
I drank my refreshing beverage.
The owl returns.
Kosmo is in ur ELU unsering kvestchons.
Well, unsering kommens.
@anouar.bag: What does it not answer? — Kosmonaut 2 hours ago
I seed.
I was happymade.
@KitFox This and the latter... excellent examples.
Y u say was happymade and not has been happymade.
Mmmm, wie ich sehe, habt ihr Stollen!
oh sawrees i was havin been made much moar happie.
I drank me refreshing grog. Yarrr.
I was thinking this was actually a dupe:
Q: Who marries whom?

HilareIs it proper to say that a minister married a bride and groom? This seems inaccurate, though I read it frequently. Thank you.

Not that it really matters.
sarry... i don't understand. what say you? :P
Dec 17 '12 at 12:52, by RegDwighт
I like turtles.
2 days ago, by RegDwighт
Commie mutant hero turtles!
Commie Mutant Hero Turtles! / Commie Mutant Hero Turtles! / Heroes in a communist state / Belong to the people!
They're the world's most fearsome fighting team.
They have universal healthcare and they're...uh, pink.
That doesn't rhyme.
I suck at this.
I reckon Matt has finally given up the life of crimericks and is more into writing 4/14th sonnets now.
Limericks are so mainstream, man.
Your limericks really tie the room together, man.
I told you so before they put the main in mainstream, and the Frankfurt upon it.
Dude, that's heavy.
Mainhattan (auch: Mainhatten) ist ein Kofferwort aus „Main“ und „Manhattan“ und wird gelegentlich als Bezeichnung für die Stadt Frankfurt am Main verwendet. Begriffsentstehung Frankfurt am Main ist eine der wenigen Städte in Europa und die einzige Stadt in Deutschland, die den Bau von Hochhäusern im Stadtzentrum erlaubt. Dadurch wuchs seit den 1960er Jahren ein charakteristisches Stadtbild, die Frankfurter Skyline. Der damals entstandene Begriff Mainhattan galt ursprünglich wie die zur selben Zeit aufgekommenen Bankfurt und Krankfurt als Schimpfwort für die Stadt am Main. Zur Zeit de...
I like how the first photo is captured "frankfurter skyline". Imagine that!
Yeah it has like capture.
You need to spend more time in chat.
It's a misspoling of caption.
But it's a secret.
Oh I sees.
I mist you.
My eldest got an X-wing for his b-day.
According to my profile I has spent over 68.7k times in chat.
Actually 68679, but that's close enough to over 68.7
@KitFox I watched the guys from Amazing Test Bricked build that thing the other day, as a side challenge.
I don't know what that means.
I am at less than half of Cerb's times in chat
they should build it while arm wrestling
@MattЭллен they do that in one of the episodes.
Sort of.
There are many challenges.
Like turning the instructions upside down, or building in the dark, or with red-green glasses on.
Jan 24 at 20:12, by RegDwighт
No, a video of two guys assembling a LEGO set each, live on tape, not fastforwarding, no jump cuts.
how do they manage in the dark?
Start reading there, Kit, it's a dozen messages.
@MattЭллен sorry, you will have to watch the 23 45-minute episodes to find out.
I (don't) see
I could totally build that thing in under an hour. What's wrong with those pansies?
maybe they're not in bloom yet
@KitFox actually they mix up the parts from two sets, plus they are like wearing handcuffs you know.
I see. I'm watching it.
I'm still perfectly brilliant at assembling LEGO kits.
The guy who had to build the X-wing actually bought himself one and practiced at home, four times.
He got it down to one hour 18 minutes.
No shit, right?
They should have edges on those tables.
It bothers me to watch. I have to stop watching.
@RegDwighт oh. I thought you meant pitch black.
@KitFox and that's the 19th episode, they have figured shit out by that point. They started off as complete LEGO noobs, that was truly painful.
@MattЭллен It would be tough to distinguish the colors that way.
Jan 24 at 20:27, by RegDwighт
And if you are an AFOL, it has an additional level to it because these guys are like total noobs. They haven't built a set in decades; they can't tell the two grey colors apart (they constantly complain how many different grey colors there are!); they constantly attach pieces in all the wrong places; and then they can't get them off again because they don't know the usual tricks; and they think LEGO comes from Sweden or Germany.
@KitFox hence why I was so surprised :D
@MattЭллен that's what I thought they thought, too. Until they put on the flash lights. Rooooxaaaannne!
Did you watch the whole thing?
substitute one ear worm for another. atleast it's not been stuck in here for a while.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I am at Finale part I now, forty minutes in.
My son has a knack for LEGO. Gets it from Mommy probably. Mommy really knows how to take the fun out of building.
But to answer the question more directly, yes, I have watched every second of it up until that point.
I found it too painful and also a bit boring
It fluctuates, that's for sure.
But the handcuffs episode was hilarious. I was actually lolling.
Oh, and what really sucks? Erector sets. Totally suck ass.
If your erector set sucks ass you're doing it wrong.
Apply to the forehead. Preferrably directly.
I will soon post a blog entry about my Lego organizing project
> An Erector Set (the trademark has always been "ERECTOR")
I will register ERECTER, then.
At least all the reviews I've read say the same thing I think.
"You finally get the whole thing together and all the screws tightened and it still falls apart."
Erecter? I hardly knew 'er!
What's AFOL?
Angry Foul Obsequious Language
Aug 15 '11 at 14:15, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
@Cerberus Adult Fan of Lego
Oh. You have to specify your age?
Annual Fungibility Of Lederhosen
WTF iz wit chat.
My brain is swiss cheese.
chat with wit
I have been working with a lot of chemicals recently.
And I drank enough last night to be hung over.
No. But since most fans are kids and AFOLs have specialized interests and more money it makes sense to distinguish
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, argon, ethanol, calcium...
Also, I had an awkwardly hot dream about my brother-in-law.
So I'm not remembering much prior to this morning.
I had a dream that combined elements of the TV show LOST with me being some kind of revolutionary fighter. Combat had gone all the way to the Vatican, where attricities were being committed by both sides. I managed to negotiate a truce with the ranking Cardinal, and we made a joint pronouncement that the people could keep the 10th commandment after all.
Okay so our IT is down wholesale. Commuting.
For those of you playing at home, that's "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's ass"
It's actually the dumbest of all the commandments. Coveting stuff is what drives modern society and creates progress.
Once again I disclaim any responsibility for the contents of my dreams.
I cast dispell on your disclaimer
I roll for power and block with re-pell
This better not go on too long or my 100% lack of knowledge of this stuff will become apparent.
Right. Sure.
s'alright I couldn't think of a way to counter
draws dagger of magic absorption Bring it.
I played my first game of MtG for years last week
My parents never let me play D&D because they saw the episode of 60 minutes where they discussed a player who thought he could fly and committed suicide or something.
@MattЭллен Whoa. Time warp.
(excluding duel of the planeswalkers, because that's vs computer)
They also didn't let me play the original Wolfenstein game because you have to shoot dogs. Shooting Nazis was okay though.
I played against real people, face to face!
You could have mentioned they were Nazi dogs.
@MattЭллен applauds Way to get out of the house!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 that is my main problem with the game, too. also I could never find all the secrets
Funnily enough, Doom was okay.
@KitFox I know!
I am killer at finding game secrets. That's how my husband and I pair up.
In high school I didn't play Magic because all the people who played had no girlfriends. There seemed to be some kind of correlation.
I wanted a girlfriend so I figured I better not start playing.
I still have no girlfriend, so I've nothing to lose
adds LEGO assembly and game secret finding to list of assets
@KitFox So you found him by randomly opening doors and tapping on walls?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 There is nothing random about the power I have over men.
And women.
struts all cocky-like
@KitFox I'm sure. Just look at the little fan club you've cultivated here in the chat room :)
Look in my eyes, what do you see?
giggles, feels powerful
looks, is hyp-mo-tized
@KitFox fire. fire and the doom of humanity! flees
coughs from the smoke, breaks spell whoa.
I am way too old to hold sway anymore.
And still about ten years out from milf status.
So I'm kind of in limbo.
so so far I have spent almost $300 in boxes for my lego collection
@KitFox actually.... The average age of motherhood onset in the US is like 25
I was just reading this today and thinking of ... this chat room.
Well, I meant for my son's friends to think so.
"motherhood onset" sounds so statistical. You couldn't make giving birth sound any less interesting
How have I never heard of the IAFD?
@MattЭллен Not necessarily giving birth.
Geez. Be a little sensitive.
> MILFs (Mothers I’d like to Fuck) coming in second place surprised me. They seem to offset the youth of the teens quite a bit—or do they? Just how old is the average woman who appears in a MILF-themed porn flick? Well, I found out by sampling 100 movies from the database and viewing the profiles of the women who starred in them. The average age of a MILF in porn is thirty-three. 20% of the ‘MILFs’ were 20–25 years old, 7% were over 40, and 4% were over 50.
> I wasn’t sure what to think about that result, so I looked up the average age of a first time mother in America. In 2006 is was 25 years old (22.6 in Mississippi). So porn, for all its ludicrous film titles and laughable plots, isn’t completely unreasonable when it comes to the casting of fuckable mothers.
Oh, there's a bit about escorts too. opens new tab
♫ When I give the signal my friend Rabbi Vole will play the solo... ♫
@Mitch How about Yesterday?
@Mitch Thanks. Sorry if I didn't make it clear that what my intended meaning was.
What's a punter? @Matt?
wow those escort reviews are hilarious
Why no show us your real character @KitFox
Never mind
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 No kidding.
> Many of the most interesting reviews are ones in which the punter wouldn’t recommend the girl and, as a result, the girl responds with a rebuttal to put her side of the story across. It’s really rather civilised...
Well, of course it's civilised. It's British.
@KitFox What exactly does husband mean to you? What differences are there between your husband and other men? I don't need your answer, just think about it. I feel pity for you.
fry face
So is "punting" specifically paying for sex?
> London slang for costumer, may also be used for "johns" (among prostitutes and police agents), people who watch porn movies or go to strip joints regularly.
if UD can be believed.
@Gigili I'm not sure why you are asking me these questions? Are you upset that I'm married and you're not?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Oh. "Costumer" is customer, I guess.
@KitFox haha, didn't notice that
I think I've heard that as an insult in UK shows before, but I didn't know it meant something specific.
me too. I have learned a lot about porn stars, and punters.
If only I could use these new powers for good
Knowledge is good.
Now for some tea.
yeah I could use some tea
I'll put the kettle on.
And back to work.

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