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It's a short story.
Entschuldigung, bitte. Das heißt 'Ein Hungerkünstler'
Ein Hungerkünstler ist eine Erzählung von Franz Kafka, die erstmals 1922 in der Zeitung Die neue Rundschau erschien . Gleichzeitig ist es der Titel für den 1924 erschienenen Sammelband des Autors, der noch drei weitere Prosatexte enthielt. Drei der vier Erzählungen haben jeweils eine ironische Sicht auf das Künstlerleben zum Inhalt, wobei in zwei Fällen Zirkusfiguren gewählt wurden. Vor und nach der Jahrhundertwende war die Verwendung von Gauklern und Artisten, also Vertreter eher halbseidener Künste, in der Literatur sehr häufig. Siehe bei Frank Wedekind, Rainer Maria Rilke, Charles Bau...
I just remember "The metamorphosis."
@kiamlaluno Well, that one is entry-level.
One of the first things I read in German.
Does anyone like Mann?
I refuse to read Mann. This is so unlike me, but I just do.
@Cerberus Well, except when he writes chapters in French, the bastard.
Thomas Mann?
I tried his work whose subject I thought would most appeal to me, Budenbrooks, but I didn't like it much.
@Kiam: Derselbe.
Read Der Zauberberg ...
Chapters in French? Excellent!
Does anyone have any French novels to recommend? I tried Claudel's Âmes Grises, but hated it.
My aunt recommended it.
@Cerberus God bless you. Did you sneeze?
Hey! France is not all bad, you know.
Sorry to interrupt, but
Q: What is the exact quote

SundeepThere was a quote I have heard long time ago. I remember the meaning, but need the exact quote. Does any one have it?? It goes like.. Words are just sounds that enter your ears, it is all about how you animate them in your minds I tried googling and visited a bunch of sites and couldn'...

"A la reserche de temps perdù."
Ah, not Proust...
@kiamlaluno recherche.
I mean, he is a cultural giant, but not really my genre, I fear.
Isn't that a novel?
@kiamlaluno — À la recherche du temps perdu ... Geezis, your French is worse'n yer English.
I read some parts in translation that I already found difficult to follow, emotionally, that is.
I absolutely hate romantic protagonists.
I prefer them crazy or rational.
Mar 14 at 14:26, by kiamlaluno
"Nobless s'oblique" (whatever it is written in French).
Sorry @kiam, but that was just too funny.
@Robusto Who said I was speaking in French? It could be Western Lombard.
@Cerberus — WTF ... romantic is crazy!
@kiamlaluno — Here we go again. Stop trying to live up to all my expectations.
It seems Kiam never got over the Napoleonic conquest of (Northern? ) Italy.
Who is that Napoleont? Tell me more about him.
@Rob: Well... let's say I like crazy when the author intends his protagonist to be crazy, not when he and his protagonist are crazy in the same way.
@RegDwight There is nothing to be sorry.
@Cerberus Lombard is not related to French in any way.
@RegDwight: I got yer Napoleon right here ...
It's closer to Spanish, and German.
@Reg: Funny, I never knew that. What is it in German? Dutch has the t.
@Robusto Now how am I supposed to go to bed with that on my mind?
I know!
Luckily I am more in the mood for salty fats.
@Robusto I ate tons of those as a child.
(Hates the yellow blubber.)
Hey is "tompouce" a French word?
Robusto is ultra-generous today. He doesn't even quote, he reposts.
34 mins ago, by Robusto
2 mins ago, by Robusto
@RegDwight — Did you look in the bedroom? I mean, that's where I usually start ...
It is not.
@RegDwight — I am reposting repasts. You should be grateful.
Hahaha, as if to prove me wrong.
How does he do it.
To be honest, repost-repast isn't too bad.
I mean, it doesn't work, does it?
That was a case of my clipboard going off when I didn't think it was loaded.
@Cerberus Don't make me go ABBA.
@Robusto I'm too afraid to thwack that.
Abba? Where?
@Cerberus — Nah, my humor is wasted on RegDwight.
I told you not to ask!
Ah, I knew you were going to trot out that old chestnut.
I bet he pretends he is unaffected while surreptitiously sucking it up with his avid mind.
Oh, God.
Is it time to scratch my armpit?
Call me Reg.
If I were God, I'd do something about spamming.
Oh, Him.
Oh yeah? Well n can play at that game.
@Cerberus If I were God, I told you what I would do.
But then Vitaly had to spoil the fun.
C'mon, get busy and close this sucker down:
No idea, due to no memory.
@Cerberus I said that I would rather create a chick for myself rather than create a bloke and then a chick for him.
Pay some attention, please.
A good answer would state "let's is not used to exhort a group excluding the speaker".
@Reg: Righttt....
@Reg: Do me a favor and delete old Bertrand? I didn't realize it was going to be that huge.
Glad you asked.
In the year 2525, when they will read this transcript on 1000-inch monitors, your old Bertrand will be tiny.
Can anyone think of nouns that would use "for" as "fear" does, as in "she complied for fear of being cast out"?
@Cerberus No linguistics stuff here please.
@RegDwight — Linguistics stuff is OK if served mit Schlag.
Just looking at this makes me gain weight.
@Reg: Saunters off, skulking...
Is it a marshmellow?
@kiamlaluno — No. Not even a marshmallow.
@Robusto Schlagsahne?
Or really Schlag?
I can't take this. I need food now.
You're too weak.
Don't give in.
That's what those capitalists want.
@RegDwight —Whipped cream.
@Robusto Then I would say that Schlag is a regionalism at best.
@Robusto I don't eat plastic, thank you.
Them's fishies.
食品サンプル(しょくひんサンプル)は、飲食店の店頭あるいは店内に陳列される料理の模型。可塑性のある腐敗しない材料を主原料として作られ、商品の細部を視覚的に説明するとともに、商品名や価格を同時に提示することによってメニューの一部または全部の役割を果たす。大正時代から昭和初期にかけての日本で考案された表現手法であるが、業界団体が無く、共通の定義も存在していない。食品サンプルという呼称は戦後になって呼ばれるようになったものであり、料理模型や食品模型とも呼ばれる場合がある。 概要 初期の食品サンプルは実物を寒天で型取りして蝋を流し込んで作成された。蝋はあらかじめ絵の具を溶かして色付けしたものが用いられ、製品補強を行うために脱脂綿による裏打ちを行った後、表面によりリアルな彩色を施す。こうした一連の作業は手作業で行われているため、実際に飲食店で提供される特徴(皿、盛り付け、量など)に近い個々の食品サンプルの製作が行われた。 食品サンプルが高い集客能力を持ったイメージ喚起のための装置として、一般に広く認知されるようになると、それに伴って食品サンプル生産業者に対する受注が増加した。1970年代頃に入ると原材料は蝋製食品サンプルの持つ溶けやすい、壊れやすいといった欠点が改善された合成樹脂へと変化していき、生産の簡略化を目的とした合成樹脂用の金型などが開発された。これにより、より緻密...
I'll take that as well, thank you.
Hey, want to see something really creepy?
Too bad Martha's not here ...
Marzipan babies!!!!!
I... I quit.
I vomit.
My mom always taught me to quit first, vomit later.
@RegDwight — Hahahahahahaha ... I win! Yes!!!! Who knew all it would take was a handful of marzipan babies?
I hate marzipan: can't you make any out of raw salmon or something?
Dig in!
I love marzipan.
But they're so cute! Try a couple.
They actually sell those in Germany.
Are they called "shark teeth"?
Marzipan as well?
@Cerberus Yup. And Yuck.
That ain't chopped liver. Oh wait ... it is!
What's cutest and most delicious about those babies is their life-like infant genitals. Just the kind of thing that would appeal to marzipan-lovers.
Okay, now I have to quit harder.
It is working!
(Not you.)
@Cerberus — Three-headed doggie had to go and spoil it.
Oh no, a young Tracy Spencer.
I'll have some Shokuhin-Sanpuru, thank you.
@Cerberus You know, I was going to make a joke about "If it was shaped like a Schwanz you'd eat it quick enough," but I thought better of it.
Only to post it now.
Well, he made me do it.
@Rob: You misapprehend my appetites.
I would rather have an upside-down cake.
This chat has turned into 4chan and I didn't even notice.
It was the babies!
1 min ago, by Robusto
Well, he made me do it.
@Cerberus — What, You think You're God?
Thinking better, I would rather like a New York style cheesecake.
Coming right up!
@Rob: You know I never click links. I was just babbling in the dark.
Q: Is not responding to spam a bad thing?

MehrdadIs ignoring spam a bad thing? I mean, if you just get the email and ignore it, then you've basically confirmed that your email exists -- there wasn't any mail delivery failure notice to the spammer, so obviously you received the email. Isn't that enough to make you get more spam? Is it better t...

Funny title.
@Robusto See? That is really a beauty.
Pause to Pump It Up a little ...
UMG content.
You were in Germany?
Him Aww!
Here I can watch all Rob's videos.
Or Mother Russia?
Try this one, Commie:
Mother Russia and Uncle Italy?
Uncle Italy?
@Robusto UMG content.
Find a new country.
Now, it's not polite to check if somebody is male or female.
Novaya Rodina!
This is getting old.
@kiamlaluno — Sure it is. Just unzip 'em or pull up the dress. It's the only way to be sure.
I have found so many new countries in my life. I'm not going to look for another one just to watch a video.
@RegDwight — Can you think of a better reason to repatriate?
Hey I just noticed how great EL&U is: good answers always get loads of upvotes. On Superuser, not quite.
@Cerberus — Lies!
I posted this awesome, totally-problem-solving answer to an AHK question months ago, and I never even got an upvote, let alone a comment or a tick. My answer involved testing and writing ready-made code.
Apr 5 at 1:13, by Robusto
I saw one of @nohat's answers where he f***ing nailed it, had charts and everything and a well-written, well-reasoned answer, and it got like two votes.
@Cerberus — Your story is so sad I'm almost sorry I took my Prozac today.
@Rob: Take another one. Don't worry about the side effects: I'm sure it doesn't matter anyway.
@Cerberus — Nah, I'm into harder stuff now.
@Reg: At least those answers get one or two upvotes within a day here, and usually a nice comment.
Harder, faster, Scooter!
You got that from a friendly Chinese webshop that was good enough to e-mail unsolicited information to you?
@Cerberus Since when are placebos harder than the real stuff?
The mind is our hardest organ?
I should have put that answer in a comment, I know it sucked.
@Cerberus — Blow is just a metaphor. You nailed it.
@Rob: I feel like I am grasping the outlines of your joke, but not quite getting a firm grip.
@Cerberus — OK, I'll lay it out for you. The recipient of fellatio, hereinafter referred to as the fellatee, instructs the fellator who is performing the act the opposite of how it is meant to be performed, "Blow is just a metaphor! Suck!"
Hey, you asked.
You didn't deliver on your promise to mention fellatee once again.
@Rob: I got that part, but thank you. I just didn't get why you felt the need to mention this synonym...
@RegDwight — Fellatee. There. Now pay me.
@Cerberus Blow = coke.
@Robusto Thanks.
@Robusto I never promised to pay you.
@RegDwight — You C***s***er!
Blow is a synonym for coke? Didn't know that... but still not getting it. Never mind!
@Robusto I see we're ending on a high note. Oh well, then I do plan to contribute.
@Cerberus — You said "I know it sucked" — I said "No, blow is must a metaphor. You nailed it."
@RegDwight — Please, don't make me flag you.
Was sagt ein Blinder in einem Fischgeschäft? Hallo, Mädels!
@Robusto I would have to approve your flag.
@RegDwight — Ja, das hab Ich schon gehört.
Mein Mädel verlangte mir!
Now that just doesn't make any sense.
Aus "Der Fliegende Holländer"
@Rob: Never mind, I think I am just too tired to get the whole picture. I got the double meaning of nailed and its comparative relation to "blow"... wahh I need sleepy time.
That one goes "Mein Mädel verlangt nach mir!"
I guess I will be the first to go check the bed.
@RegDwight — I stand corrected.
Hey, I said lyrics were hardest for me to hear.
Mit Gewitter und Sturm aus fernem Meer
mein Mädel, bin dir nah!
Über turmhohe Flut vom Süden her -
Mein Mädel, ich bin da!
Mein Mädel, wenn nich Südwind wär',
ich nimmer wohl käm' zu dir!
Ach, lieber S&uuuml;dwind, blas' noch mehr!
Mein Mädel verlangt nach mir!
I like the part where he's just getting to the tender moment — and then the whole freaking chorus joins in!
Buh bye!
**Hohojo! Hallohoho Jollohohoho! **
Triple Jinx!
Auf fidersen!
Did we mention ciao?
Triple Jinx!!!!
That wasn't a jinx on my part. I posted mine after having seen yours.
You language people are crazy.
@RegDwight — The rules of Jinx are clear and inflexible.
A reply is not a jinx.
Don't be a poor sport.
At least mine is beyond reproach.
Nothing is beyond reproof.
But I think you meant "reproach".
Ah but some tings are.
The reproof is 200 points per day.
@RegDwight — Yeah, it sounds like pure alcohol. 200 reproof.
Of which you drink 200 pints per day.
I didn't even notice or considered reading back when you said that. How tragic.
You know, I should be getting paid for these jokes. And here I am wasting them on your dumb asses.
You have only yourself to reproof.
And, yes, this time it was deliberate, thank you for asking.
@Cerberus — I have only myself to reprove, not reproof.
Who let all these foreigners in?
Your waisting your time on our dumb asses is the perfect proof that nobody is willing to pay you.
@Robusto No way! Wow I had no idea!
@Reg: *perfect reproof
Why is everyone so scared of this poor word?
@RegDwight — Traurig aber wahr.
But maybe I could take up a collection?
Haha, so that's what they taught you in Catholics school.
@RegDwight — That and ... other things.
Gott ist tot.
Well ... I think I can just find my bedroom. I'll cyaz all tomorrow. Hopefully there will be a better class of questions on the board.
@RegDwight — Natürlich.
At last, I can go to bed.
I hope so!
Also, bis später!
Night all.
And I, too!
We are all going to bed together. How... interesting.
7 hours later…
10 hours ago, by RegDwight
Arabic I can't read. جان سخت ۱
@RegDwight Since Kosmonaut didn't respond (as far as I can see...)
That could be rendered as "gaan sakhkhit", roughly "Demons struck", but somewhat ungrammatical
But I think it's actually Farsi
In which case it would mean "Difficult life"
("Jan Sakht")
1 hour later…
This question is quite a wreck. I would have never expected that.
Q: Where is the stress in the word "commenting" ?

Lilitu88Hey, I'm wondering where the stress in the word "commenting" is. Is it in the first or the second syllable ?? How do you pronounce it ? Thanks,

I would have expected one single, short, correct answer, and a few close votes as "general reference" to sweeten the deal. Instead we have... well, look for yourself.
@RegDwight It could be worse...
That's not an excuse.
...there could be a massive argument between those preferring comMENTing
It could also be better, and on our site it should.
and those preferring commentING
Yes, with the stress on the G.
I mean, we stress consonants now? That was huge news to me.
is there any way to search inside a book on Google Books when there's no preview?
just to make sure the term is there somewhere
@Vitaly I thought the search itself always works, you just don't see the image?
but I need to search inside a particular book
I don't use it too often...
@Vitaly Yes, that's what I'm talking about, too.
On several occasions, they would present me with snippets, but tell me that the pages hadn't been scanned in yet.
Yeah, I need to know whether the term “left dislocation” is inside The Cambridge grammar of the English language
and I can't see any intuitive way to do it, if there's any
advanced search looks horrible
Hm. I don't see a search field, either...
Just some reviews.
That's what I am seeing
"No preview available", whatever that means.
it means that there is neither a public scan nor a single snippet
Well, looks like you're out of luck, then.
on the plus side, that book is a standard reference book, so there might be a good chance someone here has it handy
Though it's quite cumbersome to search within a physical book.
from what I understand, it has a comprehensive index
Short of reading it cover to cover.
Ah, okay.
it bugs me so much I am on the verge of ordering it, even if I never read it in its entirety
or I could try to ask one of the authors, given that he's a frequent LanguageLog poster X)
meh… ordering it.
Grrrr. What is the point of this answer?
A: Can anyone tell me what the suffix "-fu" stands for in the following sentence?

lin lei-fu is a suffix, means the skill you've in a particular aspect. Note: it's a slang

If the top answer on that question weren't mine, I would just delete this one. But now people can claim that I am biased.

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