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02:00 - 16:0016:00 - 21:00

Can anyone tell me what this kind of women's top is called in English?
Do these sleeveless ones have any special name, other than "top"?
@Szabolcs Tank top.
I was the victim of a surprise party tonight.
It was fun.
@Szabolcs Good evening! The picture looks like a particular kind of tank top that I would call a "halter" because it looks like the straps have a racer-back.
A halter top, right.
I was a little worried that this could be a case of guys asking a question about a girl thing and the only responses came from other guys.
And you are...?
(--Frank Butler: How do you sing that high? --Annie Oakley: I'm a girl!)
(Anything You Can Do)
So you're a girl?
I'm a lady.
Well, I'm a bitch.
Ladies > girls.
Bitches > honest than girls.
Maybe it's just because I have that thinking disease, but part of the condition is refusing treatment for the condition,
@Cerberus, intelligo bene isne puer?
Quam Cerberus, -i?
?Cerbri and ?Ceberè, neither rings like similar syllabic trends in the vocative. worried about paradigms in memory
Repetitio mater memoriae, right?
Forma vera vocativa Cerby est.
@Thethiefoftime Haha!
@livresque Verum est, canis masculinus sum.
Vocativus est Cerbere.
Y? Non potestne? "Y" = barbarbar @Thethiefoftime
Forma iocosa est.
@Thethiefoftime click Mea maxima maxima culpa...mihi licet dormire breve tempora atque necesse est!
Numquid dormias?
Commendo ut dormiscas.
Etam laborare breve tempora necesse sed non posso dormire. Gratias tibi ago, @Cerberus, volo
Sic vita.
On dit que vouloir c'est pouvoir, which is a nice thought, but it turns out I'm not special.
Numquam recipimus quod meremur.
Sic semper Cerberus?
[Search engine query state motto of the Commonwealth of Virginia]
Hmm what motto?
@livresque It is a nice fairytale.
[search engine...]
I hate to teach a dog how to fish. Sic semper tyrannus. @Cerberus
I...have no idea what you're talking about.
Nescio de quo loqueris.
There's a parable about teaching a man to fish as opposed to giving him a fish to eat.
And the state motto of the Commonwealth of VA is Sic semper Tyrannus with Virtus depicted on the state flag.
@livresque I know that...but I have no idea what I am supposed to fish for.
@livresque Okay...
Nescio quid fecerim ut merear de isto titulo.
My addled thinking was trying to suggest you might research it if so inclined as opposed to hearing it from me.
Intelligo in lingua vulgare, "Thus always to tyrants," but I think you might see the same problem I do in that translation.
Until it turns out the be 4th declension AGAIN.
Sic faciam quando illic inclinavero.
Are we exchanging Latin mottos?
Ita vero.
It just means "so always a Tyrant".
Could mean anything.
Semper ubi sub ubi.
But besides that I have:
lapsus calami
I wasn't exchanging motti.
Hmm... wait @MετάEd I love both of those.
Hic labor, hoc opus est.
This is labour, that is (a) work?
Facilis descensus Averni;
Noctes atque dies patet atri janua Ditis;
Sed revocare gradum, superasque evadere ad auras,
Hoc opus, hic labor est.
But @Cerberus, it is intended to mean that Virtus will always step on the asp that is a tyrant, and forever thus it shall be.
@MετάEd Ah, clarum est.
per gradus ad ima
@livresque Ah OK, "so a tyrant will always end up"?
@MετάEd Is that book VI or so of the Aeneis?
I could Google it, but...meh.
I know those lines.
@Cerberus, not the "so" sense of sic, but the "such/thus," also not ergo.
"the gentler Tortures are to be first used unto him et sic per gradus ad ima tenditur"
And they are hexametric.
@livresque Uhh...
@Cerberus Book VI, line 126
Ah OK.
Glad I remembered.
Tibi ipsi, non mihi.
De mortuis nil nisi bonum.
Culpa maxima maxima mea @Cerberus, "sic semper tyrannus" intellegendo est allinquanto in lingua moderna...it has to be semantic reduction.
It sort of made sense to me, but then I didn't understand what you were saying about sic.
The English language was permanently introduced to North America in Virginia in 1607, so it had been a while since the last native speaker of Latin other than Montaigne had made any sense.
"Ponder the aweful Hippopotamos"
Lingua Latina non tam difficilis est.
Ah, I just wasn't sure if you may have been thinking of "so," the conjunction.
Ita vero, ecce !
Utinam omnes semper Latine loqueremus!
MDR I say that ALL THE TIME.
Quod gaudium! Quae laetitia!
Rotarum timent strepitus et magis ignes, et cum timeantur ab omnibus, gallum timent album.
Cuius genus tripharium dicitur.
@MετάEd, please tell me you're on the LATINTEACH listserv.
@livresque Permanently? That's a bit optimistic.
@Thethiefoftime, the introduction itself was permanent, non?
How would it differ from a temporary introduction?
Is that when you forget someone's name immediately after shaking their hand?
@livresque Ha!
Who was it said "anything well said was said by me".
I don't know, but I presume they did it well.
I always thought he or she did it well.
The real revolution.
@Epitorial, talk about ninja editing.
I thought that looked like Krishnamurti.
He was a bit of a prick.
I hear you can end up under house arrest in such cases; Pol Pot died under house arrest.
@Cerberus, where have you had the great fortune to practice your conversational Latin?
Yeah, Cerby, where are you hiding your time machine?
A: Why is "hard water" and "soft water" so called?

Andrew LeachHard water contains >160ppm of minerals (typically calcium compounds) and actually feels harder when drunk than soft water does (<160ppm). The earliest use in OED below would seem to support that origin rather than it being "hard" to form a lather. 14. a. Applied to water holding in soluti...

I know what he means by "actually feels harder when drunk".
I find most things harder when drunk.
The VA DOE offers a three week "Latin Academy" partial immersion program to rising HS seniors, for example, which is a fantastic place to work.
Virginia Department of Education?
Kyrie eleison, I'm still talking like I'm at work.
"Kyrie" is worse than "Sir".
Hmm in what context?
I must away. Bye all.
I don't even know which thread to follow, as they say.
@livresque The one Ariadne gave you, obviously.
Something about an aria, ne, that was out of my range
Said the spider to the fly?
Split the difference?
@MετάEd, gratias tibi ago de your punctuation of y'all. How can we spread the word to promote this as opposed to *ya'll? Incidentally, God blessed Texas with his own hands, eh?
@livresque I think there is no hope at all.
I share that concern. My father speaks a mix of FFNC and FFVA English and refuses to spell the pronoun. He uses it regularly in speech but insists that it is not a written word, and in written correspondence always writes "you all" instead.
@livresque Didici linguam Latina in schola et universitate. Ubi tu?
@WMD Ebrius sum, sed Latine loqui semper possum!
Semper est facile tantoquando, eh?
@WMD O, tu! Nunc novi quis sis. Praesentia tua egui.
Arbiter bibende esne?
@livresque Tantoquando?
Would you use something like the French allinquant?
Ffff, disculpa, my Italian keeps activating.
At tempus somnii advenit.
MINCE ita vero sic semper.
Spero vesperum tuum bonum esse.
Sorry, mince = less offensive word for merde in French as an interjection.
Gratias tibi ago.
Vale et in terra pax ominbus @Cerberus
Pax omnibus!
4 hours later…
@Cerberus Ego quoque praesentia tibi egui. Excusabo occultationem identitatis mihi, sed causu novisti.
4 hours later…
Guess what unexecrate means without looking it up.
Execrable text is not necessarily excrescent text.
@WMD Verum'st, novi. Spero autem terrorem orientis eam ignorare?
Execrate has to do with curses. So execrable text is cursèdly bad text, and unexecrating it would mean casting out its daemons. I think. Maybe that is just execrating it.
@tchrist grumbles
Is unexecrate redundant? I don’t know.
Why attach un- to a Latin verb that already has a prefix?
That is what I am wondering.
It is like uninstall: an ugly modernism at best.
Reminds me of ex- + sacred.
If only it were so easy.
@Novice Count to 200?? Wow.
@tchrist I believe that is correct.
@Novice Aww he's 3!
@Cerberus Yeah, it's a huge number! But in that case, I can count till googolplex. Why the fuck am I not the highest IQ in the world? :-P
There versions of that with better resolution; sorry.
That is better.
@tchrist Mickey missed Maldives.
@Cerberus Yes. Much simpler just to say stall, no?
@Novice That’s not Mickey! It’s Wacko!
@Novice You win!
Your IQ is infinite.
@tchrist Well, kids know better about it.
@Robusto Uninstall is a necessary evil, but an evil nonetheless. Unexecrate, however, does not seem necessary.
@Novice Why? To steer clear of bad joints?
@Cerberus I have never unexecrated anyone. I only execrate.
You're so kind.
extolls the virtues of Robusto
I see @tchrist likes playing footsie in the stalls.
The loo?
That's...unhygienic. And I say that as a European!
It’s bad enough when people keep their kittylitter box in the john.
Anyway, you could have saved yourself a letter, @Cerb: extols is better. Why? Well, it's one shorter, innit?
@tchrist Where else are you supposed to put it? The kitchen?
In the jakes, of course.
The john is for company.
Jakes, john, loo, WC ... same shit, different name.
You can’t put it in the water closet. Kitties hate water.
Let's gang up on @Kit and make her change her name back. Every time I read KittenCanoodle I fwow up a wittle.
Is Kit a she?
Quite a news.
Kitza she yeah.
@Novice: Are you German?
@Robusto No.
She’s a just a one step away from bein’ a chia-pet.
Well, news is not a count noun. FYI.
Germans think information is a count noun.
@Robusto Hmm, is one British and the other American?
@Cerberus Yes.
All the -ll verbs are like that.
@tchrist Oh, which reminds me. I want to bring out a line of Chia Presidents. You get to grow green "hair" on everyone from Washington to Obama. Eisenhower would be tough, but ...
Hey, don't gang up on Novice.
@Robusto thx.
@Cerberus why?
@Robusto Didn’t they do that with Lincoln?
@tchrist Gawd, are my absurdist notions coming true? I may have a keener sense of unreality than I thought.
@Novice I don't know?
@Cerberus Why do you not know?
Why do you ask?
@Cerberus Because you must know why you don't want people ganging up on me but you must.
OPEN LETTER TO @KITTENCANOODLE Who are you and what have you done with our KitFox? We want her back! We will meet any reasonable ransom demands!
@Novice What if I can only ask questions at the moment?
@Robusto How much is reasonable?
A million? Dollars? Euros? Kisses?
@Cerberus Compare appalment, distilment, enrolment, enthralment, extolment, fulfilment, instalment, instilment vs appallment, distillment, enrollment, enthrallment, extollment, fulfillment, installment, instillment.
@Cerberus Up to a dollar.
@Cerberus Then you proceed with asking rhetorical questions and making everyone feel like you are asking, when you really are not.
That is reasonable.
@tchrist Never realised those were regional...so which is which?
Sheila who?
@Cerberus We have double-L.
@Robusto Hmm you grade her awfully low.
@Novice Is it not fun?
@Cerberus Don't ask how much I would pay to get you back.
@tchrist I see.
@Robusto Pah. Don't worry.
@Cerberus No.
Are you sure?
@Cerberus Which is odd, because it is (often mischaracterized as) American to use a single-L in compounds. Actually, that is just in inflections, not compounds.
Someone please star my open letter so that Kit sees it.
Like which inflections?
I always struggle with single and double l's in fulfil.
@Cerberus past
I think I was taught to write fewer l's.
signal, level > signalled, levelled
install, extoll > installed, extolled
Yes, I write levelled.
@Cerberus Go to L.
skilful, skillful
As to extol and appal, my spelling checker clearly wants single l there, so that's probably what I do.
@Cerberus You are a slave to your spellchecker.
@Robusto Cerberus shall only approach L as per the definition!
@Cerberus Obedient today, aren’t you?
@Novice Now, now, this is not Math chat. There are no limits here.
We’re illimitable.
I do what it says unless I know better.
We are unbounded.
@Robusto Ah, I see what you attempted there.
@Novice Attempted? Please. Accomplished, rather.
@Robusto My vocabularly has none limilts.
Indeed, one might even say that we were illited.
@Robusto Yes, my vocabularly and speling has no limilts. Hand me a dicktionary if you want.
Too many liminaries here.
No vice, eh? I doubt it.
Hi @tchrist
I'd like it more if you folded it into a thousand pieces.
@Robusto You wouldn't like a small one, would you?
a ... there, the first syllable in the dictionary. Have at it.
@Novice: Dictionary is an imperative tool for learning English.
@Novice Of what use a small one?
@tchrist Being laughed at.
I think you mean essential, not imperative.
@Robusto readies his strep test
@Robusto WORD CHOICE HAS NO LIMITS! The Lord has spoken.
@Robusto:Both words means nearly same.
@Sudhir Probably you mean mandatory. But essential and imperative are not even close to the same thing.
Anyway, this has been fun, but I must run errands. Ta.
@Robusto: I always admire your linguistic competence. No more complaints
@Robusto: Sorry
If you didn't liked it.
Hmm, can I please correct you in one thing you wrote, @Sudhir? :-)
Yeah! Ofcourse
@Sudhir OK, then correction #1: “Both words mean nearly the same.”
I always wonder if anyone could point out in my writing.
Correction #2: “If you didn't like it.”
Ya! I was about to edit it.
I am not a linguist, but I thought I might try to help. Thanks :-)
Ya sure. Being a non-native speaker of English, I always work on English to improve it.
@Novice Thanks. :)
Thanks @Novice
I love the person who points out my mistakes.
@Sudhir I feel very embarrassed now...
Why so?
Don't worry, you'd catch up!
@Novice: So you're native speaker of English?
@Sudhir No, I am not a native speaker. I belong to India.
It is evident that we are fellow countrymen from your name. :-)
Wow! I also belong to India.
After a long time, I found an Indian.
@Sudhir Is that so? You find them everywhere!
But barely I found in SE.
So you belong to which state?
@Sudhir Gurgaon, HR.
That's great!
Working in Company?
@Sudhir What are you talking about? I am just 13!
I thought you're older.
@Sudhir Why?
In such small age you have a great competence in English.
That's great.
You're on Facebook?
Not really — I only enjoy Literature to an extent. I do not study it, nor do I plan to.
@Sudhir Yes.
Can we be friend there?
@Sudhir Sure! My first name is Parth and I share my last name with a young batsman who is said to be the next captain of India.
@Sudhir That is correct.
You're a smart boy.
@Sudhir I don't think so. :-)
But I'm unable to find you.
There are so many Parth Kohli there
@Sudhir What is your name?
I got it.
Have a good time.
@Novice You cannot use “belong” in that way.
@tchrist I am pretty sure it is legitimate.
Otherwise if I am incorrect, you know your thing well. Thanks though!
02:00 - 16:0016:00 - 21:00

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