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If once we allow people to start spiritualising and refining the sense of the word Christian, it … will become in their mouths simply a term of praise. But that way of using the word will be no enrichment of the language, for we already have the word good. … It is much clearer to say he is a bad Christian than to say he is not a Christian. —C. S. Lewis
Larry’s younger son is named Lewis, not Louis, after the author.
It's the same name.
Even someone named "Llewyss" could be named after Clive Staples.
He simply would not be spelled after him.
He chose that spelling intentionally, to remind one of the author.
That is what I meant.
Similarly, his elder son’s name is spelled in a way other than the most common one: Aron.
Wrong game.
I know an Aron.
Wrong game, yes. :-)
Beware his rod.
They shall not comfort thee.
This one is one of those Sheldon Cooper types. Professionally, not personally. PhD theoretical subatomic physicist.
> The world is full of exceptions to exceptions now, accommodating everyone and not wanting to correct anyone. But it's very frustrating.
Something like that.
@tchrist It's a quote from the last answer you posted. It amused me.
@TRiG The last answer I posted was about installation troubles.
Well, no.
That isn’t true.
The last one that is not deleted.
@tchrist This one is an activist. aronra.com
Which is the one you commented on.
@tchrist The last answer you posted to this chatroom (which is not an answer you wrote).
I post answers in chatrooms? Is that what they are?
28 mins ago, by tchrist
A: Should I capitalize the starting sentence after a greeting that ends in a comma (e.g. "Hello,")?

redvirgoI was searching to see if it's common today to (incorrectly) capitalize the beginning of the sentence after the greeting (Dear Dolly,) and am surprise to discover the people answering are lost themselves. First, there is not a comma after “Hi/hello” but before the name, unless you use a title and...

@tchrist I bet you sometimes post answers to chatrooms also.
There ya go.
install != post
you can post in a stall
or you can stall in a post
but you cannot install in a post.
you install on a post.
i miss @reg
@tchrist You can go postall.
@MετάEd vade retro me satanas. i’m of the right age bracket. and mood.
Get down, Santana?
santa is a pineapple
I like pineapple. Too bad I don't eat ham anymore.
Well, hardly ever.
Maybe I'm trying to set a good example for my minions.
@Rob Gurued again, eh?
This one needs just one more vote for a Guru badge:
A: Is there a word for numbers between 10 and 99?

David SchwartzAssuming you mean 10-99 inclusive, the phrase you want is "two-digit number".

Here a SEDE query to find candidates:
Is it only Monday still? Bleauuugh.
shouts toward the East It better over there in the Morrow?
@tchrist Hmm, I suppose you're right. A bit neat, that. People do love to put bows on things.
@Robusto Wasn’t my doing.
I didn't figure you for it.
I did most of the rest of them, though, after I realized I could write a query for it. :)
The query is the reward, yes.
Weird that Reg didn’t get one.
A: What is a good replacement for "ununderstandable"?

RegDwighтHow about incomprehensible or unfathomable?

Me, I'd rather write a program or a macro to do my work for me than to do it myself. Even if it takes longer!
I wrote the programmette.
I despise repetitive work on a computer.
It misses the entire point.
Tru dat.
Oh. I know.
Because it never really takes longer to write code to handle repetition. Maybe for the first batch, but you know you'll have to use it again.
Reg didn’t get a new Guru badge because he previously got one for something that is no longer valid.
Funny how that works.
They don’t rescind them. It is just that the next time you should get one, it does not count.
Yeah, half-funny.
Actually, the only thing I'm leaving on the table here is that I should very much like to get a gold badge for . I'm about 27 answers shy of that. Already have the points.
Hmm, actually I'm only 15 answers shy.
Hm, I can’t find which one that might have been.
You don’t look shy.
Nor do I act shy. Still, there it is.
Wait, it says he got a Guru badge for ununderstandable, but it is not on the front page.
Oh, gosh now I know.
He has +40 up and no down.
He was at +39 up when I gave him the +1.
But he got the Guru for it back on Jan 17.
tries and fails to eat whatever it is Rob left on the table
That means somebody was deleted.
Or they reneged.
I am betting on Jasper. Somehow.
I forgot to eat more than crackers and hummus for dinner, until now.
Just because we didn’t lose rep does not mean our posts kept their votes. Maybe.
I just gave out about 100 Guru badges. We’ll see if anybody notices.
@aediaλ Put some applesauce on it, there's a good girl.
@tchrist Looks like someone did.
You know, a funny thought just occurred to me. If someone—not me, of course—were to go back and edit 15 questions I've answered that could legitimately have the and add that, I wonder if that would catch me up.
Probably a lot of questions that should have or don't.
"Abbreviated Coded Rendition Of Name Yielding Meaning" => ACRONYM
Thanks to the Cygwin Acronyms List. First place, in fact.
Q: Can I call him "Mr Noise"?

user37324I want to name a person who makes loud noises to attract people on purpose (without considering the sex of audiences) in my writing, a name not an adjective like noisy but negative as well, not too rude or offensive, only ironic but acceptable. Can I name him "Mr Noise" for example? Does not it s...

Sure, why not?
If Spirit could reference someone as Mr. Skin, why can't someone call someone else Mr. Noise?
Man, I don't know how there are so many "what should I call this" questions. Ok, I know how, but why? Can no one make a stylistic decision for themselves?
(@Cerb, I'm looking at you, 'cause I know you'll be rolling 'round in your hell-sleep over why I don't use "for himself" instead. But it's fine, see? Individual style an' all. Also, you can't catch me up here on this rainbow.)
Yeah. Without those and the "Which sentence is correct?" questions, this place would be smaller than Donald Trump's sense of shame.
@Robusto Where?
@tchrist Someone starred your statement.
Presumably they had to notice it to do that.
You have to look a bit to notice. I spread the wealth around.
$ vim .bashrc
I hate this chat.
It steals my keystrokes.
Even when the focus is not in the input widget.
That is Evil and Wrong.
It fucks up my navigation.
Really? It doesn't steal mine.
Does it really? I've never seen it do that.
What browser do you use?
If the chat window is the one in the browser, I can no longer use my single-key plaintext shortcuts.
They get entered as chat window input.
If I have another tab active, of course it does not.
But the stupid thing seems to think that if the chat window is active, I have no business using text keys except as input.
It does not respect my shotcuts.
I cannot defocus the input.
I've only used it on Windows, Mac, and Android phones lately though, and mostly in Chrome.
Like if I click on the an icon up in the row, the input is still sent to the damned text box.
I use keys to go up and down my tabs.
But when flipping through, if I hit the chat window, it kills me.
So if I am on the tab before this one, and I hit 222 to go forward three tabs, I don't. I go forward one, and enter 22 in the damned input widget.
That is a design fuckup.
@aediaλ rolls over in hell hole
It forces me to use the goddamned mouse even though I have hotkeys setup to avoid that.
Let the record show that the last time I checked I was neither female nor a robot. But if I were a secret programming project of Jeff Atwood's, I could easily be mistaken about those things. — Robusto 20 secs ago
I got your Hell Hole right here, Hellhound!
@tchrist Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah, the page must be set up to transfer focus to the input window. That can be defeated, though.
Let me think on it a bit.
Is this a bug in their design?
I'm sure they think it's a feature, not a bug.
Well, it certainly bugs me.
An event listener must be getting attached to the window or the document to trap keystrokes and send them south.
Google used to do that, the bastards. They stopped.
The trouble is, their Javascript is minified. Hmm, what are the keystrokes you wish weren't getting trapped?
But maybe it is because I don’t let them do that predictive crap.
Don't they still do it with the stupid instant search I always forget to turn off?
I don’t want any keystrokes trapped.
If I want focus on the input widget, I’ll go there myself.
Just because the tab is foregrounded does not mean they get all my keystrokes.
I use things like 0 for +10% zoom, - for -10% zoom, etc. 1 and 2 go back and forth in the tab ring.
6 restores default zoom.
Various random things like that.
All my keystrokes do not belong to them.
When I flip through tabs, the chat window sticks and grabs them. Super annoying.
This is probably because I am a vi user not an emacs user.
@aediaλ I thought you were mythological. How come you came back?
@tchrist I wanted a nap one day, and there was this pretty girl...
    if (event.target != $('#input').first() ) {
Nah, that doesn't work. Hold on, let me refine it a bit.
What’s wrong with using more than one word? And are Anglo-Saxon words not good enough? english.stackexchange.com/questions/103755/…
Hello Guru @JonPurdy.
@tchrist: Guru twice over apparently now?
@JonPurdy It’s contagious.
Hwæt! Do we really have to start speaking Anglo-Saxon again?
Um. Rihtlice.
    if (event.target !== $('#input')[0] ) {
    } else {
That one works.
@JonPurdy This is the whole SWR toopidnice.
@tchrist: paste that script into your console and see if it still lets you do your other keystrokes.
God alone knows how to "paste it into my console". And he isn’t sharing. :(
What browser are you using?
Oh ...
Q: How to open the JavaScript console in different browsers?

Šime VidasUpdated on October 7th 2012 Chrome: Press either CTRL + SHIFT + J to open the "Console" tab of the Developer Tools. Alternative method: Press either CTRL + SHIFT + I or F12 to open the Developer Tools. Press ESC (or click on "Show console" in the bottom right corner) to slide the con...

I’ve never heard of a “Javascript console”.
What is it?
It's an ingress into the guts of your browser.
Control-Shift-I does nothing. Is that a Microsoft thing?
Maybe I need Alt?
You can do virtually anything on any web page. It's how I created the WTF/TL;DR close reason thingy.
@tchrist Mac or Linux?
Try Command-Shift I.
Well, that did something.
Fraud and Malware Detection.
Must find where all the shortcuts are.
Search around in your menus and see if there are dev tools somewhere. Or use Chrome for the purposes of this experiment.
I guess you have to have the Dragonfly extension installed in Opera.
Can you get it?
It says it should open “Dragonfly”.
I don’t see why not.
I don't use Opera, so I don't know. Anyway, do you have Chrome on your Mac?
How weird. It seems to be supposed to already be there.
Chrome? I think I may, but I never use it.
Well, give it a try. At least we will know if the script serves your purpose. Then the details of finding if you have Dragonfly or not can be managed.
@tchrist Wait ... it won't work for you in Chrome because those are Opera-specific shortcut keys you're using. Duh. I think you'll have to figure out the Dragonfly thing.
Oh my.
I just finally got my normal email working again for the first time in like a month.
And they hadn’t turned on greylisting at first. Oh no. Millions and millions of incoming.
I'm using pop3 off somewhere.
This is going to take awhile.
My own greylister used to turn away about 35,000 attempted spam deliveries a day.
I think they only ran without one for a few hours. I hope.
Looks like it only has the last week's worth. The first three weeks must have bounced. Please don’t ask. :(
My sympathies. Spam is a scourge.
^ I have no idea why youtube is showing me this scary ad next to my Tim Minchin videos.
I love it.
1 hour later…
Canvas Bags is now stuck in my head. "Take your canvas bags to the supermarket." It sounds so exciting.
@aediaλ Haha why is it scary?
@JacobBlack The ad itself is creepy because of its weird all-caps and title caps typography, excessive photoshopping of the model, and the fact that the model behind the text is staring straight at the camera wearing what appears to be a wedding dress (visual read:" I am designed for the male gaze! this property could be yours!" conflicts a great deal with the feminist message in the beginning of Confessions, which is probably what I watched first).
I do somewhat recognize the irony in my whinging about this whilst procrastinating on finishing the artwork for my Catholic friends' wedding save-the-date.
what is the vocabulary to express "Use something excessively"?
In context, "I recommend you to use jQuery API document excessively"
I think I knew the vocabulary that fits right into this scenario but I forgot
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
stupid north korea
stupid China, more like
i mean how many times can an ally do things you condemn before they stop being your ally?
i know
US ownz
but I seriously cannot understand why North Korea always want to destroy us :(
What remains to them or to South Korea when they blow up the whole country like they did back in Korean war?
i can see why NK feels threatened by the US, i can see why any country does
presumably the idea is that with nukes, they can't be invaded so easily
that doesn't explain why China seems to think it's OK or in their interests to let NK develop nukes
if i were China i'd just crush them
a useful ally? how the hell are they useful?
Good thing S. Korea is more on technology.
And ... music.
@Epitorial not much good if they get shelled into the stone age
1 hour later…
what if when NK finishes developing nuke then decides to reunificate with SK?
This might happen as well..
I see @Kit's in my meta fixin my kwestuns
Yep. I do that.
I was just going to fix a typo, but it told me the title had already been used, so I had to make some stuff up.
it is better with the new title
Is it lunchtime there yet?
nearly. 20 minutes to go
I'm in my computer fixin my codez
or trying to
I delayed so long in getting win 7 that I can't get it anymore.
you have to skip to 8?
are u guys uni students?
I am a working stiff
I'm trying to decide if I should get win 8 or try to find 7 somewhere.
@temp no.
well, 8 has the annoying metro screen that might be useful for touchscreen devices
but I'm sure there must be a way to turn it off
if u r a current uni student, you always have dreamspark but i guess u can't =(
Crud. Let me switch to a real computer.
dreams park?
dreams park
We applied for dreamspark, but it is for a friend and I don't want to get in trouble.
oh, is it a software buying thing?
is there any particular reason why u don't want to use linux or have it a go?
Cheap ms software program.
I thought you mean students were dreamers :D
Get you hooked.
they now have steam, which is awesome cause they have a lot of cool indie games
yeah, we had something like that when I was at uni
@MattЭллен do u know linux?
a bit
in past linux was very hard to learn
because it required a lot of commands to learn and etc
but now they have beautiful GUI (GNOME) just like windows
yeah, the good old days
and Linux do not use a lot of resources like windows =D
+ it makes u look like geek & smart & get all the asses
heh, well it's only made me look like a geek. The other two, not so much
Yeah, so it's for a friend, so no linux.
I think you're smart, @Matt. That's your whole problem right there.
just recommend linux =D
@Kit thanks :)
No linux.
Say yes to linux
rolls eyes You must be a student.
I'm emailing in sick today, but I've got to help my boys get ready to go to Gramma's. Back later.
how do you like to eat cheese?
i like it on pizza
with my mouth
i like it on pizza or in cheeseballs
I like it on pizza, in sandwiches, on lasagne, in lumps...
I had spinach and ricotta cannelloni last night. that wwas good.
how about eggs?
hmm sounds yum but never saw it before
I don't eat eggs much. fried or boiled or poached
ricotta canelloni looks like pretty sick food
but my staple food is instant noodle because i'm a uni student and Korean
@TemporaryNickName tastes good
@MattЭллен i'm pretty sure it does
only Italian food I can make with my own hand is Sketti
I copied recipe from watching Honey Boo * 2 child
ah. I don't make the cannelloni :D I buy it as a microwave meal for one
ah ok
btw, I have a quick question. What is grammatical term to call usage of "that/who" and etc?
it depends
often they're determiners or pronouns
Time for lunch! CU
I wanted to post questions, but I think they may get closed
Hi all. I asked a question in ELL to which several answers have been posted. But Nobody in their answers bothered to clarify if 2nd form of the question is correct or not. Please have a look. I found no one currently in chat of ELL.So asking for help here.
Q: Conversion to question problem

Mistu4uSuppose a sentence is: You have no idea what the thing is. So if we convert it to question, what should be the correct form? 1 or 2? 1) Have you any idea what the thing is? 2) Have you any idea what is the thing? I dimly remember the second concept is grammatically correct.

I often post question on Englishforums.com
They usually reply quickly
I think the first one is right
I think you should say
Do you know where my mother is? The same structure
But I am not a native speaker
But is the second structure wrong?
Do you have any idea what the thing is? to convert "You have no idea what the thing is." as a question form.
Have you any idea what the thing is?
This is how it should be I think.
And Have you any idea what is the thing?
Is it wrong?
This can also be converted to You have no idea what is the thing.
Yes, because 'is' should be placed at the end of the sentence. But I may be wrong
@Mistu4u hold on
checking it from my grammar textbook lol!
I think
Using Have you... is grammatically called present perfect tenses (question form)
and if you see this site, have you... always follows up with a verb (maybe)
Ah ok, so "Do you have any idea..." is what you are looking for
And what about the phrase ....what the thing is?

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