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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

Looks like we run about maybe 40% dupes. That would reduce our numbers significantly.
Of closes are dupes, I should say.
The question then is what does it do to other sites.
I will run up a comparison chart tomorrow
it's interesting to see
just one more thing...
what happened last year?
You mean their midsummer slump?
I mean the February spike
Some release thing, maybe?
Haha, Kit is still invisible...
What are some adjective applicable to tea? (tasty probably isn't, I think)
@SantoshKumar Vegetarian.
@SantoshKumar Nonthreatening.
@SantoshKumar Cold. I think I'll add a little hot water.
@MετάEd No no, I want to describe the tea. I liked the tea.
@SantoshKumar I described my tea. Unfortunately your experience of your tea is not present to me.
@SantoshKumar Why do you want to avoid saying "tasty"?
@MετάEd Because tasty sound like being spicy, tea are sweet.
@MετάEd I want any word that describe the taste of tea.
@MετάEd These links don't show me any words that describe taste.
@SantoshKumar Those are long lists of words used by tea experts to describe taste, as well as odor and other characteristics, of tea.
@SantoshKumar For example, "astringent".
@SantoshKumar If you just want a word that means "what tea tastes like", then I guess you could say "tealike" or "tea-flavored". But if you want words that describe the flavor of a particular tea, then these sites will be helpful.
@SantoshKumar Tasty means that something tastes good. It has nothing to do with piquantness. Anything that tastes good is by definition tasty. Chocolate is tasty. Casseroles are tasty. Cake is tasty. Margaritas are tasty. Key lime pie is tasty. Mushroom gravy is tasty. Tacos are tasty. Milk is tasty. Brussel sprouts are tasty. Fresh bread is tasty. Ice cream sandwiches are tasty. Jalapeños poppers are tasty. Whisky is tasty. Mars bars are tasty. And yes, tea is tasty, too.
Water, however, and satisfying though it may be, is probably at best metaphorically tasty.
> 'Songs she sang to me, words she brang to me...'
@tchrist 🐵 1F435 and 😼 1F63C work on my home computer (FF, Ubuntu). The others don't.
@TRiG From where?
There’s some longer story of bring/brang/brung you can dig out of the OED.
@tchrist Neil Diamond, I'm told.
It’s hardly standard. Nor uncommon.
Brung has historical precedent.
Brang was added by analogy.
Again, neither is standard.
@tchrist The bad poetry conversation, post 36.
Common Teut.: OE. bring-an, brengean (pa. t. bróhte, pple. bróht), corresp.
to OFris. branga, bringa, OS. brengian, bringan (MDutch brenghen, Dutch
brengen), OHG. bringan (MHG. and mod.G. bringen), Goth.  briggan (=
bringan), pa. t. brâhta, pple. brâhts. Beside the type bring-an, the Saxon
group has also *brangjan, brehook.ngian, brengean, brengan, app. after
þankjan; from bringan, OE. had also a rare strong pa.  pple. brungen (mod.
dial. brung), to which later dialects have added a strong pa. t., so as to
@tchrist Certainly water of life is tasty. (whiskey, aquavit, etc.)
We also have someone who thinks Horace Smith's Ozymandias is better than Shelly's. Takes all sorts.
And sorry. Neil Diamond is in post 39, not 36.
@MετάEd uisce beatha
Forms: Inf. 1 bringan, brengan, 2-5 bringen, 3-6 bringe, bryngen, 4-6
brynge, 4-7 bryng, 4- bring, (3 bringhe, brynke, 3-4 brengen, 4-5 breng,
5 bryngyn). Pa. t. 1-3 bróhte, 2 brochte, 3 broȝte, brouhte, 4 brouȝt(e,
broȝt, broht, browȝt, browghte, (brohut), 4-6 broughte, 4-7 broght, 5
browte, 4- brought, (6 brohute, Spenser braught, 6- Sc. brocht, 9 dial.
brong, brung). Pa. pple. 1-4 bróht, 3 broucht, 3-4 ybroȝt, ibrouȝt, 4
brout, browt, browht, brouȝt, brouht, 4-5 broȝt, (brouth), 4-6 broght,
ybrought, 5 ibrowghte, (bryght), 5-6 browght, broughte, 4- brought, (6
@TRiG Tsk.
@TRiG Exactly.
@TRiG Well, it might be better than Ozyosbourne, anyway.
@MετάEd Well, it prompted me to essay an analysis of poetry for the first time since I left school.
Not a very detailed analysis, I grant you, but it doesn't take much detail to demonstrate what I wanted to say.
@Cerberus I am stealing this line and using it as my h2g2 tag line.
@TRiG You evil thief! Information is property!
You are lucky I don't know what "h2g2" means. shakes paw
I was wondering that myself.
It must be some insular thing.
Oh, to live on an island!
@Cerberus It is an insular thing, but it's not my island.
If it's surrounded by sea, it's insular.
It's British. The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Hence two h's and two g's.
I have never read that.
@TRiG It has 3 h s. Or 4 counting "the".
I know everybody talks about it all the time.
Just like Harry Potter.
Set up originally by Douglas Adams' company, The Digital Village. Later bought out by the BBC. Then sold off to the community.
@Mechanicalsnail Your line is getting more interesting every time.
Based on Douglas Adams' books and radio scripts.
One of the first online communities; one of the first online encyclopedias. Quite technologically innovative, but the BBC put very few resources into it in the ten years they had it, and these days it's quite old fashioned.
@Cerberus Finally. U+200A did it.
@Mechanicalsnail I don't think the formatting you're looking for is possible. In any case, there are two initial h's.
@Mechanicalsnail Ah. Clever. Would not have occurred to me.
@Mechanicalsnail So...why not write h's? Does that not work?
Consider which room you are speaking in!
@Mechanicalsnail Ah yes, Unicode Character 'HAIR OF THE DOG' (U+200A)
You cannot contradict Fowler in these halls.
@MετάEd Yay!
@Cerberus Apostrophe’s are evil
No, no.
The norm is h's.
Apostrophes are not evil. Neither is apostrophe, for that matter.
Indeed. Apostrophe, thou art not evil!
@Cerberus Apo’strophe’s are evil
My dear fellow, where did you get this silly idea?
@Mechanicalsnail Scarequotes are evil though.
@Cerberus Shaw? Chaucer used no apostrophes.
Homer used no apostrophes.
We're not Shaw.
And Homer didn't write at all.
And he certainly used apostrophe!
@Cerberus Touché.
@Cerberus If yaw not Shaw, then why ah you so insistent?
I'm not specifically insistent.
Just a regular dog.
I don't understand appstrophophobia. Look how ugly it sounds.
Good example.
It's an interesting case; in the spoken language the ambiguity exists, and you would have to reword to avoid it. But in the written language the ambiguity is eliminated using the apostrophe.
Okay, it's sleepy time.
I don't know...I would probably say Dawkins's talk if that were what I meant.
@Cerberus Or rather, Touche̓.
"I tried to borrow an apostrophe, but my boyfriends decided to stop working."
@Mechanicalsnail Haha.
Kick your boyfriends in the behinds, then.
@Cerberus Get thee behind me.
I shall have to go to bed instead.
@Robusto English Russian.
@Cerberus More likely it's French Russian, yes?
Yes indeed..
Watched "We bought a Zoo" now...
@Mechanicalsnail The Guild of Green Grocer's di'sagree's with you.
(That was painful.)
Μπαράκ Ομπάμα
Oiche maith.
Any chance I just answered an NS question? It didn't fit the profile in several ways but now I'm a little ... worried.
Q: Altered From Purpose?

NelnslsThere might be some errors with this: source The booster rocket was thereby altered from its original purpose—to serve as a means of propelling the astronauts and their gear toward the Moon—to be reused as a source of energy to search the geology of the Moon using instruments placed on th...

Yeah, I think I've been had.
@MετάEd What's NS? National Socialist?
@MετάEd You mean you think the new question is a sockpuppet's?
@Mechanicalsnail I am suspicious.
Yeah, I was tired and it fit the profile better than I realized.
I'd bet dimes to dollars it's NS.
@Mechanicalsnail say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude. At least it's an ethos.
NS is an abuser.
1 hour later…
@Robusto My snow had nothing on yours. Hope you've been doing ok digging out.
^ the first photo is my current snowfall (well, I've shoveled out the front steps since). The second is the snowstorm that happened after Christmas.
@Kit I thought you were a mod and the fact that they'er able to see emails holds. I overestimated your mod powers, sorry.
3 hours later…
what's the opposite of "give up"?
fight your way through? (I don't speak English very much)
2 hours later…
fight, hold out, stand up to, withstand
@aediaλ Mostly. I still have to do the front walk by hand. I did part of it yesterday, just enough so that we could open the front door in case of fire or other emergency, but I had to wade through hip-deep snow to do that. I'm doing triple-tier shoveling on the walk; that is, each shovel length of walk requires a top scoop, a middle scoop, and a bottom scoop.
1 hour later…
Hiya @Cerb.
> I'm an advanced typist. I can type in many languages, including Chinese, English, c++, php, javascript and SQL.
Oh good, multiple discredications.
If I didn't know better, I'd say that statement was intended to be witty and self-deprecating. But I do know better.
@tchrist: Got my daily downvote from Kris early today.
Also, this needs to be closed:
Q: What's the difference between order and bill?

lovespringI don't know what the diff between those two action or words.

I can only type in Latin.
I haven’t answered much lately, so have flown somewhat beneath his radar.
I'm typing in Latin right now, except English words.
Of course you are.
What is the Latin word for typing?
All of those letters have the Unicode character property Script=Latin.
@Robusto Something from Seres perhaps.
That being the old Roman word for China. Or Taiping. Or something.
Oh. Now I get it.
Seria was apparently as far as East as their imaginations ranged.
What is the Latin for "Facebook friend"?
I bet you could figure that one out yourself.
"my friend of the book of faces" is easy enough.
But did they have books of faces back then?
Greek tuptô = to hit.
LOL is Latin: Latin Out Loud.
I'm laughing so hard now.
*Latin so hard
prepares for antiphonal initialisms
sursum corda
O Sapientia, quae ex ore Altissimi prodiisti,
attingens a fine usque ad finem,
fortiter suaviterque disponens omnia:
veni ad docendum nos viam prudentiae.
Dominus vobis cum.
Naaah Latin is no so hard.
Ogg vorbis.
Et cum spiritu tuo.
ECST: see above
@Robusto Hmm who is "I"?
Lovely. A nice matinal mass on the Lord’s day.
OK, for an extra ten points, what is the only Greek word used in the Latin mass?
@Cerberus I was wondering that.
I knew you'd know that.
Not worth 10 pouts.
@Cerberus Ite
Others came from Greek, though.
We're not i-ing nowhere.
Ite missa est => IME
Or e-ing, probably.
Ite Missa est: it’s done, get outta here.
Or simply: scram.
Ite missa est is GTFO or bounce in today's terms.
What does that mean? Go, she has been sent?
It’s the end of the mass.
Go, the mass is ended is the usual translation.
And the enthusiastic reply is Habemus a Dominus.
Or is it Dominum?
Hmm ... don't remember.
Habemus papam?
Habemus ad Dominum.
But I always got a laugh out of that one. "Thank God the mass is over."
Lots of lordly case inflections for you here: Dominus vobiscum. / Et cum spiritu tuo. / Sursum corda. / Habemus ad Dominum. / Gratias agamus Domino Deo nostro. / Dignum et iustum est.
Domine non sum dignus.
And a nice agamus in lieu of agimus.
And that’s another case.
Levemus ad Dominum. / Deo ac Domino nostro Jesu Christo filio Dei qui est in celis dignas gratias dignasque laudes referamus. / Dignum et justum est.
Weird spell checker:
It didn’t like accusative on Dominum or the -a- subjunctive (exhortative?) on referamus.
Yeah. Maybe it was just overwhelmed. In audio terms, maybe it's "clipping"?
I hope @MattЭллен comes back with cute graphs today.
The spellcheckered version past was actually the Mozarabic rite of the sursum corda.
Oh, I was wrong: Ite missa est is followed by Deo gratias.
@tchrist What is that supposed to mean? We hold [something] to the Lord?
@Cerberus "We lift up our hearts to God" is how it's rendered.
Isn’t that weird? I was just wondering if it is a Mozarabic thing to add an accusative particle.
Levemus ad Dominum.
@Robusto Then you'd need whole lot of context...
They have plenty of ad:
Priest: Introibo ad altare Dei mei. (Psalm 42:4a)
People: Ad Deum qui letificat juventutem meam.
Priest: Aures ad Dominum.
People: Habemus ad Dominum.
Priest: Sursum corda.
People: Levemus ad Dominum.
Priest: Deo ac Domino nostro Jesu Christo filio Dei qui est in celis dignas gratias dignasque laudes referamus.
People: Dignum et justum est.
@Cerberus I think today is Torture Cerberus With Church Latin Day.
The Mozarabic, Visigothic, or Hispanic Rite is a form of Catholic worship within the Latin Church of the Catholic Church, and in the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church (Anglican). Its beginning dates to the 7th century, and is localized in the Iberian Peninsula (Hispania). The "Mozarabs" is a scholarly term for the Christians living under Muslim rulers in Al-Andalus. The Mozarabic Rite's origins predates the Al-Andalus and Visigothic periods. Formation of early Catholic rites Ritual worship surrounding the Eucharist in the early Church was not scripted with precise rubrics as is the norm t...
> Te ígitur, clementíssime Pater, per Jesum Christum Fílium tuum Dóminum nostrum súpplices rogámus ac pétimus (osculatur altare) uti accépta hábeas, et benedícas (jungit manus, deinde signat ter super oblata), hæc dona, hæc múnera, hæc sancta sacrifícia illibáta (extensis manibus prosequitur):
> in primis quæ tibi offérimus pro Ecclésia tua sancta cathólica: quam pacificáre, custodíre, adunáre, et régere dignéris toto orbe terrárum, una cum famulo tuo Papa nostro N. et Antístite nostro N. et ómnibus orthodóxis, atque cathólicæ et apostólicæ fídei cultóribus.
@Robusto faints
Hmm, so bishop is Antistite in Latin? Then where did episkopos start getting used?
@Robusto How nice of them to write in the stresses.
It is normally episcopus.
It's Overseer.
mad panda
I have never seen antistes for the Pope...I don't know who or why invented that.
Not for Pope, for bishop.
Well, yeah. The Pope is only the bishop of Rome.
The liturgy is careful to emphasize that Catholicism is all about franchises.
Especially in the early days, there was nothing special about him.
Catholocism, because they're all loco?
Stupid fingers. Stupid keyboards.
My autocorrect corrected it when I tried to type your word.
@tchrist I like this.
@Cerberus That’s like saying “only Rome” — it substates the imperial prominence.
@Robusto It is nice, isn’t it?
@tchrist No, this was the normal perspective in the early days of Western Christianity.
At some point, perhaps. I do not know Church history well, let alone under the Empire.
Even in the 4th century, someone like Ambrose of Milan often had more authority than the bishop of Rome.
The only good thing religion ever gave us was some of the best music ever.
It is not for nothing that the Roman bishopric came to such a positioning.
I don't even know who the bishop of Rome was in Ambrose's time.
Of course.
It changed gradually.
A bit modern for me, but quite nice anyway.
By the the the western Empire fell, the Pope's authority had been firmly established.
Of course, one could make the case that religious music is the closest human beings can get to the immanence of anything divine.
In that sense, it is almost a mockery of the thing it purports to worship, so far exceeding it in beauty and usefulness than any of the mythology it is supposed to be about.
High B-flat. I’ll just never get there. Maybe double-flat.
I can get there on the piano.
Well, at full voice.
It’s within the normal handspan, yes.
BTW, have you looked into Gesualdo since we last spoke of these matters?
I have not.
@Robusto Than the mythology, absolutely. I cannot understand how some people can say that certain Biblical stories are "noble".
They are so utterly primitive.
When I was a kid, I thought “Patrem omnipotentem, factorem coeli et terrae” used heavens and earths in the plural. I couldn’t understand why it went back to just one earth and many heavens for “Pleni sunt coeli et terra”.
Just as Greek mythology.
Shit, I'm too late to edit ... "so far exceeding [it] in beauty and usefulness [than] any of the mythology" ... need to remove the than and the it
I barely registered the contamination.
Well, these are chat posts, I must remind myself, not parts of a dissertations.
I like to play the piano early Sunday mornings.
Please do remind yourself.
So I think I shall.
Translation for @Cerb.
I actually think I have never read, always heard, those texts.
Poorly written. It’s got bad accent marks. Sorry. Ok, bai.
I see no habemus.
That’s the Roman rite, not the Mozarabic one.
launches the Bm, and exits
Have fun.
hullo! I'm working on a blog post. I will have more graphs later! @tchrist
@Robusto Nice.
If you've never listened to the B-minor Mass, I heartily recommend it. Even if you have.
I have.
@Robusto I directed Cerb at the Rifkin recording once.
Whoa! "A friendly advice" shot to #1 with a bullet on the MC. There's no explaining question popularity on EL&U.
Side note: The 80K milestone has been achieved and I can retire from the ring. The rest of you have at it. I'll still comment and chat, but no active-duty combat assignments.
Hmm but what will you do when England overtakes you?
As I recall, we seceded from England more than 200 years ago.
Well, from the Empire.
It is curious how some countries consider overseas possessions that country itself, and others do not.
It is not like we detached from Britain when Ulmo pulled us into the West.
I believe France considers its overseas possessions to be the soil of France, not just French territory.
@Cerberus In the case of Barrie, he will overtake me anyway. I have a job and other, more interesting pursuits than answering every fool question that comes along on ELU. Besides, I have enough milestones to my credit here. I've been top dog for two years now and it hasn't made me any richer, smarter, or more attractive; time to let people have it who want it more.
Pick a flag, any flag:
A: What's the difference between "I want" and "I am wanting"?

cherylI never heard the expression, "I am wanting", until I moved to Texas. It's illegal to speak proper English here, and polysyllabic words are unheard of.

"Not an answer."
That’s what I used.
It is kinda offensive.
It is also wrong.
Also stupid.
The actual situation is that there exist no monosyllabic words in Texan.
And condescending toward Texans, though that may perhaps be forgiven.
Yes, it is just a rant.
Every Texan vowel is a diphthong.
Would you believe that Wikipedia has no French page for linguistic prescriptivism.? Quelle surprise!
@Robusto Well, with a hernia, maybe.
Or a hemihiatus.
boy > bowah
oil => awul
yes > yeey-ass
dancing => dahayuncin' (or even dahayunceeyun')
@Rob Kris is completely full of it on that question.
As always.
Not only is he full of shit, but he is vituperatively full of shit.
@tchrist Ha, I just saw your comment calling him out. Good job.
You’re welcome.
I have been remiss in due diligence, and never noticed. It turns out that the Review queue for close-votes misses a lot that the 10k tools for close-votes pulls up for your consideration. I had been using only the Review tool for the badginess, and should not have been.
Yeah, it has its faults.
BTW, it takes a super-majority of 4 concordant migration votes from non-moderators for that to happen.
@MattЭллен I wonder how closed-and-migrated factors into any of this close-counting.
@MattЭллен Also, it is hardly just to compare a site that has a General Reference close-vote possibilities with ones that do not. People always forget that.
Now what was that Latin proverb about not comparing unlike things? :)
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