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What's irrelevant now?
I wish I knew.
But Mr Shiny is Mr Mysterious today.
Will ELL be added to the list of off-topic destinations?
I hope so.
NOOO my snow just finished melting and now it's snowing again!
Maybe if I stop looking out the window it will go away.
Sprinkle salt around the house?
Nah, not until it's colder. It's supposedly still like 3 degrees out.
With a patchy blue sky and that's why the snow is so freaky.
@cornbreadninja seems unlikely, so as to prevent abuse.
It's like when it rains on a sunny day, but worse.
It was 10 degrees here.
@MattЭллен OIC
it's 21 here, with 20mph winds, so the wind chill makes it feel like 1.
it was 76 on monday.
21 °F?
You're clearly either in hell or using Fahrenheit, right?
Or both.
I cycled about town measuring my data speed.
Red is extremely slow.
Green is quite fast.
It is really strange.
And I think all the red used to be green, a few months ago. Then something changed.
Hello everyone.
Hi Mahnax.
Hello one.
I think I just got a ticket. I am sad.
lets loose a couple of epomis beetles in Aedia's snow
@Mahnax what were you doing?
A parking/speeding ticket?
@MattЭллен Driving.
I was faced with a yellow light and an icy road.
How much is a red-light ticket?
Brake and possibly slide into the intersection, or run the light?
Yeah that's a lot.
Ugh, that's expensive!
The thing is, I probably could have managed to stop. Probably.
Did you see a flash?
I didn't, so there is some hope. But it's bright out, so I could have easily missed it.
Do they regularly flash people there?
There is a camera at that intersection.
We had red-light cameras in much of the DC area, and I got a ticket once. It made me paranoid for ages, so much that now, up north where the yellow lights seem to be much longer, I am always annoying my passengers (well, especially husband) by stopping too soon.
Let's pray for Mahnax.
@aediaλ You condition well, I see.
We also don't have the red-light ticket cameras up here in most places, that I know of, but I still have the reflex. It's stupid, because I'm probably likely to get rear-ended now.
So do you get a ticket for driving through yellow?
Ugh, shit. I definitely have a ticket, from what I just read.
More things I have to tell my parents about.
They will get over it.
Hey @aedia, can I borrow the hidey-sack?
I presume you will have to pay for it?
Of course!
I would not dream of asking them for such a thing. I made the mistake, it's my fine to pay.
@Cerberus Well, it was my parents' car I was still borrowing at the time - when I was first working down DC-ways, I think - so, doubly embarrassing. (Our tickets were all automatic - the notification goes in the mail to the car's registered owner.)
Yeah, it sucks.
@Mahnax hands over grey sack
hides some chocolates in sack
hides in sack; cries
Mahnax finds chocolates
Your parents will get over it.
@RegDwighт as a balloon
Well, yes. But this news came at a similar time to some… other news.
And you're still 16. You're allowed to make mistakes.
What other news?
Uhm, my mum asked me to book Sunday mornings off work so I could go to church.
So you don't normally go to church on Sunday mornings?
And that conversation kind of led to me telling her that I don't believe in good old Jesus anymore.
You can tell her that isn't possible?
Ahh I see.
Was she shocked? Or did she expect it?
@Cerberus My family does, but I have been scheduled to work every Sunday morning for the past few weeks.
Ah OK.
@Mahnax Uh oh. I take it she didn't respond super happily to that?
@Cerberus She said something like "I know church isn't really important to you…" and then I told her that it wasn't a part of my life at all.
@aediaλ She's disappointed.
Or something.
Okay, so it didn't come as a surprise.
Not really, I think.
@Mahnax I was just typing that. They always are.
@Cerberus Yep, heh.
It just means you don't do what they want.
Sometimes they are right, sometimes you are right.
And of course I'm wrong, per usual?
Not if you ask me.
Of course I don't know what horrid things you normally do, hehe.
But I'm glad she wasn't shocked.
It could have been worse.
@Cerberus Haha, I'm kidding.
@Cerberus Rabble-rouse, you know.
I'm not surprised.
You a teddy boy, eh?
Just like your mum.
Does she know what a corrupting influence we must be on you? Or the Internet as a whole?
@Cerberus I don't know. I was expecting a conversation about it, but it hasn't happened yet.
You think it will still come?
It might.
If she started about the subject, then I would have expected the Talk to be then.
If not, it may not come.
It was just before dinner, she said she didn't want to talk about it then. I imagine that she supposed it would be a nice, quick "Oh hey, can you book Sunday mornings off? Great, thanks."
But she was not surprised.
What do you think? Will she try to pressure you?
You will reach a modus vivendi.
It will be OK.
That remains to be seen. I do not feel that I am in a position to predict what my parents will do anymore.
They are developing into their characters, huh?
You cannot control them any more like before?
Haha, control?
All part of growing up.
I have a kind of stupid question. Is it correct to say: "I prepare the program for the end of March."?
They will get used to it.
@MartyIX What does it mean?
I think you must have had a funny childhood, @Cerb.
"I will have the program ready by the end of March"?
@aediaλ Oh, yeah?
@aediaλ Those wooden shoes do strange things to one's mind!
@Cerberus Yeah, that is much better
"The program will be finished by the end of March"?
A: Someone who comes across as "airheaded" but is really quite the opposite

RobustoYou could say that person is understated or not obvious. Phrases would include easy to underestimate, easily undervalued, flies under the radar or even "There's more to her than meets the eye."

@Mahnax Of you clobber one with them, yes.
JAM tried to edit my pronoun to make it his/her. Haha.
@Cerberus So the sentence I posted above is totally wrong?
@Robusto That's silly.
@MartyIX Just wrong, not totally wrong, hehe.
Check the comments.
@Cerberus He means him/her, of course, which is slightly less silly.
Thank you
Good luck!
@Mahnax Oh haha, I didn't even notice.
Hmm, my father is not angry. See? Unpredictable, I tell you!
Fathers are often unpredictably unangry.
They just nod.
Where mothers feel they have to do something.
Haha, I guess so.
@Cerberus Do you know what changed?
@Mahnax Nope. My only guess is that my provider changed something in its network.
Someone else who's also on the Vodafone network had the same extremely slow speed at the same location.
So I'm basically waiting for things to change back and making a map in the meantime, probably mainly to keep myself occupied.
@Cerberus Hmm, interesting. What could they have changed, though?
I know they are busy "improving" the network.
Placing new antennae and other stuff. I don't know.
You didn't have a smartphone, do you?
I think I will just make do with the phone I have now and save my money.
There are things it could be better used for in the future.
Like that ticket, hehe.
Thanks, I had almost forgotten.
Phone plans being as expensive as they are in your country, I would probably not spend my hard-earned money on one.
I'm always there to remind you of it!
I have a phone, but it only costs me $18/mo.
And what do you get for that?
@Cerberus Pah, like you don't forget. dangles shiny distracting object
Hmm forget what?
plays with object
Umm, unlimited texting and a few minutes of calling. Unlimited calling on evenings and weekends.
decides tail needs urgent chasing
@Mahnax OK I see.
I'm guessing any data plans will be upwards of $ 50?
@Cerberus Yessir.
For an iPhone, one could be paying $80/mo for a good amount of data.
Oh, well.
You can get an OK phone + text + data bundle + fairly OK smartphone here for € 16/mo.
And countries like Austria are supposedly much cheaper.
rolls a crumpled post-it note across the floor
They must be making so much money on Iphones and Canadian phone plans...
@aediaλ Ohhh it moves!
@Mahnax faints
Even the hounds of hell can have a little fun, eh?
And you get a phone with that?
@Cerberus revives with frankincense
@Cerberus Umm, sometimes.
If you want the newest iPhone, tack on $379.99 for a three-year plan.
Plus a $30 activation fee, sometimes.
How about the Alcatel 997D?
They waive that if you complain or flatter them enough.
Or the Acer Liquid Gallant?
Those are fairly cheap but seemingly decent smartphones.
They don't have those on this website.
I wonder why our oligopoly is less fucked up than yours and the US's. I mean, ours is still fucked up, but less so.
What's different?
@Cerberus I don't know. Maybe it's cheaper for you guys because your countries are so much smaller and you require fewer cell towers while maintaining a large population.
But companies like Vodafone and T-Mobile cover all of Europe.
Just throwing it out there as a possibility.
It's strange.
I believe it is also cheap in countries like Russia.
And they have much better speeds than we do.
I have found someone who will accompany me to Europe in the summer of 2014.
Vitaly had 60 Mbps.
Who is it?
The plans are very cheap in Finland, too.
@Cerberus One of my friends.
Thon's parents have agreed to pay for some of it, for some reason.
That could be good leverage.
@Mahnax hooray!
@cornbreadninja Indeed! Now I won't be wandering the streets of Amsterdam alone.
@Mahnax As in, perhaps you could coax your parents into paying part of it too.
Although now is perhaps not the best time.
@Cerberus I would like to pay for it all myself, hehe.
Coffee! coffee coffee coffee
If you enjoy paying money, I think I can help you.
@aediaλ Good for you.
@aediaλ good idea.
I got some illy and it is gross.
I would share, but you probably don't want my stuffy-nose germs.
@aediaλ In a few hours I'll be off to sell that to people!
I must have had something different that other time.
@Cerberus But when we come to Amsterdam, you have to take us to the place where your data speed is lowest, OK? I hear it's a huge tourist location.
> Unfortunately, no one can be told who J. K. Rowling is. You have to see her for yourself.
I love these.
> Whatever can go Rowling will go Rowling.
@Mahnax Haha, you will have the best time there.
@Cerberus I can't wait, dude. It's going to be radical.
@aediaλ I only like the smell of coffee beans, so I think we will be able to come to an agreement.
@Mahnax Far out!
@Cerberus Wicked!
trying to think of something else
By the way, wicked, is that still used?
wicked awesome?
Um, no.
Radical sounds a bit dated to me, or and I mistaken?
Well, maybe a little.
@aediaλ Yeah.
@Cerberus They are all dated.
Some more than others.
I'm glad I didn't fall into your trap.
It's funny how cool has stood its ground for so many decades.
OMG we're accidentally talking about Inglish.
@Cerberus Sometimes. I hear it in my head with a strong Boston accent and I think I remember a coworker who actually did use it, but I think it's way more likely to be used in jest than seriously.
@Cerberus Hey, that can't be right.
@aediaλ Isn't it also a bit British?
I do like single-word-requests, but not this one so much. Not enough clues. english.stackexchange.com/q/102416/588
I lost my khakis, but in Boston I wouldn't be able to get into my car.
@aediaλ desperately tries to change the subject
Um, how 'bout that Frenches?
@EdGuiness I'm afraid I'm the wrong crowd...
I stay away from SWRs.
Oh, did you know? I am semi-retired!
@cerberus how do you like crossword puzzles?
@Mahnax Already?
@Cerberus Hmm. I don't know.
@Cerberus Yep!
@EdGuiness Negatively.
I suck at cryptograms too.
@cerberus whoa, I didn't expect consistency.
@Mahnax How did you manage it at your age?
@EdGuiness It's the only thing I have, consistency. Or perhaps I don't. Damn.
@Cerberus I won the lottery.
@EdGuiness His custards are never runny.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 God night!
@Mahnax Custard? That reminds me of pudding.
@Mahnax You did? I didn't know lottery winners cared about tickets.
@EdGuiness Pudding? That reminds me of Quebec.
@Cerberus Shut up, you!
Québec? that reminds me of pudding.
@Cerberus I prefer my nights godless, thanks
Does Satan count?
@Cerberus No, because he isn't considered a god, and because he doesn't exist.
Québec? That reminds that I only just recently discovered a use for the Altgr key
That's an odd piece of argumentation there.
@EdGuiness And you're very quick with it already!
@Cerberus Yeah. Well, it was an odd question.
@cerberus it's all I have
OK. We could trade. Their relative value would be equal.
Fair warning, I'm not consistént with it
on tumblr "I'm sorry we're having problems right now" means "We did the thing you wanted". Yay!
@EdGuiness Ones like this drive me nuts because I don't understand the particular drive for a single word. When what you mean to say is "They weren't actually airheaded" why does that need to be reduced?
I clicked a button and tumblr told me it was broken, but the thing it was meant to do happened.
@MattЭллен The same thing happened to me, actually.
just now?
Well, about 25 minutes ago.
I don't know what tumblr is supposed to be doing.
@aediaλ Star.
@aediaλ it's like falling down with media
@MattЭллен Yay! I have that too on some sites.
@aediaλ Crying over pictures of celebrities and television and such.
Or so they say.
and limericks
I treat it like any other website, except one that gets unusually bloated with comments for some reason and makes it hard to find the other posts near an entry that is interesting
@aediaλ Neither do I. I think it tumbles.
Yes, limericks indeed.
Well, at least in Matt's case.
I have no idea what Tumbler is. I know nothing about it buts the name.
yeah, holy shit Matt, my RSS reader is full of limericks these days
@aedia No argument on that score. Personally I just like getting internet points for crossword puzzle questions
It always tells me that other people re-somethinged the thing I'm looking at, and I don't care. And then I leave.
and some of them have words I don't know. or pronounce differently
That sounds like Facebook to me.
Every time I log in, I get all sorts of pop-ups.
popups? in facebook?
"By this virus scanner, your computer is in danger" and such.
@Cerberus adblock
And then I can't do anything until I reboot.
Oh, well.
you shouldn't see popups in facebook
Dunno if you know, but I figured out who recently deleted user19341 is.
Oh! Why did he delete himself?
@Cerberus That I don't know.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I mean pop-up tooltips-resembling messages explaining what button blahblah does.
There are always new buttons and menus and lay-outs on Facebook.
Yes, if you Google "english.stackexchange.com/users/19341" then it will tell you who it is.
@Cerberus what did you mean by the virus scanner thing?

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