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Hi all
Hi @MattЭллен
How are you?
kinda tired. I've been fixing my bicycle. how are you?
I am good.
I am very tensed.
as I have lost my job.
that's not good. what happened?
I was working in a software company
But client has complained to manager, he asked me to leave.
A: What does "up she rises" mean in the sea shanty "Drunken Sailor"?

triggI'm amazed that nobody has noted the transparent crudity of this shanty. The "drunken sailor" refers to a member of the crew suffereing erectile disfunction as a result of over indulgence and shanty suggests methods of solving it - hence "Hooray and up she rises"

@Sudhir what did they complain about?
Actually before delivering the software to client it must be tested, but it was not tested
and I was newbie to that
Client was of US
that's pretty harsh
They outsource the work
I has just done my B.tech
And joined company
to earn some money
In India, there is a pool of talent available
so they don't care for us
sounds like you need to find a new job
You tell?
tell what?
How is UK regarding freshers?
people who get software development related
tend to have to spend a year as a intern before they graduate
then they have experience
(sorry, I accidentally hit enter)
Before firing is there any warning given?
@MattЭллен To watch, maybe. To undergo, no.
@Sudhir people who are hired are usually hired on a 3 month trial. if the trial doesn't work out, they get let go. If the trial works out then they'll have certain rights
like a notice period
they can't just be fired with out the company trying to fix the problems
Like when you buy a new horse or slave.
You can still bring it back within the allotted period.
@MattЭллен: What is starting perks are given to them?
@Sudhir for a graduate? none, probably. If you're very lucky there'll be a company pension scheme you can join, maybe health care and/or dental plan
@Cerberus exactly
You know on Friday evening client had complined to manager
sat and sun are off
@MattЭллен Good.
On Monday PM ask me to leave.
I was totally shocked
@Cerberus if you don't get eh right slave for the right job you have to be able to exchange or return, it's consumer's rights
@Sudhir that would only happen here after several complaints and several attempts at retraining
You guys are very lucky
Sex slaves are more expensive. So if yours turns out to be awkward, you must be able to return it. Or get a refund at the glue factory.
In India, there is lot of competition of
Normally, What's salary of a software developer there?
there is competition here, but there are also employment laws in the employee's favour
But in India, every year 1 million people try to get job
@Sudhir depends on the level. most software developers go freelance after a while, so they earn a lot more. I started at £17000.
@Cerberus of course, stores are reluctant to take back used sex slaves, as they can't normally be resold
Of course they can be. You're falling for their advertising tricks.
I need to search job
as I am in trouble now
you'll find something.
I was a PHP developer
They send the slave to a different warehouse, while "losing" its file. There, all it has to do to get branded as "virgin" again is say "I am virgin class". Then it is "refurbished" as such and resold.
on average C# devs get paid better than PHP devs
You work on C#?
I work in a few languages, C# is one
So you are in project of ----?
I mean clients are of which country
I work in the UK
Clients are of UK?
@Cerberus OMG. This is some racket. We could be getting slaves in any condition!
Yup. That's how slave mar....dating sites work.
@Sudhir well, I work for a UK company. They sell products all over the world.
@Cerberus lol
@MattЭллен: Oh great!
I was under Senior.
Senior was weird
When manager asked, he blamed me.
that sucks
I was not knowing SVN and all software as i was a newbie.
That's the sort of thing your team should teach you when you join.
But they haven't. They only given glance of it.
@Cerberus so... dating sites, is there any way to be sure your date is in good condition?
I don't think so.
@Sudhir sounds unfair. they wouldn't get away with that in the UK
What can be done?
They are owner of the company
They'll do what they like
I am a simple person
in the UK? the employment law calls what you described "constructive dismissal". The company made it impossible for you to do your job effectively and then fired you because of that.
just to earn some money for myself
@Cerberus converse ation?
You mustn't converse eat them.
@MattЭллен: India is the hub of outsourcing.
We get work from rich countries like US, UK, Australia.
A friend of mine had to travel to India for his company to help set up a call centre in India
@MattЭллен: You're in FB?
I can't remember which city
@Sudhir Face Book?
Its shortform
So you are there?
Can I add you on it?
if you don't mind
I'd rather you didn't. Thanks for the offer, though :)
I didn't get you
No, you can't add me. Thanks for the offer, though :)
I don't want you to add me. I don't add people I don't really know.
You're a nice guy
Thanks. You seem like a good guy too.
What's your full name?
don't mind
Matt Ellen
you're married?
@MattЭллен Sent you a short e-mail.
@Cerberus coolio!
Its late here
Its 12:30
So going for sleep
OK. Have a good sleep @Sudhir :)
What's time at your end?
Our eng is weak
as compared to yours
I am English, so it's to be expected :D
Ha Ha
You know Hindi?
sadly, no. I only know English.
@Cerberus replied, shortly
Oh! great
I love English
@MattЭллен Goodly.
@Sudhir it is a bountiful and useful language
How's your vocab?
pretty good, I think. How's yours?
Not so good as our native is Hindi
you there?
You know PHP?
ahhhh sort of. I haven't used it in a long time
Ok will talk tommorrow
its late
I'll wait for you
ok, sleep well.
stalks around room
sits on a chair
paints you surreptitiously
what's going on?
throws painting away
starts anew
I was exploring my artistic side.
oh! I thought you meant on me!
The ambiguity was on purpose.
oh :D good.
So art will remain incognita for me.
hide yourself from your expectant fans
hides in sack
hides sack in other sack
emerges from sack
Oh, noes! What is this darkness?
Is Mordor upon us again?
Sauron, how many times have you been defeated already?
shakes fist inside sack
you'll never find your way out!
it is the one true sack
I'll just sit it out yawns hmm I'm so tire...
(^ that's snoring)
Hark! It's as if I hear three snoring monsters!
opens the sack to take a look
monsters jump out
are blinded by light
don't know what to do
decide to wash self, like a cat in dubio
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Did you know that LTE was in fact cheaper to provide for carriers than 3G?
> It really doesn't get much simpler than that. The 4G LTE network is efficient to the point that delivering the service costs less than the 3G network, yet the price to consumers is going up.
Ima have a sammich and watch doctor who
Q: Reopen request: "Sounds which seem to express a particular quality whatever words they appear"

Carlo_R.This is a request to reopen the question, "Sounds which seem to express a particular quality whatever words they appear" I believe that it is a perfectly legitimate question and not a not real one, as simchona, MετάEd, Mr. Shiny and New 安宇, cornbread ninja and tchrist stated. Indeed, if any, the...

have fun!
This is really too bad. There's a good single word request in the original question.
The only problem I see with it is that the examples it mentioned were wrong.
Or probably wrong.
The single word is not very interesting, but a summary of how the phenomenon works in English would be nice.
@Cerberus Most people reading it for the first time misunderstand the question. It generated a lot of heat, very little light. It just needs to be rewritten.
To include different examples.
Undisputed ones.
@Cerberus That could not hurt also. But the most helpful thing Carlo could do is put the single word request at the front of the question instead of at the back.
I don't know. As I said, the word itself does not interest me much.
A: Length of Questions and Answers

RobustoNothing prevents the reader from leaving off in the middle of a question or answer if it doesn't maintain interest. Nevertheless, someone else might find all that detail fascinating. Not all questions can be adequately explored by a quick C&P from the OED.

@Robusto Nice.
Couldn't resist.
That it is Barrie who should ask this question is funny.
My comment, too, was meant to be a snarky retort, but I edited out the dodgy bit.
At first I had "and some answers are inordinately short".
My best answers are long.
There just isn't enough space in a short answer to convey a complicated thought.
And simple ≠ very good.
My best answers are Goldilocks answers: not too long, not too short, but just right.
Yeah, yeah. I know you, Goldilocks. Stay away from my porridge. I like to smear it out into long portions.
Your porridge is too hot. I like mine just right.
@Cerberus Funny you should say that.
Apr 24 '11 at 0:49, by Robusto
The way they measure butter is, a Dutch housewife smears butter on a plank, then she slides down the plank and what sticks to her ass is a pound and a quarter.
But never bland.
Yes, Barrie answers are short. One can always ask him to supply references or whatever you think is missing from an answer. Generally, nobody does. This is because Barrie is also generally right.
@Robusto Uhh wtf?
You don't remember that?
@MετάEd But rarely high quality.
@Robusto No...and it hasn't become any less wtf in the meantime.
Apr 24 '11 at 0:51, by Robusto
Before you get all offended, @Cerberus, remember I'm just trying to say things @RegDwight can't possibly claim to have known I would say first.
@Cerberus Most of the questions he answers are short answer questions. How does that make them low quality answers?
Straw man.
@Robusto Still random and weird.
Which is fine. But also wtf.
Random and weird are sometimes just what the doctor ordered.
Also, there ought to be a law firm called Random & Weird, don't you think?
So you would have someone to defend you?
I think they might be just as likely to offend as defend.
You know what they say.
They talk a lot, don't they?
Uncanny, Random and Weird, Attorneys at Law.
Sounds Kafkaesque... :)
Hello there.
@JosephWeissman Could be. Weren't they the attorneys for the defense in The Trial?
> '...[i]t's not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.' 'A melancholy conclusion,' said K. 'It turns lying into a universal principle.
Hi everyone, still no sign of damage!
@JasonBourne bonk
@MετάEd I think it will happen on Monday.
@Robusto Two years late because someone flagged it. Converted because it's a link answer.
It's pretty obvious actually.
People can just read any post that is 9000 years old.
Hey, I'm trying!
@Robusto I usually delete the first few comments to keep the chain short, then repeat the process ad infinitum.
You don't live here anymore.
However, the other guy must delete them too, or it will still become long.
@Robusto Still, I have alumnus status!
@matt Boo!
hiya @JasonBourne
@MattЭллен How was your weekend? I went out for a walk.
@MattЭллен Dead username walking.
Gee, WTF is FTFY?
@JasonBourne I just watched a film called Time Crimes
I need to learn all these acronyms.
@JasonBourne TLA
It's surprisingly good
@MattЭллен watched
@JasonBourne is
@MattЭллен OMG
@MετάEd OMG
@JasonBourne I also spent most of today fixing my bicycle
Gotta run.
@MattЭллен Ah!
@Robusto Not too fast.
Funny thing is, for me ASL is short for Arithmetic Shift Left ...
What was it supposed to be in chatrooms? Age, Sex, and L???
Ah, location. That was it.
american sign language
acrobatic sex lunge
They need something else: orientation, LOL.
So it should be ALSO: age, location, sex, orientation, LOL.
anonymous stimulation league
/that felt dirty
So what if you know ASL? That is not enough! You need to know O as well!
@JosephWeissman doesn't everything?
ALSOP: age/sex/location/orientation/position
@MετάEd Well, position is not too important really.
I only have momentum
@JasonBourne Speaking for yourself.
Position can always be changed.
What might be more important is marital status.
Married folks are definitely off limits.
SALMON - sex age luminosity momentum orientation nationality
@MattЭллен I guess we can't ask your position, then.
sadly not. I'm everywhere at once
Actually, unmarried but attached folks are also off limits, but one can wait.
@MattЭллен Then how about PHOTON - position, hotness, orientation, ticklishness, out, and normality.
tchrist would argue the t is a d
@matt What is your relationship status now? Still single and available?
OK, I wish you good luck!
@MετάEd how do you measure normality?
@JasonBourne thanks :)
@MattЭллен Do you still have a beard now?
getting longer everyday
have you started to grow a beard yet?
No, I can't even if I want to.
@MattЭллен inward- or outward-pointing.
That is because you are not supposed to have a beard if you are still in reservist.
@MετάEd I see
But I don't like beards anyway.
@JasonBourne oh. that's a shame
I think beards are so ugly.
How about ASF: age, sex, flavor?
(up, down, strange, charm, bottom, and top)
OMG. Is this the dating room?
Bait date mate. QED.
@matt I have not bothered to inquire the location of my training in May. But I have a briefing on it in March, so I will find out then. Need to get an injection too!
what's the injection for?
@MattЭллен Well, some disease.
I don't know what disease, LOL.
a vaccination?
Yes, innoculation.
well at least they're making sure you stay healthyish
It's just SOP.
will you know anyone you'll be stationed with?
Well, probably met some of them before.
at least you won't be surrounded by complete strangers, then
I might try to get excused from it if my condition gets really bad, we'll see.
@matt I hope you don't get a heart attack when you lose you reps next week. =)
It'll be a shock, but I'll be fine :D
in C# on Stack Overflow Chat, 1 min ago, by Berzerker
it was just an automatic ban , i removed too many questions i had asked
can you really get banned from removing your own questions?
@JohanLarsson If you delete a ton of questions then you get in trouble, yeah.
@Cerberus what was the snarky part that you left out?
@MετάEd Right. He is (almost?) always correct, in the sense that if you know the answer already his does not contradict it, but in their brevity, I can see that they just don't transfer knowledge to the OP. His answers are written for experts who already know, not students.
@JasonBourne Who cares about rep? (oh yeah a lot of people) But the point is...why bother to delete your account at all? What's wrong with leaving it?
@Mitch Oh well, just obsessed with minimalism. Also to prevent further addiction. =)
@Mahnax ok ty sir
@Mahnax Well, you can't delete a question that has been answered or an answer that has been accepted.
@Mitch Anyway, don't worry, I am sure you will still exceed 20k soon even if it drops below that! =)

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