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It just meant you got an extra life, but we had no idea why.
When we were 10.
We called it an "een-up".
Stupid powershell has no commenting hotkeys.
What kind of ide lacks comment toggle keys? Seriously, people.
you should totally drop that and try jQuery
I wish I could laugh there.
@Cerberus geez, she's outta control!
And her name is meredith something.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I bet you could handle her.
Meredith Viera. Right. From that talk show.
@Cerberus She's not my type
Not Asian enough?
I sometimes wonder what men think of such forward women.
I bet some will be scared off.
Others might not care.
Others, again, might like the challenge?
@Cerberus haha, "Asian" is not a necessary criteria for me.
I know, I know. I was teasing.
@Cerberus I knew you couldn't resist.
I wasn't sure whether it was on purpose...but I, too, knew I couldn't resist either way.
We talked about this yesterday. A lot of men didn't like it when I was specific about what I wanted.
That's hardly generalizable though, I suppose.
Actually, I think most people are uncomfortable with it.
It's dumb.
But somehow men do so more often than women.
And just demonstrates my difficulty with social formatting.
format it into HTML
Haven't dates or such scared you off with their forwardness in the past?
@MattЭллен KFL
"I want to *** you", etc.?
@Cerberus No.
They don't scare me off.
I appreciate clarity.
They do scare me off.
Then we are less compatible OMG. sad faces
If I'm not interested, it helps me realize that I'm not.
@KitFox I'm torn between Knowledge Faith Love and Knee Football League
If I am interested, then I know I don't have to do the stupid dances.
@MattЭллен Kit Fuck Language.
It might scare me off, if I thought it was inappropriate or if I came to unfavourable conclusions about the other person. eg. if she doesn't know me at all and makes really forward comments, then she could be toying with me, or rushing things, or just too tactless. It would really depend on a lot of things.
make that an OSI standard
I'd use it
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, true. Timing is important.
Are there two or more reference implementations of KFL?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Something like this. Except times two for me.
But I also didn't want to waste my time batting my eyes at someone who wasn't interested.
@KitFox Yes, that is the down-side.
And yet you bat your eyes so lovelily!
@KitFox Or batting your eyes at someone who doesn't respond because they are too afraid to go too fast.
I tend to make my interest very clear. Like "You are really funny." and "I find you attractive and I'd like to spend more time with you." and "I am really whiskey-drunk and I want to get laid, so are you interested?"
The first is by all means good.
You'd think people would appreciate that more.
The second is forward, but can be nice after you have spent some time with someone, say a long conversation at a party. With some drinks. And some definite flirting must have taken place first.
The third sounds a bit...incongruous? If you are that interested, why not just grab the other person?
Because it was a long stumble back to my place.
And I wasn't going back for someone else if they weren't interested.
Why not just grab him/her inappropriately?
I mean, lean in too close, touch arms/hands/chest.
Maybe not chest if it is a woman.
Stomach, then.
I prefer to make my meaning clear.
Unless she might be insecure about that.
Isn't touching clear?
Is it?
After some touching, you can say, "let's go to my place".
No need to mention sex explicitly.
Yes, there is a need to mention sex explicitly.
Because I want to make sure that's what I'm getting.
I don't know, it might scare me off, even at that stage.
Have you all seen Google flu trends yet?
I don't want to sign a contract there and then.
@Robusto I posted those last night.
@Cerberus no
@Robusto But have you considered that Google flu trends might be a self-fulfilling prophecy?
@MattЭллен No?
if someone brushes against me I'm likely to assume it's an accident
If everyone is Google for "Google fly trends"...
@MattЭллен Yes.
It needs to be obvious enough.
Obvious like "I want to have sex with you"?
@Cerberus I'm not sure how that would work.
@Robusto You search for Google flu, because Google flu is becoming more well known, and hence this search term reinforces its own stats.
I think they're monitoring search terms, not the number of times people search for "google flu"
so the number of times people search for "what is my temperature when I have flu?" for example
They might count all references to flu...
I think they're a bit smarter than that
And looking at G. f. might cause people to research flu more. It might pique their interest.
It sure did mine.
Social sciences are the most complicated thing eva!
but that's predictable - it probably follows a simple distribution that peaks whenever they mention google flu in the media, so that's easy to discount
How do you know how high the extra peak should be? And what if Google flu is mentioned more in the media this year than last?
I have to run, tea-foraging. Later!
@Cerberus Yeah. I see the self-fulfilling prophecy part now. I didn't fully read the explanation, thought it was reported cases of flu.
@Cerberus because of all the time that google flu is not in the media
I'm gonna go forage for @Cerberus
Q: On the usage of epitomized

positron"Epitomized by right captainship, the ship reached safely". I'm emphasizing the capabilities of the captain here. Is this correct usage?

Oh, FFS.
"Right captainship"—is a right captain like a right whale in any way?
@Robusto They prefer to be called "Starbord captains"
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I prefer port.
@MattЭллен But the times that it is in the media will coincide with the flu season.
@Robusto Sissy landlubber!
You can stay in port whenever you want.
But the seven seas! They call you!
> And that's exactly the problem with a less permissible garden like Apple's app store. Sure, in Google's garden (or the wider open internet, for that matter) you will occasionally have to ignore a few weeds, but you get the full spectrum of flowers to enjoy. Apple's garden may have less weeds, but they have less flowers, and the choice over which flowers you see isn't up to you. That's not the system I want to embrace.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Don't you agree?
Port wine (also known as Vinho do Porto, , Porto, and often simply port) is a Portuguese fortified wine produced exclusively in the Douro Valley in the northern provinces of Portugal. It is typically a sweet, red wine, often served as a dessert wine though it also comes in dry, semi-dry, and white varieties. Fortified wines in the style of port are also produced outside Portugal, most notably in Australia, South Africa, Canada, India, Argentina, and the United States. Under European Union Protected Designation of Origin guidelines, only the product from Portugal may be labelled as port ...
This kind of port.
Ah the port one can have at sea.
@Cerberus Don't I agree what? that they should be starbord? Depends on which way I'm facing.
With that quotation, I meant.
The arrow was my laziness, I apologize.
oh, right. Yeah, I do agree. And Google not only has a bigger garden, but they also don't enforce a monopoly on their garden. They allow other gardens.
I can't believe I can't get this to work.
I can type it into the console, but the script acts like nothing is happening.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Exactly! I mean, French gardens are neat and pretty, but I also like to walk the romantic English gardens from time to time.
@KitFox Build in diagnostic messages in between the steps in your script?
I don't know well enough to know how.
Then you can tell where it goes wrong.
It's only two steps anyway.
Hmm that's not a lot.
get-content, then write-host
Replace one step with some other step, to test whether it is one or the other that's the problem?
Get-content, pop up message box displaying content?
Or set variable, write-host with content of variable?
⅋ is the closest match I could find in the unicode index. I believe asking one's opinions is an answerable question. — Albert Renshaw 5 mins ago
Perhaps, but not on SE.
@tchrist. As David Crystal says, it's because we're all prisoners of the Latinate tradition, and none are more so than the French. — Barrie England yesterday
@BarrieEngland: Guests. We prefer to call the inmates guests. In any case, synchronic and diachronic compatibility with other (phases of) languages should be pro-arguments. — Cerberus 54 secs ago
This is just some dumb heresy that wants to banish compound tenses. It is nonsense.
The model itself is not nonsense. Trying to enforce it as the Truth is.
Will never happen.
For example, the present perfect is often used in a way that means the near past. This is an important practical distinction for language instruction, one that would be obliterated by being obstinate about what a “tense” is. “Tense” exists to serve a particular purpose. That purpose must still be served no matter whateverthefuck you call it.
I wonder whether Barrie has ever taught a language other than English, or how long since he received instruction in one.
@Robusto Yeah, but they keep trying and pretending there is consensus, even.
@tchrist Well, you could simply give what we call tense a different name. I bet they have one.
It is inflection.
I just don't see the point of doing so, instead of just using a new term for inflectional tense, like, uh, "inflectional tense".
The problem is that -ing is also an inflection, and they want to call it an inflection only if it relates to present-vs-past time, not if it relates to aspect or mood.
@Cerberus how boring! Call it Bronxbdingnag!
@tchrist No, that's not true.
@RegDwighт Yay!
Romance speakers normally refer to the conditional and the subjunctive as tenses, you know.
Good luck talking them out of it, in fact.
In fact, linguists are fond of unnecessarily intransparent terms, like VC and PIT_uC.
You know what I think of abbreviations.
Sure, NP.
@tchrist Now I would hesitate to go that far. What then of moods?
“I speak, I spoke, I have spoken” are a three-fold system, not a two-fold one.
@tchrist I elect to read that as No Problem.
So you think conditional is a mood, is it?
I might call it a mood.
Or a future subjunctive?
What future subjunctive?
It is very rare.
We simply learned it as "conditionnel".
Amongst the common Romance tongues, it exists in Portuguese and (Old) Spanish alone.
It’s the -ere forms.
What is?
@tchrist well, technically, they refer to them not as tenses but by some weird Romance names, like um. Le temps. Or il pajarito. Or il pajerito. Wevs, the point being they don't make sense anyway so who cares.
The future subjunctive. As I said, it is quite rare.
I was talking about what to call the conditionnel.
I’m going to assume you are referring to the bird-paja not to the jerking-off–paja. But perhaps that would be wrong.
The conditional is not the future subjunctive.
I was just thinking out loud.
The former is the former, and the latter is the latter. What's not to understand.
Because I wouldn't know how to categorize it.
By the way, do you agree that Swiss sounds a bit like Austrian/Bavarian?
Only tchrist can make a complete mystery out of a little wanker.
All normal speakers care about is that there are different conjugation sets. What they get called, nobody cares.
The Swiss radio pronounces names very well by the way, despite their slight Swiss accent in German.
They did the proper g in Concertgebouw.
They didn't take three minutes for the -cert- alone, inserting schwas everywhere?
@tchrist That's not entirely true. People care about categories and what to call them.
No really, they don’t.
@RegDwighт Nope! It was all correct, that is, the vowels were only very slightly off, in an indescribable way.
Then they were no real Swiss. Probably Mossad agents.
It was not an Arabic g, like the Israelians.
Moroccans in Holland are imitated mainly by their ultra-hard gggg.
Oye, ¿te parecen tiempos distinctos digo y que yo diga? ¿O son el mismo tiempo?
Go ahead. Ask any Spanish speaker. Make my day. You know what they will say.
Now I need groceries.
@tchrist tiempo primo.
Only in your zeitzone. Here it’s munchtime. In fact. . . .
@tchrist that's not an argument anyway. Go ask any English speaker if there's a difference between a hyphen and a dash. Go ahead, make my day.
"Any X speaker" is not an authority on X.
@RegDwighт It is an argument.
What was our tag for plurals in parentheses, again?
The question is, for how much should it count?
Q: I'm trying to show ownership to a plural noun in parentheses

matthew carriagaI' drafting a lease document and have to state the following provision. " The Lessee(s) holds the Lessor and the United States harmless from any loss, liability or damages resulting from the Lessee(s) use of occupation of the premises or the Lessee(s)s' personal property." Should Lessee(s)s' be L...

@Cerberus seven. Eight at most. But usually seven.
See, you don't have the answer either. It's not zero.
How about "enables you to identify problems quickly and easily"? Sound most natural to me. — Robusto 49 secs ago
@Robusto I actually started editing that in (and other stuff as well such as dependent clauses hanging on the problems etc.), but quickly realized I entered a world of pain, and with every letter I added the OP would only understand less.
So often true.
I mean, they should frigging provide the full context, then we can talk.
I actually wanted to comment, but seemed to run out of space, which is why it's an answer at all.
They should all not have stupid problems that are beneath the level of dignity we should enjoy as masters of the English language.

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