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Google translate translates it differently
That is American style. Your spec said it had to be British style.
The module allows both.
ah ok, that explains it, ty again

           $words = NUMWORDS(12345, group=>1);
                       # "one, two, three, four, five"

           $words = NUMWORDS(12345, group=>2);
                       # "twelve, thirty-four, five"

           $words = NUMWORDS(12345, group=>3);
                       # "one twenty-three, forty-five"

           $words = NUMWORDS(1234, 'and'=>'');
                       # "one thousand, two hundred thirty-four"

           $words = NUMWORDS(1234, 'and'=>', plus');
Type "man Lingua::EN::Inflect" after you install the module, or go find its manpage out the web somewhere.
It gives the full API, which is quite rich.
> “English is hard!” says Math-Barbie.
Does that make me Swedish Ken?
Found this also
Q: Which type(singular or plural) is right for 'count'(verb)?

Jin KwonSay, "Count xxx!" Which (or what) type should be used in xxx? Plural or Singular? Count children? Count child?

Q: "atop" verses "on top of"

SMD976I'm sure this is silly and won't be terribly difficult to answer : can one climb atop a mountain or is it proper to say climb on top of.. or does it matter? I'm thinking the later is correct.

Gen Ref.
@Mahnax Actually, I like that question, voting to reopen.
@tchrist Math is hard, says English-Barbie.
@JasperLoy Seriously??
What is a nicer way of saying "it was done to achieve a bigger goal"?
@Mahnax Yes. =) Well, I am nuts! Maybe general reference, but I understand what his question is all about!
@JasperLoy I understand what it is about too, that does not make it good for EL&U.
If it is GR then it should be closed as such, no?
@Yannbane One needs more context to answer your question. There is also nothing wrong with your sentence.
@JasperLoy Yeah but it looked a bit clumsy to me...
@Mahnax Well, it's up to users to cast votes, that's what votes are for.
How's the coffeehouse, @Mahnax?
1 hour later…
@cornbreadninja I saw your cake on top of a cake.
@JasperLoy good!
3 hours later…
Tell me this ad isn't totally insane.
Wrong on so many levels.
First, trying to manipulate people into defrauding doctors.
Secondly, the woman looks much worse after the botox.
A horrible plastic, puffy doll.
Thank goodness Adblock blocks this in Firefox. I chanced upon it in Chrome.
1 hour later…
@Mrshinyandnew > "What's really become prevalent over the last two decades is the idea that being highly self-confident - loving yourself, believing in yourself - is the key to success. Now the interesting thing about that belief is it's widely held, it's very deeply held, and it's also untrue."
1 hour later…
@Cerberus Is that you?
@Cerberus why? It's an excellent ad for a pirate copy of Photoshop. $5 only!
A: Correct position of "only"

RobustoIn the given example there's not much difference. But there can be a great deal of difference in other constructions involving the same idea. Consider: I only eat fish when I'm sick. I eat fish only when I'm sick. I eat only fish when I'm sick. I submit that the first sentence is ...

So why did this answer garner a single down vote, after all this time. This is certainly enemy action.
OK, that's it. I quit. I'm not answering questions on this site anymore. I don't even think I'll be around much. Bye.
@Robusto Relax dude, relax.
@RegDwighт Just use the GIMP!
@JasperLoy Helo
@Meysam Hello!
@JasperLoy Can you help me with the meaning of "down toward" in this text?
"In one place, where a busy little city with banks and newspapers and fire companies and a mayor and aldermen had been, was nothing but a wide expanse of emerald turf, with not even the faintest sign that human life had ever been present there. This was **down toward** Tuttletown"
@Meysam This sentence is very hard to parse!
@Robusto Don't leave forever! Don't let the scoundrels win.
Does it mean that this deserted place is located down the Tuttletown? or does it mean that Tuttletown is the very place the author is talking about?
@Meysam down is often used with regards to position, e.g. "I'm going down to my parent's house this evening", even is the place isn't actually lower, or more southerly, than where one currently is. toward is a direction. "This was down toward Tuttletown" means that the place was in the same direction as Tuttletown.
@MattЭллен So if one goes down to that direction, they will first reach the deserted place, and then Tuttletown. right?
no probs :)
I'm finally having a shot at the Necromancer hat.
Though I might be just a tad too late to that party.
We'll see.
good luck
Shameless self-plug:
A: "A variety of X is/are"

RegDwighтHere are the actual usage stats from the British National Corpus (BNC) and the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA): BNC COCA a variety of [n*]/[nn2] is 15/11 47/15 a variety of [n*]/[nn2] are 26/26 83/82 For those unfamiliar with the qu...

Xblast time!
@matt Where is the MSO post on how "thanks" is considered noise? I can't find it now...
@JasperLoy one sec...
Q: Should 'Hi', 'thanks,' taglines, and salutations be removed from posts?

GEOCHETI edit a lot of posts every day. I often run across posts with 'Hi' and 'Thanks' on the top and the bottom of the post respectively. I also run across things like: --User Should these items be removed during the editing of the post by an editor?

If you'd like the answer I often quote:
A: Should 'Hi', 'thanks,' taglines, and salutations be removed from posts?

Jon SkeetYes. I view this in quite a simplistic way. Let's take your action out of the equation - if we had two parallel worlds, one with the question including the greetings, etc, and one without, which would we choose? I'd choose the world where the questions just had the required information, as reada...

@MattЭллен I have been doing edits on MSE. The MSE folks are not as good at edits as ELU folks, and sometimes my edits are questioned!
Well, they'll learn to accept you in the end
So I feel I need to educate them on some "standard practices" on SE.
Like how to ping in a chatroom or on main!
And also, how to edit!
they need to read the faqs
Of course, if it is just a "thanks" and nothing else to edit, I won't touch the post.
But usually there are other things to be changed, so one makes the maximal improvement. QED.
@JasperLoy Maybe it's the other way around. I mean, maybe the ELU folks are not as good at edits as MSE folks, that's why your edits are never questioned here.
Quit Editing Damnit!
@Meysam HAHAHAHA, well, the MSE folks are pretty bad at English I can tell you.
@JasperLoy It is therefore not the other way around!
@MattЭллен He leaves for you to earn more rep! =)
@Robusto it got linked from a recent question. Now look at the comments there.
@RegDwighт roflmao
Morning @Kit
@RegDwighт Careful, you’ll just make @Rob insecure if you get another one:
Oh. I have that many?
For the nonce.
I remember one and a half.
These sneak up on you.
@Matt I wrote another article for the Nose.
Nope, not on me.
All of mine were on purpose. I actively worked towards each and every one.
I got a Revival the other day, which is something I’d never even noticed before.
@KitFox ORLY? Would you be so kind as to provide a link?
It's not done yet.
I imagine Hugo works at them; he seems that way. But I was surprised at all of Barrie’s.
Well, I look forward to reading it, then!
@RegDwighт Hard to do that with non-integral responses.
It's due out today though. It was a last minute thing because Neil is sick.
And he hates writing.
I think he's trying to sucker me into being a regular contributor.
@Reg I was looking for the canonical premodifier-agreement question (where it looks like a prep phase but isn’t quite because it doesn’t affect agreement: a lot/variety/etc of). I am not sure we have a canonical one, but what I am sure of is we don’t have a tag for it. I am still looking for something from Barrie or Lawler about this. They’ve posted about it, but I can’t quite find it.
@KitFox hehehe
do you think you will be?
I suppose it is possible.
It isn't really the kind of thing I want to do with my writing.
It's kind of an ego boost though.
A: "The current crop of X (was/were)" - Which is correct?

Barrie England‘The Cambridge Guide to English Usage’ suggests that where the quantifier is informal, plural agreement is more likely. Informal quantifiers include a batch of, a bunch of and a handful of. A crop of seems to be very like these, pointing to the plural agreement which the example displays. The sen...

I have to commute. Later!
A: "A lot of people, especially this one psychoanalyst [...], keeps asking"

Barrie EnglandIn Standard English, formal agreement requires the plural keep. That’s because the head word in the noun phrase a lot of people is people, which is plural. The interrupting clause especially this one psychoanalyst guy they have here makes no difference. However, ‘The Catcher in the Rye’ is not wr...

Barrie has answered a lot of such questions.
More to the point, a lot of such questions has been answered by Barrie.
or more sadly, a lot of such questions had been answered by Barrie.
This is not a tcsh.
well, it should stop looking just like one then!
ls -lSr
less error.log
@RegDwighт tr/\n/ /
its cat's their defiantly
We have a bot!
Why do you say that we have a bot?
You’re dating yourself.
Okay so here's the $trillion idea. Actually add such an error.log to every machine, and as soon as its length reaches 1024 Bytes, automatically and permanently disconnect that machine from the Internet.
only four users in the room. Has war broken out?
Everyone is sick and tired of ELU and moved to Skeptics.
do you have some reference to back that up?
No, but don't make me leave for the site I can ask for it on.
Well damn it, if there’s no love to be had for that young whippersnapper Shakespeare, I guess I will have to invoke older traditions still.
Whoa people, not all at once. Nine questions in just one hour.
@RegDwighт Maybe everyone has retired.
♬ He came at last to a mansion fine / Down by the river Claydee. / And there was music and there was wine / For the gypsy and his lady. ♬
interesting how the French seem to transcribe things differently, even from other Romance languages, apparently just to be different
most other languages say "Kim Jong-Un" but the French have to say "Kim Jonh-eun"
admittedly, "un" isn't a word in most languages
Think about why.
It is not that it is a word.
It is that the mapping of graphemes to phones works differently in French than in English.
apparently in French than in any other language
Haven’t you seen how Spanish transcribes names?
wikipedia says "Kim Jong-un"
I wasn’t referring to that one.
Also, Tourette's syndrome
everyone calls it "Tourette's syndrome" except the French who call it "illness of Gilles de la Tourette"
How do you think they spell Qadaffi? Now that way, I assure you.
Damn it, I had another question and you’ve dislodged it from my brain.
Heh, no-one could decide on how to spell Gadaffi
So Gérard Depardieu is a Russian now.
ne pas imposer vos dépots sur moi, je suis riche!!
Ken ye the rhyme to grasshopper?
Ken ye the rhyme to grasshopper?
A hempen rein, a horse o’ tree,
A psalm-book, and a Presbyter.
What does that mean?
It appears next to this:
The dog, he shallna keep it lang,
To flinch we’ll mak him fain again;
We’ll hang him hie upon a tree,
And James shall have his ain again.
And seems to be about a Jacobite plot.
But no one knows what it means any longer.
O what’s the rhyme to porringer?
Ken ye the rhyme to porringer?
King James the Seventh had ae dochter,
And he gave her to an Oranger.

Ken ye how she requited him?
Ken ye how she requited him?
The lad has into England come,
And ta’en the croon in spite of him.
Sorry, it’s a Jacobite morning here.
I am underwhelmed. Some dickfor didn’t like my Sea Rover reference.
Don’t make me ask another. :)
My question has a discrete answer: find when in literature we first began naming dogs Rover.
It is not an open-ended question. It has an answer. It just takes a bit of work. You can’t just look in Wiktionary.
It's a slow day. There are like five people online.
I was noticing. I wonder why.
Hat burnout.
Just a day too early.
If a vixen has a litter of five kits, you could call them quintuplets. But what would you call them if she had fifteen in her litter?
@Kit See how easy he makes it? :)
Cue the Valkyries!
Meh. Now get the I Do Say.
Your what hurts?
If I didn’t have to work, I could.
Q: "we have" and "we have that"

zacariasI'm writing mathematics. what is more appropriate: 1)Since the fact A is true, we have B=C. 2)Since the fact A is true, we have that B=C. That is, when to use the word "that"

Wow. He's writing all of mathematics.
Better men than he have tried.
Notice how I arranged to get Brunhilde for a Beowulf question.
@RegDwighт It is something of an eyesore, isn’t it?
Did anybody else get Brunhilde on ELU?
Our Indian friends were getting Witticisms left and right. Before we pulled the rug out from under them.
Inglish Teeture is on a hot streak as well.
Strange, but they never even crack a smile on me.
Other than that, not much. Kit, Theo, Andrew Grimm. Listenever, Micheal Corleone.
He doesn’t have Brunhilde yet. But he may yet. The day is not done.
Here, I have to stick this somewhere:
I'm talking about Witticisms.
To which Brunhilde is an upgrade.
How many questions are first-time-ever questions?
Seem to be a lot of rep=1 questions.
So yeah, that's it. Nine people with Witticism. Including yourself.
We aren’t a question site. We’re an answer site.
Yeah. I count five Moshi-Moshi.
And countless Yer a Wizards.
Brunhilde is rarer than Monarch by Right, by a factor of 3:1.
I think.
@RegDwighт So Serpent-Blade is reflexively downvoting me?

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