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Jasper is braying again.
And the sanitary items. Those are expensive.
I remember I once talked about toilet paper in this room.
and all that ass milk women bathe in
I was saying how some kinds tore so easily that you have to keep folding them to use them.
ass milk? eww
toilet paper n. any print publication owned by Rupert Murdoch
And the cell phone use. I mean, think how much more money women spend than men because of their communication needs.
So I think it really all just comes out in the wash.
@KitFox that's why most plans these days come with 5000+ free minutes a month
indeed. all men's conversations last about 3 words, max
@MattЭллен Two if you use a contraction: "Wanna fuck?"
@Robusto woah there Mr. Verbose. "Fuck?"
@Robusto Or even just "Wanna?"
that could be an unsure interjection
I thought it was usually grunting.
@KitFox pretty much everything else can be implied
@MattЭллен I tend to beat around the bush.
@Robusto Men and women are not much different actually. Both need sex and other things as well.
I consider the extra word to be in lieu of foreplay.
@JasperLoy men get horny way easier
What's foreplay?
@Jez Well, maybe you haven't met the horny women yet!
it's like a foreword only in a play
@JasperLoy sure havent
@jez How is your dating success?
For women, sex is chemistry; for men, physics.
@Robusto For both, biology. QED.
tip for chatting up someone in a club: don't be too drunk to continue the conversation, eventually the other person will stop talking.
@Jez There can be miracles when you believe.
we got the most delicious chocolates today, from some thankful customer or something
i'm amazed coffee flavouring isn't used as a filling more often
Anyone wants to reopen my question? Feel free to do so!
Q: What does "listing" mean?

GigiliIn the following context, what does "listing" mean? I couldn't find its definition online, there were a few suggestions but none of them fit. There has been considerable external demand to buy into it but this privilege is currently exclusive to our current shareholders under their preferred ...

@Gigili Haven't you gotten adequate explanation?
@JasperLoy I am not talking to you.
@Gigili Sure, I won't talk to you either.
@Gigili I don't suppose you're talking to me either.
@JasperLoy Yes, please don't talk to me. I am sick of your responses.
@AndrewLeach Right, you're the one who first voted to close it. It's not logical to vote to reopen it.
@andrew You mustn't talk to her now.
What a kindergarten!
One can vote to close and then vote to reopen if one changes one's mind.
It is not illogical at all.
@JasperLoy Or if the question has been changed.
I hate styling. I hate it.
@KitFox I burn myself on the curling iron.
@cornbreadninja kisses boo boo
@KitFox coos, runs off to play
ugh, I am fat of late
Me too. Makes me hungry thinking about it.
@KitFox :(
I just want to exercise all afternoon.
I want to figure out how to style this effing treeview.
@KitFox I wish I could help you.
Me too.
@Gigili It looks very well answered by the given answer and links. Is there a nuance you want? (as a native speaker, I find the word in that use particularly bland/uninformative, but it is perfectly correct in the technical usage. I am used to hearing it as for the notice that a house is on sale (a real estate agent has a house 'listed' and has many 'listings' that they are working on (trying to sell).
@KitFox with panache?
@KitFox also, they need staff to change light bulbs.
or maybe joie de vivre?
a certain je ne sais quoi?
or elan?
I'm getting there, but I can't figure out why it isn't not putting the underline there.
you're doing this in jquery or straight css?
I use those words because I heard them once.
is there per-element styling with text-decoration:none?
@MattЭллен It's an anchor, but I've removed that kind of styling before. I can't figure out where it is putting it back in.
Because I can't hover and move my mouse simultaneously.
I figure there must be some smarter way of checking.
Is "I highly suggest ..." ok English?
It's great.
@KitFox have you looked with firebug?
Yeah, that's what I mean.
@JohanLarsson depends on what comes after.
It says the text-decoration: none is the style that's being applied.
I highly suggest using matrices for this type of manipulations. It is the most generic approach, see example below:
(for an SO answer)
Except I can't see all of it because I haven't figured out how to hover and look through the CSS at the same time.
@JohanLarsson Yes, that's very English.
ok, ty my friends!
Oh. Well, I suppose I could pop the window out, like this.
@JohanLarsson sounds good. very natural
@JohanLarsson except really you want to use quaternions.
And then I could select the "hover" option on the Style menu, like this.
@Mitch ok, trudat but this is 2D
Huh. And it still tells me there should be no underline there.
@JohanLarsson oh. well... in that case thinking about it matrices are the best, but the manipulations you actually in-line. x' = x sinth + y cos th, y' = x cos th - y sin th (if I've got that right).
scribbles !important next to it and moves on
Wha—? Even !important doesn't work?
How is that even possible?
Answered like this, yes rep whoring :)
I don't understand your answer.
Bad English or too much math crap?
The English is fine. I don't understand how using matrices is going to help him calculate the positions.
Say he has:
1) A center point of his circle
2) A point on the circle
3) Transforming the point with a rotation matrix gives him a new point on the circle offset by the angle
And the loop that if he needs many points
OK, I get that now.
Maybe i misread the question, only glanced the text after looking at his pic.
@KitFox I think you should be able to get the CSS in Firebug (may need to be calculated CSS), and then hover over the element in question: Firebug's display should update itself.
@AndrewLeach I figured out how to look, but I still can't figure out why it is underlining when even Firebug says there is no underline applied.
Now I can't figure out how to grab the expansion icon either.
@KitFox Well if you have a URL you can publish here, there are some here who might take a look (incl me).
I'd have to give you credentials, so I'm afraid I can't. Thanks for the offer though.
Do you happen to know how to apply styles to the collapse/expand icon?
Depends what it is. You should be able to use :hover with most element types.
@KitFox Is it using an anchor tag? That is the default behavior.
@Robusto Yes, I tried overriding it. Firebug tells me the text-decoration: none is applied to the node.
And yet there is an underline.
That is the computed style?
If I am reading it correctly, yes.
Can you change the value there or is it read-only?
I think I can change it. Let me try.
If you can change that it's not the "computed" value. The computed value is the actual output styling. The editable one is just the selectors that are associated with that element, which may or may not be applied.
Well, I can change it, but then it removes it and I end up with underlined, so that's helpful.
But shouldn't the !important directive force it to override with none?
@KitFox Show me what you're writing.
 .root a
    text-decoration: none !important;
Technically it should. Try changing the color as well just to see if that is getting called.
You need to override a:hover as well.
Oh hell. It looks like it is inserting some javascript for hovering. That's probably what is overriding it. Thanks Microsoft.
Oh, this is some Microsoft framework that outputs HTML and CSS and Javascript?
It is the bane of my existence.
It's a treeview.
I wonder if I could write this sort of thing without making myself sick.
I don't have time to frig with it, but of course they have notions about how it should be styled.
Hey @trig, nice to see you again!
@JasperLoy I hang around now and again.
Hey @Rob, is it possible to reference the img in a td that's in the same row as a td with the root class?
I'm currently having a theological debate elsewhere.
@TRiG In which room? I don't debate these things anymore. I have thought enough about such things for a lifetime.
I debate for the fun of it, sometimes. It can be fun, as long as I keep a suitable level of detachment.
@KitFox You mean a td that doesn't have a className over one that does?
I was once debating in the Upper Room (Christianity SE chat) and things got a bit to close, making me uncomfortable. If I'd kept it up it would have got very serious indeed. So instead I deliberately turned the conversation into a silly sidetrack (actually, a discussion of pretty boys).
@Robusto Oh, I think I might have figured out how to do it with jQuery. I added a class to the first tr, so I can hook into that, I think.
@TRiG Hehe, pretty boys like Justin Bieber?
Well, that kind of worked.
@JasperLoy Well, Tom Daley and Matthew Mitcham, actually. Justin Bieber's decorative enough too, though I'm not fond of his music.
@TRiG I am going to look them up right now...
in The Upper Room, Aug 18 '12 at 19:29, by TRiG
@El'endiaStarman If you want embedded GIFs, how about British Olympic Diver Tom Daley taking his clothes off?
I can't stand this crap today.
@TRiG Who asked you to come here and pollute our chat with leftovers?
@Robusto Well, if you'd prefer fresh Tom Daley pics ....
We don't need any Upper Room leavings at all, tyvm.
@TRiG I prefer Taylor Lautner pics, and my own pics. =)
A: Is "adorable" used to describe an adult?

TRiGThe word adorable as applied to an adult has to mean more than "good looking" or even "sexually attractive". For example, Matt Bellassai describes the Australian diver Matthew Mitcham as "the most adorable Olympian ever". If you read that article, it's quite clear that Matt finds Matthew attracti...

@TRiG Oh man, I can't believe you wrote that.
@JasperLoy I enjoyed writing that.
@TRiG Yes, and I enjoyed reading it too. =)
@JasperLoy Well, it did some good, then.
This is the kind of shit that makes me want to delete my account.
@Robusto raised eyebrow
@TRiG It's not clear what shit he is talking about.
@JasperLoy shrug
The shit of being a dictionary to the great unwashed billions of pineapples.
@Robusto Is that a reference to the adorable question, or something else?
That would be one.
Here’s number 5:
Q: Phonemic vowel length vs phonemic voicing

tchristIn Old English, vowel length was phonemic, but consonant voicing was not. In Modern English, that situation is reversed: vowel length is no longer phonemic, but consonant voicing (in most cases) is. Is there a connection between these two? Is there some sort of “conservation of phonemic axes” p...

Now I just have to come up with five more by tomorrow. Gah!
@tchrist I just dropped in to ask why.
@tchrist Gen ref.
Didn't you get this hat already?
@Robusto What, you think there does exist a conservation of phonemic axes, and that the Latin>Spanish effect is the same as the Old English > Modern English effect? Really?
Show me the GR link.
@KitFox how's your tree?
@tchrist I think most people know that intuitively, and those who don't aren't worth talking to.
@cornbreadninja I have the five-question one, not the fifteen-question one.
@tchrist OI*C*.
But we lost phonemic length and gained both phonemic voicing and phonemic stress. Does that mean I missed an axis that was lost?
@tchrist Did you look behind the refrigerator?
I checked Iran and North Korea.
Did you check Uranus?
It's in the basement behind the treadmill.
At least I resisted asking the difference between icecream and I scream, or Myspace and mice pace.
we all cuss for asparagus.
Ooh, I think I’m going to repcap on questions today. Never did that before.
Using IPA, how do you distinguish between the phonetics of icecream from those of I scream? Those sound different: why and how?
Enjoy. I can't even bear to answer a question anymore. I just feel empty inside when I do.
@cornbreadninja It's sufficiently styled.
@KitFox have you placed the angel on top?
@tchrist I can answer using the metric system. Usually, ice cream is a trochee and I scream is more of a spondee.
I don't do angels.
I usually just wing it.
3 mins ago, by cornbread ninja
I am feeling bothered. Very Eeyore.
@Robusto Hiawatha aside, I didn’t think English did quantitative verse.
@tchrist That's qualitative verse, baby. I don't do quantitative either.
@MattЭллен I hate her. Hate.
> quantitative verse, in prosody, a metrical system based on the duration of the syllables that make up the feet, without regard for accents or stresses. Quantitative verse is made up of long and short syllables, the duration of which is determined by the amount of time needed for pronunciation. This system has only rarely been used successfully in English poetry because of the strongly accentual nature of the English language. It was used mainly by classical Greek and Roman poets.
@KitFox ah well. Noöne's perfect
She's not your girlfriend, is she?
She talks like an idiot.
@KitFox hate++
You don't think it's funny?
No. Probably because she looks like me and she's acting dumb.
THIS is the forest primEV-AL. The murmuring pines and the HEM-LOCKS,
BEARDed with moss, and in garments green, indistinct in the TWI-LIGHT,
@KitFox ah. I have that problem to. I hate people who remind me of me.
@KitFox you look like tina fey?
But the acting dumb where it's supposed to be funny, but it's not actually funny because it is really stupid.
It's like a watery my drunk kitchen, and I didn't like that, either.
@cornbreadninja I...I don't think so.
@MattЭллен What, like that girl?
@tchrist she doesn't remind me of me
why do you hate women, @Matt?
because you're all whores
Is it irresponsible of me to start drinking right now?
and I'm skint
I mean, start drinking today right now?
What's skint?
2 days ago, by Robusto
@MattЭллен I whore for less wholesome things than hats.
@KitFox penniless
a portmanteau of skin flint
or not
skint /skɪnt/, a. colloq.

Etymology: Var. skinned ppl. a. (see sense 4 d).

Penniless, broke.

1925 Fraser & Gibbons Soldier & Sailor Words 260 ― Skint, to be, hard up.
1935 G. Ingram Cockney Cavalcade vii. 97 ― Edina [sic] offered him a shilling. ‘That’s all right··. I ain’t “skint” yet.’
1955 G. Freeman Liberty Man iii. iv. 158 ― If he had enough to pay, it would just about leave him skint.
1962 New Statesman 18 May 708/3 ― All I want is a bike and ten pounds a week in me pocket-there’s one thing I can’t stand and that’s being skint.
Skin flint is cheap, innit?
Hmm. adds skint to vocabulary
@cornbreadninja I believe skin flint is cockney rhyming slang for skint
@MattЭллен aww yeah.
Here's an interesting word: scunner.
Q: How do I say my age when my birthday will be in a few weeks?

DorothyThe other day someone asked how old I was, and I wanted to say that I'll be 20 in April but I'm not sure it's correct in this way. Can you help me?

So women are whores and I'm broke.
Can this be off topic?
@cornbreadninja oh, apparently skinflint means what Kit said
To put it differently, will I get pilloried if I close as OT
how you gonna make some time / when all you got is one thin dime / and one thin dime won't even shine / yo shoes
i.e. cheap, miserly, etc.
@simchona It is some level of horrible lower than even our pathetic standards would allow. At least let's hope.
@KitFox A strong dislike.
@simchona I support your closing.
@simchona You could let the community do it.
There are probably enough closers in this room.
sorry, I broke the 12 days of christmas pledge
drinks coffee
@Robusto How is it used? I've a scunner for my project lead?
@KitFox Added mine. GR though.
Every time we close a question over the holidays we ought to ping @Martha and say, "We got your Christmas spirit right here, byatch!"
@KitFox I took a scunner to my project lead.
Hahaha. I mean, thwack.
@Robusto Like the opposite of shine then?
@KitFox Well, in some senses, yes.
I got my scunner on for the project lead.
Gotta go. Laterz.
But I am getting his office after all. And he's leaving me a nice bit of carpet in there, if you take my meaning.
@Robusto She's active on the site at the moment
@KitFox you're inheriting an assistant?
@cornbreadninja No, a rug.
> It's incredibly important to constantly update and upgrade your bedroom repertoire.
Now how am I supposed to do that?
@KitFox and here I thought I took your meaning.
@KitFox learn juggling
That's like saying "It's important to constantly buy new episodes of classic Star Trek."
then move on to fire poi and juggling things on fire
@KitFox have you seen The Red Violin? Do that.
@cornbreadninja Saw it. Liked it.
This frigging advice.
> Plan a naked weekend together in your house or apartment by setting up a sexy campground in your living room.
Right. My kids would love that.
Because then they'd get new parents.
This stupid article is obviously written for twenty-somethings.
@KitFox court-appointed?
@cornbreadninja I'm thinking so, yes.
"if you don't want your children to catch you, make the campsite on the ceiling. Children never look up."
Good thinking.
Gosh, that was hard.
It was from Alain, I’m sure:
A: Time and tide wait for no man

Alain Pannetier ΦThis is a characteristic of Germanic languages: the word for time is a cognate of the word for tide. One well known example is "Zeit", time in German, but most Scandinavian languages use tid - which really gives it away. In Romance languages as well as in several Slavic languages instead, the w...

It's so frustrating. The "best" advice I get is 'try doing something really out there, like shaving off your pubic hair.' Seriously. You think that's out there, we shouldn't even be having this conversation.
It’s like guys who think dressing in drag for Halloween is out there.
My gp recommended Fifty Shades of Grey and a vibrator.
hey, it was out there when I was 16
I could just cry. Really. Right now.
I was going to answer my own question tonight, about sidenotes, but somebody else owns Bringhurst, so I had to give it to him. :)
Alas I can only give you advice in the wrong direction. maybe if I told you all the things not to do...
Bringhurst talks about footnotes and endnotes and sidenotes, and he has really choice words to say about how icky footnotes can be.
anyway. time for bed. Byeee
@MattЭллен Anybody we know?
Ah, it’s @Rob then. Got it.
@KitFox what's . . . can I help?
@cornbreadninja Um. Thanks. I doubt it.
Unless you know something about sexual dysfunction?
@KitFox male, female, or between two people?
I've got to get dinner on. Later!
Have a nice dinner!
@KitFox gf made pizza with asparagus & fresh tomatoes + salami etc. on it today it was good and looked super nice. I thin she steamed the asparagus for a while first.
@simchona If she were really active she'd have been thwacking me by now. Or schwacking me. I dunno.
@tchrist Huh?
@Robusto @Matt said he had to go to bed. I asked whether it was anybody we knew. Suddenly the two of you sledded off into the setting sun together.
I don’t think I have many hats left in me. Maybe two if I’m lucky.
I’d actually rather get a gold badge, but without a silver or bronze.
Sure a lot of deletions in the last day. Somebody went on a rampage; @Jasper, I think.
Actually, it seems more of a collective effort. @Corn and @Sim were also very active in the verba deleta sunt department yesterday.
I take back what I said about @Jasper’s rampage. :)
@tchrist what did you just call me?
@cornbreadninja A diligent and dutiful contributor to the site.
You deleted a lot of words yesterday, mostly stuff with -3 or -5 votes already, like.
Verba deleta sunt is a play on Carthago delenda est.
Not a good one, mind you.
Words must go. :)
Q: Which is correct, "Questions such as these" or "Questions such as this"

shankapotomus"Questions such as these need to be raised" or: "Questions such as this need to be raised" MSFT Word thinks it's "this".

I was going to give this guy a pass, but then he mentioned MS Word. Instant close vote.
@tchrist oh! Well, then.
@Robusto Well, I didn’t like FF’s dupe.
@tchrist You're so censorious. Like Cato.
@tchrist I didn't care. It's good enough.
We have to have some balance in our prejudices.
My Not Constructive finger twitches every time somebody posts a Micro$oft Word bug to ELU.
> Does the phrase "at your service" mean "serviceable for you"?
You can’t make this stuff up.
Damn this book of crosswords.
Well, you should try being nicer to them.
They might not be so cross.
They're too easy.
I'm on my eighth today.
I think this should be migrated to Linguistics.SE since it's clearly not localized to English. — Charles 58 mins ago
Hm. Opinions, anyone?
I was kinda hoping for Lawler to chime in on it, since twice in two days he’s mentioned vowel length no longer being phonemic in English. It sounds English-related to me.
And apparently no one else has the chomps for answering it. Hm.
Oh, I know. Wait two days and bounty it.
Might as well use the reps to do some Good for a change.
@tchrist It's come to this, has it? Trolling for Lawlerisms?
@Robusto Look at it this way: it’s my sly way of getting him to de facto contribute to our Blog.
ugh! enough crosswords.
@JohanLarsson Sounds good. I did spaghetti and broccoli.
Turns out that folio is a typographer’s name for a page number.
@cornbreadninja I decided to redecorate the bedroom to see if that will help.
This is what I get for letting the hat race infect me. Now I'm mad at myself for not rep capping today.
Forget hats.
It will be over soon.
@KitFox I'm over it already :-)
@KitFox I like it.

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