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@Mitch ok, I was saying better stop searching for the quote before committing to finding it
@Mitch Truth, lies and "extramorality" sounds more like Goebbels.
The kids in my office are making me a little crazy.
@Mitch "where truth is lost in the rhetoric man places upon it." the opposite and maybe not Nietzsches words. But quite similar.
I think that is the match
& tyvm!
@JohanLarsson ohhh...
@JohanLarsson whose words then? yes, quite the opposite.
Damn it. Back less than a day and already hats are plaguing my thoughts once again.
@KitFox your own kids? I find that very difficult. I can barely concentrate to do work with -no- distractions.
I also wrote that as 'bearly', which is what it should be.
@Mitch No. My big boss's kids. They are teenagers and they are arguing with each other.
I wonder if the union is open. I could get lunch.
@KitFox If only they gave out hats for world peace.
@Mitch I was thinking that might not be the verbatim quote, could be the woman who made the analysis. But that feels like the match.
@KitFox stupid other people's kids.
And of course I can't say anything because they are the boss's kids.
I'm going to get lunch. bbl
@KitFox That sounds like the US, I would not hesitate one second to say just because they were my boss's kids.
@JohanLarsson yeah. in the US you really can't just tell other people's kids things no matter who they are. The parents will feel like they're not doing their job.
@Cerberus just woke up?
or just after work?
@Mitch Yup.
You too?
@Cerberus You live in Europe right?
@Mitch It is the same here, but he probably meant that the fact that they were her boss's would make less of a difference.
@JohanLarsson Yes.
@Cerberus no, for a while.
Ah OK.
@JohanLarsson There's nothing quite like a good lie-in in the morning.
All those people getting up early on the last day of the year...do you want it to end early?
@Cerberus correct, I dont know kids nor parents either :)
I got home around 5 last night.
@AndrewLeach very true
@Cerberus Mine hasn't started yet.
You don't know any children or parents?
@Cerberus I don't know the mechanics of them
@AndrewLeach Last, last...I am in no condition to spell.
@JohanLarsson Does anyone?
@Cerberus @Mitch suggests he does :)
To a certain degree.
@JohanLarsson I know more about what I don't know?
@Mitch About kids, parents and social conventions
US: don't scold other peoples kids -especially- in the presence of their parents.
Europe (Or Germans at least): You're supposed to scold kids. wherever they are (I don't know if it's OK in front of their parents)
Champagne in the fridge & six washing machines doing work, happy new year from Sweden ELU! (good times)
@JohanLarsson Oh...I know all about social conventions. "rich people are better than you"
@Mitch hmm, there is some nested stuff going on now. I fail to come up with something, opening a beer instead :)
@JohanLarsson probably a good strategy. making sense is overrated.
@Mitch lol, I don't do that, at all! <- That does not look right/make sense :)
@Mitch I'm not so sure about that.
@Mitch What do social conventions have to do with money?
@JohanLarsson Why six?
@Cerberus what do you think is the case?
@Cerberus Must have been a really good party!
@Cerberus limitation of the system, upper maximum. two more on its way now. Gf did not even want me there as company this time :)
@Cerberus they shouldn't be connected but it seems that people think that way anyway (or even worse -famous- people are better than you or me)
when I say think, most people would deny if asked outright, but unconsciously people with money are adored.
Oh, lots of pretty fireworks!
It's been going on for days, but this was expensive stuff.
@Cerberus does Amsterdam have the streets full of fireworks tonight all night?
@Mitch Scolding someone else's children is not something one does easily here, and I believe it is still done in America. Perhaps sooner in Europe, that I can't compare.
@AndrewLeach Or really bad...
@Cerberus Doesn't that make it really good?
@JohanLarsson I don't understand, why do you habe six washing machines? Do you run a (br/h)otel?
@Cerberus oh in the US, you don't scold other peoples children in public, but it would be even more terrible if the parents were around.
@Mitch Adored by the masses, perhaps, but...is adoration a convention? I was rather thinking this was in the field of etiquette.
@Mitch I don't know, I've never stayed here during the night. I'm going to my parents later.
But kids like fireworks.
So we must endure multiple days of explosions.
Or weeks.
@AndrewLeach I don't know...I don't normally like filth, but suum cuique...
@Mitch Well, Dear Prudence disagrees...
There is probably some truth in the "rich people are better than you" thing but from a different perspective. I have had as one of my pet projects trying to figure out why CEO's are paid so much. It does not makes sense really as they are generally just strebers, they would do it for less.
The most satisfying explanation I have found is a study that showed that paying them 100x more than the average employee was a way to grow their inner psychopaths leading to better resluts. Can try to find the report.
@Cerberus Apartment, common laundry place. Not very busy today.
The nouveau riche have always been pests.
@JohanLarsson But six machines with your own laundry?
@MετάEd don't understand as usual
I don't even own that many clothes!
@Cerberus 8 actually, I have XL in everything that makes a huge difference when washing. <- No pun intended if there is one.
The last time Jon Skeet didn't break the rep cap was on nov 26 2011, he got exactly 200 rep
the last time he didn't get 200 rep in a single day was on June 6 2010 (145)
@JohanLarsson It's a Dr Who reference.
What does Jon Skeet do for a living? Answer SE questions?
Gf updated her fb status with "f*ck year, we do laundry instead" I commented with "Where truth is lost in the rhetoric man places upon it."
in C# on Stack Overflow Chat, 18 hours ago, by Jon Skeet
@Billdr: I work on Google Offers, writing Java for the backend.
He was chatting in C# yesterday ^
We asked for his autograph :)
So you communicate through Facebook, huh?
@MετάEd He has written books. Presumably he continues to do so.
@Cerberus I treat Facebook the same as my phone, don't star at it for extended periods of time but try to be available.
It is the reverse for me.
I'm writing so much star quality material right now!
I hate the idea of being available all the time.
@Cerberus I have solved that by pruning my friends list
You mean one Facebook?
People rarely bother me on Facebook.
I'm just not picking up my phone when I'm doing something else, nor do I reply to messages immediately.
@Cerberus yep, I'm out of stars for today
Unless it is urgent.
Oh, is it you who is starring everybody?
@Cerberus No I only starred Kit here today I think
@JohanLarsson You can run out of stars? Really? How many do you get?
2 hours ago, by KitFox
It's over; I suck in poker and life.
@tchrist Yeah. You get about 15 or so. Maybe thirty?
I’ve never run out.
I had her fix the punctuation and starred it for the pure wtf of it lacking context :)
@Kit What was your new(est) hat for?
Hello, what does in the spirit of transparency mean?
@tchrist 15 answers?
@Gigili I interpret it as honest, in the spirit of being honest and not hiding stuff
I just know you went up one.
@Gigili Hullo. It means so that everything is clear and understood and no one is hiding anything.
Pulling away from @Rob.
@tchrist I think I got the wizard hat last.
That is the 15 answers, yeah.
Right, thank you @Kit and @JohanLarsson.
I like the 30-answer hat best. It is cool looking.
I want that one, but I don't think I can do it.
I might be able to rep cap today though.
Of course, I need three more to get the crown and time is running out.
Did you notice that chances are I just answered a question on ELU? Guess that means the universe must implode now...
@JohanLarsson You mean you have an ELU account now?
We captured you?
@KitFox no here in chat, same you replied to
@KitFox Crown hard. I had to get fricking 6 not 5.
@JohanLarsson Oh. Well, still. Yay!
Only Barrie also eventually got the crown, and he’s a hat-denier.
If I could get three more votes here, I would get Necromancer, I think.
A: a word/couple to express eagerness to win

KitFoxAmbitious describes an eagerness to succeed and also implies that success has not yet been attained.

And I think I would cap for today too.
I bumped it.
You nice man.
United in hat love.
@Gigili I would also expect the opposite to be the actual state if someone said that
@JohanLarsson Yeah, because we trust someone by default and there's no need to say such things! You're right.
@Gigili Especially someone who uses so much rethoric
Well, it’s not O Fortuna!, eh?
@tchrist Nope but I have it after Ride of the valkyrie & National anthem of the Ussr in a playlist somewhere
I’ve also heard dance mixes of things like the Winter movement of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. Not quite as good as the Orff, usually, but potentially stirring.
@tchrist link? I never was a fan of Vivaldi really though
This is good work music.
The first one. I hadn't gotten to the second yet.
A: Term for a word that is unintentionally made up of two or more other words?

KitFoxAs a humorous neologism, you might call them polyparses.

@tchrist Took me days to come up with that!
I thought @Robusto would find it funny.
hands @Kit a cracker
Thank you.
@KitFox ok, I think it gets even better in the latter? tracks of the album. Danish guy.
Having polyps on one’s arse actually is quite clever, I confess.
Oh damn. The implementation. I moved my office over lunch and I forgot about it again.
I guess I should probably do that.
@cornbreadninja I am afraid that 4/50/100 is probably going to be as close as I get to badge-balancing.
That's pretty.
I've got 2/30/100 which is really pretty meh.
@JohanLarsson Um Track 2 is pretty distracting.
@KitFox I think that is the only up-tempo one, the rest is just heroine lounge IIRC. Still an ok beat.
I should put this band in my box.
makes note
@KitFox It was used here btw, not sure it is SFW, i dunno
It is somewhat tricky to work for a gold without incurring a lesser badge.
I could do it with the close-vote queue, but they capped that at 20 per diem.
I seem to be having an ongoing realtime chat with Lawler through scattered comments on random postings of his.
@RegDwighт I don't think that word means what you think it means.
@tchrist as kit said, that is pretty.
@cornbreadninja And so are you!
@KitFox oh, you ;)
@KitFox Working it.
@MετάEd Thank you, nice man!
Oh! I broke 15K! I totally forgot about that milestone!
@Cerberus oh. cenvention? well it's a thing. It's a common behavior.
@Kit Could you please provide some moderatricial guidance regarding comments like this one? I don’t think I should say anything, but I don’t think they work well. They come off sounding too desperate, or something.
@downvoter:Please don't downvote. — Sudhir 3 mins ago
I have seen an ungoodly number of those of late.
Next year, if they do hats again, we should plot to see how many hats we can create by just bald manipulation of a single Q&A.
@Cerberus Who is 'Dear Prudence' and what does she say about Americans?
@tchrist Flag them, or point them out to someone who needs a hat and I will delete them.
@tchrist That's an unconstructive comment. Just flag it.
Holy gods. Someone is flag happy.
@Mitch Theft is also a common behaviour, but is it a convention?
Somehow I don't think the victims have convened and consented...
@KitFox How so? Did you just get a possle of them? Maybe they want the cop-hat.
@Mitch She has an advice column on Slate.com, and she's pretty good.
Or are you just getting pile-on flags from the 10k tools?
@Cerberus If this were a chat room we could belt that one out all day. you know, property is theft... for those without it. Property is a convention. Therefore I am the pope!
I do that sometimes, but seldom on ELU. On SO, all the time.
Because there are so many, and some languish, so with >1000 helpful flags, my flag weight helps percolate them to the top there.
a possle!
Possle is a funny word.
@tchrist I'm wondering. I cleared them, but there were a lot to sort through.
A Possle of John Stossel.
The weirdest thing is that googling “possle of them” has Bible quotes at the top: check it out.
Hi everyone
@tchrist It's not a passel of them?
@Mitch hmm, I fail to see it, have not read much Schopenhauer btw, remember even less
I didn’t see any Q/A flags on the queue, so these must have been the kinds I don’t see (comments, custom, spam, offensive, etc). But maybe you already queued them when I looked.
@Mitch Ah that would be it then.
@JohanLarsson Impressive if the other way around
passel < parcel
vittles < victuals
I feel like I'm in a old Western movie.
Viddles. Rhymes with riddles and fiddles.
and whittles.
@tchrist:Thnx for the answer
@tchrist they're all either someone's name 'Thomas Possle' or a weird way to say 'possible'
@Cerberus link please. with specific mention of americans and scolding children. not children who scold but about the action of taling to children in a scolding manner.
@tchrist: Please talk with me
@Sudhir What do you want to talk about?
I decided to give an answer to the question marked for duplicate because it was hard to decide which to close as duplicate of and the marked duplicates weren't really duplicates.
I am new to this chatterbox
So please don't downvote me for trying to answer a supposedly duplicate question. I know some people do that, which I think is weird.
Also, some people downvote correct answers just to change the order of the answers, which is also weird.
@Mitch Sorry, no time...
Goodbye, have a great night!
@JasperLoy wow, really? that's perverse.
Also, some people downvote correct answers because they think the solution is not elegant, which is also weird.
@JasperLoy : No problem
@Cerberus take ear plugs for the fireworks.
@Cerberus I expect an essay in the morning.
I used weird above though I wanted to use ridiculous, so that I wouldn't offend anyone who did so and thought it wasn't ridiculous.
@JasperLoy Which?
@KitFox Oh, the but question. I did not read through all the posts in the comments carefully though.
@JasperLoy I didn't think that was actually a duplicate, but I can't remember why now.
The trouble with duplicates is this: A approximates B, B approximates C, and so on, and in the end there is a whole series of approximations such that A doesn't approximate Z anymore.

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