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Regret. Egret, Greer, greet, Terr, tree, ere, erg, err, gee, Ger, get, GTE, Rte, tee, Er, Ge, re. Regret.
They're fun.
@Cerberus Robbie Williams seems to disagree. He wrote a whole song about No Rugrats.
No Rugrats, they don't work.
No Rugrats now, they only hurt.
Coca-cola. Cloaca, coccal, cacao, coala, cocco, cocoa, caca, calo, coal, coca, coco, cola, cool, loca, loco, aal, ala, col, coo, laa, lac, loo, oca, aa, al, la, lo, oo. Alcoa, cacao, cocoa, coal, cola, Colo, cool, loco, Ala, AOL, Cal, Col, coo, Lao, Ola, Ac, Al, Ca, Cl, Co, la, lo. Coca-cola.
rugrats. kids. children.
@RegDwighт Huh?
Are we talking about the same Rugrats?
The babies?
(I have just user-moderated a message I didn't like from +2 (out of 3) to 0, and one I did like from +2 to +3. Yay!)
They hand out boost points if you're a good user-moderator.
Cerberus. Becurse, beurres, curbers, recures, rescuer, securer, beurre, breers, breres, cereus, ceruse, cesure, cubers, curber, curers, curser, rebecs, recure, recurs, recuse, rescue, secure, beers, beres, breer, brees, brere, brers, burrs, burse, ceres, crees, cruse, cuber, cubes, curbs, curer, cures, currs, curse, ecrus, erubs, rebec, rebus, recur, reuse, rubes, ruers, scree, scrub, serer, serre, suber, sucre, surer,
So you can increase the power of your vote sixfold.
Wow. That's a name pregnant with meaning.
@MετάEd Umm thanks, I guess!
@MετάEd How many months?
beer, bees, bere, bree, brer, burr, burs, cees, cere, cree, crus, cube, cubs, cues, curb, cure, curr, curs, ecru, ecus, eres, errs, erub, rebs, recs, rees, rube, rubs, rucs, ruer, rues, ruse, scur, seer, sere, serr, suer, sure, urbs, ures, user, bee, bes, brr, bur, bus, cee, cru, cub, cue, cur, ecu, ere, err, ers, reb, rec, ree, res, rub, ruc, rue, sec, see, ser, sub, sue, sur, urb, ure, use, be, ee, er, es, re, ur, us.
But I ain't no preggo.
Rescuer, securer, Erebus, recurs, rescue, secure, beers, Bruce, burrs, Ceres, cubes, curbs, curer, cures, curse, rebus, recur, reuse, rubes, scrub, serer, Sucre, surer, beer, bees, burr, burs, Cebu, Cree, cube, cubs, cues, curb, cure, curs, ecru, errs, Erse, rube, rubs, rues, ruse, seer, Serb, sere, sure, user, bee, brr, bur, bus, cub, cue, cur, ere, err, rub, rue, Sec, see, sub, sue, use, be, Br, Cr, cs, Cu, Er, es, Eu, Rb, re, rs, Ru, Sb, Sc, Se, Sr, Ur, us.
See, that's where I am.
@Cerberus EarBus.
I'm not at an Ear Bus, thank you.
@Noah You have two hats.
@MετάEd Some kind of earache.
@KitFox Oooh I like this! Will you please address me in threefold henceforth?
@KitFox Where can I get them from?
Or in this case how?
Would be super nice.
@Noah They are on your user profile.
@KitFox Ack.
I hate those.
@MετάEd I think not:
> He helped little his friends.
Well, I'm prone to inner-ear infections as well.
@Cerberus poof (Cerberus disappears)
Although I guess this is possible in certain situations.
So I tend to get vertigo easily.
@MετάEd Scuse me, I ain't going nowhere.
@Cerberus The question is whether the OP is NS (the puppeteer)
@MετάEd Of course.
So I commented on one of the examples he brought up.
@Cerberus The reference is to the joke about Descartes goes into a bar.
I feel like I missed something: where did the hats go?
Okay, I put on an umbrella. It is more like a bastard version of an airplane.
Which I thought a native speaker might not ask about.
@Mahnax What hats? innocently
@MετάEd Ahhh right!
@Cerberus Do we think NS is a native speaker? I think he had a Chinese connection.
@MετάEd By NS you mean OP?
@KitFox Here sit down and have a nice hot toddy.
I mean Norty S.
@MετάEd You are such a nice person.
Yes I wondered if he was the OP.
Norty a native speaker? How is that possible?
I think my school is blocking the hats.
@Mahnax Would that SE were attending such a school!
Oh, wait.
By NS you meant Norty all along?
@Cerberus Yes.
Why, what would NS mean?
Abbreviations! Fie, evil beasts from hell!
@Cerberus I feel that way about pronouns. There, there.
@MετάEd Ananas, but without the an-. I.e. Native speaker.
@MετάEd ! That's four pronouns!
why is it when you ask a question, some say there is not research / effort...?
I mean, what if a person wants to know difference between word a and b?
According to traditional convention.
@Cerberus Of course. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie Then you have to demonstrate what you already know about a and b.
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie Well, there are always a million differences between two words, and the most important ones can often be learned from a dictionary.
So those questions are really no fun to answer.
Apr 16 '11 at 22:10, by RegDwight
That's a reference only @Vitaly will fully appreciate. There's a Russian children's verse that goes, "A and B sat on the chimney top. A fell down, B disappeared, who's left?"
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie The person in that case should do research in the dictionary. And the question should include the results of research, and explain why there is still a question.
@RegDwighт I miss that guy.
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie So you need to be more specific about what context you want to know more about, or explain what you have already learned, so as to focus the scope of your question and its answers.
@RegDwighт The KGB obviously.
Otherwise why did B disappear.
Wrong, wrong, wrong.
Heard you the first time, first time, first time.
You are stupider than Russian children. Hahahaha.
@RegDwighт It's a fair cop.
Then I'll be the bad cop.
Oh, I see. So, it is simply convincing others that you have tried.
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie If you want to look at it that way. But really it is out of consideration for the people who will be trying to answer.
There is no need for them to redo the research, only to be told "yes, I thought of that already".
or "I tried that already"
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie it's preventing people from posting answers that are actually wrong. Which is in OP's own best interest.
So it is a matter of courtesy.
Or "no, what I meant was for this context."
@KitFox yes.
What if OP has a context in mind in which A and B are antonyms, while the answers only address a context in which they are synonyms? Bam, you've got yourself a problem.
@KitFox nice one. i get it
Ow, ow, ow, my head, this weird pseudo-jinxing. Argh.
OMG. It's great when somebody gets it.
Ow, ow, ow, my head, this weird my new boots. Argh.
I have a question about English to ask. But to answer this question, let me tell you a story. My wife and I took English lessons with an English teacher for almost one year. She knew that my wife and I are married. My wife likes to send her a message, for example, "I don't have lesson with you this week, I miss my English class." My wife also asked for her address to send some gift to her, my wife told her when she asked for the address that she would send her some gift.

Yesterday, this teacher send a message to my wife said that she does not want to be my wife's teacher anymore. Then, she
@RegDwighт Try putting them on your feet instead.
@KitFox they won't come off!
Mynewboots. Toywomen, enomoty, entombs, enwombs, etymons, moonset, myosote, newsboy, noysome, obentos, tomboys, towmons, toysome, twosome, bentos, besnow, bestow, betons, betony, bosomy, boston, botone, bowets, bowmen, bownes, embost, embows, entomb, enwomb, etymon, mentos, metoos, moneys, monosy, montes, obento, ostomy, snooty, stoney, tomboy, towmon, toymen, toyons, ...
You can't say my new boots without toy women.
Ouch, that's a sensitive subject code4 is feeding us.
Also without mentos.
@code4eight Your teacher feels that your wife had been too personal.
Who will go out on a limb?
Why, Kit of course.
@RegDwighт Me of course.
@KitFox what do you mean by "too personal"?
metaultra jinx!
Two out of three. Good enough for me.
@code4eight it seems someone has been trying to play naughty too me
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie Not necessarily.
what does "to play naughty" mean?
@code4eight What is your culture?
@KitFox HEY! Royalties!
@KitFox Then regale us with with your wisdom, your highness.
It is on this intriguing note that I have to leave you for a bus.
It is very normal in our culture to give some gift to teachers.
@code4eight I thought so. And your teacher, is she American?
Yes, how did you know that?
Q: "Nowadays" versus "now days"

jdstankoskyRecently, I was auto-corrected by a word processor when I typed in "now days" to "nowadays." Why did it do this to me? "Nowadays" looks and sounds silly, incorrect, and made-up to me. Which version is appropriate? Which is most appropriate? Where did the word "nowadays" even come from?

Okay, this is just silly.
@code4eight It is not uncommon to give gifts to teachers here, but I would guess that your teacher felt that a request for her address invaded her privacy.
Especially if she didn't feel like she could refuse respectfully to give it.
@code4eight Is your wife a bi?
@KitFox My wife told her that she would send her some gift before asking for her address. Is that still invaded her privacy?
The teacher's response makes me think that your wife's contact with her was taken as being too friendly, and the teacher did not want to be social with her.
@Mahnax Usually it's the other way around. The hats are supposed to block the school.
@code4eight Yes, even so. It was a nice gesture, but we would normally give gifts only to grade school teachers, and then they would be brought to school.
These were online classes?
@KitFox Does "too friendly" mean lesbian in this case?
@code4eight No, no, not at all.
@MετάEd You're right, of course.
Yes, they were online classes.
The teacher probably wanted to be just a teacher, not a friend. It sounds like she took your wife's email to mean that your wife wanted to be social, but the teacher didn't want any social obligations.
that is why I asked if she is bisexual. I think the teacher has a point. @code4eight IS the teacher HOT?
Did your wife explain that it was traditional to give a teacher a gift in your culture?
She is about 50 years old, a big woman. We can call her mom, LOL.
Yes, she did.
She told her that it is common in our country and she gave it due to the x'mas.
Did the teacher say she didn't want to give her address out?
No, she gave her right away.
Without any hesitation.
Elephant in the room.
What was the gift, nobody is asking.
Oh, so she gave her address? Did she send you the email after she got the gift?
Well, if she is a granny, then it must be that ice-land thing, where people get offended when you give them tip. Which makes me thing, I shouldn't need to save much to go there.
No, she did not get the gift yet. It will arrive soon.
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie Iceland's an expensive place. That's why you don't need to tip.
Yes, she gave her address.
> Because she is your wife, it wouldn't be appropriate for me to be your teacher.
This is very mysterious.
@Cerberus That one makes me think about her thought.
I don't know what to make of it.
@MattЭллен I would say, it is cheaper than Switzerland. Which is where I am
Well, the best thing to do would be go to that teacher and ask her what she really meant. That, way we can concentrate on the next doomsday
@code4eight I can imagine.
Well, it is puzzling, but everything about that letter suggests that your wife wanted to be social and she did not.
The fact that she gave her address indicates that she doesn't see your wife as a potential stalker.
Unless she gave the address long ago?
And she didn't want to break ties with your wife and not you. That doesn't surprise me though.
But she makes it sound very dramatic.
I don't think so.
Isn't it common in the U.S. to talk straight to a person?
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie ha. yeah, probably!
@code4eight I've heard that.
And anyway, this is the whole bit, innit?
> I think she mistook my friendliness for something more than being a teacher.
My best guess: she didn't appreciate all the non-teaching-related messages she got from your wife, it came too close to her private sphere and/or took up too much of her time/attention. Instead of calmly explaining to your wife that her messages were considered too much in her own culture, she chose the dramatic option.
Maybe the wife was sharing some secrets perhaps, things the old lady did not appreciated. That, is the only way it makes sense.
That could mean any number of things, but in essence, her boundaries were violated.
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie That is not the case. I am SURE.
@Cerberus I don't consider that dramatic. She didn't make a scene. She just hit the "off" switch.
It is possible that your wife flirted with the teacher, but...that would be rather odd.
@KitFox More dramatic that simply explaining how she wanted it.
Unless she had already tried that.
No no, my wife is straight.
@Cerberus She might also have thought it wasn't worth her time to try to change it.
But it's still a bit dramatic.
It could have been something as simple as "When we finish learning English, we'll come visit you in Kansas!" or something. Who knows?
Yes, I want to understand why she did that.
It's very hard to say without knowing what your wife sent her and how often and such.
Should could be strait in-front of you, and bend while you are not looks. The only solution though is to confront the lady. Tell her you must know her reason
@The Seriously. Get your mind out of the gutter.
My wife, actually we sent her a box of gift from our country.
hear hear
There are lots of reasons why the teacher might have felt the way she did.
Just forget about it and find another teacher.
You can't change the situation anyway.
what was the gift btw
And nude pictures.
Food, snacks, fruits, postcard.
She does not get it yet though. :)
Fresh fruits?
Dried fruit.
@code4eight Well, I'm sorry that it didn't work out.
Ah OK.
If you are not willing to forget this and move on, as if nothing happens, but coming as far as here to know something out of probably nothing, I would call in Sherlock Holmes in this one, because there is a mystery here people!!!
Good luck with that!
Anyway, just forget it.
You could always email the teacher and ask her if your wife was coming on to her. And then demand to see every email they ever exchanged.
If you wanted to seem completely nutters.
Yeah don't do that.
Move on.
I saw all messages.
There is nothing at all.
Well, because then she'd be like "Oh, hell, no. She just kept asking me to send her pictures of my grandchildren and shit."
Perhaps it was just the quantity.
I just don't what our teacher misunderstood my wife, it is just that.
Well, don't forget that the teacher might be a little crazy too. It could have nothing to do with your wife at all.
To be honest, I would want to keep work and private stuff strictly separate in certain situations. Or maybe always.
Maybe your wife did not chose her words wisely, and said "I love you" to say "I like you"...
It could happen..
@Cerberus there are both quantity and quality. Everything we sent to her are the finest things here.
With what frequency did your wife send her messages?
@code4eight I'm sure.
Tweets? Are they FB friends?
As Kit says, the teacher may have been socially awkward and/or crazy.
That's strange. You can just go and tell them off.
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie You really want that, don't you?
She sent a message through an English website that she took class with her.
No twitter, no facebook.
One of them is a maniac, but I dont know which one.
How often?
We know her on the website and just Skype.
@Cerberus No. Just making life easier, trying to make a joke. Have a sense of humour
@Cerberus Are we counseling today?
She send a message 2 - 3 times a week on average. She took class with her 3 times a week.
Did she ask many personal questions?
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie The two are not mutually exclusive...
If I was in your situation, I would either force the old lady to tell me or I would just forget about the whole thing. I just escape a yearly awaited doomsday prophecy.
@Noah Yup.
Is there any way to add pressure to a normal electrical water boiler?
@code4eight That's not a lot.
"It’s been an amazing year for Stack Exchange, both as a network of experts and enthusiasts and as an organization. We launched twenty new sites, rolled out tons of user-requested features"
tons is frequently used, does it have an other meaning than metric ton?
@JohanLarsson It just means a lot.
@Noah Put it in a pressure room. Otherwise, no.
@Noah a plastic one? Sounds dangerous
Only once, my wife asked her about her drug usage. My wife is a pharmacist.
@code4eight Was she specific about what sort of drugs? Could she have been misunderstood?
@KitFox ty fox
That may be too private, but then the teacher can just decline to answer or evade the question. Shouldn't be hard.
But she might not want to have to evade questions.
@JohanLarsson No, not a plastic one. I think it's metal.
Maybe the teacher is just nuts.
Her health is not good so my wife asked about drug that she uses.
@DavidWallace Hello, Mr. Wallace.
@DavidWallace Hmmm...
Hi, @Noah, nice to see you.
@DavidWallace Maybe she's nut-rats.
@code4eight Did she mention she was a pharmacist?
The teacher rejected to answer the question and that is the only time.
From what you tell us, I can't find any gross faux pas in your wife's behaviour.
Yes, the teacher liked to ask my wife about her health problem and it led to the question about her drug usage.
I don't think you or your wife have done anything wrong. Ultimately, if she doesn't want to teach you, you can't force her to. Forget about it and move on.
@Noah If you manage to seal it the pressure will rise when you reach boiling point. You should have a valve limiting the pressure. Think it is better to buy equipment that is designed to operate at elevated pressure
@Cerberus What do you mean? I can't. It's attached to a water inlet in the bathroom.
@Cerberus tu peux parler en Francaise? Moi aussi
@Noah Then I'm afraid it's not possible.
@code4eight Oh, well, that could be it. Americans don't discuss health issues readily with strangers.
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie Bien sûr!
If she didn't volunteer the information herself, she might have felt intruded upon.
@KitFox But if the teacher was the one who liked to discuss her health, how can it be the wife's fault?
@DavidWallace Oh, I misread that.
Mais mon Français, c'est pas bien. Le Français a prêté l'expression "faux pas" à l'Anglais il y a longtemps.
@Cerberus and we're not giving it back.
OK, thank you all you guys.
@DavidWallace Jamais!
It is what it is.
I can understand why you were a bit shocked, but it doesn't seem as though your wife did anything wrong, so the teacher is probably just wacky.
Oui Je savais ca, il ya pluisers comme meme. Moi Je parle un peu Francaise, mais je suis en trrain d'apprendre le Francaise, depuis 8 mois. Tu sais, ce pour ca, je suis venu ici, mais Je n'ai pas des "Reputations" pour etere capable de fair "chat" come celui ici
Forget and move on.
@Cerberus All I want is to increase the water pressure in the faucets.
@Noah Can the cylinder be placed somewhere higher?
Now the water pressure to the faucets seems to be very low.
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie Tu est venu à la chambre à chat de Français.stackexchange.com?
@DavidWallace I did that.
@Cerberus either that or the company she works for doesn't allow teachers to receive gifts
@Noah Have you tried cleaning the filter in the faucet?
@DavidWallace Didnt really help.
That was my problem when the water trickled out.
@MattЭллен But she gave her address willingly. And she hasn't even received the present yet.
@Cerberus I dont think that's the problem. Everything seems to be new.
Oui. Mais, Je n'ai pas plus que 146 repurtations, alors je besion 20 plus
@Cerberus "chambre à chat" - fantastic expression. I imagine I'd sneeze a lot in a place like that.
How is water pressure elsewhere?
@Noah ok, now I understand, there is equipment for that I think, lemme check
@DavidWallace Haha. Yes, well, I love les chats.
@JohanLarsson Okay. Thanks
@Cerberus for breakfast?
@Cerberus but if she didn't know the rule, then mentioned it and a higher up told her, then this might be what the outcome is
@Noah You could narrow the inlet pipes.
@TheCOMPLETEPHPNewbie Alors, allez demander quelques questions interessantes au delà!
@Noah Is hydrofor Swedish or same in English?
Pour que ta réputation s'augmente.
@JohanLarsson Swedish.
@MattЭллен Sounds far fetched...

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