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Also, they say the end of the world is in a few hours time...
@reg How will you be celebrating Christmas?
One of the two main news channels here runs an insert Today is "the end of the world". The idiocy of this being presented as news aside, I wonder how many hoi polloi will take those quotation marks to stand for emphasis.
@RegDwighт Have you watched Knowing starring Nicolas Cage?
I can't stand Nicolas Cage. He has like two movies that are any good, and he's not the one to take credit.
Knowing is much better than Matrix.
6.2 vs 8.7 on IMDb.
Pirate hat: better than accepted. What do you suppose that means?
And ohai @Jasper. I was just wondering this morning where you had been.
@KitFox populist?
Rright! @Jasper! Where are your hats?
Good day!
all the thirteens
@RegDwighт I was thinking that too, maybe.
maybe just "more votes than the accepted answer"
One more hat for our team
700 now.
IT Security are on fire. Surpassed Arqade already. Out of nowhere. Looks like they are taking it very seriously.
@KitFox I have an even better one.
> Epic Punyon Beard: it was hairy
Looks like only mods get that one.
Anna Lear, Shog, balpha, Emmett, Geoff Dallas, Jason Punyon, Jin...
@RegDwighт Mod message maybe?
User suspension!? Oh, oh!
I'm rummaging through the transcripts in the mod room. That's the best guess so far.
That can't be it. Jin has suspended someone? On MSO? Come on.
I want Moshi Moshi. It's cute.
Last day before Christmas break. I'm crawling to the finish line.
Me too.
high fives @Rob
Noobs. I am sprinting.
Backatcha. down low
I want...
I want Raquel Welch dropped on top of me.
Also, more hats.
drops Raquel Welch on Kit
Thank you.
Will you let me have her back when you've finished with her?
Something to tell your coworkers:
In the Christmas spirit.
@DavidWallace Finished? sighs I suppose.
Did you see the episode of The Muppet Show in which she was the guest?
not a fan of Raquel Welch
Q: The mysterious Epic Punyon Beard

Austin HenleyI have just seen the hat known as Epic Punyon Beard for the first time. Does anyone have any information (or hints if you don't want to spoil it) on this mysterious hat!?!? Here are the given (but not so useful) clues: The hat in action: UPDATE: Shog9 states that the beard is possible but...

On the plus side, I finally replaced the missing art on my Amazon books, so they all have covers now. The bad news is, the reviews went away on the ones that had their art replaced. Amazon gives, and Amazon takes.
Looks like you were right about the pirate hat @Reg.
Beat current accepted by +3 or 2x.
+3 or 2×? Why is that by English math?
And Katey works with Jason.
Ah HA!
What, ahha? You mean she's the mother?
I mean she tweets with him.
maybe you need to tweet that you have children or something
does shog have children?
I suppose that she might be the mother. But she was a member of the Chaos team.
Chaos team?
First time I hear of her.
Ha, I'm #53 in hats on MetaSO. How did that happen?
having children isn't a tough as being an SO mod?
Oh. It is her. That does seem to be the mommy.
Oh wait. Maybe not.
People are so ambiguous in their tweets!
Why would mommy tweet to daddy? They don't meet IRL?
first baby conceived over IRC
Shit, just found out my best bud from work is leaving in Jan. No one left to get my Big Lebowski and Breaking Bad references. Wah!
you'll just have to hire someone to watch the programmes with you
@Robusto Is he going somewhere where more people will get his?
@Robusto Oh that bites. My sympathies.
He's going to work for a friend, so probably they will get his jokes.
Well that's not very fair. Or balanced.
Earlier this year there were three of us. Now I'm the only one left in a sea of pineapples.
that's one painful sea to swim in
Haha. ELU started it, life will finish you off.
> I'm feeling so sorry for myself that it's hard to breathe.
Plus now they'll probably want me to clean up his code.
Heh, Maths is not participating in the hat bash.
So much for them being nicer to newcomers.
They've mostly been nice and answered my dumb questions.
Q: Is there a simple proof for 2(n/3) is not an integer when n/3 is not an integer?

RobustoObviously if n/3 is an integer then 2(n/3) is an integer. But what if n/3 is not an integer? Can it be proven that 2(n/3) is not an integer (or, more specifically, an even multiple of 3) if n/3 is not an integer? I feel that intuitively this must be true, but I am not a mathematician and my idle...

You mean the traffic question?
Oh. That.
Q: Probability in single-lane traffic flow: What are the odds of "choke points" being encountered?

RobustoLet's say you have a single-lane road (single in this case meaning single lane in each direction, or what you could also call two-lane). Let's say you have a random number of vehicles on a given 10-mile stretch of road. The speed limit is 45 mph, but some people go faster and some go slower. Is ...

There's the traffic question
You actually complained about how they handled it, no?
Did I? I don't recall.
Feb 25 '11 at 16:12, by Robusto
The only time I asked a question on Math.SE they told me it was too hard.
Feb 25 '11 at 16:14, by Robusto
I revised it downwards but still got nothing for my trouble.
Well, that's what complainers do. They complain.
Speaking of complaining, are the Septics participating?
Oh, Neil was kind enough to publish another article I wrote, How I Wrote a Novel in 30 Days, if anyone cares to read it.
They're too septical.
They are! "148 users from this site have earned a total of 278 hats".
Good for them!
I am skeptical.
You can't just say it's good for them. You need to provide at least one NASA picture.
You live in a rainbow world.
They're down in the trenches, dealing with doubt all the time.
It's a bitter life, being a Skeptics.SE contributor. You have to prove every proposition, have a citation for every utterance, and still people doubt you. I do not envy them.
@KitFox you're insane. Thirty answers? Thirty new answers? In two weeks? Who are you, Rob England? Barrie Usto?
@Robusto I'll just stick to the fact. Paul McCartney does not exist. QED.
@RegDwighт I know. It's crazy.
@RegDwighт My rate of answering questions is nowhere near that of Barrie.
@RegDwighт No. People just wish he didn't.
Not anymore anyway.
@KitFox Anyhoo, tell me a question you'd like to answer, and I'll post it.
I need all those hats you can only get for posting questions. And I have no questions.
@RegDwighт I only had a high rate for about eight months. Who could keep that up? Only someone who was retired, with nothing else to do.
Dec 13 at 14:57, by Robusto
Question for EL&U: What's the difference between an addon, a plugin, and an extension?
You can borrow this one.
You know what, a week from now I might be so desperate I will.
Verbatim, of course.
No research.
@RegDwighт It's a pitiful sight, you in such utter desperation. And over the holidays, too.
Not my holidays. I'm *ortho*dox, not *heathen*dox.
What is the right word for a person who is too much obedient or excessively sincere or too much devoted to his bosses or their leaders
Below or my choice of words
@RegDwighт I would have thought *para*dox.
@Robusto *por*dox. Ask @tchrist if you don't believe me. Trabajo su espanol!
Anyway, the country around you is celebrating *heathen*doxy even as we speak.
@RegDwighт No trabajo hoy.
bootlicking person vs fawning person vs obsequious person vs sycophantic person vs toady person
Crap, su is too correct. I'm blowing my cover.
@Hanu They're all synonymous. And they'll be the first to agree.
Don't forget ass kisser and brown nose.
Nov 1 at 15:08, by Robusto
Question for ELL: Can use "spice" and "spike" in meaning the same?
Oh, and apple polisher.
Is there any difference between those words or they all are interchangeable in all the scenarios
They'll all get you into trouble, if that's what you mean.
@Hanu there is no such thing as two words "interchangeable in all scenarios".
I am curious to know the line differentiate between those
And yeah, what Rob says. Though I guess more people will understand bootlicker vs. sycophant.
Bootlicker, ass-kisser, and brown-nose are pretty much equivalent.
A toady performs the same function with perhaps a little more art.
Someone who is obsequious merely performs in a subservient posture in relation to someone else.
@Hanu Sycophant.
A sycophantic person goes along with whatever an important person says or does; he is a flatterer.
Sycophantic lackey.
Oh. You said that one already.
Fawning can be sycophantic or it can be what a group of women do around a newborn baby.
Eureka! That's what the beard is for!
Does my question make sense to post in ELL?
In the Marvel Comics world, they comprise the Yes-Men.
@Hanu No. It's a thesaurus question. Use a good dictionary first.
Oh, FFS.
That's what I get for answering questions. Especially ones that Barrie has answered already.
What, there goes another databasE?
Oh, that.
Oh my god. THe database. I forgot I was supposed to be fixing that.
I mean, really I did.
Sorry. Rewind. Rewind!
So. I guess I'll be back later.
Ping me if you need me. Or figure out that damn beard.
Who will be getting all the hats?
I am incapable.
Um. OK. I'll give you the start of the one I was thinking about.
Worse. Is this the only comparative without an -er? Does it represent some remnant of language?
Obseques is positive or negative?
Oh, suppletion.
I was thinking of it because of the recent comparative question.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 that's the fivehundredseventythird batmobile completely different from every other batmobile. Why are people so obsessed with those?
In fact there's an official set coming out. (Which people find crappy.)
collegues doesn't like him, as he is obsequious to Project Manager
@RegDwighт Because it's Batman!
So what? I am Batman, too.
But that particular mini batmobile is really well-made, I think. Also well-photographed.
@Hanu No, obsequious is not negative like that.
So obsequous is positive or neutral
I'd say neutral but tending toward positive.
You would want that in a staff member.
Well, a servant.
Friday meeting.
the quality "too much obsequious" is valid?
@Hanu I can't imagine using that phrase.
Commute. Latyeres.
That was a short one.
Indeed. Now you can ask my question while I am fixing stuffs.
can I say obsequious person = minion to some one
@Hanu A good minion would be obsequious, yes.
After checking etymonline, I'm not sure I have much of a question left.
Not about English, anyway. It's all about P.Gmc. now.
Which is still an interesting question, but at that point anybody's guess is as good as mine.
And now they are cutting the internet cord. "Will be back up as soon as we are done." Gee, thanks.
CU some other time.
Sycophant = a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage
The above is dictionary meaning
Yeah, I'd agree.
Sycophant acts to gain advantage
Obsequious person no matter what he will be obedient to his boss or master
Am I correct?
Yes. In fact, I'd say obsequious is specifically not trying to gain advantage. They are obedient because it is their duty to be.
@RegDwighт I’ll only listen if you notice how much work I’ve done for this arguably GR question.
Fawning = displaying exaggerated flattery or affection; obsequious
So fawning is a kind of obsequious with affection, which is also non negative quality
like son is obsequious to his father. Younger sister is obsequious to their elder brother in family
Does my perception is correct?
@Hanu Yes, that seems about right. Women fawn over babies, for instance.
"Make a fuss over" would be close in meaning.
If a person behaves obsequiously to an important person irrespective of advantage or not he is toady
Does my perception correct?
A toady is a lackey or a minion. Someone who does what he is told to do, even if it is bad, and maybe especially because it is bad and he enjoys it.
> Clicking on an ad will open a new window and will not interfere with your web browsing experience.
What is the difference between toady and minion?
A minion is more neutral.
Ohh this nice, non-interfering ad is installing a toolbar! Yay!
Except that minions are usual what evil overlords have, I suppose.
I'd like to have minions someday.
A very obedient, lowly servant.
"Toady" is an insult.
@KitFox That term reminds me of the Zerg.
It’s time for breakfast, and I still haven’t rep-capped, damn it.
You wouldn't call your servants toadies.
@KitFox Whereas Froggy is a compliment.
Not where I come from.
@Hanu also, minions are faceless, hey often come in expendable groups. A toady you know and disparage individually.
@KitFox but that -other- guy's servant...he's such a toady.
And minions tend to be multitudinous. You don't generally have just one minion.
Unless maybe you are just starting out on your evil scheme.
Toadies are fewer in number.
hm... lackey is sort of half way between toady and minion, right?
It's hard to find a good toady, but minions well. A dime a dozen.
Guys, I made a Linguistics ad for this site, mind to give me some opinions/cruel criticism/ideas/observation/insights/compliments/handshakes?
Sure, let's see it.
@Mitch Yeah. Sounds about right.
Pretty colors.
@Mitch Yeah, like pawns.
They are the same from Beta sites. I stole inspired myself to them.
you'll through a bunch of minions at James Bond to be offed one right after the other. But your toady you'll dispatch Bond in a terribly duisgusting manner, but Bond will off him in an excruciating act of reversal.
Thanks :)
@Alenanno You forgot to use a ligature for the fi, so it collides. Pretty please fix that.
@Cerberus exactly.
Lackeys aren't really like pawns though. Pawns are for achieving an end, but lackeys are like maintenance people.
@Mitch A lackey is really a sophisticated servant with certain special functions at court, I would say?
@tchrist You mean you want the ligature?
@Alenanno Yay!!
@KitFox maybe a lilttle more toady like?
@Cerberus and might be a toady depending on his looks and age?
@Alenanno Yes, I mean I want the ligature. Your typesetting software should have applied it automatically, because that font needs it.
The secondary meaning of lackey is "grovelling servant".
@Cerberus do toadies grovel?
No way.
maybe a little but not as much as a lackey.
Mine do.
I ran out of minions. Can I borrow a cup?
A good toady wouldn't grovel. He'd sell you out if you tried to make him.
@Mitch Does a pollywog swim in a pond?
minced please.
ok I can mince them.
I think toady and lackey have very different histories, that's all I know.
@KitFox yes...very toady-like.
but a toady could never become the evil master mind. sort of like an evil butler.
evil -ugly- butler.
A lackey, on the other hand, would just clean up the mess and start looking for another job when the plan failed.
@tchrist It depends on the font, not all support it.
@KitFox Perhaps a toady is less like a formal servant, more like a follower?
A lackey doesn't give a damn about you.
@Cerberus Yes, yes.
@KitFox right...he's very good at cleaning up blood ('use bleach, gets rid of the DNA evidence')
@Alenanno It is not a matter of using the Unicode code point; it is a matter of how the font is constructed. Whichever one you used there obviously must have the ligature for correct setting.
@KitFox a toady is a schemer. a lackey...yes, it's just a job for now.
In Dutch, a lakei is still exclusively a formal servant: the sucking-up part never became a full-blown secondary meaning.
I don't think lackeys necessarily suck-up.
"Rupert Murdoch and his lackeys" is not what you would say in Dutch.
@Alenanno Which piece of typesetting software are you using?
Definition: 	sycophant
Synonyms: 	adulator, apple polisher, ass-kisser, backscratcher, backslapper, bootlicker, brownnoser, doormat, doter, fan, fawner, flatterer, flunky, groupie, hanger-on, kiss-up, lackey, minion, teacher's pet, yes-person
That is toady.
I think tchrist thinks people actually use typesetting software.
Definition: 	servant
Synonyms: 	attendant, butler, domestic, doormat, drudge, factotum, flunkey, retainer, steward, subordinate, toady, underling, valet, yes-person
@KitFox Okay, not necessarily. But they do serve you unquestioningly, I'd say. Because they hope to gain from it, probably—not for idealist reasons.
That is lackey.
Oh yes, flunky.
@KitFox Anything that assembles type is by definition typesetting software.
@Alenanno What font are you trying to use?
Yes-person? Never heard of that.
Drudge sounds a bit unsuitable.
Surely a lackey in the primary sense would not actually drudge for his lord!
@tchrist Sorry I'm here lol It's Helvetica. But it was just a choice because I knew it.
Speaking of which, I need more footmen.
@Alenanno That cannot be Helvetica. Helvetica is a sans.
It is a serifed font like Times, Georgia, Garamond, etc.
@tchrist No, the question was not Helvetica, the "Linguistics SE" was Helvetica.
The first of each pair has default ligatures enabled; the second of each pair has it disabled.
The second font was not designed to be used without ligatures, as the type collides.
The first one can be, but looks better with it enabled.
The second of each pair also has kerning disabled.
I couldn't find that phrase in the book '1001 Persian-English Proverbs' http://www.baylanguagebooks.co.uk/product_details.php?id=23212&language=&search=E%20P%20B%20Publishers&type=idioms&author=&publisher=

It has a Persian proverb (in Farsi), the the literal translation in English, then the closest corresponding English proverb. Fun, if you're into that sort of thing.

There were no proverbs starting with 'toop'.
@tchrist What font did you use there?
I have used nothing but straight ASCII there; it does not use Unicode’s compatibility codepoints for ligatures. You should not need those.
@Alenanno The first is Arno Pro, and the second Times.
@Gigili but of course, there are many more 'turns of phrase' than proverbs.
If you cannot figure out how to enable ligatures, then you must use a font that is designed to be used without them. For example:
And those are what fonts?
@Alenanno The first font is Alfios, and the second is Georgia. Both work find without ligatures enabled, as you see. But Alfios will do something a bit different if you do enable them, whereas Georgia will not.
@Cerberus flunky is a yucky word. for that matter so is lackey and toady. I guess I'd rather have lots of minions than a few good toadies/lackies/flunkies. I could never trust them.
Hm, I just replied to a future posting. How cool!
a sidekick is like the good version of a ... toady/lackey/flunky, right?
@tchrist it's a talent.
@tchrist I don't have neither Arno Pro, nor Alfios. :P
@Mitch Yeah.
Certainly Alfios is available for free from George Douros’s website.
It is “older school” that Georgia, and supports a modern European alphabet.
@Cerberus footmen are minions-to-be. actualy, what -do- footmen do? polish your shoes? THey're not valets are they?

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