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12:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

@Robusto Well, or with big ones. Like, huge rigatoni.
Notice that there is nori wrapped around sushi rolls (makisushi) and in a band around the other kind (nigirisushi).
2 mins ago, by Robusto
@RegDwight — It only works with long noodles.
55 secs ago, by RegDwight
@Robusto Well, or with big ones. Like, huge rigatoni.
54 secs ago, by Robusto
2 mins ago, by Robusto
@RegDwight — It only works with long noodles.
These are not long. They are oblong.
And how is that a long noodle?
Them's almost as wide as them is long.
No pasketti.
The following are long noodles:
Yes. Spaghetti, spaghettini, spaghettoni, bavette, maccheroncini, capellini.
The oblong noodles above are rigatoni, which you mentioned. I'm just showing you what you said.
Yes. Thank you. I had never seen a rigatoni in my life.
Well, you talked as if you hadn't.
Telling me they were long noodles.
FFS. No.
BTW, are we experiencing a flash mob?
Q: preposition usage

gsbWhich is correct: "I worked on a project" or "I worked in a project"? "When I was at the university I studied math" or "When I was in the university I studied math"?

Q: "In time " versus "on time"

aliyaWhich one is correct, "submit your work in time" or "submit your work on time?"

6 mins ago, by RegDwight
@Robusto Well, or with big ones. Like, huge rigatoni.
Where does it say that rigatoni were long? It says the exact opposite thing.
Look up "or" in a dictionary of your choice. I'll wait.
@RegDwight And I said it only works with long noodles. And you restated your original assertion as if those qualify as long could I but see it.
@Robusto There have been two or three other "in" and "on" questions today, all dupes
@Rhodri — Flash mob!
@Robusto I could restate that opinion fifteen times in a row, it would still not be saying that rigatoni are long. It would only be saying that you can eat them with chopsticks. Which you can.
Unless, of course, you're telling me that I'm the only person on the planet capable of pulling off that trick.
@RegDwight — Well, to the extent that you can eat anything with chopsticks, you can eat those. I personally would not use them for that, or for manicotti, or farfali or what have you.
@Robusto Yeah well, those fall into the gobbetti category for me.
But if you have a noodle the size of your fist, you can certainly grab it with chopsticks.
Hmm ... I would not grab a noodle the size of my fist with chopsticks. Those usually have a filling that spills out.
MrHen is beginning to get silly.
"Essentially: Anonymity can be seen as a state that has nothing to do with the people who may or may not know something."
Also, black can be seen as white.
Maultaschen (singular ) are a Swabian (Baden-Württemberg, Germany) specialty food, consisting of an outer layer of pasta dough with a filling traditionally made of minced meat, smoked meat, spinach, bread crumbs and onions and flavored with various herbs and spices (e.g. parsley and nutmeg). Similar in appearance to Italian ravioli, Maultaschen are usually larger, however, each Maultasche being about 8-12 cm (3-5 inches) across. Maultaschen are traditionally eaten either geröstet (cut into slices and fried in a pan with onions and scrambled eggs) or in der Brühe (simmered in vegetable b...
And while we're on the subject of body parts and food:
Now these are huge meaty noodles the size of your fist!
@Rhodri What does that even mean?..
@RegDwight I assume he means this question/answer:
He's trying to support his thesis that you can "bestow" anonymity.
A: is 'bestowing anonymity' the right term or expression

MrHen"Bestowing" implies giving someone something. If you are "giving anonymity" than this will work fine. If the person is already anonymous and you want to keep it that way, "keeping" or "protecting" anonymity may be a better choice.

That's the one.
Yup, I'm reading those already.
@Rhodri — He's just covering all the bases. Basically, trying to create the opposite of a paradox.
@RegDwight Personally I'm more of dessert guy.
Germknödel is a fluffy yeast dough dumpling with a mix of poppy seeds and sugar, filled with spicy plum jam and melted butter on top, often eaten with vanilla cream sauce. The dish called Germknödel in Austrian German or kynuté knedlíky (Czech) is an Austrian, Southern German and Bohemian sweet bread. It is served both as a dessert or, typically on Fridays in Catholic regions, as a main course. The word Germknödel translates into English as yeast dumpling. Germknödel is usually a spherical or bun-shaped dessert. The dessert's main ingredient is a yeast dough with sugar and fat, usua...
Some are born anonymous, some achieve anonymity, and some have anonymity thrust upon them.
I'm not sure I can justify it, but bestowing anonymity sounds very odd to me
i agree
@Rhodri Try Dampfnudeln some time.
Dampfnudel (lit. "steam-noodle") is a sort of white bread eaten as a meal or as a dessert in Germany and in France (Alsace). It's a typical southern German dish. Ingredients and preparation Dampfnudels (pl: "Dampfnudeln") are made from a dough composed of white flour, water, yeast, salt, butter or margarine, and sometimes also eggs and sometimes a little sugar. The dough is formed into balls about the size of an egg, left to rise and then cooked in a closed pot, preferably a high-rimmed iron pan with a lid, with milk and butter (or salt water and fat) until a golden brown crust forms a...
@RegDwight — Uh-oh, some German person in chat is having Sehnsucht for noodles. Everybody run!
even in the sense of applying it to a document, rather than to a person
@psmears — I could see it being used as a witty, ironic rejoinder.
@psmears Whatever he's talking about, a then is not a than.
@RegDwight Om nom nom
So, after fixing that typo I feel all self-smart and arrogant, so now I can go read Language Instinct.
@RegDwight — Here's what he's really going to go "read":
Basic Instinct is a 1992 erotic thriller directed by Paul Verhoeven and written by Joe Eszterhas, starring Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone. The film centers on police detective Nick Curran (Douglas), who is investigating the brutal murder of a wealthy former rock star. Manipulative, attractive crime writer Catherine Tramell (Stone) may be involved and over the course of the investigation, Detective Curran becomes personally involved in a torrid and intense relationship with the mysterious woman. Even before its release, Basic Instinct generated heated controversy due to its overt sexua...
Pfft. That might have impressed me at the age of seven.
Oh, you're going to go all hard-core on us now?
yesterday, by RegDwight
@JSBangs That's like women admiring Ron Jeremy for his directing skills.
I'm not going anything on anyone, ever.
@Robusto Haha, I'd rather watch Michael Douglas than Ron Jeremy...
And I'd rather watch Sharon Stone than either of those two.
I'm not gonna list whom I would prefer over Ms. Stone, because that list is rather long.
Not the point. We are dealing with a set of three human beings. I stated my preference within the bounds of that set.
BTW, she stars in Broken Flowers. Which I still recommend.
Mar 4 at 12:47, by RegDwight
Broken Flowers is a 2005 French/American comedy-drama film written and directed by Jim Jarmusch and produced by Jon Kilik and Stacey Smith. The film focuses on an aging "Don Juan" who embarks on a cross-country journey to track down four of his former lovers after receiving an anonymous letter stating that he has a son. The film stars Bill Murray, Jeffrey Wright, Sharon Stone, Frances Conroy, Jessica Lange, Tilda Swinton, Julie Delpy, Chloë Sevigny, and Mark Webber. Plot Don Johnston (Bill Murray), a former Don Juan having made a small fortune in the computer industry, wants to live in qu...
BTW, were you aware of all the literary allusions Perez-Reverte makes just in character names alone in The Club Dumas?
Literary and other allusions.
@Robusto You keep asking me that like thrice a day. And I keep answering, no, me was young and stoopid.
At least now I'm no longer young.
Well, age has improved one of those qualities.
No. Mine was better.
That is not what Jinx is all about.
Don't get the quote out ...
Besides, yours was a pleonasm.
No, mine was understatement.
Kindly keep your diseases to yourselves
It had nothing to do with multiple orgasms.
I'm coughing my diseases all over Pinker. Does that count as keeping them to myself?
He can probably cope.
We'll see. Soon enough.
"Canadian-American Psychologist Catches Severe Case of Communism"
(Who is Pinker?)
He is phone!
Steven Arthur Pinker (born September 18, 1954) is a Canadian-American experimental psychologist, cognitive scientist, linguist and author of popular science writings. He is a Harvard College Professor and Johnstone Family Professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University and is known for his advocacy of evolutionary psychology and the computational theory of mind. Pinker’s academic specializations are visual cognition and psycholinguistics. His academic pursuits include experiments on mental imagery, shape recognition, visual attention, children's language development, reg...
I thought it was the name of a toy (pinker because pinky).
As second choice, I thought it was the nick used by Pinkerton.
As a third choice, it's dangerously close to Pinkler, which is German for someone who takes a piss.
(Or was his name before he started to weight more? "Pinker and Pinker-ton.")
(If you ask why I keep writing between parentheses is because I am whispering, and parentheses protect against starring.)
Nice edit there. Too bad Robusto missed it.
That is the other reason to write between parentheses.
Now I understand why we say "plink plink" for something related to piss.
Well, them parentheses totally stops working when I type "@Robusto".
@RegDwight: Getting back to names, Corso's comes from "flowing" and also refers to writing (cursive) which brings up "curse" through Latin cursus and also has attachments to Napoleon (through an ancestor) who was, of course, the Corsican ... etc. I wanted to chat with you about that kind of stuff, but after turning me on to this book you seem determined to stonewall me.
Or mention Chicago.
My hands write faster than my mind, which means my mind doesn't write.
@RegDwight — Nah, just a coincidence. I was in a meeting for 15 minutes.
Yeah, yeah. Sure.
"Chance? Permit me to laugh, by God. That is an explanation that would satisfy only an imbecile." — M. Zevaco, Los Pardellanes
Epigraph to Chapter VI of The Club Dumas.
So I hope you're well satisfied with that explanation.
See, I actually am chatting with you about that book. It just that you don't realize it.
This book I'm holding right now only says "The Language Cover" on its instinct.
Are you holding the book, or is the book holding you? I think the former.
Else you wouldn't be running your mouth (or fingers) in chat here atm.
In either case, I have read The Club Dumas. You haven't. So you know what you have to do now. (And don't get me started on The Discovery of Heaven.)
Q: Situated vs Located?

Nano HEI found the following example in my vocabulary: The town is situated on a plateau high up among the mountains of the north. Can I replace situated with located for the example above? What's the difference? Your comments and replies are appreciated.

Well spotted. I wonder why the newer version got upvoted?
Do we just have a flash-crowd of idiots today?
I dunno about others, but me no idiot, me imbecile.)))
@RegDwight — I think we have established your credentials sufficiently already.
@Robusto Yes, I'm just learning to sign my name.
I'm writing it 74 times on the walls of the forum.
Ite missa est.
That's a horrible misspelling of Romani ite domum.
@RegDwight Hah. I learned to sign my name six months ago!
Q: J.A. Gagarin's flight vs J.A. Gagarin flight

Lena D1) Is it Ok to leave the initials or would you drop them? Writing his name in full seems odd since it isn't Gagarin who is the point of discussion. 2) Is it Gagarin's or Gagarin? Is there any difference between the use of the possessive case in titles and not, with well-known names and not?

My comment there. The second one. Read it.
@RegDwight — It is from the Catholic liturgy, what do you want?
I am so glad I'm no Catholic.
Yeah. Ite missa est was the most welcome part of the Catholic mass for me when i was a child and used to be forced to attend.
It means "Go, the mass has ended."
Yeah, that much Latin I know.
Then you know it wasn't a misspelling of Romani ite domum ...
A joke is a question, short story, or depiction of a situation made with the intent of being humorous. To achieve this end, jokes may employ irony, sarcasm, word play and other devices. Jokes may have a punchline that will end the sentence to make it humorous. A practical joke or prank differs from a spoken one in that the major component of the humour is physical rather than verbal (for example placing salt in the sugar bowl). Purpose Jokes are typically for the entertainment of friends and onlookers. The desired response is generally laughter; when this does not happen the joke is...
Станем добре, станем со страхом, вонмем, святое возношение в мире приносите.
Mar 12 at 16:57, by RegDwight
A misanthrope is a horribly misspelled elephant.
Spelling is the writing of one or more words with letters and diacritics. In addition, the term often, but not always, means an accepted standard spelling or the process of naming the letters. In the sense of a standard, spelling is one of the elements of orthography and a element of alphabetic languages. Spellings attempt to transcribe the sounds of the language into alphabetic letters, but phonetic spellings are exceptions in many languages due to several reasons. Pronunciation changes all the time in all languages, and spelling reforms are irregular in most languages and rare in so...
Mar 11 at 0:08, by RegDwight
English is is a horrible misspelling of bagels are.
Aaron Spelling (April 22, 1923 – June 23, 2006) was an American film and television producer. As of 2009, Spelling's company holds the record as the most prolific television writer, with 218 producer and executive producer credits. Forbes ranked him the 11th top-earning dead celebrity in 2009. Early life Spelling was born in Dallas, Texas, to Pearl (née Wald) and David Spelling (originally Spurling), a tailor, who were Jewish immigrants from Russia and Poland, respectively. Spelling also has a brother named Daniel Spelling who lived in San Francisco, who appeared on daughter Tori Spellin...
Go ahead, run through that medley of your hit again.
See? Can't predict me.
@Robusto BTW that's so terribly outdated, it almost sounds like Bulgarian.
hahaha, it's part of the Russian Orthodox liturgy.
How could that ever be modern?
Don't you remember vgv8's comments?
I've been trying to suppress them.
A: Does any of English dialects engage non-English foreign letters in their alphabets?

kiamlaluno Does any of them include or plan to include foreign letters? It is possible that English alphabet will include letters that are not included in the today alphabet, in the same way English passed from the alphabet used in Old English to the nowadays alphabet. I cannot say it is planned, as En...

Thanks for sharing.
Not at all.
Anyhow, I mentioned Bulgarian for a reason.
Mar 16 at 3:43, by RegDwight
Yup. I only know it from Church Slavonic. Which is basically Old Bulgarian.
I'm told that Bulgarian is quite modern these days.
Old, new — I can't tell the difference.
I am entirely at your mercy in this regard.
Mar 15 at 0:32, by RegDwight
He's young at heart, but he's one of the oldest users here.
And that is apropos of what?
Who said it would be apropos of anything?
Feb 17 at 19:27, by Robusto
My humanity was never in doubt. It's @RegDwight who shies away from Turing tests.
Uhh ... Machine Reg? Can I talk to Human Reg for a while?
Sure. I was replying to your "Old, new — I can't tell the difference" comment and I suppose what I was trying to say was, if you want to know what young means, just look in your heart; if you want to know the meaning of old, look in the mirror.
So, there is an Old Bulgarian dude who needs to get his heart checked out?
I'm confident you can sort it out. I gotta go. TTYL.
@RegDwight — Right, light up a room and leave.
hi all
someone knows why ArthurRex has 1 rep?
not that I particularly enjoy his starting bounties on weird questions, but I don't think the system can allow you to get to 1 rep via bounties
Well - here's the report of where his rep is coming from / going to...
So I'm guessing the system did let him throw his rep away like that...
@Fx: He offered a bounty.
@Fx: Get used to that; he kept doing it also on cooking.SE.
(I know; I always arrive late.)
Q: Where does the term "cold calling" originate from?

ArthurRexDid it exist before The Telephone - has it always been associated with 'sales'? www.producteev.com

Is the domain name necessary, in the question?
@kiamlaluno you should have said “I always come late”, then I can say “that's what she said”
you're spoiling all the fun
@Fx: Eheh! I thought it was something understood only from Italians. :-)
By the way, did I say I am Italian?
@kiamlaluno E possible divinare
well, I meant: I could have guessed :)
Talking of fun, I remember when I was used to think funny was the adjective derived from fun. Ah, the good times of innocence.
I don't know, “that's what she said” is very English to me
it's never used at all in French
“Thanks, Miss Stevens, we had a funny afternoon!”
"È possibile che abbia indovinato." (To notice the subjunctive mood.)
well, I don't notice anything
I stopped having the desire to learn Italian when I realized they understood me if:
1. I speak French slowly
2. I wave my hands
"È quello che dice lei." (This is the translation for "that's what she said," but using the simple present, as we do in Italian.)
3. I substitute some Northern-sounding words with one having Latin roots
4. See the previous points.
“È quello che dice la ragazza”?
Uhmmm… Now that is interesting. Is "divinare" an euphemism?
Well, I would not say "la ragazza," in such sentences.
it's a copy-paste error
Well, I learnt recently that “ragazzi” apparent can be very pejorative in certain contexts
You cannot even count on copy-and-paste. Times are getting very hard.
Yes, it can be; even when you say "quei bravi ragazzi."
Words have nuances of meanings, sometimes. Italian has its own way to get that done.
in that case, the guy was using it for some young male prostitutes as a group
ok, got it
"Sono arrivate le ragazze."
I guess that in such sentence, the implicit word is "squillo."
was in a good radio show about the death of Pier Paolo Pasolini
"È una ragazza squillo."
well, I wouldn't dare, I didn't know him that well :)
As we say, "French people have BB; we have CC."
BB stays for Brigitte Bardot; CC stays for Claudia Cardinale.
It is good we don't have PP.
(I guess that joke is hard to be understood.)
I'm working on it
(I guess I should have said "nuances of meaning." I correct myself before somebody else does it.)
pepper ?
Uhmmm… no. The letter P is called "pi," in Italian. PP would be read as "pipi," which is close to pipì, one of the Italian words for pee.
I thought of that, because "pipi" is also pee in French
(Now that I said all the Italian secrets, I can shut up.)
Get out! Really?
It must be for that if we call French people "our cousins."
PIPI — Terme enfantin pour désigner l'urine. Faire pipi, pisser.
Even "faire pipi?"
and I quote the 1863 Littré dictionary
FCOL! We say fare la pipì.
I will not ask if unfair comes from French.
(Faire > fair > unfair.)
ORIGIN Old English fæger [pleasing, attractive,] of Germanic origin, related to Norwegian vakker, ‘beautiful’ .
(I still think I must work hard on my jokes.)
I cannot imagine saying to a woman "you are a vakker girl."
(I cannot imagine what could be understood from who comes from France.)
“piu bella” sounds better than “mehr vakker” :)
@kiamlaluno cowgirl
vacher / vachère is cowboy / cowgirl
"Seeeeeeeei belllissimaaaaaaa…"
That is close to Italian vaccaro.
I never had to try to impress an Italian girl (or boy for that matter), so I haven't learnt the relevant part of the language :)
I only know what is of the utmost important to me
una botillia del vino bianco della casa
frittura del pesce
"Una bottiglia del buon vino bianco della casa, grazie."
pesce è fresco?
(probably howfully broken Italian, but it works™)
That is a question I would never ask; they always say "yes, it is," leaving you to understand if it is really so.
well, for two weeks in Erice, Sicily, I asked like that and never got something that was not “buon”
See? That is my point.
@Robusto As a dyed-in-the-wool protestant who occasionally had to attend Catholic mass, I always had to repress a snicker at the end when the priest would say "A mise végetért" (the mass has ended) and the congregation would respond "Istennek legyen hála" (thanks be to God).
Uhmm… Maybe you was referring to the wine, not the fish.
@kiamlaluno I was referring to the wine
the fish was usually OK, but not always
Sicily reminds me of swordfish.
Ahhh… What good times.
still, I was there for business, so I can't say I fully explored the beauty of the place
I have been in Sicily, times ago. I had the best fish I have ever eaten.
the two places in Italy I've been to were Sicily (Erice) and Sorrento (south of Naples)
I remember the "Mongibello," the tower clock of Palermo, and something else I cannot associate to any nouns.
both quite enjoyable
I have been at "Capo di monte," and Pompei.
Capo di monte is famous for its ceramics.
well, I took a day off from Sorrento to go to Pompeii
alas, I've only been to N Italy (Venezia, Verona, Vicenza, and Rome)
Ah, la cite de l'amour. (I cannot write French, even if I can pronounce some words.)
I have been there with my girlfriend.
you got it right, except for cité (accent)
That is why it sounded strange to me. I was worried I was saying cite, as in "I will cite you."
I am not sure if that is referred to Rome or Verona.
ok, going now, see you later!
@Fx: See you!
@kiamlaluno I deleted the URL because it seems completely irrelevant to the question.
@Martha: It seemed so to me too, but I always have problems to understand his questions.
Regarding the situated vs. located duplicate, I've voted to close the latter, but it has gotten better answers than the older question. How difficult would it be to merge them?
(This is a question for super-@RegDwight.)
The only problem I could see is that the one that got better answers is also the too generic one.
Hence merging: we could combine the better question with the better answers.
12:00 - 18:0018:00 - 23:00

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