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00:00 - 08:0008:00 - 00:00

There is a rap song where a line is 'Bring out the yellow tape' can not remember which, NWA or Geto boys probably
Doesn't ring a bell.
And I hold the record for referencing gangsta rap in this chat.
You'd rather see me in the pen
Than me and Lorenzo rolling in a Benz-o
Beat a police out of shape
And when I'm finished, bring the yellow tape
To tape off the scene of the slaughter
Still getting swoll off bread and water
I don't know if they fags or what
Search a nigga down, and grabbing his nuts
And on the other hand, without a gun they can't get none
But don't let it be a black and a white one
Well I be damned, that's O'Shea Jackson indeed.
Looks like I erased him from memory.
Feb 14 '11 at 12:29, by RegDwight
user image
Gangsta Gangsta?
@JohanLarsson no, Fuck The Police.
shame on me should have known that, does not get much more classic that that
Yeah, kind of my point.
Oh well.
How did you find it by the way?
straight googling or some xpert tool?
Just googling.
3 hours later…
@RegDwighт This one's for you!
Too bad is had already been deleted.
2 hours later…
@StoneyB Nice avatar.
howdy @Mahnax
did you get the call?
Hi @corn!
Not yet.
It's only been a day though.
they'll call
I hope so.
I'm thinking they'll call on Monday if they do call.
I suppose so.
Yeah, hey good luck with that, Mahnax.
Thanks @David!
Nice to see you here.
Thank you. Thought I'd just pop in briefly.
How are things?
Cornbread - how come your picture on the right looks completely different from your picture on the left? I don't understand.
@DavidWallace Gravatar is mad at me for using their mascot, I reckon.
I can't shake him all the way.
Oh, I thought it looked familiar. Of course!
@Mahnax Umm, mostly sucky but a few good things.
@DavidWallace That's a shame. I hope things turn around for you.
Thank you. Much appreciated.
So, did you say it was Starbucks?
Yes, that's the one.
Will that be better than where you are now?
Well, yes.
I'm not currently employed.
Oh, umm, I thought you were making greasy takeaways.
Sorry for not fully paying attention.
Hehe, not any more. I resigned almost two months ago.
I may have only mentioned it briefly here.
flaps wings, juts head
Oh, I vaguely remember you saying something to that effect. I umm, have been a little self-absorbed lately. My apologies.
It's fine, really.
It is very cold in my bedroom.
I accidentally left my window open while I was out today.
I'd reckon it was around -1˚C in here when I got home. A bit warmer now.
I have been deliberately leaving my windows slightly open whilst out.
However, it's not -1 where I am.
That's the temperature outside right now.
I cannot compete with that.
It's not so bad. I like this temperature, actually. Just walked home in it.
How's the weather down where you guys are at?
My local weather web site says it's 19C outside right now. Which is nice and warm without being too hot.
Ooh, that sounds lovely.
Hmm, how do those regions work? City-states?
Huh what?
Wellington City, Upper Hutt, Lower Hutt, etc.
Lower Hutt is a small city. 100k people. Nearby Wellington is slightly larger - about 200k.
And I think Upper Hutt only has about 40k.
But they're all in the Wellington region?
Those two cities are named after the Hutt River, which flows into Wellington Harbour. This river has a decent sized valley, in which the two cities were established; but unimaginatively named.
Hmm, OK.
Err, yes. The Wellington region is slightly larger than what that map shows - it includes both Hutts, Porirua City, Masterton, and a small handful of little towns.
The map on the weather site doesn't depict the geopolitics very clearly.
And I have a brand new laptop, on which I keep pressing NumLock instead of BackSpace. So making mistakes is really slowing me down.
My hands are too cold to type quickly.
That’s kinda nutty for nearly December. I should be having your temperatures. Not that I want them.
That's around 10˚C, I think.
Give or take 5˚.
It’s around 20.
Oh, yeah. I just kind of averaged it in my head.
It got up to 68 today.
Went with fifty.
It’s still over fifty.
Still have my windows open in my bedroom. So weird.
No dew tonight: the red and blue lines will never meet.
@DavidWallace Is your country all hobbity for the imminent premiere there, two weeks before the rest of us?
Some hobbity celebrities have been arriving.
We should not allow Elijah Wood back. He urinated in one of our cultural icons.
Do tell?
The Bucket Fountain is an iconic kinetic sculpture of Wellington, capital city of New Zealand. It can be found in Cuba Mall, which is part of Cuba Street. It consists of a series of "buckets" that fill with water until they tip, spilling their load into the buckets and pool below. The fountain was designed by Burren and Keen and erected in 1969. Much of the water does not reach the buckets below but instead splashes outside the fountain onto pedestrians and onlookers. On windy days (common in Wellington) water from buckets and the hose are carried several metres from the fountain. Peopl...
It's difficult to explain why Wellingtonians are so fond of such a crappy fountain.
But every small child stares at the thing for hours, then has fond memories of it that last into adulthood. Weird.
Hey, David, Mahnax how are you guys?
Pfft. Jay Leno: "You know, this is why Americans are loved around the world. We go to a foreign country and we urinate in the fountain."
Oh, hi, Noah. I hope you are well.
I am good. Thanks for asking. A question, how's a lot of different from many. As I had many visitors yesterday vs. I had a lot of visitors yesterday.
Does the second imply an overwhelming number of visitors?
I find them completely synonymous, but slightly different in register. The former is slightly more formal.
By which I mean "many" is more formal than "a lot of" (realising that the order in your question differed from the order in your example).
sorry about that.
I'm great @Noah, thanks for asking.
I've relocated to a warmer room so I can write.
Yea, Canada is pretty cold.
Not in July.
It has its moments.
Been there @DavidWallace?
I was in Toronto for a few weeks in July 1995.
That's a long time ago.
It was very hot. And there was thunder and lightning.
I want to do post-secondary in Toronto.
Yes, there are some good universities there.
Why dont you go to BC?
It's pretty close to Washington State.
BC= British Columbia
What's so great about Washington State?
It was over 40 degrees; and my friends and I would run from one shop to another, to fully enjoy the air conditioning.
British Columbia is hot and expensive.
Although Vancouver is pretty nice.
Toronto tickles my fancy a bit more though.
It's rainy and greenish.
I liked it. But it was the first place I went to in North America; so the people there were a bit of a surprise.
Plus you can travel back and forth from Canada to the States.
You can do that incredibly easily in Toronto.
Well, getting into the States is a pain no matter where you are.
Getting out is easy.
@DavidWallace Surprise? Hope you didnt run into some MS geeks? HEHEHE
@Mahnax LoL
Multiple Sclerosis, obviously.
I ran into many geeks, but none worked for Microsoft or had Multiple Sclerosis.
@Noah True though, innit?
@Mahnax Come on, dude. It's obvisouly Microsoft.
@Mahnax Right.
@Noah Prove it.
Kidding, by the way—no need to do anything of the sort.
@Mahnax Hell, you are right. Google failed me this time.
@Noah gloats
@Mahnax No need to goat. LOL
I only have 12k 11.9k words left to write for NaNoWriMo! This is the home stretch.
That seems a lot.
Well, out of 50k, it's not so bad.
I've done 38151 words so far.
@Mahnax That is a multiple of 9.
@WillHunting 9 is not a number.
@Noah Hmm.
@WillHunting Indeed it is.
@Mahnax Do you know how I know?
@WillHunting Yes.
In fact, it's a multiple of 9 squared.
@DavidWallace that would be 81
3+8+1+5+1=18, and 9 goes into 18 evenly.
Then 4+3+2+9 also equals 18, so it, too, is divisible by 9. Therefore 38151 is divisible by 81.
@Mahnax Well 1+8=9, so there.
@WillHunting Yeah, that too.
@WillHunting Come on. I would say it's a multiple of 0.
No it's not.
0 has fewer multiples than any other number.
@Noah Hmm, no way!
I think it's fun how all bases are base 10, in a manner of speaking.
Sans base 1, I suppose.
What yuck?
I just changed my photo and it looks terrible. I think I'll have to change it back.
@DavidWallace I prefer the other one. But some people like facial hair.
My previous one had facial hair.
Oh, then the previous previous one then.
I think it's actually the wrinkles either side of my nose that make me look old. I'll try smiling differently this time.
@DavidWallace No mustache.
You noticed. I would expect you to be just about the only person currently in this chat room to know why.
@DavidWallace Yeah. I know why.
@DavidWallace You look good with it.
Oh, do you two know each other well?
@Mahnax Not as well as you and me. =)
@WillHunting Hehe, perhaps not!
@Noah Thank you.
@Mahnax Can I ask if your real last name is the first one I knew about?
And is your last first name the real one I knew about?
OK, the new photo. Better or worse? Everyone press F5 now!
I really don't know which one was the first that either of you knew of.
@Mahnax Maybe he was talking to me.
Mahnax - I have no idea what your surname is. Obviously I know your first name.
Oh, perhaps.
My apologies.
@Mahnax It's the one where the second letter is e.
Oh, and your middle name.
@WillHunting That's my real last name.
@Mahnax OK, shh...
Yes, my middle name. I'm rather fond of it.
@DavidWallace I like the previous one better.
It's nice to carry that little piece of my heritage around with me.
@Mahnax Of course, after all it starts with my favourite letter!
@Mahnax That reminds me of something that happened when I was in Canada.
@DavidWallace Oh?
@Mahnax Hope it's not a bad experience
@Mahnax Hehe, shh...
Oh, maybe I shouldn't say that.
@Mahnax Nah, just joking...
So I was in a lift (or is it an elevator when it's in Canada?) with a Canadian guy and a Dutch guy. Mostly talking to the Dutch guy. When the Dutch guy got out of the lift, the Canadian guy said "is he actually royalty, or were you taking the piss?"
We call them elevators, but you'd be understood if you called it a lift.
It took me several seconds to realise that he had misheard my pronunciation of the Dutch person's name, and thought I was saying "your highness".
@Mahnax I think everyone everywhere call them lifts and elevators.
@DavidWallace Hehe, that is funny!
Sorry if I've just given away what your middle name is!
Oh, it's not a problem. I've stated it here before.
@DavidWallace You look different now in that new pic.
I'm trying to work out why it looks like I have an earring. I do not, of course.
@DavidWallace You need to take a few pictures and then choose them and edit them if necessary.
Right. Then I'll give up and use a one-coloured square.
I like to make mine black and white, it gives a more artistic feel then.
I HATE black and white pictures.
I think I have said this here before.
I love using those for gravatars.
I think black and white photos of oneself are very nice gravatars.
@Mahnax Do you talk to Daniel anywhere at all?
My laptop failed irrevocably this morning, and all the pictures I had on it are now gone. So I guess I'll have to take a whole lot of new ones anyway.
@WillHunting Nope.
@DavidWallace Oh man, time to switch to Linux then.
How will having linux stop my hard drive from failing?
@DavidWallace Hmm OK. I thought it was Windows problem.
@DavidWallace I think there are some good recovery softwares that may help you get your lost data back.
@Noah Using million dollar technologies, one can get deleted data back, only used by CIA and the like.
It's called microtunelling or something.
@WillHunting Nope, I think you can get a software for a few bucks that will do the job.
@Noah Yeah I was talking about more hardcore deletions.
In that case, you would be right.
@Noah Remember to give me a place on your ark.
Sure. there's a movie coming out
Or your arc, for that matter.
Ouvert et haut !
It's about the deluge and Noah's Ark
@Mahnax That would be more under or in my arc.
Er, okay then.
I am trying to think whether there is anything on my now deceased laptop that I want to have back. I can't think of anything, to be honest.
Who is that in your avatar, @Noah?
Oh, it's a Kindle ad.
I see.
Yesterday, I was trying to decide whether to buy myself a new laptop, or a smartphone. The decision was made for me.
@Mahnax Exactly. Kindle
The paperwhite one, specifically.
@Mahnax Right. I got one a few weeks ago
They say there are no stupid questions, but…
@DavidWallace And you went for?
2 hours ago, by David Wallace
And I have a brand new laptop, on which I keep pressing NumLock instead of BackSpace. So making mistakes is really slowing me down.
Romney triumphed in New Hampshire, and former House speaker Newt Gingrich pulled off a shock victory in South Carolina. Santorum emerged as the greater threat.
I wonder whether Newt is his real name.
Hah! Will anyone spot that my newest picture is not actually me?
Newton Leroy McPherson, actually.
Wasn't the little girl in Alien called Newt?
I don't think I've seen that one.
Hey, @Meysam, are you still around?
11k words left.
@Mahnax What's the story about?
@Noah I'd rather not elaborate.
@Mahnax Okay.
But will we see it eventually?
Sorry, I'm just quite self-conscious of my writing.
I am, of course, thinking of "Aliens", the sequel. How careless of me.
@Noah No.
I doubt anyone will see it.
@Mahnax Okay.
Talking of Kindle Paperwhite, I am pretty happy with it. It's much better than the previous generation Kindles.
It's not a very good story at all.
@Mahnax I read Stephen King's On Writing. He says that if you want to become a writer you should write 1000 words per day six days a week. I am pretty sure you are getting there.
@Noah I've been doing much more than that.
I think my writing is okay, but I am not a very creative person.
Does writing non-fiction appeal to you at all?
Yes, actually.
Writing my notes is a lot of fun.
Maybe I'll write a maths textbook someday.
Stranger things have happened, I'm sure.
@Mahnax it takes time. Personally, I suck at it. I could imagine a story but never really put it together.
@MετάEd OK, I give up. Is there some deeply hidden significance to this remark?
And that photo that bears only the vaguest of passing resemblances to me is starting to freak me out. I shall have to change it again.
This is making me want a new gravatar.
@DavidWallace I should probably do the same. Lets call it a gravatar day
There. Back to being me. And a chocolate fish to anyone who can name the actor whose identity I was briefly stealing just now.
@DavidWallace tips?
He's Italian American?
He's in The Twilight Saga?
Steve Carrell
Peter Facinelli?
Steve Buscimi
Hmm, maybe him.
@Mahnax I think you got it.
@DavidWallace Oh, thank you!
nibbles chocolate fish
I'm trying to remember what I first saw him in, but he had exactly the same haircut as me at the time, and it was completely freaky to see him.
He appears to have aged more gracefully than I, however.
@DavidWallace What do I get?
I've removed my gravatar for the time being—I wonder what my default one will be.
@Noah For suggesting that I look like Steve Carell?
@Mahnax It's still the same. I done see any change.
@DavidWallace Maybe :)
@Noah It takes time.
@Mahnax Like 11K minutes?
@Noah Peut-être.
@Mahnax You speak French?
Maybe you have to change it back to something other than the default.
@Noah A bit.
That's cool.
Ew, I quite dislike that.
@Mahnax I would have a hard time recognizing you for a few days.
@Mahnax It's not a nice colour.
@DavidWallace No, it isn't. It's disgusting.
I'll be an old man shortly.
There we go.
OK, who's he?
A chocolate fish to the person who can figure it out.
Hint: Russian author.
The guy who wrote Lolita
Vladimir Nabokov
That's Nabokov.
He looks much different.
Does he write in English or Russian? War and Peace?
He writes in Russian.
War and Peace was Tolstoy, not this guy.
Also, W&P was in both French and Russian, IIRC. Mostly Russian though.
Okay. I dont recognize this guy.
Umm, sorry, I was off looking at someone else.
Dostoevsky, I think
I meant "something else", not "someone else". Bah!!
Yep, that's the one.
That's the spelling I prefer.
There is nobody else here for me to look at.
You can spell it Dostoyevsky too, but I don't like that as much.
Did I ask about the spelling? I thought about it, then you answered my thought, and I saw I didn't actually ask. I am losing my mind.
You definitely did ask about the spelling.
The Russian spelling is Достое́вский, so Dostoevsky is probably a slightly better transliteration.
But I can't see my question now. How is that possible?
You edited it away.
Ah, I see. I accidentally hit up-arrow while typing my next remark.
So my next remark appears as an edit of my spelling question.
Oh, no, I deliberately hit up-arrow, to try to edit "someone else" into "something else", then found it was too late, and didn't down-arrow far enough. Maybe. I don't know. I need lessons.
Could you find one that isn't black and white though?
LOL! Somebody on Urban Dictionary can't count!
... a sexual act that requires 3 people. 2 guys, one chick, and 1 other unfortunate soul ...
There, the new one will have colour.
@Noah See you later.
Hmm, I don't see colourful Dostoevsky yet!
Nor do I.
@DavidWallace I'm just being snarky about Santorum.
Oh, colourful Dostoevsky is here.
Hmm, a slight improvement. He's not exactly Barney the Purple Dinosaur though is he?
No, not really.
He was always rather sickly and pale.
The amount of colour in his face in this picture is generous.
I doubt whether he was born that way.
Maybe you could photo-shop him.
00:00 - 08:0008:00 - 00:00

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