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@tchrist The BASIC-PLUS tool is not line oriented; it is a fixed width mapping. You get to choose whether your array is of 2-byte integers, floats which I want to say were 4-byte, or strings (fixed length, pick a power of 2 with bounds of 2 and 512). So it's fast.
I'm looking now at the perldoc page for Tie::File 0.97.
Tie::File would be horrible: It has to read sequentially. What one wants is random access. Let me look at the other Tie modules.
Yes, variable-width records are going to be slow, especially for changing lengths of things. Back to 80-column punch cards then.
I do not know whether there is such a thing in Perl. Certainly there could be.
@MετάEd Maybe one of these.
Right now I'm looking at File::RandomAccess.
@MετάEd Interesting. Don’t recall that one. I don’t recall most of them, actually, since I never knew them. The modulespace is incredibly huge.
Oh wait.
I fibbed.
That’s Phil Harvey’s.
Well there's the "rms" module, but I don't have rms.
I use his exiftool all the stinking time.
It’s seriously good.
I think what I really want is indexed sequential access, variable length records.
I wonder how DB_File’s DB_RECNO does things.
use DB_File;
use Fcntl;

$tie = tie(@lines, $FILE, O_RDWR, 0666, $DB_RECNO)
   || die   "Cannot open file $FILE: $!\n";
# extract it
$line = $lines[$sought-1];
That looks like I missed an argument. The "DB_File" class name should come second, I think.
Here, this is correct:
use DB_File;
use Fcntl;

@ARGV == 2 or
    die "usage: print_line FILENAME LINE_NUMBER\n";

($filename, $line_number) = @ARGV;
$tie = tie(@lines, "DB_File", $filename, O_RDWR, 0666, $DB_RECNO)
        or die "Cannot open file $filename: $!\n";

unless ($line_number < $tie->length) {
    die "Didn't find line $line_number in $filename\n"

print $lines[$line_number-1];                         # easy, eh?
Type man DB_File.
The newer Berkeley Database versions do lots more, too.
I think Tie::File makes sense except that the underlying data files are manifold, and they're compressed.
If you need read-only access, I always just build a seek index.
Yes. Which is a roll your own approach and that's what I probably will have to do.
And that index itself will be big and disk-based.
And really should be tied to a hash.
So I may need to subclass Tie::Hash.
Well, I do that for the OED, but that is small, with only ~850,000 keys.
Do you subclass Tie::Hash?
No, this is all flatfile business. No ties. I need to re-design.
acceptableness 1771055 1003
acceptably 1772058 990
acceptance 1773048 9799
acceptancy 1782847 516
acceptant 1783363 1379
It’s not my design.
Those are seek addresses and record lengths.
And you binary-search the list.
It uses Search::Dict::look(*INDEX_FH, $word, 0, 0).
Right, so you suck the index into a hash?
Too big.
Or so I felt.
Let me look at Search::Dict.
That code is from my real OED puller-outer, but I use it in unilook/oedlook too, where I only have the keywords, not the addresses, so I can let other people have it.
Binary-searching the index when it's variable-length seems like it is basically a sequential, not a binary, search.
Um, no.
Seek to middle block. Compare. You now know which half things are in. Repeat till found.
Yes, if by block. But your excerpt of the index above isn't blocks; it's lines.
That’s why it works.
Look at the source code to the look() function.
% pmpath Search::Dict
Or wherever you keep yours.
It is a true binary search.
If you wanted, you could keep a special tied berkley db (not DB_File, the other one) that was built with DB_BTREE in the way that supports partial keys lookups.
$dbh->seq($key, $value, R_CURSOR);
        until ($dbh->seq($key, $value, R_NEXT)) {
            my($user_key, $user_value) = ($key, $value);
            for ($user_key, $user_value) { s/^[kv]\a//i }
            if (index($user_key, $norm_name) != 0) {
                last INCREMENTAL_MATCH; # too far
            push(@user_keys, $user_key);
            if ( $Max_List_Returns && @user_keys >= $Max_List_Returns) {
                return @user_keys;  # short-circuit for lengthy returns; e.g. "p"
Like that.
I'm looking at it
First you position the cursor, then keep doing nexts until you get something that doesn’t match your incremental. It’s head-matching partial strings.
These are keys. The values can be whatever record you please.
Just based on comments what it seems to do is seek not by block but by character, but then it knows to advance or back up to the next line terminator.
not block based at all. Record based though.
But I'm still reading,.
$DB_BTREE->{compare} = \&norm_cmp;
$DB_BTREE->{flags} = R_DUP;
That’s before you build it.
db_handle = tie(%tied_btree_hash, "DB_File", $dbase_element, O_RDONLY, 0666, $DB_BTREE);
And you use the ->seq() method to position the cursor, and then next through it.
<$fh> if $mid; # probably a partial line
$_ = <$fh>;
That's where it goes to record-based, right there.
It works out to be quite quick: log2.
By bytes, of course, not by lines.
log2($oed_length = 6863104) == 22.7104297860409.
Hello programmers.
The fance DB_BTREE thing though is 9 gigabytes.
Which is why I went to a BTREE for it.
Yeah, so there's my keyed access, and my indexed sequential access is of course just run through the index.
But the fact remains that I can't do a seek on a compressed file. So I would have to inflate the database.
Although log2(9 gig) is still 33. But I wanted pseudo-constant lookup time afforded by the btree interface.
I'm thinking I might have to do something much dirtier.
@WillHunting What gave us away?
@tchrist The !@#$% above!
@MετάEd Like what? Unfortunately, I don’t know enough about what you have, and what you want, to tell you what sort of design I would try.
@WillHunting Perl is just C viewed over a noisy modem.
@tchrist You might be thinking of TECO.
A well written TECO program is indistinguishable from line noise.
An Acme::Bleach Perl program is indistinguishable from a file full of nothing but whitespace.
my $off_t = 0;
print OUTPUT pack("Q" => 0xDEADBEEF);  # make this one-based, not zero-based

while (my $line = <INPUT>) {
    print OUTPUT pack("Q" => $off_t);
    $off_t = tell INPUT;
That builds a seekable index of line addresses.
That was on a 32-bit machine with 64-bit off_t types, which is why I had to use Q not L.
If you want line N of the real file, seek to N*8 in the index, read 8 bytes, convert to integer, use that for seek address in real file.
Right. Of course for indexed sequential access you would sort your index.
This was a way to allow you to pull out line N in constant time.
I also had the flat file converted into the keyed BTREE as shown above, which was the normal way to get at it.
And then you don’t sort: the BTREE is sorted by your supplied compare function.
Thus allowing in-order traversal of keys.
That’s your "indexed" access.
For a by-name index, instead of a by-line-number, access.
Well it's your indexed sequential access. Yes.
The thing is, you treat it as a hash.
Well I have finished work for the day, and time to head home. Sadly, reinventing DIM #1 will have to wait.
That makes building it trivial.
Go home then. It is dark.
I really, really like tied data structures.
Has been, for a long time.
Yes, yes it is.
It's dark thirty.
 my $db = tie(%DB, "DB_File", $dbase_dbname, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666, $DB_BTREE)
    || die "can't access $dbase_dbname: $!";

open(INPUT, "< $dbase_srcfile")
    || die "can't open $dbase_srcfile: $!";

binmode(INPUT, ":raw")
    || die "can't binmode to :raw! -> $!";
while (my $line = <INPUT>) {

    my($uniprod_id, $bio_names) = split /~\|~/, $line, 3;

    $bio_names = binary_to_utf8($bio_names);
    my $norm_names = normalize($bio_names);

$DB{"K\a" . $uniprod_id} = "V\a" . $bio_names;
$DB{"K\a" . $uniprod_id} = "v\a" . $norm_names;
$DB{"k\a" . $norm_names} = "V\a" . $uniprod_id . "#" . $.;
See how easy that is to build?
First he does not apply conventional style advice consistently;
Then he gives outrageous examples on purpose, and he doesn't consider the actual solution style books give;
Who, me or Pullum? :)
And lastly he reverts to shameless absolutist prescriptivism.
Whom do you think, silly man?
I am not historically overjoyed by Pullam’s writings.
Pretending that rational consistency and tradition don't play a meaningful part in people's artistic and linguistic life seems like a huge blind spot.
Neither am I.
It is so silly if you just don't or won't understand the above point.
I was kidding you, silly.
Then you don't see that style is always a compromise between aesthetic purity and common sense.
@tchrist No, I didn't mean "you" you.
I meant Pullum.
If "one" does not understand etc.
Isn’t Pullum the guy who’s gung-ho on synchronic analysis instead of diachronic?
He comes to strange answers that way.
And also extremely Anglo-Saxon centred.
That would be diachronic.
And very prescriptivist.
@tchrist In a way...
But no.
By Anglo-Saxon, you actually meant English.
I don’t think Pullam would admit as evidence anything from Anglo-Saxon.
That is part of the problem.
@tchrist Yes, although I mean mostly Anglo-Saxon modern linguistics.
Please say English.
Nobody speaks Anglo-Saxon any longer.
No, because it is related to the culture of the participants.
I repeat: say English.
It is not Anglo-Saxon.
I mean linguistics as practised in these countries.
This is a stupid Gallic heresy.
They will do certain similar things to other languages.
prepares to replay Froggie Went a-Courtin’
Is that a parody on the French?
It is.
At least, my statement was.
Not the song.
I don't know it.
Oh. You weren’t here then. I already regaled the room with several rousing renditions.
Don’t worry about it.
Anyway, I believe that the Continentals misuse "Anglo-Saxon" to apply to English-speaking culture, and as a member of that culture, it is my right to request that the endonym be preferred over the exonym.
But a rose by any other name.
What is the thing that you were thinking of in specific, if any?
I do not find the linguistic analyses coming out of Cambridge to be convincing. It too often seems intentionally ignorant of everything that came before, and of everything going on elsewhere.
@tchrist I use English to mean "of the English language" or "of England", and not "of the English-speaking world".
Well, please try. :)
@tchrist Exactly my impression. It is almost political: to shred the "prejudice" of the past.
Anglophonia might not applaud you, but we English-speakers shall.
@tchrist The English invasion in Iraq...
It's not working.
English universities...
Still not working.
That would be Anglo-American.
Listen, "Anglo-Saxon" is not used in the United States, and sounds super wrong to us.
Pace Beowulf.
Well, I'm not in your country.
I have never been there, even.
I should not have to endure your exonym for me.
I have the right to self-description.
But you are not I.
Say English-speaking.
But it is not only about language.
It is actually correct. And more honest. And less stupid.
It is also about culture.
There is no Anglo-Saxon culture.
It is in fact mainly about culture.
That is nuts.
There is.
We seem to have no problem discussing the thing in America without resorting to Continental swear-words about us.
The English-speaking world is what we call it. Not the dumb German thing.
In any case, I would only use it in cases where I think there are great similarities between practices in those countries where lots of Brits settled.
But you need to make an adjective out of "the English-speaking world".
That would be inappropriate, as the Angle and Saxony lie elsewhere.
"English-speaking" is not the adjective that means the same as "the English speaking world", because you need the "world" part too.
Listen: again, it does not arise in American discussion. We have no problem. And we do not need the ugly word to talk about it.
Anglo-Saxon is an ethnic term, while English-speaking is merely linguistic. See the problem?
> For over a hundred years, the French have used "Anglo-Saxon" to refer to the Anglophone societies of Britain and the United States, and sometimes (rarely) including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.
Not so rarely, I would say...
It’s an exonym, so FTN. We don’t want it, and we don’t need it.
The second two words are THAT NOISE. I’ll let you figure out the rest on your own.
> Outside Anglophone countries, both in Europe and in the rest of the world, the term "Anglo-Saxon" and its direct translations are used to refer to the Anglophone peoples and societies of Britain, the United States, and other countries such as Australia, Canada and New Zealand – areas which are sometimes referred to as the Anglosphere.
Q: Euphemism for "non-useful"

Chibueze OpataI was just about to tell someone how something "wouldn't really be much useful" if they leave it the way it is — which is like a much more polite version of useless, but I just couldn't find the word. I'm guessing I just don't know it. What is an idiomatic euphemism for non-useful? EDIT: It wa...

Have you no term for the ethnic concept, then?
Look: it is an exonym. Please have some respect.
I now think this question should be closed. After several attempts at clarification and several edits, it is no longer clear to me what the asker wants.
In America, we actually tend to say "English", sometimes widening the sphere a bit with something like "English-derived" or "English-settled" or some such. But we shun your exonym.
A problem is that India and Singapore and a few other places could also be said to be "English-speaking", and yet those people are not of Anglo-Saxon descent, and I am not referring to them when I want to use this word.
America seems to mean (1) NA (2) N&SA (3) USA. Interesting.
Tolkien and Shippey were professors of Anglo-Saxon.
It means something else to us.
Surely you will agree that "it is funny how English table manners demand that you hold your hand on your lap during dinner" does not mean "in the English-speaking world", and that "English-speaking table manners" is absurd?
I want to say that people do this in America and England mainly, and probably also in Australia, Canada, and NZ.
Surely you know better than to start anything with "Surely you agree. . . .", lest your interlocutor take instant exception to the notion.
We just say English. Honest.
No matter.
Well, that is unacceptable to me.
It isn’t your culture.
It’s mine.
Because "English table manners" means to me British.
The endonym is to be preferred; the exonym shunned as a foreign imposition.
Your use of Anglo-Saxon is a foreign imposition, and a deeply resented one.
Then we will have to agree to disagree.
Now you are exaggerating.
Will you agree to stop calling me names that I have asked you to stop calling me?
I will try to remember not to address you with this word specifically.
But I have used it all my life, everybody uses it here, and I think it is also widely used in England...
Damned Continentals. When you speak French, do as you will.
Why do you think that it isn't used this way in England?
There is strong resentment of the word here. Please read that.
Oh haha, it is some PC thing?
Haha, I don't even know what Anglo-Saxon means!
You know that is exactly the wrong argument to use with me.
We don’t need more racism.
It is not a PC argument.
It has nothing to do with political correctness.
I only know that Saxon sounds like saxophone and Anglo sounds like angle.
> But you don't actually have to search out possible dogwhistles to find something wrong here: neither the U.S. nor the U.K. are really "Anglo-Saxon" countries. The term, often misused, actually describes two small Germanic tribes to which few Americans or Britons are directly linked.
> So, Anglo-Saxon is a bit of a misnomer, but even if we look past that and just accept the term as a colloquialism for the English people who were long ago ruled by Angle and Saxon lords, the idea that the U.S. and U.K. share an Anglo-Saxon identity still isn't really accurate.
> And, though the United States began its history as an English-speaking colony of Britain, and has retained much of the English political and legal systems, it's not really an ethnic English country anymore
> But neither America nor India is anywhere near majority-English, as modern-day England does not appear to be ethnically Anglo-Saxon.
It is inaccurate, inapplicable, and unwelcome. Do you really need more?
> We don't really know what the Romney adviser meant when he referenced the "shared ... Anglo-Saxon heritage," if he even said it, but he wouldn't be the first person to overstate the influence of these long-gone Germanic tribes. On the off chance that anything productive comes out of this micro-scandal, maybe a slight corrective to the 1,200-year-old Anglo-Saxon misnomer will be one of them.
Would you rather I called you European, then?
Let’s not perpetrate the misnomer.
What, are you a Maya?
The Americas and Oceania are mainly culturally European...
I dunno. People from the UK have been known to go to Europe for their holidays. :)
Yeah, see?
If they were European, they would not have to "go" to Europe for their holidays, now would they? They would already be there.
Of course.
It is not about actual numbers: it is more about dominant culture, and, well, it's not perfect, but some word was needed, and this was chosen, so now we have it.
It is perceived as offensive to call us that. Do you see now?
Now, we do not.
Which is my whole point.
Let's change the subject, because I haven't been convinced, and I have no alternative.
> In addition to being historically misleading, [such references.. to being Anglo Saxon] don’t go down well with the large majority of Americans who aren’t WASPs. In France, however, the world’s problems are sometimes blamed on the perfidy of les anglo-saxons.
I can forgive you for not having been aware that we do not enjoy being called that.
@tchrist I am not in America, and I am more inclined towards British English, so...
It doesn’t matter.
> If some Americans have thought of themselves as possessing an Anglo-Saxon pedigree, it’s partly because their ancestors left Britain right at the moment when it was being dreamed up.
> Calling the early modern traditions that connected the United States and Britain in the colonial period “Anglo-Saxon” is a little like calling the calling the Pope the pontifex maximus. There’s a sense in which it’s true, but too much history separates the two eras for the comparison to be useful.
In school, I learned that irregular verbs are basically a list of "exceptions". Is that true or do irregular verbs follow a certain pattern?
@tchrist Hey, we call ourselves "Bataafs", after the tribe that lived in a small part of Holland 2000 years ago but was later displaced by the Franks. I don't see why that has to be a problem: it isn't even about actual genetic heritage. The main reason is just that you need some word.
@OliverSalzburg Of course they follow certain patterns. Nobody pulled random letters out of a hat.
@tchrist I assumed there was a possibility that they just formed through use over time
Sorry if that was ignorant
@OliverSalzburg They did sort of follow certain patterns once, but they have become fixed and changed, so the patterns are very hard to predict in modern "strong" (= irregular) verbs. So they are definitely less regular than weak verbs, and they deserve the name.
And we usually include "productive" in the word "regular" in linguistics: productive means you can still create new forms/words according to these rules.
But you cannot do that with strong verbs in modern English.
And so they are usually called irregular.
@Cerberus Thanks :)
@tchrist That goes to show how similar British and American cultures are...one might almost call them collectively—
No, it is an exonym.
It does not apply.
How would you like it if we called you low people French-Germans?
And refused to stop doing so?
Ehm you already call us Germans.
Nothing like that word is ever used in Dutch.
It means German.
And if there is one country in the world that we are sensitive to, as in that we do not want to be seen as part of, it is Germany.
The War is still fresh.
On top of that, we are a small country, so we ought to be insecure and more sensitive.
Calling us Anglo-Saxon really sounds like a racial/cultural slur to us. Please stop.
You should treat me as a foreigner.
I believe it is used in England. See the FT article.
So don't make me give up a word that is very useful and for which there is no alternative.
That stuff about the Anglo-Saxons is taking it way too literally, and you know it.
Now let's drop it.
> As should be obvious, it’s not the speed of the internet that produces the economic growth. It’s the people using the internet that does. And if only 6.6% of the traffic is using the speeds we already have then there really isn’t much of a case for throwing billions at making it all faster. So that, presumably, only 6.6% of the traffic will use that higher speed.
I'm not sure what to think of this argument.
Visualizing English Word Origins — this is nice, although some bits are a bit iffy.
Anyone around?
@ChairOTP howdy
@cornbreadninja I have a question about English grammar, would you be so gentle to help me out?
@ChairOTP I will do my best
Well, I was reading some stuff and saw this quote "now I am become death, destroyer of worlds", my question is, why "I am become death"?
We have a question about this! I think . . .
brb research
Thank you so much.
You're welcome!
Well, I guess I don't have to worry about it that much since it's not used currently, but it's always good to know its meaning and when it was used, thank you.
You should bring it back into style.
Hahahaha but then I'd have to think of all the verbs of transition/motion, that I'm assuming are a lot, right?
@corn Your gravatar is still Matt.
@WillHunting it isn't on English Language and Usage
Anyone know what this means? "Leave me a message or don't. Do me a favor, don 't text me. It's gay."
Does it mean, the person saying it is sleeping with gay, or is texting male-to-male gay-like?
@its_me Have you checked a dictionary?
Q: Can this 'aboard' be replaced by 'onboard'?

ListeneverIf the aboard is postposed, can it be replaced by onboard and have the same meaning? “a jetliner with 93 people aboard” (This is from an English-Korean dictionary and has no full sentence.)

Q: Does she repeated what had done or just showed?

ListeneverIn the dictionary, how has meanings of the manner or way in which and to what extent, degree ; in the example, does Professor McGonagall repeated the way Hermione had done, or just picked up the match that Hermione had changed and showed how much it had been changed? By the end of the lesson, on...

I am sick and tired of a question being edited a million times so that my answer has to be edited a million times too, and then possibly downvoted and having to be deleted after spending hours on it, end rant.
Why. Does. This. Fluttering. Gravatar. Deny. To. Change.
@cornbreadninja: Your picture seems familiar. Ooooh. The Gravatar dude.
@WillHunting I know what gay actually means (happy, or homo). I want tthe contextual meaning.
@its_me It means lame or stupid.
@KitFox Ah, thanks!
@WillHunting Now I know what you mean. Sorry. Didn't look deeper in google dictionary
Ah, it changed.
I'm relieved.
>> test
> test
3 hours later…
Q: Is there a word for a classy very femin woman

RomanoI've met a very classy young lady who speaks very proper and formal English ( although 25 ). As a joke she called me bland and conventional . Now I want to find a word that describes a boring lady of good stand. I'm totally not native British as you have noticed so anything will help.

Perhaps he meant femlin.
The Femlin is a character used on the Party Jokes page of Playboy magazine. History Femlins were created by LeRoy Neiman in 1955 when publisher/editor Hugh Hefner decided the Party Jokes page needed a visual element. The name is a portmanteau of "female" and "gremlin." They are portrayed as mischievous black and white female sprites, apparently ten to twelve inches tall, wearing only opera gloves, stockings and high heel shoes. They are usually drawn in two or three panel vignettes, interacting with various life-sized items such as shoes, jewelry, neckties and such. Femlins have ap...
1 hour later…
A: Is there a word for the behavior which complains over everything people do?

Mevis BevisThat would be the North American "liberal", or "democrat".

Been a bit of a run on that, lately.
It’s last on the multicollider.
Such a bad question, and so poorly written, it could not help but hit the multicollider.
Hm. there is a fancy word for the matter treated with by all those questions: paragoge.
There are alternate spellings for some of those words, like homeoteleuton for homoioteleuton, and antimeria for anthimeria.
A paragoge is like a Polish dumpling.
"That tag makes me sic [sic]."
@Rob You have an it in italics that you did not intend.
Just so. Thanks.
I also added a y to asphodel. Hmm, my keyboard manipulation needs practice.
Run through some scales. It will improve your keyboard manipulation. I like D major, but I know people who rage about D♭ instead.
> A genus of liliaceous plants with very handsome flowers, mostly natives of the south of Europe. The White Asphodel or King’s Spear covers large tracts of land in Apulia, where its leaves afford good nourishment to sheep. From the genus the order has sometimes been called Asphodeleæ.
> ‘Ride on! Ride on!’ cried Glorfindel, and then loud and clear he called to the horse in the elf-tongue: noro lim, noro lim, Asfaloth!
I don’t believe in coïnky dinks.
Asfaloth sure looks like metathesis for Asphodel to me. Swap the last two consonants, then apply lenition.
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