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Meh, that guy was just joking. A joke might not be a good answer, but is it really so bad?
It should've been posted as a comment in that case. Except he doesn't have the rep for that...
You're probably right...
3 hours later…
@Cerberus — I am of two minds on that. If a joke is all it is, it's non-responsive as an answer. And that's coming from someone has an extremely hard time resisting a joke. Put a joke in a comment, fine, but if you don't have the rep to make a comment, then keep your f@$%ing thoughts to yourself. Of course, if the joke is merely a flourish on an otherwise solid answer, then screw all those curmudgeons who can't take it. Let 'em riot!
I've never really understood why you should need rep. for commenting... It seems like the lesser of the two options (commenting vs. answering) and the bad ones are typically collapsed due to lack of +1's anyways.
If anything, I think answering should require rep. (which could be earned from asking questions). Although I do know that this all follows suit to the master SE, StackOverflow.
@Rob: Fair enough, he shouldn't have put that in an answer. But I was surprised to see that people took him seriously.
Or worse that he was downvoted 4 times.
I think -1 sends a strong enough message, personally.
@Advs: I understand your logic; but I think answering questions is what seduces many people into creating an account in many cases (as it did for me).
Now I must go to bed... good night!
haha sorry
good night
2 hours later…
Good Morning all
3 hours later…
Hi Guys
2 hours later…
@advs89 Cheap V1agr@ and C1alis. Click here. Free shipping!
@advs89 Best porn site on this planet. Free 3-day trial!
@advs89 Click here to win $1,000,000!
@advs89 IE5.5 now available. Download now!
I hope you get the idea.
And as far as stupid jokes go — the threshold for leaving them as a comment is 50 points. You can get that for one solid answer within minutes. If you really, really, really, absolutely must post a stupid joke, then please, please, pretty please with cherry on top, post some quality content first. That is all we are asking for. Hardly an unreasonable request.
@RegDwight — Word.
Hello Robusto.
I am excited your macros are still working.
You're easily excited then.
Long time, no invent a new one.
When I make a macro, it stays invented.
@Robusto I am very easily excited. Especially by Americans in nurse drag.
My nurse's outfit is in the wash. I can put on the nun's habit if that will do it for you.
Oh, oh, ohhhhhhh!
Now we're talking!
So did you build the Taj Mahal out of Lego blocks yet?
I actually don't own that one.
But I guess I could build it with the bricks I own. It just wouldn't be 100% the same color.
Do you ever mix in Tyco blocks, or are you a purist?
For the Taj Mahal, I'd need 208 of these in white.
And them's just decoration, really.
Likewise, the Eiffel Tower only has like 5 different bricks, but you need like 1000 of each.
Tyco blocks are cheaper and virtually indistinguishable from the snobby Danish brand.
Waiting ...
What, no reaction?
Or are you typing furiously?
They are not even available round here.
A-ha! It's a conspiracy!
Of course. Merkel did it.
The rich, capitalist Danes have squashed the competition, probably through payoffs and other underhanded activities.
Nah. There's a lot of competition. I even do see some around these parts. Just not from Tyco.
@RegDwight — Most of the Germans I talk to have nothing but bad things to say about Merkel.
Well it's always easy to elect first, bitch about later.
And Germans have bad things to say about virtually everything.
Which is not to say that I support Merkel or would have voted for her if I could.
But at least she has a PhD in physics. She's not a complete moron, you know.
No. Only the Americans put those up for office. And only the Republicans do that.
Well, everybody has to specialize in something. :P
Seriously though, they'll have to try a bit harder to reach the levels of Belarus. Or Zimbabwe.
I believe it's because of Richard Nixon, who was a very smart man. He screwed things up for himself, though, because he was a paranoiac. Also he defied his wealthy Republican masters. And ever since then, the Republicans have nominated mental midgets who could be counted on to stick to the script.
@RegDwight What did you mean?
Oh-oh. Me stepped on toes? A Belorussian? Or a Zimbabwean?
Oh, I see. Гомель.
@RegDwight The Belorussian.
First there was Ford, then Reagan (an actual B-movie actor who could be counted on to read his lines), then because Bush senior was VP at the time, they had to give him the nod (even though he was not dumb), but they made him take Dan Quayle (dumber than dirt) as his VP so DQ would be next in line, and then they got W. In the last election, they nominated McCain but made him take Sarah Palin as running mate! All because these people can be controlled.
What's wrong with White Russia?
@Reg: What, IE5.5 now available?? Why wasn't I told!?
@RegDwight And what is wrong with him?
The last Dictator of Europe. Though the Great Berlusconi is very much on par.
@Cerberus — We were trying to keep it from you.
@RegDwight let the cat out of the bag.
Jeez, now my poor FF computer has been exposed to who knows what for hours...
@RegDwight But the Europe is not going to get rid of the Last Dictator.
Berlusconi on par with Lukashenko? Nah. The Midget Wannabe Dictator doesn't have nearly as much power or the room to operate that exists in Belarus...
They have been playing with him for a long time.
But he would like to be!
Yeah I don't think Lukashenko will be leaving until he loses Russian support.
Not happening any time soon. Border controls have just been loosened.
Can't say I am surprised.
Historically we were the buffer zone between Russia an Europe. Nothing have changed since.
The fact that she can't stand Sarkozy, Berlusconi, or Putin is enough for me to adore Merkel.
@Cerberus — Berlusconi is so corrupt he makes this guy look honest:
Rod R. "Milorad" Blagojevich (; born December 10, 1956) is an American politician who served as the 40th Governor of Illinois from 2003 to 2009. A Democrat, Blagojevich was a State Representative before being elected to the United States House of Representatives representing parts of Chicago. He was elected governor in 2002. Blagojevich was arrested on federal corruption charges including conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and solicitation of bribery December 9, 2008. The Justice Department complaint alleged that the governor conspired to commit several "pay to play" schemes, incl...
@Artic: You are Belarussian? Cool.
@Cerberus Yeap. I'm proud.
@Berlusconi: Yes you are corrupt, my little friend!
@Artic: No I meant, it must be freezing over there...
Lukashenki is the shame.
Yeah. Perhaps the EU should try to woo him as she once did the dictator of Slovakia.
@Cerberus Not really.
The weather is fine.
But the economical situation is really hot.
Really? Cool.
Have you heard about tortures in Belorussian jail?
No, actually. Linky please?
In the mean time, dupe alert.
Q: "talk to" vs "talk with"

MachineCharmerShould I say I talked to Bob. or I talked with Bob.

Q: Is there any difference between "talk to someone" and "talk with someone"?

TamásWell, the question is in the title. I always had the impression that "talk to someone" refers to situations when some information must be conveyed to someone else, while "talk with someone" refers to cases that involve a more complex two-sided interaction. E.g., I "talk to my colleague" to tell h...

@RegDwight ... dupe.
@Robusto Yeah, I'm thinking about a merge, actually.
@Artic Thanks. Reading.
Can bounties be awarded on meta questions?
I'd like a better solution for preventing and finding dupes.
@Cerberus They can on MSO.
I have no idea if it works on any of the SE2.0 sites. I kind of doubt it, since you only have ghost rep on those site's metas.
Yeah I thought so.
1 hour later…
Joke alert:
Q: How to say 'give up dating with girls'

user5015I give up dating with girls and stay in home.

But, hey, I gave him an upvote. Answer too.
He may very well be dead serious!
Oh she.
Q: Why do we call our lovers "baby"?

JoshIt is common in American English and culture to refer to one's lover or significant other as "baby" or "babe", for example: Come on baby, light my fire! 1 or I got you, I won't let go. I got you to love me so. I got you babe! 2 Where does this usage come from? What's the history behin...

Haven't we covered this before?
Q: What do you call your girlfriend/boyfriend to show you love her/him?

TheManI know in every language there are a lot of ways and cute names to address your girlfriend or your boyfriend to show you love her/him. The names can be creative for any couple. These are some examples I've seen in movies: Come here, sweetheart. Relax baby, we're on holiday! Look, d...

Yeah it is related. But the new one asks about the origin of the term.
@Robusto It's not a bad question to launch a discussion of tenses from, actually
Hmm tenses?
I get tense when my lover calls me "baby" ... ?
I believe Rhodri was replying to the dating question, not the "baby" question.
(Interesting theme we have going here...)
So, @Martha, was I right? Night elf resto druid?
Ah, I see your reply.
@Martha — I know the baby question was what got you in here. You thought he was talking about real babies. The kind with ears.
@Robusto Yeah, my computer gaming tends towards wordsplay.net rather than WoW.
@Robusto Ears? Where? Where? Oh. Dammit.
Back in the day when PDAs were what we used instead of smart phones, I was for a month or so the World Champion at a game called Text Twist. I started a game once and I couldn't lose, so I kept playing, taking time out for meals and sleep etc. And then I saw that the high score was currently 11.5 million or something like that. So I kept going until I beat it by about 4K points and never played again. Someone came along later and bested my score, but by that time I had no interest left. Or time.
@Martha Indeed, I'm just typing in some pontification to the dating question. Though it turns out that newborn babies do make you tense in exams. Who'd have thought it?
I've played Text Twist, but not on a PDA. I think Yahoo Games has it. Don't play it anymore because (1) I like Boggle better, and (2) the version on Yahoo only works in IE, and I ain't exposing my computer like that.
@Martha — A wise policy. I never use IE except to test with it, and that represents the final and ugliest part of web development for me.
Is "stupid literalist" offensive?
Q: Why do so many newspapers use the word "Times" in their names?

evergreenIt seems that the word itself doesn't mean news or newspapers, but many newspapers use it in their names. Is there a historic reason?

@RegDwight — It's the "literalist" part that rankles.
@RegDwight Yeah, I have to say it is. He could've phrased it as "don't be so literal" and gotten the point across just as well. (Though LOL @Robusto)
@Robusto Well, if you take "stupid" as a qualifier not implied by "literalist"... :-)
@Rhodri — I sure hope he meant "literalist" figuratively.
It now got flag-deleted anyway.
@Martha She's currently occupied with a piece of ledger-size card stock she got out of the trash. I'm a little worried, because it has a line of staples down the middle (I was testing the long-arm stapler on it).
Your daughter has an almost unhealthy interest in office supplies.
Or is it just paper that she's interested in?
Paper, mostly. She's very tired, and has switched to sitting in my lap and bawling. And helping.
Uh-oh, I sense we're getting baby-jacked again.
@Robusto You're safe from pictures from my end anyway; I haven't had a chance to download the camera in weeks.
Aw, tell her to quit bawling and go to sleep instead.
Yeah, I know, easier said than done.
Maybe if she reads it here she'll obey it? :D
I'm gonna try walkabout for a bit.
In other news, WWFM is going a bit overboard on the Irish music.
@JPmiaou — Our first baby would get to a state where he wouldn't fall asleep except in the car or a buggy. So we had to keep mobile to keep him sedated, which didn't make for very good parental sleep habits.
@Robusto We've managed (so far) to satisfy her with laps around the house. We console ourselves that the walking is good for us.
@Martha I'm doing my part: I put on a green T-shirt.
I'm wearing the only green clothing I have, my green sweater, even though I already wore it this week.
Has Julianna succumbed to The Evil Sleep(TM) yet?
And who of you is Irish?
Not me. It just gets... ubiquitous in the US.
I mean, if it's name days you're looking for, today is Gertrúd. Why doesn't anybody celebrate St. Gertrude's Day?
(Probably should call Gertrúd néni.)
@Martha She gave in around the fifth lap.
I'm composing a reply to Csilla's inquiry about what books she should get.
How do you say "board book" in Hungarian?
Any chance of finding another copy of Kázmér?
@Martha — Or St. Boniface Day!
Re: board book... uh... um... I got nothin'. Ask mother.
@Martha This lot certainly ought to celebrate St Gertrude's Day
(If you call her, tell her I was wrong: today is Gertrúd néni's name day, not birth day.)
My calendar doesn't list Boniface for today.
@JPmiaou, Would "harmónika könyv" get across the board-book concept?
I'm trying some online bookstores to see what they call it. (Sztaki came up empty.)
Hmm. Seems it might be "leporello" that I'm looking for. Found a German Wikipedia on it:
@Martha — No, St. Boniface's Day is June 5. But you don't see us descendants of the Fatherland running around wearing red, yellow and black and getting drunk and rowdy, do you? OK, well, at least not the color part anyway.
@Robusto You're right, we don't. And the drunk & rowdy part isn't any different on any other day.
@Robusto: No Love Lost ? :P
@n0nChun — ?
Just asking if everything's cool !
3 hours ago, by Cerberus
Really? Cool.
3 hours ago, by Artic
But the economical situation is really hot.
Well, i'm a bit dissapointed.
How come?
one of my questions got migrated to wrters.
@n0nChun — Everything? Seriously? Hmm ... let me check. That will take quite a while.
@n0nChun You can edit your stuff here. Hover over your message and click on the arrow that appears on the left-hand side.
there are hardly any people on that site.
Everyone is on Writers! Except @Martha.
Umm, my question got only one response :|
@n0nChun — One of my answers got migrated there as well. Join the club.
Answer? How come?
It was just too bad. Even for Robusto.
I'm almost afraid to ask
BTW you guys are doing a wonderful job @ english.stack :)
@RegDwight :þ
what's that character?
@Martha Is that Rebecca with a hat on?
Mar 6 at 13:46, by RegDwight
Well, obviously, the difference between ф and с is a | and a ɔ. Or þ for short.
@RegDwight — See? It didn't take long for your Stalinist tendencies to take over, did it?
@n0nChun It's the lowercase 'thorn'. Used in Old English, generally written as 'th' now.
So did you just poke Reg with a thorn?
@Robusto I never pretended it would take long.
@n0nChun They poke me with all kinds of thorny stuffs here.
@RegDwight — Well, fortunately Trotsky is alive and well and living in ... oh wait, he's not.
Ice-axe to the head. Ouch.
@Robusto Yes. I have superseded him. Problems?
How many of you watch cricket?
Do you even know what cricket is ? :P
Five of them do.
@RegDwight — No, no, of course not, Tovarich Josef Vissarionovich .. heh heh!
England's almost out of the cup ;)
Aren't crickets awfully small to watch? Or are they magnified somehow?
No, you just got to shrink yourself
@JPmiaou — They are only magnified in time. Crickets play these things called "test matches" that can go on for days.
Q: Why is a bad bowler called a 'pie-thrower'?

Brian HooperA poor bowler is called a 'pie-thrower' or a 'pie-chucker'. Does anyone know why this is so; particularly, why 'pie' was adopted for this phrase when it could have been just about anything?

Umm ?
@n0nChun — If you're not a native speaker, you can get lost pretty quickly in chat here. Most of what we say involves puns, jokes, slagging, indirection, and Stalinist edicts.
another upvote for robusto sigh :D
Q: How to express exciting to know a girl ?

user5015Is this OK? You couldn't know how existing I know you.

@n0nChun Which cup is it we're almost out of this time?
(Can you tell I'm not sporty?)
@Robusto I see your girl and raise you an email.
Q: What does "email exchange" mean?

StevenWhat does "email exchange" mean?

Wow, someone is desperate to date: "You couldn't know how existing I know you." That has to take some kind of prize.
@Robusto: yeah.
@Rhodri: Cricket World Cup
I would rather have a girl than an email. Just saying.
@Robusto: American?
@n0nChun — What gave it away?
And you guys know each other in the real world too ?
There is no real world. There is only cyberspace.
don't start a 1984 here
@RegDwight I was already stating the bloody obvious there, damn it
@n0nChun — Chinese?
Hah :D
Everyone thinks I am.
Chun is actually my nick
I'm Indian :)
Hahaha, stupid me answered the wrong question. I am laughing various body parts off right now.
@RegDwight — Lego people can just replace body parts. They're interchangeable.
@Rhodri's answer is better anyhow.
@Robusto Yes, that's what I'm counting on. Otherwise I would be more careful.
What's with those pending edits? Does the tag make sense anyway?
Seriously, the "exciting to know a girl" question is the big winner here. On so many levels.
Just check my comment there :P
I mean, it is perfect in its own way. Think about it.
who the heck removed my comment!
@n0nChun Ctrl + R.
Or F5 or whatever.
@Robusto I actually misread "existing" as "exciting". (Not that that helped.)
Comments please!
@n0nChun Whatcha talkin' about?
I don't know if I understood that User's feelings ;)
Q: Use quotation marks for internal monologue?

JenIn a similar vein to my previous question on styling written quotes, should I use quotation marks for interior monologue in narrative writing? It is common to use italics to denote thoughts: This won't be easy, she thought. But I would use quotation marks in this scenario: "This won't ...

Why are people so obsessed with marking out thoughts and written quotes?
@n0nChun I don't think that User gave us enough to go on!
Mar 9 at 3:45, by Kosmonaut
I read through this question a few times and now I feel like I don't understand English anymore.
Dinner time, ciao!
@n0nChun Or "chow"? ;-)
@RegDwight: One of my Russian co-workers says he has "grievances" when he means he has problems with something.
He has "grievances" with his computer. I told him to take it up with the Intel local.
I'm trying to think of the Russian word he must be thinking of.
What's so strange about that? I regularly battle my computer.
I exhort it, scold it, kick it...
Good grievance, I have to go!
TTYL when I'm home.
@psmears sweet ;)
@n0nChun — Did you downvote my answer to your "girl" question?
Ah, must have been a mistake. Gone now. Never mind.
I think we need an 'archaic' tag, or something similar. People keep using for questions that have nothing to do with Old English.
Oh, wait. There is an tag. My bad.
@n0nChun Glad to be of service :). But it's only fair to warn you, that sort of behaviour usually gets one a "thwack" round here. I guess I was lucky this time...
Hmm, what? Oh! That! @psmears: THWACK!
@Martha Perhaps what's needed is a distinction between "Old English" and just "old English" in the tag name? :-/
@psmears — Word.
@n0nChun: See what I mean ;-)
Or obsolete.
Hey, how do you make the tag box around the word in chat?
@Martha: /poke ^^
Nope: [ tag:boo ] (without the spaces).
I believe this is the same as on the main site, btw.
Yay! Thank you.
Yes it probably is.
Looks moderately pleasant.
Either one would be fine afaik.
Does anyone know how to do keys?
I'd go with the shorter option, with the longer as a synonym.
I think there is a special template for keys.
As in [tag:']+
Oh tags work only with actual words/letters; I have seen people do keyboard keys.
Yes, I've seen that too. No idea how to do it.
We used to be able to create tags right on a question, right?
Isn't it still possible, if you have high enough rep?
Yes, can't we do that any more?
I suppose Rob wouldn't have enough rep then.
I haven't tried in a while.
[Please grant me: this key #$%^# Shift]?
@Cerberus — No, that comes with the 100K package.
@Rob: Well you're nearly there.
What they don't tell you, you don't just get a painting of American Dad, you exchange it for your 100k rep and have to start all over again.
The <kbd>Shift</kbd> syntax apparently works in Markdown, but not in chat.
@RegDwight — Wow, that's harsh.
Literally adding insult to injury.
@Martha Yup. And it was highly controversial and even got killed temporarily because people would post castles.
Q: Why "proximate" refers to centesimal?

Tom BritoI mean, when I read "proximate" I think about "proximity".. why does it refers exactly to the 3rd digit in a number?

Today's puzzler.
Markdown is regular answers/questions formatting?
A: <kbd> elements are way intrusive

Hilarious Comedy Pesto                                                 &nb...

@Cerberus Yes.
@Martha: Ah I just tested it and it works (as you said), yay.
@RegDwight I guess the oneboxing chokes on masonry.
@Martha Yeah.
Is this a dupe?
Q: Is "yesterday night" acceptable?

user6223I catch a lot of grief about this from family and friends, so I figured I'd settle the score once and for all. In verbal context (though not written), I tend to use the phrase ...yesterday night... rather than the last night. Is this grammatically correct, regardless of how uncommon it might be?

Q: Why "last night" and not "yesterday night"?

nicoAs from object, is there a rational reason for saying "last night" rather than "yesterday night", though you would say "yesterday morning" and "yesterday afternoon"?

I say, yes, dupe.
@RegDwight — Wie sagt man das auf Deutsch: Dieses Schloss ist aus Lego gebaut?
Ziemlich genau so sagt man das.
"Ziemlich genau" hah.
@Robusto As Germans of certain age reply, Titte.
They are udderly immature.
Thwack! Geez, @Martha, pay some attentions plz.
Wow, what a poor substitute for a Martha THWACK!
Yes, and I am SORRY, but what is a poor boy to do?
@RegDwight Sorry! Trying to get some work done here! Sheesh! (Oh, and @Robusto, THWACK!)
There she goes!
@RegDwight — here
What a poor boy is to do.
Watching/listening already.
@Martha — See? Very often the best man for the job is a woman. (Are you listening, @RegDwight?)
But actually I was thinking more along the lines of
Women rule or should rule.
Merkel is a woman.
So are Lizzy and Beatrix.
Or you could take it in a completely different direction:
@Cerberus And the first thing she did was roll back Schröder's Atomausstieg. Just sayin.
Well frankly I still support nuclear energy.
I still want more of it. But plants should be checked meticulously.
A long as she didn't roll back Schrödinger's cat.
@Cerberus Well, you don't have that nuclear waste lying next to your house, do you?
At least she rolled back Schröder's semi-corrupt affiliation with Putin.
@Cerberus Nah, that one never ended.
Schroeder is still on Gazprom's Board of Advisors or something.
@Reg: I will probably get cancer some day or other because of all the smog here in the capital.
@Reg: True. But at least SHE hates Putin as much as anyone should.
(I hope I haven't offended the Mafia minorities in countries all over the world.)
Well, W. said he looked into Putin's eyes and saw his soul in there. What does that tell you?
W.? Bush?
The same.
That W needs glasses
I see.
In other news, I just heard my niece say "awaba abawa". Quite distinctly. So there.
@Martha — Baby-jack alert!
I think we saw Putin's soul quite clearly when he had himself depicted as a crossover communist-fascist after he took his shift off and decided he was going to stand in a river or something.
@Robusto Very nice, thanks. And it ain't even owned by Sony Musikunterhaltung.
Noo not the baby...
This chat will dissolve into cuteness and sentimentality in 5 minutes. Clear the area!
Ah!! Jinx.
My work here is done. My work at work is a different matter.
I was describing that image before I read your link.
@RegDwight — The Raconteurs are Jack White's side project. Maybe main project now that The White Stripes are all broken up.
@Robusto God no, not babies again! <facepalm>
@RegDwight — You now have four minutes to reach Minimum Safe Distance!
@Cerberus — Thanks a lot. Now there's another thing I can't unsee.
I thought cuteness + sexual appeal + geeky browser might push a few buttons.
More Raconteurs for the raconteurs here:
That was the stupidest device ever.
Still, a nice idea.
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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