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@tchrist What's that now?
Apropos of nothing, I see that Maine and Maryland, Colorado and Washington have voted to secede from Jesusland. Oh wait, we did that a long time ago, didn’t we?
@KitFox I’m teasing you. I have seen Google gobbling up ridiculous amounts of browser time and making everything really  slow.   I have no idea what the hell they’re doing. I think it tickles Javascript bugs or something; not sure.
Hm, I need a nobreak space there.
Dumbfuckistan. I like it.
It's got a nice ring to it.
I have an unhealthy attraction to
I can't figure out how to hitch my search form to my listview.
. . . Netherado. k, I'm finished.
Unsafe at any elevation.
Oh, that's Naderado.
@KitFox Nederando means chilling out at Nederlands’ Frozen Dead Guy Days — permanently.
Good to know.
I'd rather know why my forms aren't talking to each other though.
One of them lost the vote, and the other took too much pleasure in not having done so. Happens in the best of families.
Obviously under the tutelage of Dorothy Parker:
A: What is the word for a path that is made naturally by the action of people walking?

MonsterMushroomWhen I took horticulture, my professor called this a desire line.

Since even if you take horticulture, you can’t make her think.
> All I need is room enough to lay a hat and a few friends. —Dorothy Parker
> Brevity is the soul of lingerie. —Dorothy Parker
> The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. —Dorothy Parker
I like to have a martini,
Two at the very most.
After three I'm under the table,
after four I'm under my host.
          —Dorothy Parker
@tchrist Geez tchrist, your answer to that question! It's a single word request! Not a thousand-words request!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Moderation is a fatal thing... Nothing succeeds like excess. —Oscar Wilde
@tchrist I guess not!
separates the wheat from the chaff
> It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious. — Oscar Wilde
> Men always want to be a woman's first love. That is their clumsy vanity. We women have a more subtle instinct about things. What (women) like is to be a man's last romance. —Oscar Wilde
> Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship. —Oscar Wilde
Not sure he was the best judge of that one.
> A man’s face is his autobiography. A woman’s face is her work of fiction. —Oscar Wilde
> In America the young are always ready to give to those who are older than themselves the full benefits of their inexperience. —Oscar Wilde
> Men marry because they are tired; women because they are curious. Both are disappointed. —Oscar Wilde
FFS. punches codez
Can marriage really be so dreadful, so changing?
What if you don't have kids?
Are you trying to decide whether to get engaged?
@cornbreadninja "To give is better than to receive—for example, wedding presents." — H. L. Mencken
@cornbreadninja In spite of what all the wags say, marriage isn't dreadful, or at least doesn't have to be. I've been married to the same woman lo these many years, and raised two fine sons, and I've loved every minute of it.
I am having a really weird problem.
Same same.
@KitFox that's not my choice. Well, I haven't been asked.
It isn't up to me to ask.
It's this listview I'm working on. I am having a really something odd.
I think it might be enough to know he would marry me.
I had a tubes-related notification a minute ago.
I like being married. I'm pretty sure my husband does too.
It seems to be what you make of it.
He was the first person I wanted to marry.
I'd been engaged twice before that.
It just seemed like the thing to do.
Which is of course the wrong reason.
I have never been asked.
There didn't seem to be much of a question with my husband. It wasn't a "should I? shouldn't I?" kind of thing. We both felt like it was sort of a given.
I remember telling my roommate that I wish he would just hurry up and ask so we could get it over with and get on with our lives.
Sometimes I think he has considered it. Other times I think it has yet to cross his mind because youth.
How old are you if you don't mind me asking?
He'll be 25 on Friday. (!)
And he is what 20?
@KitFox really? O_o
Oh. Well. Yeah. He probably won't much think about it until kids or thirty.
@KitFox that is very much the wrong reason
@JSBձոգչ Yeah. High school sweetheart and the big ex-.
@KitFox I don't think he wants those.
@cornbreadninja well, i was 22 when i got married, so age is not an absolute disqualifier
i have friends who got married at 19
@cornbreadninja Well that's awkward.
@KitFox I don't.
I don't think anyone wants thirty.
Well, thirty really isn't anything to kill yourself over.
As well you know.
Easy to say after thirty!
Here's the thing:
I've enjoyed my thirties. Way better than my twenties despite the relative dearth of sexual relations.
Hahaha. Funny tween.
We have our own places, but we haven't slept apart for I-don't-know how long.
How long have you been together?
1.5 years
I asked him in passing if he ever would like to share a cave
Then 18 months.
(we call our places caves)
so... I don't know if he's old-fashioned or what
I have never heard "1.5 years"
What did he tell you?
then you've not been listening at the right times
@KitFox yes
@Carlo_R. you have now.
but . . . this is his first cave of his own, and he's going on one year there.
I remember it gave me pause when I moved in with one of my boyfriends and then realized that he'd waited so long because he was worried about what his parents would think. He was 27. I thought that was mega lame.
@cornbreadninja Was he in a relationship before?
Good, I hope it is right. @cornbr
@KitFox if I understand you correctly, he lived with his parents before.
@cornbreadninja But has he had long term relationships before? Have you?
@KitFox I don't know. Yeah, my record is four years.
I'm sorry. I'm being nosy. I'm just curious.
@cornbreadninja You don't know? That's peculiar.
@KitFox I have a handful of peculiarities. We've never really discussed our ex-persons.
Save for my extreme heartbreak.
I'm not worried. Except when I think about how old I am and how old I might be should he get tired of me at some point.
I agree, it is right not talking about our ex-persons.
That is nonsense.
oldness has nothing to do with getting tired of someone
@JSBձոգչ sure, but I'm bound to be older when and if that happens.
I blame the second law of thermodynamics
well, that's tough. if you're going to get married or whatever, you should feel confident that he's nt going to "get tired of you"
I agree with JSB too, we can tired after the first second in some. Cases
@JSBձոգչ I have a handful of peculiarities.
peculiarities are fine. they keep things interesting.
i have more than a handful.
getting married at 22 is itself a peculiarity these days
How do you feel about marriage?
it's awesome. best idea ever.
spits coffee
I got married at 22 too
but I turned 23 that same month
@JSB yes, marriage is good, especially when we are over 40.
@cornbreadninja no, seriously. i am a better person since i got married.
@JSBձոգչ do tell!
Arrrr, curse you, @alenanno. This is what I get:
A: Usage patterns of "надо" vs. "нужно"

kotokrabMore simple: надо = must; нужно = need.

@RegDwighт that doesn't look like ELU
Before 40 the risk of divorce is very high.
@JSBձոգչ nyet.
I actually say, and I quote, "I know that entire PhD theses have been written on the subject. So while I'm not asking for that level of detail, a comprehensive overview would be nice." — and this is what I get.
@cornbreadninja being married keeps you honest. it lays bare your own flaws and the flaws of the person you're married to. you have to learn to forgive. you have to be kind. you have to understand. you have to be more than just yourself.
@JSBձոգչ I am a better person since I have children.
Me too.
@JSBձոգչ I'm a better person since I met him.
like all good things, marriage done badly is one of the worst and most destructive things you have have in your life. but done well, it will transform you.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 that, too :)
@JSBձոգչ actually this is what ELU looks like early in the morning when I come here to tidy the place up. Then a couple hours later you bring your lazy buttocks to the party to go all oh and ah, how tidy this place is.
I have a partner. That was how I knew it was a good choice.
@Mr.Schin yes, having children changes the life; I agree.
I see he turned German, if he weren't already.
@RegDwighт well that's what you get for living all the way over there in Europe
Anyway. People not reading questions is one reason why I don't like posting questions.
why don't you just move to America like normal people
@Carlo_R. The first night after my daughter was born, we were in the hospital, and my daughter cried, and it hit me: nobody but us is going to take care of this girl. She is the first priority, now and forever. Get it right.
@JSBձոգչ I have to keep this place warm and cozy in case Mitt gets expatriated. I love Mitt. USA! USA!
@Carlo_R. Who is Mr. Schin?
@WillHunting A new German, I presume.
@Carlo_R. That because in speech, people always say a year and a half, but on the Internet’s quick-like-a-bunny typing habits, the hunters and peckers would rather type 1.5 than ³⁄₂, let alone “a year and a half” or some playful sesquiënnial neologism.
I don't hunt and peck, and I would write 1.5.
@JSBձոգչ Done badly, it can also transform you into a better person.
Because why bother with that other nonsense?
@Mr.Shiny yes, I had experienced the same thing with my wife. It was beautiful.
decimals are ftw
I tested at 83 WPM.
A year and a half is a little easier to type than 1.5. Some people can’t find their way to the numeric row and back without looking.
@cornbreadninja Is that fast or slow?
@cornbreadninja He needs that in metric.
@WillHunting neither.
@tchrist that's why there's a numpad!
@MattЭллен Evil.
a year and a half. 1.5 years. the second is faster for me.
@cornbreadninja There's a three-year rule. The first year is all passion. The second year is about finding what the rest of the relationship is going to be about. The third year is usually about deciding whether any of that still works.
It has been raining here and getting colder which is good.
I used ½ OVER 9000½ times in this room. 8000½ times today alone. And yet, zero results. Coincidence? I think not!
@RegDwighт Don’t they do an NFKC bit on it? Or something?
@Robusto I like it.
@tchrist having spent many a day typing in countless credit card numbers, I find it a great blessing :D
Starting to snow here. Damn.
@tchrist thank you for explaining that.
It's good to be single actually.
@tchrist Not Fried Kentucky Chicken?
@MattЭллен Love the numpad!
Well, there’s ½, and then there’s ¹⁄₂.
@Robusto After that, start all over with someone else. QED.
Oh user. How did you mess up your credentials so badly?
@KitFox it's why I stay away from laptops, most of the time. although some are coming with numpads these days
@Rob are you in NY, in television I see it was snowing 30 minutes ago.
@tchrist I will leave searching for the alternative as an excercise to the reader.
@WillHunting You might have to. But it worked for me (after a couple of false starts).
I prefer roughing the passer.
@KitFox free will. They don't know they have it.
@Robusto Good for you. I almost said bro, but I realised you are rob which is an anagram of bro.
@Carlo_R. Nope. Massachusetts.
@WillHunting That's a kindergarten anagram.
@MattЭллен It's the comic sans, I think.
@Robusto All my jokes and anagrams belong to kindergarten.
@KitFox lol
@Carlo_R. on
congrats on your word count, @Kit. I'm still catching up.
Q: Verb confusion with "noun upon noun"?

weloveteaI am copy editing a manuscript in which the author has written the following sentence: Rank upon rank of theologians has envisioned God the Father as the omniscient and omnipotent one. "Rank upon rank" suggests a plurality, so my instinct is to change "has" to "have". Am I right? Alternat...

This is a title?
@simchona He might take that to mean on NY, lol.
I have a question?
@RegDwighт This is a litotes?
@MattЭллен Me too. You can do it!
Oh you uptalking kid you?
@RegDwighт Good. You kept it to yourself.
I never looked up litotes, still don't know what it means.
@WillHunting small small bags
@WillHunting It’s the diminutive of the VV form totes.
or small socks
@tchrist I thought that was a special W at first. Then I realised it is a double V.
It's people from Lituania. Singular litote.
@WillHunting Vulgar Vernacular.
@RegDwighт Lithuania.
It means less than totally, like.
@WillHunting whoosh.
@RegDwighт OMG!
I keep getting whooshed.
People from Lithuania are called lithotes, with an H.
@WillHunting Should be used to it by now.
I thought they were called Litwaks, or something like that.
@WillHunting He doesn’t actually require the vocative, you know. The @ serves as vocative punctuation.
Technically, my family is from the Lithuania/Latvia region. We think. Until the borders moved.
@simchona I thought you were Asian?
@tchrist Doesn't mean I'm only Asian
@Robusto yes, short for Litfaßsäule. You see, most keyboards in Lithuania are Russian so they don't have the ß and the ä.
Ernst Amandus Theodor Litfaß (), (February 11, 1816 – December 27, 1874) was a German printer and publisher. His claim to fame rests on the invention of the free-standing cylindrical advertising column which bears his name. Biography Born in Berlin, Litfaß took over his stepfather's business in 1845 and became the editor of a number of newspapers and pamphlets. As publisher, he completed, in 1858, the edition of the Oekonomische Encyklopädie (in 242 volumes), which had been started by Johann Georg Krünitz in 1773. In 1854 Litfaß proposed putting up columns in the streets of Berli...
Haha that reads funny. As if he just put his name on one advertising column somewhere. I can do that, too!
@simchona Oh, ok. Everybody is actually everything, you know. It’s just few of us are aware of just how and when that pans out. You’re fortunate.
@RegDwighт It worked for Trajan.
@tchrist Yeah I liked him in Machete.
I had to teach @Cerb about Trajans the other day. I think he was afraid I was trying to sneak Trojans into the convo.
I am sure the matress wasn't a whoosh though @reg. =)
Maîtresse is a 1976 French film directed by Barbet Schroeder, starring Bulle Ogier and, in one of his earliest leading roles, Gérard Depardieu. The film provoked controversy in the United Kingdom and the United States because of its graphic depictions of sado-masochism. Synopsis Olivier (Depardieu) is a small-time crook. He and a friend happen to meet a woman, Ariane (Ogier) whose plumbing needs to be fixed. They fix the pipes and learn that the landlord downstairs is away. They take the opportunity to burgle him. However they discover that in fact downstairs Ariane has a torture chambe...
@tchrist How crept that widow Dido in?
@WillHunting which matress? I didn't say matress. In fact you told me not to say matress.
Jan 13 at 15:43, by Will Hunting
You also must not say matress.
> Rank upon rank of theologians has envisioned God the Father as the omniscient and omnipotent one.
Is the subject "rank" or "theologians"?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 > Wish upon wish upon day upon day
@Robusto It’s all Æneas has left to him after he told her to get the L outta there.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 theologians.
because I'd say "theologians" and yet the first two answers to that question say it's "rank".
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 they will always say that on all questions of this kind.
@RegDwighт So the verb should be "have" then, right?
@tchrist Any ass would have left her on that island.
By the way, just to remind everyone, Mr. S should be pinged as at mr. now and not at mrs.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 it's a noun phrase that functions as a single unit with the meaning "many", just like "a lot of", "a number of", and the zillions others that have been beaten to death on this site.

 English Language & Usage: Multi-Layer

Not for the faint of heart or those easily triggered by Englis...
Someone should just do a corpus search.
@Robusto What's that for?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Wave after wave of starry-eyed new recruits are ready to sashay to the sound of the very same fife-and-drum parade as had their grandfather’s grandfathers before them.
@sim thank you, prepositions are very difficult to use. Nortonn S docet.
“After” counts as “and”, forming a conjoined subject.
@tchrist If they were conjoined, wouldn't there be two of them?
Separated at birth.
Well. COCA has a whopping 10 cites, and a whopping one of them actually has a verb that needs agreement. Still, it uses the plural.
Rank is a collective noun, innit?
How so? You can have many ranks.
@RegDwighт Et habeas corpus? Me, I don’t know how to do a corpus search for /\b(\w+) \s+(?:after|upon|by)\s+\1\b/i. Ask @MετάEd.
Never imagined rank as a collective noun. How would that work? The rank and file, maybe?
@RegDwighт Well, true.
@tchrist That's kind of what I was thinking.
I had some property damage this morning from overnight ursine marauders.
I must go. Later.
I think the rank and file is just an extended simile or something.
@tchrist why would I need to do that? I just go to COCA and type [n] upon [n] of.
I know that what I say is zero equivalent, but in my language after "rank upon rank" we use singular form for the verb.
Now here's a game for y'all. Which noun is the most popular, by far?
A parallel construction would be "Stone after stone was thrown at the witch." Not were thrown, mind you.
@RegDwighт Sex!
As in Populus tremuloides, a most popular tree.
"Step upon step" is another.
@Carlo_R. Use that as a subject.
@Robusto yes, "sex upon sex" gets OVER 9000 hits, outdone only by "lesbian sex upon lesbian sex".
@RegDwighт That's why we go over and over and over this stuff.
@RegDwighт Sounds like too much of a good thing.
@tchrist I cannot think to an example of that kind.
@tchrist No such thing. If it's good, someone will steal it or stop it or cancel it or forbid it.
> Through the past century, layer upon layer of well-intentioned reforms have led to the promulgation and emendation of a gargantuan,
Whoa buddy, hold on with the big words.
@RegDwighт Ahah :D not my fault!
There are extremely few cites with a verb. I'm almost through with the layers, and so far that's the only cite.
> Layer upon layer of thick gray cloud gradually piled up over the city, bearing ever lower
Note how it's plural even with a singular noun.
@RegDwighт ?
@RegDwighт Is that a singular noun, or an uncountable mass noun? Not that it would matter for verb agreement
I see no verb inflected according to number. What are you looking at?
@tchrist oh right, past tense. Well scrap that.
Russian mode. Our verbs behave properly in the past.
Some of ours were behaving properly in the past, but one was not. Or is that the other way around?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 never mind. You can use the first example, though, your query doesn't match it anyway.
be wins again.
Why do people keep giving the same answer? If it adds nothing to what has been already said, why are they doing this?
Plus it isn’t even a possible candidate.
There’s a surfeit of desire there.

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