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raises roof
Uhm guys, gotta go, I'll catch y'all later. Have fun! :D
Which IPA character is used to approximate the /o/ sound in the German word voll?
@KitFox 8 minutes? Aw, hell no.
@cornbreadninja Oh, please don't. I was joshing.
@KitFox !
@cornbreadninja I only scrolled to the parts where I could see the guy in bed.
@JasperLoy mmhmm that's right.
Nobody knows? Where's @RegDwighт when you need him?
@cornbreadninja I am pretty sure I'm not a Katy Perry fan.
@Robusto mightn't tchrist know?
@tchrist seems to be sleeping. Or working. If there's a difference.
Nobody saw that!
I saw it!
OK, don't worry I won't be stalking you!
nope. I didn't see a thing
nothing the FBI don't already know
I guess there's no point in hiding it any longer.
I've been impersonating a fox.
This has all been a clever ruse to convince you to trust me enough to elect me as a moderator.
Now I shall take over the world!
Somebody has to. Make sure you clean up after yourself.
will you remain in foxy disguise when you take over?
I haven't decided yet. But whomever your ruler is, that's me.
Even if I deny it when you confront me.
Wow, the use of whomever!
@MattЭллен come on. Kit's always foxy.
The real me is neither foxy nor female.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 And Mr Shiny is always shiny.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 true, but she's always impersonating a fox, so I can't be sure if it's natural...
@JasperLoy Shiny like a cue-ball
I don't even have children.
@MattЭллен She never steps out of character
I just stole those pictures off the Internets.
@KitFox That sounds like a double lie which makes it a truth.
@KitFox and your voice?
I found that online too.
@KitFox You have pictures of the Internets? Share.
You can't fool us. Your story's been too consistent for it to be a lie!
I bet I could even find you on Facebook!
Ach, no! I stole everything from the Facebook profile of a friend of a friend!
You guys can find me on F***book!
That's what I thought. Tubes.
Sho nuff.
@cornbreadninja THAT candy-cane belongs on my Christmas tree!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 yum!
bonus points if one of the corners is a teapot
@cornbreadninja What does that even mean?
Jasper, stop whooshing the guests.
@JasperLoy a series of candy-striped tubes!
btw @Cerberus I got two new android phones today for work: a Sony Xperia Arc S and an LG Optimus L7. Conclusion: Never ever buy anything but a Nexus.
(And I may have to strengthen my conclusion to "a Samsung Nexus"... we'll see)
Anyone who has an Android phone that's not a nexus and is disappointed by it? Do yourself a favour and try the real Google thing.
Um, sounds like a statistically insignificant sampling if it only included two phones.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I got a Sony Xperia Anroid phone now too!
I think it is not my type of phone.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I like my Atrix 2 just fine.
@Robusto Well, essentially, of all the phones I've tried, I've hated many aspects of the build quality and/or vendor-software.
Jun 7 at 20:22, by Robusto
@RegDwightΒВBẞ8 Playstations suck. Sony sucks. Everything Sony does is wrong.
For one, I can't figure out how not to store dialled numbers or sent messages. For two, I have to delete them one by one.
Jun 7 at 20:23, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
@Robusto Yes! I so totally agree with this! It's what I tell all my friends!
@cornbreadninja I will admit that the Atrix 4G I've tried didn't disappoint me too much - except that Moto has stopped supporting it for no good reason.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It got ICS a few weeks ago.
@cornbreadninja The Atrix 2, you mean
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 yes sir.
Nowadays everything stores everything by default. I want things which store nothing by default, be it phone or email.
@JasperLoy hear, hear.
@cornbreadninja Well, that's better than the 4g, which is never getting it.
@cornbreadninja You mean I ain't the only crazy guy?
But the Nexus S got ICS in March. And got Jelly Bean in June or July.
Don't watch that.
@JasperLoy no way.
Anyway, Moto seems to be doing alright, build-wise, but not so great when it comes to delivering updates. Their customizations on the Atrix 4G don't appear too intrusive. I rarely swore at it in frustration when I was testing it.
@JasperLoy A rock stores nothing by default. You could get a rock.
Just ask Charlie Brown.
Good Grief!
@cornbreadninja Those must be kit, corn, martha and spare.
raises eyebrow
Anyway, no android device has made me as happy about android as the Nexus S or the Galaxy Nexus.
@JasperLoy You didn't see me dancing in that video?
runs hand down thigh
Kitcorn and the ninjabread fox
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Now I see Mr Shiny and Robusto dancing in there too!
@cornbreadninja Stop teasing us.
@KitFox forgot about that one!
@cornbreadninja This is getting too XXX!
Well now, living in a world of ghetto life...
Now look what you've done. You've got Jasper panting like a muskrat in heat.
Hey @mrs careful don't sprain your back doing that movement!
@JasperLoy That doesn't ping me anymore
And anyway that video is from 1992, when I was more muscular and also black.
What about @mr.?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 So was Michael Jackson, IIRC.
@JasperLoy Yeah that works
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Wonderful, now we only need to use the first three letters or whatever, including punctuation!
Now Mr Shiny can be a Mr. and not a Mrs.
@JasperLoy more precisely: the first three characters, excluding spaces, I guess. So you can ping people with non-ascii names
@JasperLoy I was only a mrs for you, jasper.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Rather, Mahnax!
He started this Hiny thing.
@JasperLoy Relax, boys! There's enough of me to go around
Remember this one?
@Robusto ɔ
@RegDwighт Thanks. I knew you'd come and save the day.
Day saved! Off to the hangoutmobile!
@KitFox yes he is!
@MετάEd yeah, that's the other one.
He's not a wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am, he's a thiller.
@KitFox That is a really silly song
@KitFox put some -pants- on!
sticks out tongue
That is a really silly song.
@KitFox ... "knocks me out with one shot for the rest of the night"...? um, contradiction!
@cornbreadninja I got a rock.
@KitFox yeah, it's pretty silly too
@Mitch :D
believe it or not I have that album on a CD
I guess I ran out of other albums to buy and needed to fulfill a Columbia House contract or smth
A gigantic black woman used to sing this at karaoke.
Man, I want to go play San Andreas now.
sigh these songs are TWENTY YEARS OLD
There are people who will vote for the US President soon who weren't born when they were released
starts pouring rum into shot glasses
I'll drink to that.
teenagers vote? hmmm... ;)
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 to steal from Alenanno, U_U
has a vodka coke at the ready
hands out glasses
To the 90s!
drinks, pours another
Hip, hip!
I mean hooray!
To the 90s.
To the hip.
To the B to the R the O the O-K L-Y-N is the place where I stay.
no sleep til / brooklyn
woops, 80s.
To Radiohead and to Far and the birth of Emo
Mos Def looks like a guy I used to have great sex with.
To the teeth! To the lees!
Looks like a guy one would have great sex with
makes note to have great sex soon
@KitFox photocopies note
Let's do it together!
I mean. Not like that.
I meant at the same time.
Oh. Not like that.
THere is a video of my husband covering that song on YouTube.
> Don't you ever, ever, pull my liver
Effing Ontario Provincial Police.
@KitFox the mountiest!
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Hahaha.
ah, I got it wrong, it's "never ever"
FOPP and their brethren FRCMP
@cornbreadninja Nah, that's the RCMP
Speaking of the 90s... RHCP
ahh, I just got the 'OPP' danged if I'm clicking on that link.
@Mitch that's the tamest of the videos that have been posted this afternoon.
not the lyrics.
I -didn't- know what they mean so I looked it up.
They just mumble real good.
Here you go, Mitch
@cornbreadninja I won't listen to your smut. all that ... twisting.
da da da da, d' da da duh da
Is that the Star Wars theme?
so when they talk about sex in songs, what is it they're -really- talking about?
A two-year-old humming Darth Vader's theme is pretty hilarious, by the way.
@Mitch God, I think.
@KitFox no. what? vaders theme is - da da da, da d' dah, da d' dah.
No, that's Star Wars.
Vader's is da da da dun da da.
@KitFox star wars is - da dah, da d'dah dah
When speaking of words, does etymology always mean origin and/or history? Does origin and/or history always mean etymology?
No. Etymology is only origin.
@tchrist yes?both?
@KitFox no, etymology is the whole chain.
You just couldn't wait to contradict me, could you?
narrows eyes
it's OK, Mitch is wrong
I find that people keep using etymology when I am pretty sure I would always use a simpler word.
@MattЭллен what? really?
I was told very firmly that and were different.
is confused
@tchrist yeah, I see that.
@Mitch I rushed to contradict you!
Since history encompasses changes in usage and meaning while etymology does not.
@MattЭллен That's not right.
@Mitch it's not wrong
@KitFox Oh. but...
Go ahead, somebody. I dare you. Post the question. "What does etymology mean and what is the origin of the term."
Yes! Yes! YES!
@MattЭллен If it's wrong I don't want to be right. Are we talking about God again?
While you're at it, "what's another word for 'thesaurus'".
@Mitch uh... we're talking about the meaning of meanings
Need it. Want it.
Bring it.
@MattЭллен OK...then sex it is.
prays for Omarion
Incidentally (in my best Cockney) wo' 'oes gu'ural mean?
"How do you spell 'dictionary'?"
"How do you use "dictionary" in a sentence?
This bothers me:
Q: What is the etymology of the phase "name on underwear"?

Biff MaGriffI've heard this term in pop culture many times, usually in reference to someone who is a geek/nerd. Back to the Future Marty McFly: Calvin? Wh... Why do you keep calling me Calvin? Lorraine Baines: Well, that is your name, isn't it? Calvin Klein? It's written all over your underwear. We...

@MattЭллен "guttural"
using a glottal stop.
@tchrist That is not etymology.
Three glottal stops, actually.
the cockneys are a gutteral race
"Wo' 'oes glo'al mean?"
@KitFox There are a lot of questions like that. They bother me. What is the question they should be asking?
@MattЭллен No, just glottal.
@tchrist Not sure. Phrase history? Cultural reference?
"I do not think that that word means what you think it means."
sorry, that was classist of me
> The process of tracing out and describing the elements of a word with their modifications of form and sense.
There are no form or sense changes going on here.
This is just a stupid pop-un-culturism.
etymology in Oxford Dictionaries Online
but anyway. Time to take on some inquest ne'er do wells
I already cited you the OED. Don't make me do it again.
That's three points off your licence, son.
I cited the OED in a different form
since ODO is run by the OED
I'm off. Laterz!
@KitFox toodles! wink
@tchrist Relax, he's just going through a phase.
Princess Leia: Your friend is quite the mercenary. I wonder if he really cares about anything. Or anybody.[she stalks out]

Luke: [calling after her] I care.
The underwear bandit has returned.
Q: What is the meaning and origin of "name on underwear" and its variations?

Biff MaGriffI've heard this term in pop culture many times, usually in reference to someone who is a geek/nerd. Back to the Future Marty McFly: Calvin? Wh... Why do you keep calling me Calvin? Lorraine Baines: Well, that is your name, isn't it? Calvin Klein? It's written all over your underwear. We...

@MattЭллен Actually ODO is approximately the ODE, not the OED.
@JasperLoy it's run by the OUP, who make the OED. It has access to all the same resources.
@MattЭллен Of course, but you know what I mean. I find it weird that they have so many dictionaries.
Dammit. I did not get to closevote the peeve question. You snooze, you lose, I guess.
not really, I don't know what ODE is meant to mean.
There is a difference between a history of the change in meanings, and a history of the change in forms.
@MattЭллен ODE means Oxford Dictionary of English.
Odo (), played by René Auberjonois, is a major character on the science fiction television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. He is a member of a fictional shapeshifting race called Changelings and serves as the head of security for the space station Deep Space Nine on which the show is set. Overview One of "the hundred" sent out by The Founders long ago to explore the galaxy, Odo was found adrift in 2356 in the Denorios Belt by Bajorans. It is unclear how long he had been adrift. Since Odo had not yet learned how to morph into a humanoid appearance, he appeared in his natural gela...
@JasperLoy OK.
@nohat Californians have a bunch of mergers that confuse me. I can’t quite repro all of them, but the missing w thing was one I recently noticed.
@MattЭллен The ODE is the biggest one-volume Oxford dictionary.
When "will" is used with the "if" clause? - (1) If you will/would kindly lend me your book, I will be thankful to you. (2) If you will not/would not mind lending me your book, I will be thankful to you. (3) If you will/would wait a while, I will check it for you. Are these sentences correct? Could you please tell me? — Tiny 10 mins ago
@JasperLoy it doesn't mean to mean that. It means OED, it is meant to mean that you better shut the eff up and listen because the OED -is- the English language, not some lame-ass dictionary like mw or ahd.
@Tiny I think you had best make that a new question. — tchrist 8 mins ago
@tchrist missing W?
@nohat Technically, it is a lack of rounding on various sounds that I use rounded vowels for. I think rounding is no longer phonemic for them.
@tchrist I fail to see the relevance of any of tiny's comments to underwear.
I am wondering if your FOOT/STRUT thing isn’t part of that.
@tchrist yeah, my "back rounded" vowels are a lot more forward and unrounded
@nohat They do not have /ɔ/ or /ɒ/. Maybe they do not have much /ʊ/ either.
We got into a classic "yes I can hear the difference if I work for it, but I really never notice that sort of thing" discussion.
I wonder whether this is going to force a compensating shift somewhere in the phoneme set.
@tchrist well the cot/caught merger is pretty widespread throughout the U.S.
Semper ubi sub ubi.
Eine kleine Nachtmusik.
But they only have the unrounded one. They have no roundedness at all. Both of hot dog have the FATHER vowel.
That's my favourite line when someone starts to say non-English.
It’s one thing to merge 3 into 2, but is the cot–cought merger actually 3 into 1?
I have a question on this somewhere.
The thing is, now I remember my conversation with the Californian, and it was not about an "o" word, but more of a "u" word like you were talking about.
Q: Looking for a minimal triple

tchristI am looking for a minimal triple for a particular set of phonemes. By minimal triple, I mean three actual English words that differ in one and only one phoneme between them. Examples therefore include: phony, tony, pony swim, swam, swum bad, bat, bath The three phonemes that must appear on...

I have a very distinctive /ɔ/ in dog, but I have the merger in hot.
The Californians seem "more merged".
They don’t do much rounding at all. Is this just the merger, or is it something more?
Q: What does it mean if you tell someone they have their name on their underwear?

Biff MaGriffWhat does it mean if you say to someone that they have their name on their underwear? If this is an insult what are they implying?

He's changed the focus of his question. In case you want to reopen it.
Did you want us to reopen it?
She ran away from my question again. :(
@JasperLoy Minute Waltz.
We all live in a yellow subroutine.
@tchrist Umbrellas are sunshades.
It's a parasol. If you want rain protection, use a parapluie.
there are many Shorter Oxford Dictionaries, or sods.
@tchrist it's not really 3 into 1. The FATHER-BOTHER merger is even more widespread in American English than the COT-CAUGHT merger. In fact, some major American dictionaries don't even have a separate symbol for the vowels in FATHER and BOTHER
@KitFox Who says nice is better?
What I said in that room should stay in that room...
I was never complaining.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 So what's the problem with Sony? Their bloatware is too oppressive?
What does it do?
Isn't it also partly a matter of getting used to their weird ways?
Hi there.
I would certainly prefer stock Android, but I might be able to get over it for a truly better phone.
@Mahnax Yo.
@Cerberus How's things?
Good, just came back from a friend's.
And you?
> ... but this is not so for everyone.
Could you move so to a different position?
Without changing the sentence too much?
I'm pretty good. Going to a movie night later this evening.
Oh, great.
Which one?
And then tomorrow I'm having dinner with a friend.
@Cerberus No idea, but probably several.
Which friend?
A girl I know from school.
Several movies?
In a cinema?
Well, we'll be at my friend's house.
Ahh OK.
Sorry, I should have specified.
Make it a LotR marathon!
Been there, done that.
That's only, what, 10 hours?
The Star Wars marathon is happening in a few weeks.
@Cerberus Something like that!
How many SW films are there?
How long are they?
The total length is 13.5 hours.
Oh, my.
Is that even fun?
When you're with the right people, it is.
But it's so long!
That's the point!
But but.

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