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Lies - there's no 0 crossing.
4 hours later…
@CowperKettle All 3 age groups would generate same graph for me, closer to the green line.
3 hours later…
What is the best treatment for an abrasion wound? I fell on my knee a week ago during a run, and it still produces white pus and fails to generate a protective layer. I regularly use hydrogen peroxide to clean out the pus and it starts leaking blood for a while, and then again begins to produce pus.
Зарату́стра (2005—2021, Санкт-Петербург) — российский рыжий кот, получивший известность в интернете в 2010-е годы как участник художественного проекта Fat Cat Art, в рамках которого хозяйка кота Светлана Петрова добавляла его изображения на репродукции известных живописных полотен. Участие кота в проекте неоднократно освещалось средствами массовой информации — как российскими, так и зарубежными. == Биография == Вместе с хозяйкой, художницей Светланой Петровой, кот жил в Санкт-Петербурге. Мама Светланы подобрала его котёнком на улице в 2005 году. После смерти мамы в 2008 году о коте стала заботиться...
On September 11, 1951, an Egyptian newspaper, al-Ahram, published a fatwa by mufti Hasanayn al-Makhluf ruling Coca-Cola and Pepsi were permissible under Islamic law. The premise of the case was due to rumors and conspiracies spreading among the public, such as the Coca-Cola logo, when reflected in a mirror, spelling out "No Mohammed no Mecca" in Arabic. == Issuing the fatwa == In order to get an accurate answer on whether or not Pepsi and Coca-Cola were prohibited by Islamic law, the Egyptian Department of Fatwas asked the Ministry of Public Health to ascertain the composition of the two sodas...
Word of the day: reflection tuning. "Reflection tuning is a technique used to improve AI models by having them analyze and learn from their own outputs."
> AI responses can be fed back into the AI where it can be asked to evaluate its own responses, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, for example.

The process is repeated many times, allowing the AI to continuously refine its capabilities with the goal of making it more self-aware of its outputs and better at critiquing and improving its own performance.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (93): Date as a synonym for anus ✏️‭ by dzebdf‭ on english.SE
4 hours later…
@CowperKettle Sorry to hear that.
@CowperKettle I'm no doctor, but from the continued pus I suspect it's bacterial issue. See a doctor soon and you'll likely get some antibiotics.
On the other hand, if it's white it may not be bacterial. But see a doc anyway.
@CowperKettle agree with @Robusto and yes, sorry to hear that. I'm no doctor either, so can only refer tou to this article about "purulent drainage", apparently the medical term for "pus". Note the risk factors, which is why probably it's a good idea to seek medical attention. especially if you have fever.
^ The perfect answer right there.
Why, how is tri- a prefix in trip?
@Conrado A trip is ppp.
But I would say trilean the same way.
If I ever thought that I had a good reason to say it, that is.
Or maybe just a fair chance.
The same goes for Rilian.
Monolean, bilean, trilean, makes sense.
@jlliagre Purchasing Power Parity?
Pre Party Politics?
That's what I found, (or Google for that matter).
PPP might be Partir pour Paris, a trip then.
@Conrado Take some LSD and you'll find out.
For the older of us, ppp = peer to peer protocol.
@CowperKettle I've heard using hydrogen peroxide that way is bad; it kills off skin cells and slows down the healing process.
@jlliagre I thought it stood for "point to point protocol"
I don't know computer networking.
I see that each has an independent wikipedia page.
I'll have to read them later.
Sep. 6, 2024

✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ 💔 💔 🎉

My Score: 1840
Womp, womp.
@Conrado You are right, I was thinking about pppd which relates to point to point.
Sep. 6, 2024

💔 ✅ ✅ 💔 💔 ⎵ ⎵ ⎵ ⎵ 🤕

My Score: 380
> For other uses, see Peer-to-peer (disambiguation), Point-to-point (disambiguation), and P2P (disambiguation) -Wikipedia "peer-to-peer"
That's a lot of disambiguation.
Disantrigulation, maybe?
@alphabet So I thought. I should read up on this.
> We found that mice that briefly observe a conspecific being harmed become resilient, withstanding behavioral despair after an adverse experience. Photometric recordings during negative emotional contagion revealed increased serotonin (5-HT) release in the lateral habenula. science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adp3897
La palabra del dia #974 1/6


First try!
@CowperKettle If you want to prevent infection I think your best bet is Neosporin or whatever the generic name for that is.
Triple Antibiotic Ointment
@Conrado ¡Enhorabuena!
La palabra del dia #974 4/6


I almost always use it first, because it has so many vowels. And "adieu" if it's in English, because it has even more.
Ho indovinato questa parola italiana di 5 lettere in 3/6 tentativi.


Riesci a indovinare questa parola?
#ElMot 980 3/6


Le Mot (@WordleFR) #971 5/6


@jlliagre OK, I got the Italian one but I don't know how to copy it to clipboard. It took me four tries.
Ah, I didn't see that, and now it made me a new word.
Latin Wordle 249 4/6

Ho indovinato questa parola italiana di 5 lettere in 3/6 tentativi.


Riesci a indovinare questa parola?
I could have had it in two.
Just played it safe.
@jlliagre I maybe younger than you, but still experienced setting up PPPoE hooking up my computer to Internet over DSL over regular phone line (see this). Only when in college studying computer networks that I see the protocol's broader application (see Wikipedia. Note to self: need to be involved in Retrocomputing.SE.
Latin Wordle 249 4/6

I thought blue meant correct location.
Oh, well.
@alphabet Yup. Neosporin is an antibiotic cream that I use all the time. Still, ongoing pus looks serious though, antibiotic cream only deals with the skin, not the underlying issue.
@GratefulDisciple oE makes the difference. I was thinking about ppp over 1200 baud modems.
@jlliagre Right, so PPP over regular voice line (4KHz voice bandwidth?) predated PPPoE over DSL.
wördle.de #966 - 4/6

@CowperKettle That sounds familiar to me (having in the past couple years scraped my knee). If it bleeds red even if a little bit, let it bleed a little and form a scab (within a couple hours). Then it should heal fine. I think repeated washing with H2O2 is not recommended (I agree with @alphabet).
But what happened to me, and what I suspect may be happening to you, is that there is -no- red blood coming out of the wound - the injury is -so- superficial that it only oozes some clear ooze. And that doesn't clot and then heal easily. Let the injury alone and dry out by itself (no H2O2). And apply a bandaid that doesn't adhere to the damp wound (in order to let it dry naturally, otherwise when you pull off the bandaid, the ooze goes with it and you have to start over again.
@Alexander Beautiful orchestral and band and choir arrangement + performance! I wonder whether AI can replace the "Queen" to "King" as well as all the pronouns from "her" / "she" to "him" / "he", because it would be hard to have to re-record that arrangement with dozens of people involved. What's interesting is that why for the final note (3rd verse) the choir sang "country" messing up a single whole note into 2 eight notes, which IMHO compromised the finality.
It can take a while to heal (depending on how wide it is), it can take more than a week to 'dry up' and then longer to heal fully.
If the injury is actually leaking -white- stuff (that is, not clear) then yeah like the others I would suggest asking somebody.
In the US I wouldn't think of a pharmacist as someone to ask these kinds of first aid things, but from how @M.A.R. talks, the European (and Iranian) education track makes me think that they would know.
Also... Youtube?
@GratefulDisciple Yeah it seems -very- plausible that current AI could do that sort of editing seamlessly (give a link to a youtube video or recording and prompt it to replace all gendered pronouns to female) and it would give you a new recording. However, I'm not sure if Claude could do that out of the box as we speak or if you'd have to use a number of apps in sequence.
@Alexander Complete 5 verses here, with the above arrangement sang only #1, #2 (in a subdued petitionary prayer to God directly), and #5. Interesting lines from #2: "confound their politics, frustrate their knavish tricks". So that's how England saw the other European countries and invoked God to do to them like He did to Israel's enemies in the OT (Assyria, Babylon, Edomites, Moabites, etc.)? Hehehe...
@GratefulDisciple Have you read the lyrics to the French National Anthem? Parts of it are somewhat ... biological. @jlliagre
@Mitch Yeah, re: multiple apps in seq. And if the result is indistinguishable (double blind test) we'll have to be mentally ready for a new generation of fakes, which I'm not looking forward to. As a musician I may have to sign up with the "genuine certification" of MP3 / MP4.
@Mitch Not yet. Will have to look. Thanks. With that said, I would like to hear German, Dutch, and Italian too. But work is calling :-( .
@CowperKettle That term 'reflection tuning' is new to me (and a google search for it describes something slightly different from what your quote and link describe).
But it is not a revolutionary thing... as usual, the terminology in AI often obscures what is happening and is a hyperbolic metaphor for what humans do, when the tech itself does something much much more specific and modest.
The google links I found are just using 'reflection' to describe that they are reusing the output of a model (specifically LLMs but could be any function) to resubmit to the model.
Such a wonderfully free and democratic Israeli government we're supporting. You know, the kind that guns down protestors.
@GratefulDisciple The lyrics to the Spanish national Anthem are by far the most disturbing.
@Mitch OK, I'll add it to the list as well. I wonder how much religion got into those anthems and when was it written as a sign of their understanding of the divine rights of kings. And then compare it to the US national anthem's invoking of God which probably is minimal since they rebelled against the King of England.
@GratefulDisciple My opinion on that (making art) is that it will make making art easier for non-experts but that the art won't be as good as that made by an expert.
As to deep fakes (political misinfo and scamming) it's a bigger problem.
@Mitch I agree. In the classical performance, there's nothing (yet) that beats human professional artists like those who performed the above. BTW, it seems that good + beautiful arrangement is also hard to produce by AI; that particular one seems to be by Edward Elgar (need to check).
@alphabet Sadly it might take an American being killed to get the US to convince Israel to stop (or frankly just slow down).
@GratefulDisciple I think there are lots of graphic artist tools (eg Adobe Photoshop?) that use AI to do intelligent fill-in.
I don't know of the music creator software, but surely they should be work on adding similar tools to their apps.
I mean one can do quite a bit in software already with just a few samples. AI would add another tool that would remove a lot of piece by piece handwork in the software.
@Mitch Well, that happened, and US policy won't change. Apparently the White House is "seeking an Israeli investigation," which will be anything but impartial.
As we all know, militaries are excellent at investigating themselves.
@Mitch I see some mention of AI in the list of features but have yet try them to see how good they are. Need to go now, good chat. Have a good weekend!
@GratefulDisciple 👍🏽
@Mitch People will learn that no video or photo material can be trusted at all.
That only sources can be trusted, not material.
@Cerberus not to belittle the ease of the new tool, but modification of recordings and images has been around forever.
It is definitely easier for non experts to do now.
And some people still stupidly trust photos despite Photoshop.
Even those people should get it now, soon.
I've always thought that at least in the American judicial system, the law presumes that it is not the artifact that is the proof but the person who witnesses it that is considered the final saying.
Perhaps so!
Ii e it is not the signature on the document, but that a person -confirms- that the signature is theirs.
Or that the blood test itself isn't the proof, but that the lab technician confirms that the lab test was done properly and confirms the result.
But of course I could be making this up.
And with DNA traces it is the expert who comes to a conclusion based on it?
It feels weird, but I think this older standard works fine for both taped recordings and for digitally produced ones.
Ie you can't just simply say 'look! See it is right there'. A person has to agree or state that 'the DNA evidence shows that the person I am pointing to (let the record show the witness is pointing at the defendant) is the source of the hair sample found near the body'
And the whole lab process has to be adjudicated (but most people trust it already after many court cases)
Wordle 1,175 5/6

That was harder than it should have been.

I guessed this 5-letter word in 2/6 tries.


Can you guess this word?
That was easier than it should have been.
Wordle 1,175 5/6

I guessed this 5-letter word in 3/6 tries.


Can you guess this word?
#WhenTaken #192 (06.09.2024)

I scored 699/1000 🎉

1️⃣ 📍 3634 km - 🗓️ 6 yrs - ⚡ 127 / 200
2️⃣ 📍 1525 km - 🗓️ 0 yrs - ⚡ 160 / 200
3️⃣ 📍 176 km - 🗓️ 4 yrs - ⚡ 189 / 200
4️⃣ 📍 1 km - 🗓️ 24 yrs - ⚡ 139 / 200
5️⃣ 📍 535 km - 🗓️ 43 yrs - ⚡ 84 / 200

Word of the day: OBCD. Recent slang for "obesity."
I only knew as far as OBD
Well, OBD2...
@Cerberus Disclaimer: everything I know about law I learned from TV and movies.
@Mitch Go directly to second year. :)
@jlliagre Oh those last two are not what I am used to seeing with you!
@Cerberus Right, not my day, not their years.
#4 & #5
Aren't the years yours!
I am impressed that you got the first one's year so close. I am still contemplating.
@Cerberus Yes, these years were mine but they are not the years when the pictures were taken, thus "not their years", Pas les années des photos. That might not work in English.
Haha I get it.
It is just a matter of references: there are two sets of years, and multiple things they could refer to.
So too many options.
@Cerberus That was designed to be confusing, starting with the set expression not my day ;-)
Yeah of course I figured what the overall meaning must be.
@Cerberus The one with people waiting in line on the sidewalk?
@Cerberus They have no smartphones so that must be before 2007 or something ;-)
@jlliagre Oh, clearly not avant guarde, then.
I guess getting within 15 years is not so hard for this one.
But which city??
My guess wasn't ideal.
I am really contemplating what those places looked like then.
Not Googled anything yet.
Not sure Google would help.
@Cerberus Well, maybe it would but you have to detect a subtle hint and deduce something from it. That's only easy when you already know the reply.
Normally I would just Google the shop names.
I want to pick a certain place, but I suspect it didn't look like that then.
Ugh I really wanted to pick the right place! I but I didn't.
I had it in my mind the whole time.
We picked the same year, you are closer.
@jlliagre Spoiler.
What was your subtle hint?
I didn't guess the occasion. I was curious what the queue was for but had no idea.
#WhenTaken #192 (06.09.2024)

I scored 809/1000 🎉

1️⃣ 📍 1522 km - 🗓️ 1 yrs - ⚡ 159 / 200
2️⃣ 📍 762 km - 🗓️ 3 yrs - ⚡ 174 / 200
3️⃣ 📍 548 km - 🗓️ 9 yrs - ⚡ 171 / 200
4️⃣ 📍 749 km - 🗓️ 24 yrs - ⚡ 117 / 200
5️⃣ 📍 313 km - 🗓️ 2 yrs - ⚡ 188 / 200

Nothing below 300 km away.
Wow 1 year for the first.
At least you didn't get the city either!
@Lambie is that legal stuff you pick up from tiktok and YouTube shorts?
@jlliagre Spoiler.
I'm in!
As to the second one, I have no idea where it could be.
Neither did I.
That's the head of states, right?
@Cerberus Even a blind pig finds an acorn once in a while.
I'm playing Saturday's game now.
@Robusto No, no, I don't believe that.
@jlliagre Not quite...
I'm not even sure what they are.
Let me rewind time.
@jlliagre It is the one you think.
But the people are not all heads of state.
@Cerberus Right, I even wrote there was only one of them ;)
The location is unguessable. The last one I would guess it to be.
@Cerberus What number are you on?
@jlliagre Maybe the motif on the stage thing.
@Robusto That was 2.
The third one is a bit hard to pin down to an exact location.
Exact year seems impossible too.
@Cerberus At least it's not New-Zealand.
@jlliagre I hope not!
Being spot on with the year is nice because then I don't need to blur the year.
This was 3.
Strands #187
“Just right”
I was wondering whether the buildings were original.

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