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Can you guess which one is the Austrian?
The one with the funny accent?
@Cerberus Well, I guessed that the guy with the tie is the German, but then the video shows a title for the other guy at 1:22 which I think says he's from Osterreich, so that's that
@DavidWallace Which one?
But I could not have told you that they weren't both from Austria.
@Cerberus Which part of "funny accent" don't you understand?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You were correct!
And the title applied to the tieless guy.
And in fact I can't even say that they have different accents and not just different ways of speaking. Eg. my sister-in-law speaks really really fast. Does she have a different accent than me?
@DavidWallace Well, it does sound funny to me. The intonation, mainly.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 That is absolutely true.
I mean, different ways of speaking and different accents resemble each other to a significant degree.
Essentially what I'm saying is that given a choice of two people, one of which is guaranteed to be Austrian and one not, I maybe stand a better than 50% chance of getting it right. But given a handful of speakers and being asked to sort into buckets, I highly doubt I could get it.
The only thing I wanted to test was whether you could clearly hear that they sounded different, in whatever way.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Perhaps...so what struck you as different, between these two guys?
Austrian clearly uses more intonation.
@Cerberus The non-Austrian (German? I guess?) guy seemed to speak more sharply and quickly. But I have no information that suggests that that isn't also a feature of Austrian german.
Sharp v. mellow/round is very characteristic of the difference.
So now that you know this is indeed something to watch out for, you will do even better next time.
Hm. well, I had to struggle to hear it, mainly because I can't really understand a single word they're saying.
I know.
Although you probably picked up a few words here and there.
It's a big mishmash of foreign syllables.
Not really? were they saying "dialect"?
I heard that word.
that was another unfortunate clue
Why unfortunate?
So intonation is important, and certain consonants, like the r.
the title of the video suggests that a person is going to talk about their dialect. And one guy appears to be the guest and the other the host, and I would expect the host of a show about dialects to be speaking the more standard accent/dialect.
The northern r is like the French r, while the southern r is more like the Italian r.
@Cerberus I'm not even sure I know the difference between those.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, it could have been a German in an Austrian programme.
@Cerberus Yes, I couldn't rule that out entirely.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 French r is guttural, Italian dental.
Anyway, an important caveat: southern Germany speaks a kind of German that sounds like Austrian, mainly Bayrisch, in Bavaria.
And parts of the north speak something in between Hochdeutsch and Dutch.
But Hochdeutsch and Austrian are quite distinct one on one.
Distinct in more than just accent?
like BrE and AmE? or like northern US AmE and Sourthern US AmE?
They use some different words, but not much that I can hear.
frickin' languages.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ehm I would be hard pressed to say whether the former pair or the latter pair were closer or less close.
@DavidWallace yes
My goodness!
I'd say RP and standard American are farther apart than Hochdeutsch and standard Austrian.
@DavidWallace Shocking indeed.
That must be, what, 10 Mm?
Well, not quite.
6 Mm?
I'm trying to think what would be a similar distance from Italy, so I can draw an accurate parallel. The rock of Gibraltar maybe?
Two hours in a canoe. Thanks Mahnax.
Two hours. Yes. Of course.
Italy happens to be about 2 hours from here as well, by donkey.
2,250 km is the avg distance from Australia to NZ according to answers.com
Oh, that's closer than I thought.
That's from here to Italy, I think.
Umm, I don't think any part of New Zealand is within 2250km of Sydney. I'll have to get out Google Earth and do some measuring.
Umm Italy is closer than that, I was mistaken.
1670.12 km between Australia and NZ.
And how big does he think the Opera House is?
@DavidWallace I didn't say sydney
The south-western tip of the South Island.
I know YOU didn't. But Carlo did.
But according to google maps Gibraltar is 1700-odd km from Rome.
So that's probably a meaningful comparison.
2155.85 km from Sydney to Auckland.
3076.87 km between Newfoundland and Ireland.
OK, now I need to know the SIZE of the Rock of Gibraltar, and the SIZE of the Sydney Opera House.
5400.39 km from Lisbon to New York.
@DavidWallace I'm sure you don't.
We asked him if he could see Africa. That made the point already.
Q: usage of "feared drowned"

ManojWhat is the precise meaning of "feared drowned" in http://www.deccanchronicle.com/channels/nation/south/6-gitam-students-feared-drowned-rushukonda-326 I got the intended meaning, but I am confused in spotting the main verb. whether "fear" is the main verb and "drown" is the past participle or the...

Kick-ass answer that explains all the grammer in action? Or close as GR?
Not that I'm volunteering. It's my bed time.
Oh silly me. Sardinia is kind of in the way.
But I can vote.
okay. I guess I'll vote tomorrow. I'm off!
Sorry, @Cerberus, I ruined your conversation about different accents in which to speak German.
@DavidWallace Nah you didn't.
We said all there was to say.
How could you have?
and I didn't listen to that video at all, I'm afraid.
But I think you knew that.
Hey, I've picked up this terrible habit since I've been using these chat rooms, and other online chat facilities. I seem to begin about 3/4 of my written sentences with a co-ordinating conjunction. I never used to do that. It's like I finish talking, then think of something else to say; so I trot out "and", or "but" or "so". Help me @Cerberus, make it stop!
@DavidWallace I did not, but you weren't suppose to, so es ist egal.
@DavidWallace Do you mean you use those in chat, or in speech?
Both in chat, and in written documents.
I don't think my speech patterns have changed.
Or maybe they have.
Bother, I just did it again.
You shouldn't overuse them in written documents, but they are fine in moderation.
Yes, I know. So how do I stop?
In chat, they are even finer, because we often post afterthought after afterthought here.
Review your documents before you send them out.
@DavidWallace Pardon?
Did we win a boat race?
hands Mahnax brand-new wooden paddle
@Mahnax Yes, you paddled very fast.
Sep 15 at 21:19, by Mahnax
NZ is pretty close to Australia, right? A couple hours in a canoe and you'll be there.
So how are all of you?
Very well, Matthew, yourself?
I'd say the same, thanks.
Keeping busy?
Quite. I have a large assignment due on the 19th.
Which is why you're here, of course.
What's the topic?
Well, it's almost done.
Full IB lab report on an experiment I did in Biology.
Hmm, those were the days.
Heh. Also, @Cerb, it might interest you to know that I won't be trying to tutor that girl anymore.
@DavidWallace I'm enjoying these days.
@Mahnax Did you have a fight?
@DavidWallace She hasn't an inkling of common sense, and a practically nonexistent work ethic.
@Mahnax I'll read that as a yes.
@DavidWallace It wasn't a fight so much as a mutual agreement to not do it again.
Did she ask you to do her assignments for her or something?
She was whining about how hard Physics is for most of the time.
I'd try to explain something, and she'd have none of it.
Very strange for someone who wanted to be tutored.
Probably she did badly in one test and her parents told her to find a tutor or something.
That's very likely.
@Mahnax Ah yes, those can be difficult.
Yeah, if they really don't want to be tutored, then it's not going to happen.
It wasn't even anything overly difficult, just vector conversion/addition.
Tutoring whiners is exhausting.
Even if you sympathise with their plight.
2 hours later…
What's the meaning of "read past something"? like "you need to read past the first paragraph"
Hi, is it right to say "tmux eclipsed the colorized output of ls" ?
Trying to edit the title of that question,
Q: tmux with color ls

Paul A JungwirthI'm running Xubuntu 12.04, and when I use the Terminal I get colored filenames from ls. But inside tmux, everything ls prints is white. I know my tmux supports color, though, because I get color syntax highlighting when I run vim. My ~/.tmux.conf has this line already: set -g default-terminal "s...

1 hour later…
Obvious vandalism approved by multiple users without any regard. What's the policy on simply naming and shaming users who do pointless s**t like that? — Mac 8 hours ago
This is getting funner and funner.
Hi there
1 hour later…
@Meysam It means read beyond that or read more than that, probably.
@warl0ck Grammatically, it is fine, though I know not what that means.
@RegDwighт Ah, I always read through before approving an edit. If it is a user whom I trust I do this really quickly.
@RegDwighт One will do, save the rest for tomorrow.
@JasperLoy yeah but did you see that particular edit?
It's hilarious.
@RegDwighт Yes, about potatoes.
And vegatables in general.
@RegDwighт vegetables
@JasperLoy No, vegatables.
> Are there any well-known .NET vegatables that offer this type of automatic updates of data
Have your first whoosh.
@RegDwighт Also, I want to say that I feel that I knew articles until I came to this site. Now I am not sure anymore.
It is especially confusing when "the" should be present or absent.
The rule is really simple. Just ask yourself, would you use "teh" here? If the answer is "yes", then you can safely use "the" as well.
@RegDwighт: what if i'm refering to malaysian style tea?
for example teh o, teh c or teh halia?
As I said, "the o", "the c" and "the halia" are all grammatical in English.
But the meaning is totally lost!
I never said anything about the meaning.
teh o is not the o. It might not even be THE BIG O
(also, thats a 'default' replacement on xchat. frigging made it hard to talk about native tea styles)
10 mins ago, by RegDwighт
The rule is really simple. Just ask yourself, would you use "teh" here? If the answer is "yes", then you can safely use "the" as well.
Where does the rule say anything about meaning?
You can't win at this game against me. I've been playing it for too long.
/me hands @RegDwighт a mug of the halia
How's everybody doing today?
@RegDwighт Can I throw in a question?
Xblast time!
since all these cars are cheap, it would be nice to buy one
What's would doing there?
since all these cars are cheap, it be nice to buy one ?
the would sounds like its entirely in place.
Is this the condiitonal would?
1 hour later…
@Noah It is expressing a hypothetical situation where if you bought one, owning it would be nice.
I'm not sure of the precise grammatical term for that kind of statement.
I guess you can call it a "conditional" would.
Compare with "Since these cars are cheap, it will be nice to buy one."
There "will" indicates that you are going to buy one, whereas if you use "would" it indicates that you are not going to buy one.
@RegDwighт You can't stay awake forever.
A: Is "more infrequently" acceptable?

StoneyBThis is the rhetorical figure litotes; but it's not used only in oratory. Fifty to a hundred years ago it was regarded as a hallmark of upper-class British speech, slightly comic and readily satirizeable. It's probably less used today than it once was—a brisker style of speech is now gen...

How come "more infrequently" is a litotes?
It is that most dreaded of creatures, a masked litotes.
Not unmasked?
Stoney has already agreed to kill it.
I have already snarked it thoroughly. The question, that is; not Stoney's answer.
Did you know that "snark" is almost like a "shoe" except with mostly different letters?
That thought had occurred to me.
Fascinating. It never told me that.
I propose a new reason for closing a question. So Not A Real Question => snarq.
Snarqotics are dangerous.
All words are basically synonyms of each other, by the way. All entries in the dictionary are words of some sort, so they share that in common and are therefore somewhat synonymous. QED.
What about words that are not in dictionaries? Like, habroomvlsk, or mother?
Doesn't matter. Words, words, words, as Hamlet said.
Hamlet was an omelette. Nobody listened to him.
Did you notice also that swords and words are virtually identical?
I forgot my virtual reality goggles.
Beer will help.
Hamlet was a beer. And a not beer.
Der war Sein. Oder nicht Sein.
Nein-nein. Die Sein ist in Frankreich.
It is gauche to point that out.
Gosh, why did you have to say that.
Because to be gauch is to be maladroit. So it all makes sense.
Maladroit is another omelette. Possibly even the same.
OK, I have to work now.
Yeah I'm trying to do that as well.
You guys are a barrel of monkeys.
So @Cerberus has the 4.1.2 update hit your phone yet? So far the only difference I've spotted is that the calendar icon changed.
My phone is unlikely to get an official 4.1 update
and I don't want to go third party since I actually like sense UI
I like 4.1. It's the best so far. It is a minor improvement over 4.0 though. well, incremental. Some stuff is faster. A few new features. Google Now (which I use, but I can imagine not everyone will want to/find useful).
But I really liked CyanogenMod 9. I am strongly considering switching to CM10.
Okay this made me laugh
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇: I see nothing subjective and argumentative about vaginas, as in the link given by tomasz74. — Barrie England Sep 20 at 20:08
This made me laugh.
I don't see any tomasz there, either.
Hey guys. Ubuntu 12.10 is out today.
@RegDwighт I beg to differ. In my experience vaginas are nothing BUT subjective and argumentative.
@RegDwighт It was an answer, deleted by sim
Honestly I don't see how someone can stand there and say that interpretation of song lyrics or poetry is not subjective. It's friggin supposed to be subjective!
@Robusto Most beers taste too bitter to me, not that I have tried many.
Apr 26 at 12:28, by Robusto
@JasperLoy Stop trying to live up to all our expectations.
@JasperLoy That's like saying, most weather is too outside to me.
@RegDwighт Exactly. Inside, the weather is too consistent.
I must say, I don't understand half the conversation in this room.
@JasperLoy You don't really need to say it.
@JasperLoy cool, I don't understand the other half.
@JasperLoy Which half?
Together, we can be strong and understand nothing! USA! USA!
Digital information is binary, but I only understand the zeroes.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Ah, so you do play World of Warcraft.
That's the important part anyway.
@Robusto what? Of course I don't.
anyway meeting time
But you said you understood the zeroes. Now I'm confused.
@Robusto Me too. Your sentence used too many ones.
He meant to say zorros.
It's like Bezos, except not in the Amazon.
@RegDwighт Let us not bring Spanish Kitfoxes into this.
Peter expects the Spanish Kitfoxes.
Peter? Who is Peter?
@RegDwighт Stop trolling for stars. If you're bored, go do some work. Or LEGO. Whatever.
@Robusto I'm doing all three ATM.
In fact I can do four ATMs at a time.
Yes. Your productivity in all three is at 33.333...%.
That is OVER 9000% higher than usual.
In fact today I have actually made my company money.
If you have to ask
Don't multitask
To get it done
Just stick with one.
I don't like sticks. I'm more into carrots.
Yes. And then the car rots.
Nice job.
Xblast time.
@Robusto Using 100/3 % saves a few strokes!
Saying nothing at all saves 100% of the keystrokes. You should look into that.
Why would I want to save the keystrokes? Let them rot in ELL.
Wasn't talking to you, you profligate.
oh right, I should vote to reopen that lex question...
oh, it's a dupe
@Robusto That's abzurdo.
oh it's a dupe of itsELLf
ok, voted to reopen the older version
To make up for your reopening a question, I deleted forty.
wow! thanks!
No prob. Just let me know should you reopen another one.
well, I've only voted to reopen the Lex one, but I'll be sure.
@RegDwighт Because they'd all gone to ELL.
ab zurdo = to/from/at the left-hander
@RegDwighт Could I talk to you in GLU chat, please?
@tchrist You wouldn't have said that did you not appreciate the pun.
Just thought it needed mohr links.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Nope, not yet.
@Cerberus such a slacker
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Have you tried the notification swipe?
Swipe down with one finger to expand notifications. Swipe down, then up to contract.
@MattЭллен Look who's talking.
@Cerberus lol, so true
@MattЭллен You look especially fierce today!
thanks. I polished up my teeth
@MattЭллен Wow, do you know there are Justin Bieber singing toothbrushes? =)
lol, so you can take him in your mouth
@RegDwighт AB=BA. QED.
@MattЭллен Geezis.
just think how many children JB has been in the mouths of!
Jelly Beans in your mouth.
You know what I found tasted oddly enjoyable? Eating some Skittles then eating a slice of garlic & mozzarella bread
@Cerberus I imagine you like Bieber very much. =)
@JasperLoy Ehm to be honest I have no idea what his music sounds like, but he seems friendly. Of course we wouldn't know what he's really like, because he has a team of PR people around him who no doubt dictate his every word and motion...
@MattЭллен Freak!
@Cerberus tryittryittryit!
you might like it!
do you like Skittles?
I don't even remember what Skittles tasted like.
They're sweet.
like sugar and flavourings
I suppose sweet immediately after garlic is worse.
maybe. I've not tried that
I just read this article about face transplants, and how they're getting better and better.
Then someone suggested that perhaps in the future middle-aged ladies would regularly get face transplants instead of face lifts.
Then someone else said, "and where are they going to get those faces? From poor countries with coloured faces?"
who would they get transplants from?
Haha jinx!
so is a face transplant actually switching faces, or do they take flesh from elsewhere on the body?
They switch faces, apparently.
in the future, rich old people will buy beautiful faces from the young and poor, who will in turn go around with prosthetic faces trying to wait for the day when they can afford to buy a face of their own
But I'm not sure whether they are now able to switch the entire face, or just parts.
@JSBձոգչ I could have a robot face!
@JSBձոգչ There's a lovely poetic metaphor somewhere.
it sounds like a story idea to me
I could have my face transplanted with several frog faces
i may keep it for nanowrimo
maybe a cow's face!
@JSBձոգչ are you playing, this year?
@JSBձոգչ I think there are similar stories where the entire body is sold.
@MattЭллен i am, but i'm doing short stories
@MattЭллен You know this sketch from Smack a Pony?
@Cerberus no?
How common is excepting in modern English?
not common in informal language, but certainly acceptable in formal writing
@JSBձոգչ Thanks!
@Cerberus I will watch it later :)
@Cerberus What's it about?
@MattЭллен Thanks for that.
np :)
they've improved the ngram charts!
@MattЭллен And the one about buying a bra is great as well (though totally unrelated).
whoah. anybody looked at our review queues lately? they're almost empty
@Noah About a woman wanting plastic surgery (comedy).
@JSBձոգչ it's good, init :)
what happened? did we clear them out, or was there a mass deletion, or what?
Those Ngrams do look more polished!
last time i peeked in there we had over 1K low-quality posts
I think something changed in the menu structure or something.
I seem to remember it did.
Like its being more visible.
@JSBձոգչ I think people saw the badges and made a dash
although, Reg was on a deletion spreee today, maybe he been doing it other times
@Americans Do you say "That's trash!" to mean "That's nonsense!"?
Q: Possessive Case

B TaylorWhen describing for example a bicycle for boys as "a boys bicycle" should there it be "boy's" or "boys". The phrase is not implying ownership but the type of bicycle, in the same way as one for either sex might be described as unisex.

is this a dup?
One more thing, I have seen a strange kind of decline in my reputation @ELU. I dont really see any log. Not that it matters but just wanted to know. Any idea?
@MattЭллен I don't think they do?
It only sounds good with rubbish.
They seem to say bullshit...
Yeah, true

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