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The Russians need to learn to take either the elevator or the stairs.
1 hour later…
@jlliagre Number agreement not working.
@Robusto He means "read a thousand books"
Ha, I read it as "teen books" ... ya know, the Young Adult category.
Today's generation is so selfish, because everything is "meme" ...
And here I am trying to debug some code that works perfectly on one page but fails on an identical page. Everything else is the same. I hate coding sometimes.
Clearly the event listener is not getting attached. But why is the same code attaching it on the other page then?
Well, back to the piano then.
1 hour later…
@Robusto That's only a difference of a factor of 10
So I've lost a few pounds & seem to be doing well on my new modi-milk diet. I get lunch at work & have milk for breakfast and dinner. Drinking about 1/3 of a gallon a day.
I have truly discovered the secret to health.
Lactism: Whitely lording it over the lacto-challenged peoples of the Earth.
I have entered lactosis.
Try listerine.
Question: if your main food source is milk, do you get hungry or just thirsty?
Truly a puzzle.
Only hungry; water slakes your thirst but not your hunger.
It's also surprisingly cheap. If you live on milk it's like $5 a day max.
Imagine drinking anything but milk with a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich.
Is that all your eat in a day?
I hope you get enough vitamins and minerals from your work luncheon.
How many litres of milk do you drink each day?
He said a third of a gallon.
Rather than a quart. :)
I leave converting thirds to quarts as an exercise for the reader.
Oh I thought that was a type of jerrycan or similar in this context.
No, it's the standard measurement for milk. Four quarts to a gallon. And a quart is a liter. In America. The UK uses different measurements because they were trying to cheat us.
So it is 4 litres?
And 1/3 of that is 1.3.
That is slightly more than I drink.
mac(tchrist)% units gallon liter
	* 3.7854118
	/ 0.26417205
mac(tchrist)% units gallon/3 liter
	* 1.2618039
	/ 0.79251616
mac(tchrist)% units gallon/4 liter
	* 0.94635295
	/ 1.0566882
@Cerberus Same.
mac(tchrist)% units gallon quart
	* 4
	/ 0.25
But I drink fatless milk.
Just as well.
Ours comes as 0% or 1% or 2% or full 3.3% or whatever it is.
And I have heard actual researchers say that those who drink lots of milk are at an increased risk of getting Parkinson's.
Probably also milk products.
So he advised to drink 'biological' milk, which is milk with much less pesticide in it.
So that is what I have been doing.
There is 'strong evidence', though not yet proof, of the conexion.
Consuming less pesticide is a good thing.
The butterflies in your stomach will thank you.
Regular milk is about $3 per gallon. "Organic" is usually two to three times that.
This profession-researcher mentioned specifically milk.
Not vegetables, because the concentration in milk is far, far higher. The cow concentrates it.
Whole milk here isn't real whole milk. Actual from-the-cow whole milk is IIRC closer to 4% milk fat. Here they just reconstitute it with an arbitrary percentage around 3.25%
Actually, it turns out that only low-fat milk is linked to Parkinson's: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5496517
Of course this is probably some sort of spurious correlation, but who knows
Hmm have we had that discussion before?
Or do I have a déjà-vu?
Not about Parkinson's I don't think
But I have tried to sell people on the health benefits of high-milk diets
A basing point is a geographical site used to establish minimum fluid milk prices for federal milk marketing orders. Generally, minimum fluid farm milk prices increase according to the distance from the basing point. When federal milk marketing orders began in the 1930s, Eau Claire, Wisconsin was viewed as the principal surplus milk production region in the nation and hence served as the basing point for most milk priced under federal milk marketing orders. Generally, the further a region is from the Upper Midwest, the higher that region's minimum price for fluid farm milk. Some have argued that...
Can (adult) raccoons drink milk? I assume not, because they don't have lactase persistence
They'd try.
It would not agree with them.
Same with adult cats and dogs.
Fair enough. Have you tried the all-trash diet?
One of my cats likes a little bit of ice cream or cottage cheese now and then, and he will drink the milk left in my cereal bowl when I'm done.
He'll even eat cheese.
I figure he's trying to make his breath smell more enticing to the mice.
Yep. The milk diet is only possible because of federal subsidies
I imagine that in Europe, just as with gasoline, there their milk costs as much for a quart as it does here for a gallon.
Although they have that shelf-stable UHT kind, don't they? I'm guessing that that makes it cheaper to distribute
The cheapest milk at my supermarket.
90 cents for a litre of skinny milk.
What do you pay?
It's about $3/gallon or so, maybe $3.50. So close to the same.
I don't buy it by the quart because it's more expensive that way.
Huh. Here a gallon is closer to $5-6
And this includes 6% VAT.
@Cerberus So that's about $1/liter, $4/gallon
@alphabet Organic, sure.
@alphabet But it includes tax.
Oh, you're farther from Eau Claire. :)
@Cerberus You pay tax on fresh produce? That's evil.
6% on all food.
Why evil?
The state needs money.
Bullshit. It's evil to demand tax for fresh food.
People have to live.
An odd approach to government.
My local supermarket. That's the cheap brand
Downtown boston has a rather high cost of living
No sales tax on it, though
Lucky you.
You pay tax for restaurant food and things like prepared food at the deli. You do not pay tax on raw materials.
That would be evil and wrong.
Candy and pop are taxed.
> Colorado – grocery items are exempt from state tax, though local areas can levy a tax. Also, certain items are taxable, including carbonated water, chewing gum, seeds and plants to grow food, prepared salads and salad bars, cold sandwiches, deli trays, candy, soft drinks and hot/cold beverages served in unsealed cups through a vending machine.
> Wisconsin – grocery items are tax exempt, though some snack foods are excluded from this exemption.
It is abnormal to tax grocery items in this country.
There's actually a cheaper brand for $4.69/gallon but I demand quality. I'm not shelling out for the organic stuff though.
Not so much odd as random, one might say.
> Maryland – grocery items are tax exempt

Massachusetts – grocery items are tax exempt

Michigan – grocery items are tax exempt

Minnesota – grocery items are tax exempt
The organic milk here is $12/gallon. (Or rather $6 per half-gallon.)
For $14/gallon (!!) you can get milk from grass-fed cows
I can't understand why your milk costs the double of ours.
Technically the cheapest brand here is $4.69/gal but I want the better of the non-organic brands
The cheapest here in like $2.50/gallon.
I suspect it's because real estate here is expensive, so the cost of owning a store is high, and that gets passed on to consumers
You could subscribe to the milkman.
Do you taste any difference between milks, apart from the fat percentage?
There actually is a dairy business around here that does that, i.e. delivers you fresh milk daily. I don't think they do it for apartment complexes, though, it's a whole system
@Cerberus I actually do taste a difference. There's one brand around here (Garelick Farms) that is utterly disgusting
Growing up we always had milk delivered, but not daily. Here you can sign up for it, but I have not.
Hood is good, though a bit sweeter than the others
@alphabet Odd.
It's home delivery, not just for institutions.
They taste the same here. It's just milk.
Maybe you haven't done a detailed comparison of different brands, like I have
@Cerberus Do you have the UHT milk that can be stored on shelves unrefrigerated? IIRC that's common in Europe but not in the US
@alphabet Not tasty.
@tchrist Here they sell it in those chocolate milk things (cartons?) parents send their kids to school with. The chocolate covers up the burnt taste.
@alphabet It exists, sterilised milk.
But nobody drinks that.
Does it tasted burned to you?
"Sterilized" milk is something completely different here, that's milk that's been heated so much it turns a weird color
I'm guessing you mean what we'd call UHT milk
Yeah it tastes off
No idea, we call it sterilised, as opposed to regular milk, which is pasteurised, I believe.
Sounds right.
It looks just like normal milk, but the flavour is just slightly meh.
I wouldn't call it burned, though.
@Cerberus Yeah, here that's usually called "UHT milk" or "UHT pasteurized."
Wordle 741 4/6

The cartons we got as kids twice a day at school were simple half-pints, not UHT.
Got an extra milk ration outside lunch. Can't remember what that was called.
I know nothing about abbreviations.
^ I'm talking about those things. They're UHT. Good for packing in kids' lunchboxes. Usually sold in big boxes.
UHT = Ultra High Temperature (pasteurization)
The dairy delivered the half-pint cartons every day to schools. Kept cold.
"Milk break".
So you'd usually get a full pint of milk at school each day, one cup for the milk break and another at lunch.
> The School District of Reedsburg participates in the Wisconsin Milk Day Program which provides free milk break milk for Elementary and Intermediate students
Still happens.
So weird to see it also in Spanish now. There were no Spanish speakers in the school system 50 years ago.
Only in Wisconsin
No, Iowa has it too, still.
And Illinois.
Some reports that Oregon and Washington may still have school milk breaks.
Google up "which states still have milk break in schools?".
There must be federal money involved.
> The Minnesota Kindergarten Milk Program (MKMP) is a state-funded program that provides cash reimbursement for milk at a rate of 20 cents per half-pint per day ...
Dairy states may have state moneys involved. Unclear.
That's what they look/looked like. Oh how cute, it's even in metric.
2 hours later…
The left coast, especially the San Francisco Bay Area, seems to be enthusiastic about plant-based milk, especially almond milk. It seems to have a longer shelf life. And it makes you feel virtuous.
@Mitch The archival work, four brutal days, has been to figure out how some of the National Security Decision Directives were developed during the early Reagan Administration. The directive on U.S. goals and plans for responding to a Soviet first strike surprised me.
But then it turned out the NSDD was based in good part on a couple similar ones in the (earlier) Carter Administration. Continuity here, with an NSDD that gets revised every few years.
My interest was finding out how and how much the President himself interacted in this sort of policy development. So I learned a lot.
I managed four days of reading docs under strict rules. Quite a lot is still classified, and I filed some declassification requests, which are slow—maybe years to get a response.
Wordle 741 3/6

Finally a bit of fun that turned out well.
OMG. The 6 yo boy who "got lost" and was searched by hundreds of volunteers, was really beaten by a large metal shoehorn by his adoptive mother, and then died. She hid the body in a garage, and announced him lost. e1.ru/text/criminal/2023/06/30/72448637
6 hours later…
@Laurel Right. Mine flow like an arroyo though.
2 days ago, by jlliagre
user image
@Xanne "Milk of the poppy, Lord Varys?"
Wordle 741 5/6

Daily Quordle 522
@Laurel I nominate it for the National Order of Magnitude Award then.
Daily Octordle #522
Score: 62
#Worldle #525 1/6 (100%)
🌎 Jun 30, 2023 🌍
🔥 15 | Avg. Guesses: 4.46
🟨⬜🟥🟥🟩 = 5

Wordle 741 4/6

Daily Quordle 522
#Worldle #525 1/6 (100%)
🌎 Jun 30, 2023 🌍
🔥 1 | Avg. Guesses: 6.32
🟨⬜🟨🟧🟥🟥🟩 = 7

@jlliagre I hate these. My strategy for approximation and triangulation puts me in the right area quickly, but then there are too many choices within a small area.
Daily Octordle #522
Score: 64
@Robusto Yes. I was lucky to guess it. I didn't even know that country existed before I played these games.
My knowledge of geography was pretty good before starting these games, but it's gotten really good over time.
Please tell me if these sentence sound fine to your ears:

The two oxidation-reduction reactions listed above only occur when electrical charge can be transported through the external circuit. The additional, open-circuit reaction can be observed by the formation of bubbles at the zinc electrode under open-circuit.
@MichaelRybkin Fine, but take out the comma after "additional."
@Robusto Thank you very much for your help.
<<All those journals I filled with an eye towards stand-up comedy...but you were telling the truth!>>
What does this sentence mean?
1 hour later…
> Oh, Miles. All the times I called you delusional and mocked you to my friends behind your back, all those journals I've filled with an eye towards stand-up comedy…but you were telling the truth! I'm so sorry. You're the best son any father could dream of having.
#Worldle #525 1/6 (100%)
55 yo woman had been thinking that she was dead and in Heaven. After some medical tests, she was brought back to Earth with the help of dialysis. psychiatrist.com/pcc/psychiatry/…
Dialysis removed the excess of 9-carboxymethoxymethylguanine from her system.
The only compound known to elicit Cotard delusion en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9-Carboxymethoxymethylguanine
@CowperKettle I am sure I will be dead. Does that count?
@MetaEd No, with Cotard delusion, you must be sure that you are already dead
@CowperKettle sometimes in a movie a person is fatally injured and they say something intelligent like "you have killed me" or "I'm a dead man walking"
given that I know I will die of being human, I could say with reasonable accuracy that I am already dead but just haven't stopped breathing yet
Are you saying I can't put Cotard delusion on my resume?
2 hours later…
@CowperKettle What a bummer, to be in heaven and then to be "brought out of it."
But it would be interesting to see if she figured it out by herself. "Wow, I expected a little more from heaven, to be quite honest. Don't tell St. Peter, mind you, but ..."
@Robusto When your brain activity is that screwed up by chemistry or trauma you probably can't figure yourself out of it.
@MetaEd But there might be signs. "Ow, that dog just bit me!"
@Robusto All dogs go to Heaven
@MetaEd But do they bite when they get there?
@Robusto Of course they do. Dogs get to do what they love in Heaven.
Just as I'll get to spend eternity telling Dad Jokes. And driving everyone crazy.
A Happy Independence day weekend! Incidentally, LGBTQ people are welcome in Canada. If you want to build a life where you can hire a graphic designer and not risk them denying you of your equality rights with the complicity of a backward SC, it is the place. I'm afraid members of the LGBTQ community are less equal in rights than the African-Americans already are in the U.S. A shame.
@s.H.a.R.p.R.i.F.t I'm glad I'm in a liberal city; not too many homophobic web designers here. The decision is annoyingly vague; I'm not sure how it's going to be applied and interpreted.
@alphabet Maybe mixed mariages are next, who knows. The conservatives from that court are just corrupt.
That breed of christianity will be kept in check in Canada, that much is clear.
But it's important for people to return to grassroots politics and make a difference and not let a theocracy emerge in the guise of nationalism. Anyways.
If that's what Americans want then so be it.
@s.H.a.R.p.R.i.F.t One would hope that they were imposing unpopular opinions on the public, but actually polls showed people were evenly split on the issue. Ideally people would support LGBT rights of their own volition and this wouldn't be an issue.
@MetaEd Your heaven would have me getting bitten by dogs? Hmm ... that's a hard pass.
@alphabet Don't worry. This Court is fine with handing down ad hoc decisions in support of any religious bigotry at any opportunity.

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