@Vikas There's different kinds of pollution. Air pollution could be different even if nearby (well, far enough away). Water pollution depends on the source and on how it is treated afterwards... I'd figure a newly built city would have planned well enough for that (like Dubai? but I think they're starting to have problems?)
@alphabet All the big American cities had bad air pollution up til the 70's. But lots of car emission regulations came into effect and I think that pretty much 'solved' it.
Except for Los Angeles.
I mean it's supposedly way better than it used to be.
but sometimes people are still encouraged to not go outside.
@alphabet The replacement filters are incredibly expensive because they're not sold in Canada, stil, it's 69$ USD in the U.S. without the markup here. The same goes for some models such as the Winix 5500-2, in the U.S. that costs 150$. In Canada, 485$ at Bestbuy wtf. It's a lost cause.
> The Wagner-affiliated Telegram channel Grey Zone (which has more than 500,000 subscribers) on Sunday reposted a poem titled: "Everything was decided. Almost."
So not Prigz himself. I'm disappointed that he's not a poet.
It's like what happens in movies. When a top leader's friend is accused of crime he did, they ask him to go underground for some time until things calm down.
The 'Girk now wants Putin removed from power. Translated by ChatGPT:
> In short, it is necessary for us, the left and patriotic forces, to form a mass organized movement that can aspire to legislative and executive power to promote its political development program.
Oh yeah, I'm sure "the left" would absolutely love to work with Igor Girkin and his fellow nationalists.
(Assuming that translation is correct.)
(Though who knows? I'm not sure exactly what "the left" is in Russia. Leftover communists? Or the opposition types that Putin keeps killing? Or both?)