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That's very anti-ecology. Lots of fuel burned.
@CowperKettle Indeed, although I guess it would have been worse if everyone/everything had been moved by plane.
He ran "100 miles over mountains" - I wonder if that was totally non-stop.
My longest run was 34 km, and my feet started feeling a bit unwieldy (the lowest parts of the legs). The big muscles worked okay, but the parts that make one's foot springy and precise were not precise.
But the biggest problem was the music. I should have taken two mp3-players with different sets of music/audibooks.
No, every time I have a run, the next day I feel weak somewhy.
Eating more and injecting more insulin doesn't help.
> Microdoses of Recombinant Human Erythropoietin Enhance Time Trial Performance in Trained Males and Females journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/Abstract/2023/02000/…
Cool. Inject some hEPO, and run more.
@jlliagre The point remains, the Tour does not race their bikes to the island.
@jlliagre I watched the 2020 Tour and I don't recall seeing the pedalo race. ^_^
@Robusto Wait until they dig a tunnel to Corsica :-)
@Robusto Sure, it happened during the 2022 Tour!
@jlliagre I must have been on my bike for that part.
Or else it was after my ride and I was paying too much attention to the watermelon and not enough to the race.
July + hard ride + watermelon after + recorded Tour de France ... delightful!
I do tend to fast forward, though. So that's probably why I missed it.
@Robusto The 2020 Tour will be well remembered for having only downhill stages. legorafi.fr/2020/04/28/…
Wait, what?
@jlliagre This is a humorous publication, ne?
@Robusto Wasn't it obvious already with the pedalo thing?
Well ... that was my first impression. But, you know ... other countries have other customs ...
Yeah, I checked out some other articles as well.
Le Gorafi is a pun on Le Figaro, kind of similar to The Onion.
Ah. I was wondering where Gorafi came from.
And don't knock Le Figaro. It's the only news I read when in France!
Somehow it's readable for me.
Le Monde is too upscale, I guess.
Maybe that's changed in the last couple of decades, though.
Word of the day: shovelful
Word of the day: spoonful
5 hours later…
A Soviet medical textbook of 1971 recommends strychnine and arsenic injections in neurosis (depression/anxiety).
> From anemic little Luzhin that first school winter came a touching smell of garlic as a result of the arsenic injections prescribed by the doctor. (Nabokov)
@CowperKettle what's amazing?
A doctor said that Nabokov most likely meant a combination strychnine/arsenic, popular as a means to "activate" anemic kids.
@M.A.R. Arsenic is toxic
Strychnine is "highly toxic", per Wikipedia.
Well, that's just most drugs. Toxic compounds that we chemically engineer to be safer at doses we want to administer
That engineering does not happen to something like arsenic or strychnine, so you can't get rid of their worst side effects no matter the dose
There are few drugs today with the same structure as their lead compound in nature, and they're often very toxic, but they're so useful that we can't get rid of them
Did this combination really help?
E.g. digoxin
@CowperKettle Strychnine uses a dangerous mechanism of action that no (?) modern anti-depressants use
> Strychnine is a neurotoxin which acts as an antagonist of glycine and acetylcholine receptors.
Glycine pathways are generally touchy. We have one antizeizure drug that relates to glycine and it can cause blindness
I remember that the body has two pathways for producing glycine.
Glycine tablets 0.1 g are popular in Russia as an "anti-stress" drug.
All "modern" doctors consider these tablets to be placebos.
(Topiramate in case you're wondering)
I heard about topiramate in psychiatric forums.
@CowperKettle an amino acid in food goes wherever it wants to go. If the body does not need it, it will convert it to something else.
It will NEVER go and affect glycine receptors in the CNS. We'd truly be a sack of chemicals then
There have been small-scale studies of large-dose glycine + N-acetylcysteine, in an attempt to hike the person's levels of glutathione.
In this combination, glycine is supposed to work as a raw material for the synthesis of glutathione.
It's like eating chicken that spent her final days producing lots of glycine.
Some psychiatric patients are trying it out, N-acetylcysteine. For instance, people with OCD.
Yeah. But it's just that. Trying it out.
Nearly all herbal supplements claim to have antiinflammatory, anticancer etc. properties just because they have antioxidants that might reduce the burden of oxidants on glutathione reserves.
Do they really male much of a difference though? I'm very skeptical.
Unfortunately, oxidants are also necessary, for some cell signaling etc.
It's very complicated.
When doctors talk about glutathione, they're grasping at straws. It's more like Parkinsonism is an incurable, progressive disease. What CAN we do that has the smallest chance of helping? Let's add some antioxidants so the neurons in substantia nigra die less. Maybe. Probably.
And N-acetylcysteine may affect the levels of zinc. Which is also necessary, and is also anti-inflammatory. It's easy to wreck something with the best of intentions.
@CowperKettle of course, but there's no problem there. An enzyme in the body will perform its function, whether or not it will end up producing superoxide radicals or hydroxyls or what-not. Antioxidants are never harmful that way. The problem is it's all more complicated than trying to replenish GSH reserves, as evidenced by the fact that tomatoes aren't a miracle cure for everything
Wordle 620 5/6

> The structure of strychnine was first determined in 1946 by Sir Robert Robinson and in 1954 this alkaloid was synthesized in a laboratory by Robert B. Woodward. This is one of the most famous syntheses in the history of organic chemistry. Both chemists won the Nobel prize (Robinson in 1947 and Woodward in 1965).
> Typically, to begin a lecture, Woodward would arrive and lay out two large white handkerchiefs on the countertop. Upon one would be four or five colors of chalk (new pieces), neatly sorted by color, in a long row. Upon the other handkerchief would be placed an equally impressive row of cigarettes. The previous cigarette would be used to light the next one.
Oh, he was named after the poet. Robert Burns Woodward.
Daily Octordle #401
Score: 68
Okay but not great.
2 hours later…
In April 2022, almost a year ago, schoolgirl Masha Moskaleva (6th grade) painted an anti-war picture during the school's art lesson, for which she and her father were questioned by the FSB, and a case was brought against him. They moved to a different town. Yesterday he was detained, and Masha was temporarily placed into an orphanage. ovd.news/express-news/2023/03/01/…
Like Stalin's times.
1 hour later…
Wordle 620 5/6

Daily Quordle 401
Daily Octordle #401
Score: 68
Okay but not great.
@Xanne Flag me for plagiarism ;-)
Word of the day: katechon - Someone or something (of disputed identity) whose removal is necessary before the Antichrist can be fully manifested, according to 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7 in the Bible.
@CowperKettle we're trying very hard, but frankly you guys are easily winning the time regression race
From what I hear, the Supreme leader was even a little miffed that protesters were executed
@CowperKettle quite a few Woodwards in organic chemistry
@CowperKettle similar predictions have been made about the rise of the 12th imam in Shiite . . . Lore? Gossip?
#Worldle #404 3/6 (100%)
🌎 Mar 1, 2023 🌍
🔥 47 | Avg. Guesses: 4.86
⬜🟥🟩 = 3

Lucky guess.
Wordle 620 5/6

Daily Quordle 401
Daily Octordle #401
Score: 71
@CowperKettle Definitely solves the neurosis problem.
@M.A.R. I've heard that antioxidants, while theoretically supposed to 'take care' of 'bad' free radicals, i practice hardly make a difference.
Was that sufficiently vague?
@Mitch "Naw, man, suddenly I don't feel neurotic anymore."
@CowperKettle Wait...what was the point of him doing this?
@M.A.R. Making shit up? Corroborated by multiple RCTs and metanalysis? A clever story?
haha I repeat myself.
@Robusto You stop worrying about -all- your problems.
@parz ho
@Mitch rude.
@CowperKettle In the entire world, all grade school teachers have a tough life.
@parz rude -boy-
I finished my new Eurovision rankings (thus far (again (should i be using brackets by this point)))
I mean between Rihanna and Beyoncé, it's pretty obvious which one.
@parz 🎉
That's it.
That's all you get.
but congrats on the paren matching
it's hard
as every knows here, I have my problems with it.
Perl taught me the ways of parenthesis-balancing. I wield those weapons like my ancestors did upon the open plains, fighting grand beasts known as
It's almost as though I learned Lisp decades ago and all I got out of it was a desire to nest comments deeply, but never really got the habit of punctuating the search tree properly.
s/It's almost as though//g
God. Save me.
Where is your God now?
Taking a smoke break?
Some say God pays attention to even the smallest sparrow's concerns.
He’s preparing for the riots that’ll ensue after someone’s computer burns playing KSP 2.
@parz googles KSP
I don't think I've ever uttered these words before but maybe I should play more video games.
That would be funnier if I actually played a lot of video games (to the point of it intruding into the rest of my life)
Sadly (or happily?) I don't have that problem.
No. The Internet is too toxic to play a lot of videogames. Believe me, I know.
I played Pong as a kid.
and Joust in college.
Some random Spanish person called me a black monkey (in Spanish) because I beat them at a game and then gave them friendly advice.
In Spanish.
@parz I mean if you -are- a black monkey you could only complain so much.
I’m not.
Oh then that's weird.
Q: Help me understand the context behind the "It's okay to be white" question in a recent Rasmussen Poll, and what if anything might these results show?

uhohThe New York Times' February 26, 2023 Newspapers Drop ‘Dilbert’ After Creator’s Rant About Black ‘Hate Group’ includes the paragraph: In the video from Tuesday that led to backlash, Mr. Adams, who is white, said he had “started identifying as Black” years ago and then brought up a poll by Rasmus...

Also factually wrong.
The world will kill itself, and it’s all because we can’t get over stuff a group of people did to another group of people.
And are now possibly doing that same thing to the other group of people.
But since this is ELU, is 'black monkey' (in Spanish) a fun insult in Spanish or is it ... problematic in Spanish?
No, it’s “mono negro”
It is not problematic in Spanish…
as far as I know.
23% of Black Americans, in the poll above, stated “It’s not okay to be white.”
We’re gonna end up killing everyone, and over the problems we were trying to fix, too.
But only 12% percent of people, in another poll by that same source, say that Black Americans are racist.
@parz 'Tan mono' means 'so cute' in Spain Spanish (but it means 'really monkey' in elsewhere Spanish.
Should I cite it in MLA, APA, Chi, Oxford, Harvard, fades into a rant about citation styles
Or rather, 'mono' is used to imply 'cute' even though it really still means 'monkey'
Maybe that other person was trying to call you cute.
That's all I'm saying.
Consider it.
No. I am not about to get into an online romance.
I mean... really think about it.
@parz That sounds like a new Lady Gaga song
who, for the love of god, should be -running- Eurovision
OOOooOoOoOoOOoOoOo Cause I’m Caught In An E-RomanceeeeeEee OooOoOoO
And just to be clear, Nikki Minaj was doing everything Lady Gaga was doing -before- Lady Gaga.
Credit where it is due
OK, just the fancy dress stuff
I thought LG was being such a copy cat (I don't know the words for that that kids call it these days... is 'derivative' too derivative?) for all the weird dresses.
but then she did the meat dress thing and I kinda got it.
Obligatory xkcd
@parz 😂
@parz Just read that. I had no idea about the 'It's OK to be white' as a right wing slogan.
@parz I don't see that. At least, not yet.
It's all 'online mutual trolling'.
I made that up myself.
You're welcome.
@Mitch that's exactly what the effects are. Vague.
2 hours later…
Is this correct? "Bla bla bla should be on any house's roof. Not just the larger ones'." I am particularly wondering about the apostrophe after "ones".
1 hour later…
@Řídící Interesting question.
Unfortunately I'm not sure.
@Řídící No apostrophe with ones there.
2 hours later…
Le Mot (@WordleFR) #416 5/6


#Worldle #404 1/6 (100%)

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