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I have noticed Monica user questions recently are so bad
And I have noticed a lot of dupe
@Carlo_R. No. It was a different user, and he has been suspended for a year.
People no longer search before asking
@Mitch Ugh.
@KitFox Tie a yellow ribbon around it.
@sim Nortons is suspended for a years too
But there is (in Italy) an antivirus called "Nortons"
@Carlo_R. Why are you hung up on Nortonn?
@sim is there in America an antivirus called "Carlons"?
Norton Antivirus is well known the world over
@sim "Nortonn" is a well known bad user, but today he ask a good question on dangling
@Carlo_R. Stop talking about Nortonn.
There are much worse users than that.
This room was placed in timeout for 2 minutes; users are reminded to remain polite.
What happened?
@ChairOTP I have the same question
@ChairOTP have you read "2001: A space odissey"?
@Carlo_R. Not really. What is it about?
@ChairOTP there is a film on this book (The sentinel)
A film of Stanley Kubrik
@Carlo_R. I'm usually more the kind of don't-judge-a-book-by-its-film person.
The film of the book is called 2001: a space odyssey
so, theyhave the same name
@Matt yes, do you know that film
as far as I can tell, The Sentinel is entirely unrelated.
@Carlo_R. I've seen bits. I've read bits of the book, but not all of it.
@MattЭллен from what you've read, is it worth it?
The book is not so well, but the story is fantastic
It's a well known work, so it's useful to know it. I was young when I started reading it, so I got bored after a while. I'd probably enjoy it if I tried again, now.
the first part, about the evolution of man, is fun to read
after that it got a bit dry for my teenage mind
Yes @Matt, I agree
I think I'm going to give it a try and take a quick look at it.
"Someone, somewhere in summertime" is the title of a song by "Simple Mind". Is it well known in America?
I'm not American, so I can't tell you :D
Probabily it is too old for rememeber. I was 50 years old at that time
@Carlo_R. May I ask how old are you?
@Matt sorry I should have say "US", not America
@ChairOTP yes, I'm 79 year old
When I was teenager "The sentinel" was a legend
@Carlo_R. That's OK, America is fine :D I'm from the UK!
@MattЭллен Let me envy you.
go right ahead :D
@Matt London is beautiful, I was there with my spouse in 1963
nice. It certainly has it's good points. It's no doubt changed a lot since then!
Please don't talk about the UK, it makes me sad lol
Why's that?
Because I'd love to go to the UK and the US.
Those are places that I have a feeling that I must go, I don't know why...
Odd thing.
Getting to the UK should be easy if you're in Europe?
I'm not in Europe...
Ah, sorry! I don't know why I made that assumption
@ChairOTP where you come from
@Carlo_R. South America.
@ChairOTP Beautiful
@Carlo_R. dull.
sud america has an irresistible fascination
@ChairOTP don't you have wilderness filled with dangerous creatures?
The UK has none of that.
not that is doesn't have beautiful countryside
but you're unlikely to find mountain lions or parrots in the wild :D
@ChairOTP when I was young I have worked in Colombia in enginering construction sector
@MattЭллен We have a great diversity of flora and fauna of course, but I think I've had enough of it. Plus, I have create this pedestal in my mind in which the UK and US are standing on
@Carlo_R. what are the chances, I live in Colombia.
Do you remember where did you exactly work?
@ChairOTP I understand. I used to feel that way about Japan. I still haven't been, but I've lost that feeling. I should go though. I want to see if it lives up to my past expectations at all.
@MattЭллен I don't think I'll ever lose the feeling. I always wake up wishing that something is going to happen and I'm going to have the chance to go there, it's always there...never stumps...
it was in Cundinamarca Departement, but it 50 more years passed @Chair
@Carlo_R. Then you probably were in the capital Bogotá.
@ChairOTP you just have to come up with a plan! work backwards from being in the UK to find the steps required and then go through with it!
Yes, I lived in the campus of construction
@MattЭллен I'm currently studying but I think I may go to the US the next year, a summer job perhaps, I still don't know, I just hope every single day it comes true.
@sim do you know Colombia?
@ChairOTP good luck. I'm sure you'll make it.
@Chair goof luck from me, too
@MattЭллен Thank you, I remain optimist above all.
@Carlo_R. Thank you too.
Today is the International Timeout Day.
I blame the parents
@KitFox your Irish is showing. Contracting the main verb like that is ungrammatical on the West side of the pond.
@Reg this is the world
@ЯegDwight TI'veL
@MattЭллен if T stands for Two years ago, then yes.
A: Can you contract the main verb in a sentence?

nohatIn American English, the contracted form ’ve is only possible as an auxiliary verb. It is not grammatical as a main verb. This is not the case in British English, where it is grammatical, and this is one of the differences between British and American English

@MattЭллен Is 'shall' still commonly used in the UK?
@reg I have some difficult to type the inverse R, could you change in its oppose?
@ChairOTP depends to whom you speak. It's a little old fashioned, but not gone from my vocabulary, that's for sure.
@Chair no, only in formal writing
Nah, it's spoken alright
usually in a pretentious way, but still
@Carlo_R. you mean ɹegdwight?
Or ʁegdwight?
your name starts with a bunny!
Sorry I have a problem with my phone. There is only one letter R on my keypad
But tomorrow I will buy iPhone5
@Carlo_R. Hoping the day I can say that comes soon.
Why does "He doesn't represent A or B" sound more natural to me than "He doesn't represent A nor B"?
shouldn't the latter actually be correct?
My battery is almost esausted - I must leave you - hello to everyone - probabily I come back tomorrow - thank you
@Jez I use the former. I guess it's because there's already one negation, so the intent is clear
@Carlo_R. CU
@MattЭллен but the intent is always clear. "nor" is always redundant
"neither A or B" must mean "not either of them"
I think a lot of people have dropped nor
well the funny thing is that I haven't for the most part
but this case of "doesn't verb..." feels like an exception
i'm not sure why
hmmm. I don't know if I have
I'd always say "neither X nor Y" and "I am not Xing nor am I Ying"
though I might say "I am not Xing or Ying" and "He doesn't X or Y"
it's pretty random
Q: France is not within 30 miles of London

Douglas SquirrelOn StackOverflow Careers, I regularly do a search for candidates within 30 miles of London. I often get matches with candidates who have listed that they want to work in France, and expressly not listed London, England, Europe, or Earth (any of which would legitimately match the search). Please t...

what the actual fuck is that text
it's not on its own line
Now you are just questioning French people's capacity to teleport. That's ridiculous. — Gnoupi Apr 13 '10 at 7:39
it's a close call. Boulogne-sur-mer is within maybe 50 miles of London
@ЯegDwight yup, it's wrong by design. that's how I explain all my bugs
especially since I'm given no design normally, so I get to say what is intentional!
Bugs deserve design, too.
I think I'll go and put that on my business card. Bug Designer. No, Senior Bug Architect.
Senior Bug Guru
Chief Bug Officer.
like Woody Allen
No. I will never like him.
He's a patient man. He'll wait for you
now you couldn't get that ambiguity in most languages
English, where the imperative, infinitive, and subjunctive are identical
it's why we're kings of comedy
or queens
and the indicative, i forgot that one.
I like Woody Allen. It's good to like Woody Allen. It's important a person like Woody Allen. Like Woody Allen!!!
@Jez yes. A lawyers' playground of a language. Everyone gets to interpret every shit any way he likes it.
in French that's aime, aimer, aime, and aimez
subjunctive is the same as indicative
Je vais appeler ça un jour.
Ouvert et haut !
open and high?
presumably a pun on "over and out"

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