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Damn, I missed it. Was it me?
@Robusto Could I also say 'Demanding to make'?
@Robusto same happened to me. Then it got flagged again. Then I dismissed it. Then someone flagged it again, and someone else approved it.
in The Bridge, 7 mins ago, by ЯegDwight
Is this how you roll? In this room? Flag stuff over and over and over again until people give up and suspend everyone? Kewl. And cuil.
in The Bridge, 1 min ago, by Mark Trapp
@ЯegDwight Perhaps I wasn't clear. I think you trying to FGITW flags here is silly and you're more likely to get it wrong than right because this isn't your site. We have more than enough active moderators here to handle them: you don't have to do it.
So basically I got told off. Which is fine with me.
Don't wanna mess with gamers.
What's FGITW?
Fastest gun in the West.
it's nothing to do with Fastest, it's just because I see it. If I didn't see it I wouldn't click it.
show me a side quest and I will take it!
Gah. This website is crap. Who designed this ugly-ass website I'm working on? They ought to be demoted.
@KitFox The last time you spoke of this in a more positive tone, weren't you the individual behind it?
@KitFox Wouldn't that make you demotic?
BTW @Rob, the kind folks of HI actually answered your question.
yesterday, by Robusto
I think I will go to Home Improvement and ask how one gets relatives to leave before they become annoying.
@KitFox Or maybe a demotista.
in Home Improvement, 1 min ago, by Chris Cudmore
@ЯegDwight The answer to that question is: Start a renovation.
Even though I suspect that's their standard response to every question.
I just got an email about an effective practices conference for engaging students in writing and it was in green comic sans.
I am too tired to feel. I just cried.
@ЯegDwight it's not "moar power"?
hur hur hur
@MattЭллен no, moar power is every question.
@ЯegDwight Well, explain to me why flags go global then? I would prefer we kept our conversations within our own little domain.
@Robusto well yes. What should I say. Stuff?
@KitFox Comic sans! I used to write letters to my friends in that font!
@ChairOTP I would avoid that until you get a lot better at English.
And the answer is: use sweet potatoes instead of russets. Holy shit those things are the perfect ordnance.
@KitFox there there commiserating pat on the back. just force outlook to render all emails as plain text.
In fact, I got told off after this clarification:
in The Bridge, 18 mins ago, by ЯegDwight
@MarkTrapp tell me about it. We got people suspended in the Incomprehensiбle room precisely thanks to drive-by mods. However, note how I was not suspending anyone.
So you can see how people take offense even if you do not suspend anyone.
And yet the flags are being broadcast not just to mods, but to all 10k users.
@Robusto what do you mean?
Which is like, what, OVER 9000 people?
I have not had a milkshake for 9000 years. I just had one.
May 2 at 14:12, by RegDwight ΒВBẞ8
His milk shake is better than yours.
else it's a contradiction, innit
Mmmm. Milkshake.
The milkshake is in the toilet bowl now I guess...
@ЯegDwight Yes. By all means. Stuff.
desire for milkshake vanishes
@ChairOTP I mean I can think of ways to use that but until you understand the language better you should just stick with simpler forms.
Pictured from left to right: Kit's desire (artist's conception).
Where are the naked women with owls?
And/or partially clad men with owls?
And/or partially clad men with naked women with owls?
at the gay bar?
Mmm. Apple bars.
@KitFox Women with owls are further up. I've not yet seen any with penguins.
@MattЭллен Speaking of which, I have been fantasising over some men...
Naked women with penguins are not my desire.
@MattЭллен Cannot see the faces, might be fake owls.
Nice. And they put that other room in timeout.
Well, they placed their stupid chatroom in timeout rather than face my ad hominem attacks. Haha.
Stupid fuckers.
Just imagine that happening here!
I wonder if that gif of Dwig saying "No this, no that" is still around
Jul 11 at 13:05, by Mr. Shiny and New 安宇
user image
You can take that as a yes.
how can you be so fast?
I can be so fast easily.
With ease, too.
@MattЭллен It's what he does
true, true
@MattЭллен OMG, such a nice figure.
he works out
Why are you so obsessed about owls?
Because owls are wise.
His real name is Till Eulenspiegel.
@GraceNote I only do that at strategically important points in time. Then I go MIA for three days. But people's impression remains.
Feb 21 at 21:45, by RegDwight Ѭſ道
that one has our logo in the background
anagram: owls => slow
@ЯegDwight Doing it when it matters is when it matters
The master of anagrams strikes again.
slow => lows
@Robusto ah but I'm but one owl. So I'm just low.
|rev2 = Rolling Stone |rev2score = }} Too Low for Zero is the seventeenth studio album by British singer/songwriter Elton John, released in 1983. Production For the first time since Blue Moves in 1976, all lyrics were written by Bernie Taupin, who has continued in this role to the present day. At the insistence of Taupin, John decided to go back to basics and returned to working with Taupin full time. John also reunited with the core of his backing band of the early '70s: Dee Murray, Nigel Olsson and Davey Johnstone as well as Ray Cooper, Kiki Dee and Skaila Kanga (who played harp o...
@MattЭллен Only a bovine creature lows.
so owls are related to cows...
@MattЭллен OMG, is that the EL&U mascot?
@KitFox it should be
It's got our logo and everything!
2 mins ago, by Matt Эллен
that one has our logo in the background
@MattЭллен Just be thankful cows don't fly.
The circle we come full becomes shorter each time.
I am, every day
I've seen a horsefly and a dragonfly, but I ain't never seen no cow fly
They only fly at midnight.
I fly only in my dreams.
Thank you for that. Thank you for not flying in mine.
@ЯegDwight Thanks for reminding me. I will fly in yours later.
You will dream of wishing to fly in mine later.
At the same time, you will dream of me.
We are connected like that.
I had a dream I was being hunted by a serial killer, then I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep because I thought there was a serial killer in my flat.
so far there isn't
The worst dreams are those in which you dream of waking up but can't wake up.
It's like being smothered.
After a while, you don't know whether you have woken up or not.
Perhaps life is but a dream...
Perhaps when this life is over, we will wake up from the dream into reality.
@WillHunting I think the worst dreams are those in which you feel like it's real life, sometimes after you wake up you know it was a dream, but sometimes you still feel as if it was real.
decides to put finishing touches on killer robot this weekend, just in case
What is this "wake up" you keep mentioning?
@WillHunting pinch yourself. actually, don't, it hurts.
This reminds me of a terrible movie: What dreams may come.
@Mitch the 'pinch yourself' cliché doesn't not really work.
I'm still the only one to have tried out the new shit yet? After a whopping day?
It can hurt in your dream just as it does in real life.
but not for long
I thought the usual suspects would be all over it.
@ЯegDwight I never bother to review. I am not a babysitter.
@ЯegDwight it wasn't there yesterday
@MattЭллен but today is almost over.
@ChairOTP Perhaps dreams are more real than real life.
@ЯegDwight Can a mod delete a question which got four answers and none of them are upvoted/downvoted/accepted?
@Gigili A mod can delete almost anything, certainly that.
But let him answer.
@ЯegDwight yeah, I didn't review anything before just now today
@WillHunting Perhaps they're parts of real life that we're not supposed to go through.
@ChairOTP If life is a dream, I hope I wake up soon.
@Gigili I think even 20k users can vote to delete that.
@WillHunting waking up would be dying.
I don't want to click "Not Sure". I am very sure this answer is OK, but not worth an up vote. stupid system
Ever wondered if we die in every dream we have?
I think there needs to be at least one upvoted answer for it to become a mod-only action.
@ЯegDwight Umm, that SE site doesn't have many 20k users. So should I flag it?
@ChairOTP My "life" was metaphorical there.
@MattЭллен yeah, bug report exists.
Which is why you should try it out in the first place.
It's still not perfect.
what kind of system is not perfect? pah!
Oh, then I should upvote one of them and flag it for mod attention?
The dream team scream for cream.
@WillHunting I know, that's why I get to the point that have you ever wondered if you die in every dream you have? We don't exactly remember the whole dream, just a part of it, normally the middle part, never the end, never the beginning.
@KitFox No, my dear: a nickname is something which once upon a time an ekename was. Quoth the OED: “† ˈeke-name. Obs. Etymology: f. eke sb. + name; cf. ONor. aukanafn : An additional name, a nickname. Now superseded by the corrupt form nickname: a nekename (Promp. Parv.) for an ekename.”
@Gigili you are free to flag anything and everything if you think it's useless noise. Just take your time to explain why you think it should be deleted. Convince the mods.
@ЯegDwight Aha, thanks.
@Gigili do not upvote anything that doesn't deserve an upvote just to do something else.
Especially if you're going to argue it deserves deletion.
Sometimes I upvote a question, answer it, then when OP does not upvote my answer, I edit the question and downvote it, shh...
@WillHunting I enjoyed that movie
@tchrist Yeah, uh-huh, ok. I'm pretty sure someone else said that like two minutes after my comment.
@tchrist I thought that was common sense. I'm surprised to see Kit didn't know.
@WillHunting I called the police.
@ΜετάEd The only good Robin Williams movie I watched is Good WH.
These things happen all the time.
@WillHunting Good BH >> good WH.
Nickname aka hypocorism.
Der Büstenhalter (abgekürzt und umgangssprachlich BH, früher auch als Büha bezeichnet) ist ein Wäschestück, das die weibliche Brust stützen und formen soll. Neben diesen Funktionen dienen BHs auch ästhetischen Zwecken. Aufbau Datei:Modern bra plunge.jpg|plunge Datei:Modern bra fullcup.jpg|fullcup Datei:Modern bra bandeau.jpg|bandeau Ein Büstenhalter besteht aus zwei geformten, miteinander verbundenen Körbchen („Cups“) zur Aufnahme der Brüste, zwei über beide Schultern führende Träger zur vertikalen Stabilisierung und einem am Rücken verschließbaren Band zur horizontalen und eigentlic...
@ЯegDwight HB!
@ЯegDwight over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder
> In Eng. a mistaken division of mine aunt, as my naunt, occurs in literature from 13th to 17th c., and still dialectally; cf. nuncle for uncle, and auger, apron, etc. (Some mod.Fr. dialects have also nante (ma nante = mon ante); the modern Fr. tante, found already in 13th c., perhaps originated, in the language of the nursery, from OFr. t’ante ‘thy aunt.’)
@KitFox I wrote a song about that.
@tchrist I know the Americans make it sound like "ants".
@WillHunting Not all of us!
Peter Parker says in Spiderman "Ant May", hehe.
You know what an auger is, right?
An old Greek basterd.
It’s what they get naugahide from.
The augur was a priest and official in the classical world, especially ancient Rome and Etruria. His main role was to interpret the will of the gods by studying the flight of birds: whether they are flying in groups or alone, what noises they make as they fly, direction of flight and what kind of birds they are. This was known as "taking the auspices." The ceremony and function of the augur was central to any major undertaking in Roman society—public or private—including matters of war, commerce, and religion. The Roman historian Livy stresses the importance of the augurs: "Who does...
@ЯegDwight The floral pattern is not to my liking.
$oed haru
I'm pretty sure I disagree with shog9 about "I'm not sure", so I'll leave it be. I'm not reading this comment thread to find out.
@tchrist I have seen none of those words.
@WillHunting What??!
You don’t know harum-scarum?
@MattЭллен I read your comment on the MSO thread when 9000 people changed their username to the same for fun.
Harum-scarumness is about as useful a word as... as... Well damn. It is the most useless word in history!
You don’t know about a haruspex?
How you have not lived!
Looks like you only live until you see it.
@WillHunting oh yeah, I forgot about that. I'll check it now...
@tchrist As in soothsayer?
digs out his haruspicational tools
@ChairOTP A reader of entrails.
Wait, Anglo Saxon is XVH???
In Roman and Etruscan religious practice, a haruspex (plural haruspices; Latin auspex, plural auspices) was a man trained to practice a form of divination called haruspicy, hepatoscopy or hepatomancy. Haruspicy is the inspection of the entrails of sacrificed animals, especially the livers of sacrificed sheep and poultry. The rites were paralleled by other rites of divination such as the interpretation of lightning strikes, of the flight of birds (augury), and of other natural omens. Practitioners during the period of Roman dominance gradually adopted the title auspex from the older word ...
@WillHunting The operative term appears to be “was”.
@tchrist But the Anglo Saxon I know was much worse in Eng than XVH.

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