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@Cerberus My grandmother would enter our home with that greeting when she let herself in.
@Cerberus Oh, that's too bad. I'll find something else.
@Mahnax Oh, you too!
@SpareOom Oh haha.
@Cerberus Yeah! They haven't paid me back yet, but I'm sure they will.
Have you gone and visited them yet?
No, I don't have enough money left for plane tickets.
Just book a ticket.
Oh, with a credit card?
They will show you around.
I'm sure I can pay off the debt later.
Yes, take your father's cc!
Oh, good idea!
A friend of mine went off to meet his benefactors in Nigeria. I haven't heard from him for a while, but I'm sure he will have been given his due.
@SpareOom Yes, it sounds like something the Queen Mum might’ve used.
@Cerberus Of course.
A: Perfect tenses in conditionals

RobustoIf you look at a little context, you can see that Conan-Doyle came adrift from his timeframe just a bit: The account of Mrs. Allen, the housekeeper, was, so far as it went, a corroboration of that of her fellow servant. The housekeeper's room was rather nearer to the front of the house than t...

This is the perfect answer.
Exactly what I would have said.
Rob's been doing well with answers of late.
His questions, not so much.
Common sense should be the leading principle.
@tchrist She wasn't that high-born.
Horchata by the half-gallon! Whoda thunk?
@tchrist It looks like sour cream. Eww. (to drink it.)
Horchata (; ) or orxata () is the name of several kinds of traditional beverages, made of ground almonds, sesame seeds, rice, barley, or tigernuts (chufas). Etymology The name comes from Valencian orxata, probably from ordiata, made from ordi (barley) (Latin *hordeata
Almond sounds good, but drinking something that thick isn't appetizing to me.
Trott's wife had the opposite mannerism.
Is there a name for that?
@SpareOom Haha, he's bloody annoying.
I have heard of the Vicar of Dibley, but never watched it.
Dawn French is always great.
I can't find a clip with his "yes, yes, yes, no." wife.
Oh, dear!
@Cerberus I saw a few episodes of French and Saunders years ago.
They're great.
lol google doodle
Space . . .
@Cerb Example homework question: Convert -4x²+40x+31 to vertex form.
What's vertex form?
The a(x-h)²+k form.
Why the minus?
Good question.
But it's a minus in the formula, I do know that.
got to restart
I get -4(x-5)^2 + 131
I'm too lazy to write anything down.
@Cameron That's correct.
Oh, wait, so no bx allowed?
Then what Cameron says, hehe.
What is the purpose of this?
It seems a bit...random.
@Cerberus it's useful to see the points that make up the vertex right away
Both forms have their uses, but vertex is so much more useful.
What is a vertex?
if you don't want to take the derivative and solve it yourself
We didn't have that.
@Cerberus extrema
The top of a curve?
of a parabola
or bottom, as the case may be
But it would be a top here, right?
Yeah, that depends on whether a is negative.
Yes, top.
yes, since a is negative
We just call that top in Dutch.
what's the Dutch word for top?
You stole our word.
oh, I see now, whoops
Pirated it.
you can have it back, we have vertex now
it's got an x, so it's cooler
The lowest point on a curve we call a dal.
As in dale.
makes sense
I don't think any other language has so many non-Latinate terms in science.
Mathematics is wiskunde.
Oh, right, it was Zap in the North Island, and Big M in the South Island. No idea why.
Always those islands.
You're just jealous because you don't live on an island.
It must be cool to be an island.
Or two.
Neat borders.
No neighbours.
I mean, without ocean in between.
Except across the Australian border.
Yeah, we've got those pesky Americans to the south of us here.
@Mahnax Squash them to pulp!
@Cerberus Hundreds.
@Mahnax please don't, I don't want to be pulp
@Cerberus But they outnumber us! Maybe we'll just burn down their #FFF house again.
Oh, I remember. I have the sushi to prove it.
I believe your sovereign's troops did that once?
@DavidWallace Yay!
Back in 1812, if I recall correctly.
Wow, do you learn this stuff in school?
At least we got an overture out of it
It's not even your country!
We cover Canadian history extensively in middle school.
@Cameron Umm, that was something unrelated.
The war of 1812 involved us.
Well, we do learn of the sack of Athens by the Persians in...well, I don't remember.
Some time during the 5th century.
Bad Persians!
@Mahnax Oh?
@DavidWallace I know, I just like the cannons.
@Cerberus Uh, we burned down the White House?
It was me. I burned down the White House.
Then I shot JFK.
@DavidWallace I know!! But the oracle had said "you will be safe behind your walls", so naturally they read that as the walls of their ships, and they evacuated the entire city.
Good on ya, mate.
And tripped Mary Decker.
@Mahnax Why?
@DavidWallace Now you've crossed the line.
And don't you mean England by that?
@Cerberus It was ugly.
Colonies can be a pain.
Well, technically it was USA v. British Empire.
But Canada was part of the British Empire then.
So can colonoscopies.
I trust you in this.
Hooray for the British Empire.
Oh, noes, another mountie.
Or canuck.
We always get our man
Hey. That guy yesterday called you @Mr Sorry. I think.
Or whatever they call you.
@DavidWallace Hahaha.
But he removed his "why the downvote" question, which made the whole stupid comment thread irrelevant.
@DavidWallace no, sim removed it
I thought
or maybe tchrist said that a "mod" did it.
I forget.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Which one?
I feel a bit bad now. It makes it look like I started the whole argument. Which I did not.
Huizhe's whining about downvotes and blaming the puffed up native speakers who feel like they're all that.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 It got flagged.
Ah, so it was you then? Or some other mod? i.e. not him.
And also, there was so much to read, that I lost the sentence where he gave the correct answer. I should remove the bit where I said it was "not entirely correct"; or whatever I said.
A: More than 1000 gallons of paint is/are sold each day

HuizhePaint, like water, is a liquid and, therefore, like water, noncount: "paint (noun) 1 : a liquid that dries to form a thin colored layer when it is spread on a surface [noncount]." link. In biomedical texts, when we use units of measure, e.g., milliliters (ml), the sentence always uses the singu...

Well, need to clean this one up.
Why waste your time?
In fact, my first comment no longer makes sense. I have no choice but to delete it.
It's just too long to read.
I purged it. It devolved into name calling.
@simchona you are the archetype of niceness.
@DavidWallace Don't know if you're being sarcastic or not.
@sim I like the part where you said "take it to chat" but Huizhe already rather pompously proclaimed "I don't chat".
@simchona I am not being ironic; I sincerely consider you extremely nice. But maybe there is a resentful undertone at the removal of my freedom to be nasty.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I know. I got a sly sense of accomplishment from almost saying "well, you may not chat but don't do it here"
I have never achieved a sense of accomplishment from almost doing something.
@DavidWallace I'm sure there will be more opportunities
Simple pleasures.
Being nasty on Stack Exchange is better than being nasty in real life.
And God said unto Abraham, “Abraham.”

And Abraham replied, “What.”
I don't think that's quite how it goes.
<insert joke about Jews>
@DavidWallace Me neither. It was more like this:
Mm, maybe not.
Yeah, I'm familiar with the passage. I have read Genesis many times.
I saw only half of that.
Soon thereafter, "LOLJK," boomed from the sky
But my opinions on OT cruelty are probably predictable.
@Cameron Haha if only!
And it was mentioned in a recent answer on Islam.SE.
@Cameron Just about!
I wonder if anyone has translated the bible into txtspk
@Cameron Have you seen the lolcat bible?
Right, because I wish to TXT the entire Bible to all my friends.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 No, I haven't had the pleasure. Googling now
Wow, that's impressively thorough. Tim Berners-Lee would be proud
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I can't decide whether it's offensive or brilliant.
@DavidWallace It's meant to be both, I think.
The thing is, the Bible itself is pretty offensive in places.
When those parts are highlighted in LEGO form people get uncomfortable
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 You mean the slaughtering and torturing?
The punishing of innocents?
The OT is a bit problematic.
@Cerberus Damn, I read that as "tutoring".
@DavidWallace Well, well.
Do you still take "students"?
Do you work at Guantanamo?
1 Solomones Song of Songz, kthx.
Teh Beluved:
2 Let him kiss me wit da kissus of hiz mouf i wuv hees mouf kissus--
for ur luv be moar delitefool den cheezbugrz. Srsly, Ai Pwnz!
3 Yu has a flavr I liekz;
yer name is like smellz poorded out.
Deh oter chikz luv yu too!
4 Take me wit yu plz, come on!
Letz go! the king bringme into hiz chamburz, k?
@Cerberus The human sacrifice, the torture, the incest, the rape, the part where Saul commands David to go collect 200 foreskins so that David can marry Saul's daughter
I was thinking it might be good for teaching Christianity to children. Till I found the bit about Lot's daughters.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, that was some other David.
@DavidWallace not THE david?
mutters about Jonathan
@tchrist I believe bromance is the word the kids are using
Which is about as credible as believing that the Song of Songs is an allegory of Christ and the Church.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Well, it wasn't me.
@DavidWallace ah, right
but it was THE biblical David. from whose loins eventually sprung Joseph, adopted father of Jesus thus fulfilling the prophesy (citation needed)
I should stop thinking about this. No good can come of it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I have the same reaction to this
@Cameron I've had one. It was meh.
Aww, don't ruin the fantasy!
I'm feeling ill just looking at that picture.
@DavidWallace It's not nearly as nauseating as it may seem. Calorie-wise, fat-wise, etc, it's equivalent to a big mac.
It's not very kosher.
Well, no
But the problem is that a freshly-cooked piece of fried chicken is not good finger-food and you're holding TWO of them. IT's friggin' hot and greasy and messy.
It's very inconvenient to eat.
A sandwich it's not.
Taste-wise, it's a'ight.
Sorry, I still feel ill.
Are you vegetarian?
I eat chicken.
do you eat fried chicken?
Umm, yes?
@Cameron Haha. I made some of those.
I don't eat four-legged meat.
@Mahnax how'd they turn out?
Fun fact: the Double Down meal with fries at KFC is healthier than the 3-piece meal with coleslaw and fries.
@Cameron They're OK.
Pretty salty/greasy.
@DavidWallace so the bacon is the problem?
@Mahnax Yikes.
Not the two slices of cheese and the sauce?
@Robusto It's marginal, but still true.
Umm, yes. I used to like bacon. Also, the cheese doesn't look very nice in there.
It's processed pepper jack cheese, IIRC.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yes, yes, all that. shudders
Or maybe it's the sauce that doesn't look nice.
The sauce is actually quite good.
The more I try to analyse it, the more I shall feel ill.
@Cameron Ohhh that looks so good.
My biologist son says flavor comes from enzymatic browning on meat and cheese. Who am I to disagree?
@Cerberus Really?
The maillard reaction, or what was it?
@Mahnax Yes!
It's cheese! And bacon!
They sold quite well, I must say.
People still ask for them occasionally.
@DavidWallace Well, I'll stop trying to convince you. That sandwich was a big controversy generator when it debuted in the US and CA and I was like "bah". People liked to make a big deal of nothing. Overall it's equivalent to just about any large fast-food sandwich.
Oh, the buns are chicken?
Yeah, that's fried chicken on the top and bottom.
I'd prefer real bread.
There is a burger place near my house that has a burger patty between two halves of a donut with American cheese and bacon. I have yet to try it, but I hope it's as good as it sounds.
Deep fried, maybe—but bread.
I put one inside a bun when I ate it.
But but but...
The perks of working at KFC, I guess.
@Cameron I just don't see how that would taste good.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I think it's more about the experience than the taste
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Are you mad?
Granted, I had the McGriddle at McDonalds... the "buns" are two small pancakes with "syrup" .... beads, or something, and inside is sausage and egg. It was awesome, and probably heart-stopping too.
@Cerberus donuts and beef are not things I usually combine.
nor donuts and "american" cheese.
But it's fat! And bacon!
Oh, this reminds me of something that a friend and I did once.
Wait, are doughnuts always sweet?
God said to Abraham "Kill me a son"
Abe said "Man you must be puttin' me on"
God said "No." Abe said "What?"
God said "You kin do what you want to but
The next time you see me comin' you better run!"
Abe said "Where you want this killin' done?"
God said "Out on Highway 61."
We bought a double Big Mac from McD's, and a Double Down from KFC, and combined them.
Then we cut it in half and raced to eat it.
@Robusto good tune
Eat that, Abraham!
gotta run, girlfriend's home
kind retards
You too.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Those guys are ninnies.
I am to bed as well, night.
They once asked the people at Taco Bell to put a taco in one of their beverages.
2 days ago, by David Wallace
Yo quiero Taco Shells.
man, I watched the fast food lasagne and I'm hungry now.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 God that looks good.
I want that.
Ya hear me?
I could easily eat four times the calories of what I'm allowing myself to eat now.
bacon eyes
@Cerberus That does not mean you should.
@Mahnax It does mean that it would make me very happy!
If there were no adverse consequences...
There's the catch.
You'd get fat quick.
I'm around 1500 kcal now.
Maybe 1700.
My daily caloric intake varies from 200-2000.
Sometimes I forget to eat.
Anything under 1500 is unhealthy, I believe.
You consume muscle.
And stuff.
Well, that doesn't happen often.
2000 is still not that much, I think for your age, but fine.
I'd say that I usually have about 2000, maybe a bit less.
Or is it?
Ah OK.
This is fun…
I posted that!
A day or so ago.
Oh, nice.
Did you find it on your own?
Elendil posted it in the Cooking room.
I've seen it on Reddit a bunch of times.
Was Elendil ever active here on EL&U?
@Mahnax We had someone with a name like that I think
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 ElendilTheTall?
@Mahnax I don't remember.
@Mahnax Yup.
@Mahnax that could be it
hm, now I can't find a user account with that name
so maybe I am thinking of a different se
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 I recall having seen a deleted user, whose name is now delete.
But his contributions remain.
I'm fairly certain that Elendil was active here, but I'm not sure where I heard that.
A: What's the difference between these sentences?

user3444The first sentence says that you are about to eat your lunch; it may or may not imply that you are leaving the present location to do so, depending on the context. The second says that it is time for you to eat lunch and that you will be leaving the present location to do so. You would say this ...

note the comment on that answer is to @elendil
Ha, there it is.
Perhaps delete was someone else then.
And I found a link to his user page: english.stackexchange.com/users/3444/elendilthetall
it 404s for me
User pages, once deleted, are gone forever.
Hm, perhaps WebArchive…
Jasper commented that he deleted his account
Elendil is a registered user now. Hooray and welcome to the site! (^_^) — ЯegDwight Jan 28 '11 at 10:27
Nope, Internet Archive doesn't work.
Oh dear, I think Elendil has gone two steps backwards now by deleting account. — Will Hunting Feb 3 '11 at 3:17
So there you have it.
well, it's late, I should get going.
bye everyone.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Haha. That sounds so silly.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 @Mahnax @DavidWallace youtube.com/watch?v=-uwY3sjqYX0
@Cerberus It depends.
finally caught up with this week's transcript and may be able to sleep
6 hours later…
Q: Is there a difference between "set out" and "laid out"?

MedvedevConsider the following two sentences: There is work set out for him. There is work laid out for him. Could they mean different things? Or is one of them not used correctly?

He never gives up.

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