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How do you feel about this?
That's our PM.
With a female "supporter".
He's single.
How should I feel about it?
Outraged on your behalf?
It's just funny.
She has nerve, anyway :)
Yeah, my next guess was going to be "amused"
like that picture of Obama and ... Sarkozy? eyeing some hot woman at some international function.
She knows nobody could stop her, now would anyone bother to comment on it.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Really?
But eyeing is a bit...subjective.
And innocent.
It's so hard to interpret a picture like that.
you don't need to figure out the TRUTH
just go with the funniest interpretation!
You can't tell what his line of view is.
Right, right.
takes notes
they're BOTH eyeing her ass
I can photoshop a picture of you like that!
Sarkozy's like "sweet!" and Obama's like "where? oh yeah"
@Cerberus well, you could, but I think this pic is legit
Obama is the better dresser.
Although I'm not so sure about his shoes.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Yeah, it's probably not PS'ed.
But still.
Okay, shoes have been officially outruled.
Next president.
I know what you mean. Like, if you're his wife, you can't say "hey! you're just ogling every piece of booty that goes by! proof!". But it still makes for a funny snap.
And you KNOW Sarkozy's into it.
Sarko is unpossible.
But that was never a question.
So glad he was got rid of.
Should have done so years ago.
so, on the basis of that picture, you judged O as better dressed than S?
to me it looks like they are both wearing indistinguishable suits.
nearly identical shirts
different colour tie, different shoes.... well, hard to see the shoes.
what is your basis for choosing O's subtle variation of "men's suit" over S's?
The cut of Obama's suit is good.
Sarko's could be better.
Wrong tie colour (why wear a black or almost-black tie? it's the only thing you can add some colour to).
Wrong shoe colour (brownish).
And Obama's trousers have cuffs.
But then it could be that Sarko's suit would look better if he stood up straight.
wow, you think about this way harder than I do
It's not really thinking.
When I look at a suit, things like "cut" and "cuffs" are irrelevant details.
I rarely wear a suit.
I agree that it is boring.
But still.
When there is a standard, variations are all the more noticeable.
To me, the variation between the two suits in the photo are so small as to be unimportant. the tie colour is also usually not something I notice unless it varies TOO much from what I expect.
but whatever.
It could be an interesting project.
Bonne nuit.
So how are you all?
Almost sober.
I'm okay. Tired, and work was pretty stressful tonight, but I'm really enjoying school.
Why was it stressful?
I was working the TB kitchen alone, and I was getting huge orders, one after another.
exempli gratia 18 chili cheese burritos.
That sounds burdensome.
Those are annoying because you need to steam them and then roll them up.
How much do have you earned tonight?
"Almost" sober, indeed.
I mean, how much do you earn per hour?
I make $10.00/hour.
I worked 5.5 hours, so $55.00.
That's none too shabby.
then the gov't takes away half
Minus a few little deductions.
Ah , gross.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Nuh-uh, I don't make enough for that.
@Mahnax just wait and see.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 For what? When will they start eating all of my money?
eats some
is hungry
You give that back!
Are you sure?
clutches torn, soggy bills
Those bills won't look pretty.
@Mahnax tax time.
But I'm exaggerating. You'll probably get a refund
I got a refund last time.
one year my refund was bigger than my total tax paid, i.e. I made money.
It was small, so it didn't cancel out what I paid.
but I must be going. Tomorrow has already arrived and I should be asleep.
cya'll later.
Bonne nuit.
I should be sleeping too.
Yeah, it's late there. Thursday night is an interesting time to be out drinking, but I guess you don't work tomorrow.
Yeah, and I never work early.
When I work, it's often until 2 am or so.
It was last time.
Okay, so boa noite!
huge puff of smoke
insufferable stench
@Cerberus Are you going to write something for the ELU Blog?
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Isn't there a similar photo with Prince Charles and one of the Spice Girls?
Q: What qualification you are looking for?

vinWell this may be a very silly and obvious question but it's bothering me so I am asking it here. I am writing a letter and I asked the question What qualification are you looking for? However my colleague says it should be What qualification you are looking for? Well, some how I think...

What is going on here?
A too-basic question and an awful answer.
Don't worry, I've fixed it.
@DavidWallace +1
The bad answer has been deleted.
And I've up-voted the good answer :)
Thank you.
The question itself is reasonable...
Somebody just accepted an answer of mine, that I posted over six months ago (on a completely different site). It seems odd that it would them six months to make up their mind. Or maybe they were waiting for someone to post a better answer.
StackOverflow actually.
@DavidWallace Yeah, I got my 1 rep back.
I am supposed to be sleeping, but apparently that isn't working out.
@Mahnax Yes, it's wonderful when that happens.
I see downvoting an answer as an investment. The payoff is a better site. But you risk losing everything that you invest.
@DavidWallace It's a nice surprise.
Vitaly had the right idea; not to care about rep.
In my opinion, we should try to come up with an idea to counter balance the serial down voters.
There are serial down voters?
@John, are you from Oakland?
Yeah, there are. And their nonsense gets reverted when the serial voting script gets run.
Or maybe he's talking about the frequent downvoters, like me.
But if you space your votes carefully, the serial script will miss you.
I speak from experience :-)
Or if you don't go over a certain number…
Hm, @JohnJunior, why the name change?
@DavidWallace No, I'm not from Oakland.
The only other Raiders I know of are the Canberra Rugby League team.
@Mahnax Part of the fun and games in the math chat room, there is a John Senior there ;-)
@JohnJunior I see. From what I recall, you've been Rob and skullpatrol before.
Oh, you're him!
Well, I'm off to try to negotiate with Mr. Sandman. Bye.
@DavidWallace Have you considered writing something for the ELU Blog?
Actually, I have not. I don't think the readership is particularly high.
@DavidWallace The Canberra Raiders' logo doesn't look anything like the Oakland Raiders' logo. I remember someone telling me that there is a team down under with the same logo as the Oakland Raiders, do you know their location?
Sorry, I don't.
The logo is not the slightest bit familiar to me.
@Mr.ShinyandNew安宇 Aah.. a penny :P
I hate exponential growth.
I hate combinatoric explosions.
But I'm going to really, really enjoy giving my daughter the list of 1,500 combinations she can try on the combination lock she bricked.
1 hour later…
Did you really just say "have ran"? — tchrist 8 hours ago
I'm learning so much here :)
@Robusto wow... u sure that ain't Monopoly money?
What's the difference?
The difference is that people don't print their own Monopoly money.
> I'm unable to understand what you want to do, but i have below code, Might be its help you.
SO is hilarious.
I don't know what C# is, so here's some Turbo Pascal. It works!
I don't know the meaning of the word you want. You should look in a dictionary, but meanwhile here is a phone book.
Sorry, I don't listen to Wagner.
In Soviet Union, Wagner listens to you!
Actually, and halte Dich fest, I answered a question on SO yesterday night.
We all slip up from time to time.
Some guy forgot a </table> in his code.
Also, I'm glad you're showing self control by halting your dick fests. Remarkable restraint.
So my answer literally was, "You forgot a </table>. Also, why the fuck do you use tables."
Did you really say "why the fuck"?
I got a whopping 15 reps for that. That's almost half as much as I get on a good day from passive reps doing nothing.
@Robusto nah.
But I meant it!
A: Something is wrong with my ul

RegDwightYou forgot to close the first table tag, before the tabWrapper div. </table> <!-- add this --> <div id="tabWrapper"> What are all those blind tables doing there anyway? Just style your divs.

15 reps, huh? stares enviously
Should I add the fuck?
I'm hanging around, 30 reps from an even 13,000. I haven't had a passive rep from that place in days.
All questions on SO are too localized now.
Seriously, every second question is a typo the OP themselfs discover three seconds after asking.
Also, the people who just give you a checkmark without the reach-around of an uptick are just selfish.
Greek-style yogurt with honey
The rest are questions where someone else discovers it four seconds later.
that's my breakfast today
@Robusto he didn't have the reps. That's the other problem. Everybody and his dog is at 1 rep on SO.
His dog? I didn't know @Cerberus was allowed on SO.
Cerberus, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
103 4
Haha. He accepted an answer but didn't get an upvote for the question?
> If this question is totally unsuitable, please forgive me. I don't know anything about programming. I should learn Javascript, I know, but it is a bit difficult for a total layman.
Never! Never will I forgive!
@Robusto someone favorited it, though.
Could be Cerberus himself. Or not. Don't know which would be more hilarious.
Bit of a discrepancy.
I upvoted teh kvestchon.
Also, look at the answer to the question he asked. That's a lot of work for 25 reps.
Or do you mean the discrepancy between the reps and "member for like two years, last seen just the other day"?
@Robusto right. And the doggy kept saying "thank you so much but" and asking for moar stuffs, and the answerer kept giving him moar stuffs. Over and over again.
Haha. Well, I sprinkled some upvote largesse amongst the both of them.
Meanwhile elsewhere "wut is favorite browsarrr" was asked and gained everyone 200 reps.
double facepalm
I'm guessing Chrome won the 200 reps?
Also, why that not be closed?
I am illustrating with an example. I'm not saying that exact question was asked. Just something to that effect.
And yeah, that shit does get a close vote when I happen across it.
Often enough, it's from 2008.
1 hour later…
@ЯegDwight I have no account there or I would give him an upvote too.
@JohnJunior Well, there aren't that many of them. Besides I sometimes engage in revenge downvoting too!
@Robusto In Soviet Russia, not Soviet Union.
@WillHunting Did you see my question on the "New feed items"?
@JohnJunior I did not see the feed. Do you want me to see your question?
@WillHunting Please.
@JohnJunior No please with bros, just say DO!
Q: four plus two "equals" ( or "is equal to" or "is") six

John JuniorYou write 4 + 2 = 6 and say "four plus two equals (or is equal to or is) six." After reading the following passage here, equals is equal being a verb, in the present tense. is equal to is equal being a predicate adjective, with its auxiliary verb in the present tense. English is full of p...

@WillHunting You don't even know the trope, Jasper. Don't presume to school me.
@Robusto OK OK, I knew I was in for trouble after I typed that.
@JohnJunior Well, I am not familiar with these grammatical terms. Just listen to Barrie, he's the expert not me.
@WillHunting Barrie says he's confused :(
@JohnJunior No, he just gave you the syntax analysis. There is no confusion anywhere.
@JohnJunior OIC, someone gave a seemingly different analysis. Well, I can't comment on those grammatical terms.
@WillHunting Thanks for having a look :)
@JohnJunior OK you just have to keep bombarding the JL and the BE with your doubts. :-)
This WH is quite useless.
@JohnJunior I was inspired by your question on negative 3 versus minus 3. I think I will use minus 3 from now myself.
@WillHunting I thought you were the grammar nazi?
@JohnJunior That's what the number nazis call me. They and I know nothing about grammar. :-)
Also I know nothing about numbers either. In short, I know nothing. I am just a janitor.
stop, stop your killing me :-D
@JohnJunior But maybe that will change. It depends on whether I recover.
@WillHunting I have faith in you.
@JohnJunior I have faith in you too bro.
@WillHunting Please don't call me "bro" anymore.
@JohnJunior OK, though I think it is pretty harmless. But if you don't like it...
@JohnJunior Actually, I picked up that habit from Bro Jonas! 8-)
@WillHunting Yes I know.
@JohnJunior Why the hell did you call yourself JJ?
@WillHunting creating an account ain't exactly brain science.
@ЯegDwight Brain science is not terribly hard, no offence to brain scientists here. Essentially, they know nothing about the brain. Just look at all the crazy people on earth...
Rocket science isn't hard either, just look at the number of rockets that crashed...
@ЯegDwight Have you seen my "New feed" item?
@JohnJunior I think you may wish to ask Cerberus the Grammar Boy about this when he is around for his divine opinion.
@WillHunting What makes his opinion divine?
@JohnJunior He seems to be the chat residential grammarian.
@WillHunting How is that a contradition? If brain science is not hard, then anything less hard than that is even less hard.
@JohnJunior you have a feed?
@ЯegDwight All I'm asking is how do you read "4+2=6"?
Correctly. I read it correctly.
@ЯegDwight I am saying in the above that they can just study something and not produce concrete results. So anybody can do that. Take it with a sense of humour.
Q: four plus two "equals" ( or "is equal to" or "is") six

John JuniorYou write 4 + 2 = 6 and say "four plus two equals (or is equal to or is) six." After reading the following passage here, equals is equal being a verb, in the present tense. is equal to is equal being a predicate adjective, with its auxiliary verb in the present tense. English is full of p...

@JohnJunior That's not what you are asking right? You are asking about the syntax analysis. As to whether they are correct, yes and they all mean the same.
Yes they all mean the same thing.
A grammatical syntax analysis with more examples.
The linguistics guy says "English is full of pairs like this, useful if one needs an extra syllable."
plus /plʌs/. Etymology: a. L. plūs more. As in the case of minus (q.v.), the quasi-prepositional sense 1 did not exist in Latin, but the words plus and minus were used by Leonardo of Pisa in 1202 for the excess and deficiency in the results of two suppositions in the Rule of Double Position. The signs + and − are used, app. as well-known signs, in the Behende und hübsche Rechnung auf allen Kauffmannschafft of Joh. Widmann 1489 (and subseq. edd. to 1526); but while he refers to the latter as minus, the former is said to stand for mer (i.e. mehr) ‘was − ist, das ist minus, und das + ist das
The OED doesn’t know what part of speech to call it. It tries quasi-prep.
I gave up a 400 point bounty on a question like this on MSE.
To what end?
No conclusion.
I fail to understand your question.
Q: "Negative" versus "Minus"

John JuniorAs a math educator, do you think it is appropriate to insist that students say "negative $0.8$" and not "minus $0.8$" to denote $-0.8$? The so called "textbook answer" regarding this question reads: A number and its opposite are called additive inverses of each other because their sum is zero,...

Well, I hold with those who think saying negative for minus is weird.
But your ELU question confuses me: you want a syntactic analysis explaining mathematical operators and copulative verbs?
@tchrist I have edited it with my wants at the bottom.
5  + 2 ==  7
5  & 2 ==  2
5  - 2 ==  3
5  | 2 ==  5
5  * 2 == 10
5  / 2 ==  2.5
5 ** 2 == 25
5  x 2 == 55
So your syntactic analysis would be equally applicable to those, I presume?
$$\begin{array}{l}\text{We don't need no education}\cr\text{We don't need no thought control}\cr\text{No dark sarcasm in the classroom}\cr\text{Teacher leave them kids alone.}\end{array}$$ — Will Jagy Jun 12 at 4:19
Must be nice to be able to have multiple lines in comments.
@tchrist Plus one.
@ЯegDwight Hmm ... I can't tell whether you're using past or present tense here. Stupid written English!
Do moderators delete closed posts that have been answered?
@Monica Depends on the question, but yes.
I had better save my post
@Monica You should be able to see your own deleted posts, but you need to remember where they are. Not sure, though.
Oh, I am not sure I will be able to find them
What a cute kitty :). Is she/he yours?
Haha no, it's just a cute picture I found online.
... the funny is that, contrary to the word meaning as it results from Greek, the hypotenuse does not really minimize the sum a^2 + b^2! — Xavier Vidal Hernández 35 mins ago
Yeah, that's a real knee-slapper.
Should I delete the "joke"?
Why? It lets people see XVH being XVH.
@simchona just because it's weird does not make it a deletable comment
@Mitch It's related to my deleting "not constructive" comments
@Robusto why a knee slapper?
@Robusto why not a face-slapper?
@Noah Why not a knee jerker?
@simchona I think you should take a step back and chill. The site does not need to be moderated within an inch of its life.
@Robusto I was about to ask about that. What does he mean?
@WillHunting It is a private joke. Private unto himself alone, perhaps.
I guess to even understand it, I would have to dig into what the Greek really means.
@cerb Do you know what hypotenuse really means in Greek?
late 16th century: via Latin hypotenusa from Greek hupoteinousa (grammē) 'subtending (line)', from the verb hupoteinein (from hupo 'under' + teinein 'stretch')
From ODE.
That sounds right.
Never seen the word in Greek, though.
But what is under and stretch?
I mean how do we relate that to the hypotenuse?
Perhaps the standard representation of a triangle in Plato's time was with the hypotenuse flat down?
Maybe it should be "hypotencanada".
Then it stretches out under the two short sides.
@ΜετάEd Hah. Hah.
@Cerberus Seems plausible.
This makes XVH's comment gibberish.
We have a fascinating answer on that question though.
Was it ever anything else?
The answer got 4 votes and the question only 1. No fair.
Answers are already rewarded twice as much as questions per vote.
Without questions, there can be no answers.
Q: Is this grammatically correct? “We were thinking of holding a meeting...”

Arthur Mamou-ManiThe following sentence seems incorrect to me, but I am not entirely certain: We were thinking of holding a meeting next Tuesday.

@Cerberus That is one of the worst triangles I have ever seen. Who turned it on its hypotenuse? Am I the only one who cares about the rules?
OT as it constitutes proofreading.
@Robusto I think it sits comfortably on the longest side.
I knew you were going to say that.

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