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@Mitch I'm kicking myself.
kicks you
Just wanted to join in the fun.
@Robusto Schade
@Cerberus yeah. My entire state of self esteem relies on it.
No matter the cases, we've got a lot of people dying, which is rather more important.
But 80k, New York? Really?
Georgia isn't in yet. A few others.
> Coronavirus cases have been reported on every cruise ship sailing with passengers in U.S. waters. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, all 92 ships with passengers have met the threshold for investigation by the public health agency. In every case, the CDC has either started an investigation or has investigated and continues to observe the ship.
Gee who could have foreseen that one, eh?
I know, I know: why do I have to go to England to get my own local news here? :)
The firefighters and the sheriff's deputy got there in 4 minutes. It took them 15 minutes to find the fire. By then it was too late.
> Those 15 minutes, between notification and finding the fire, were a small but critical portion of a chaotic and historically destructive day in Boulder County that began when a graveyard-shift meteorologist made an educated guess that Dec. 30 had a chance to be unusually windy.
The very first of the three fires that article talks about was really extremely close to my house. The second was a bit further north but even more worrying. Yet it was the third and last that was south of town that spread like—um, wildfire in a hurricane.
@tchrist I have a feeling several English newspapers have become rather pan-Anglic, like the Economist and Guardian.
@tchrist What kind of nincompoop decides to go on a cruise in the time of Covid?
@tchrist So you were very lucky?
@Robusto Yeah, and cruise ships contain mostly elderly people...
@Cerberus Apparently.
Might something like watch towers help at all?
When it comes to history, most people have no rearview mirrors.
Now I understand why they closed the roads north just a few blocks from me.
To some people, history is in front of them.
@CowperKettle I hear what's left of the Kazakh government has requested Russian support...
So Russia will take Steppes to resolve the situation.
We shall see.
I think she will do something.
But what?
@Robusto I see what you did there
@Mitch That makes the effort worthwhile.
2 hours later…
> Entrance to the Kremlin New Year's Eve party, Moscow, USSR, 1961
@Cerberus Yes, and the troops have already moved in.
They will crush the revolution.
@CowperKettle Oh, already.
There is quite a lot left of the government, because the official president is still in force and in country.
Still no major victories in the capital?
@Cerberus The revolution has no leaders, no structure and has evolved into mass looting.
Alas, that happens often.
@Cerberus I was not tracking it, I'm translating some stuff ))
Heh OK.
Thanks to Arabia, even Tunesia has returned to authoritarian rule.
One problem is that the alternative to those dictators was not always much better.
Maybe in Central Asia people are still not very self-organized, and revolutions degenerate into looting.
In Ukraine, they self-organized into hundreds and kept order.
The Collective Rapid Reaction Force (Russian: Коллективные силы оперативного реагирования, КСОР; KSOR) is a joint combined arms task force comprising independent military units from the Collective Security Treaty Organization member states. CRRF was created in 2009 with the general purpose to counter a limited military aggression against CSTO member states, to fight against terrorism and drug trafficking. == History == The agreement on the creation of the Collective Rapid Reaction Force was signed by the presidents of all CSTO states except Belarus during a summit in Moscow on February 4, 2009...
There is a special force in the SCTO union just to deal with terrorism, revolts, lootings and revolutions.
Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan are part of this union.
The collective was in the papers.
> He is of singular use unto a prudent Reader; but unto him that only desireth Hoties,[a] or to replenish his head with varieties; like many others before related, either in the Original or confirmation, he may become no small occasion of Error.
From an article about Cardano: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerolamo_Cardano
Probably Cardano wrote a lot about hot girls.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ip for hostname in answer, bad keyword with a link in answer, blacklisted website in answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, +1 more (275): Writing “the class of 2014” in a résumé?‭ by fadil‭ on english.SE
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Etymology of company: com = together, panis = bread.
The prototype of Hari Seldon that inspired Isaak Asimov to write Foundation.
> His 1835 book, Essay on Social Physics: Man and the Development of his Faculties, outlines the project of a social physics characterized by measured variables that follow a normal distribution
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
The Covid pandemic will soon end in Russia at this rate.
3 hours later…
Kazakhstan overlaid on Europe.
It has enough area for a rerun of WWI, and then some.
2 hours later…
Why do people delete comments from Reddit?
They Regreddit.
Road cleaning services in Yekaterinburg have been put on high alert. A huge blizzard is approaching from the west, will sweep through the city from 2 am to 10 am, delivering a heap of snow on top of us.
1 hour later…
> If Mississippi lent Missouri her New Jersey, what did Delaware?
I don’t know; Alaska
Ese chiste es mayor que yo.
5 hours later…

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