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@tchrist I remember text RPGs.
@tchrist yes, Mathjax uses LaTeX.
@raf Can I ask this question on EL&U SE?
@raf Sure, but I don't know how fair a reception you may get. People are very shoot-first-ask-questions-later around here lately. There are lots of other systems too, like desktop publishing systems like InDesign and some horrible xslst transforms I've been doing my utmost to forget lo these ten years and counting now.
@tchrist How about "Digital Typography systems"?
@raf Typesetting, but sure.
They wrote troff because they got their hands on a piece of phototypesetting hardware.
> Description:UNIX PROGRAMMER'S MANUAL Fifth Edition DISCLAIMER: there is no warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particu!ar purpose. This manual was set by a Graphic Systems phototypesetter driven by the troff formatting program operating under the UNIX system. The number of UNIX installations is now above 50, and many more are expected.
See the difference?
> Unix was the original formatting, but the usage of UNIX remains widespread because it was once typeset in small caps (Uɴɪx). According to Dennis Ritchie, when presenting the original Unix paper to the third Operating Systems Symposium of the American Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), "we had a new typesetter and troff had just been invented and we were intoxicated by being able to produce small caps."
2 hours later…
The Navy invented a device to prevent people from talking popularmechanics.com/military/research/a37386388/…
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
@raf You didn't like Barbara's suggestion?
@raf when I was a kid it was called Desktop Publishing
Desktop publishing (DTP) is the creation of documents using page layout software on a personal ("desktop") computer. It was first used almost exclusively for print publications, but now it also assists in the creation of various forms of online content. Desktop publishing software can generate layouts and produce typographic-quality text and images comparable to traditional typography and printing. Desktop publishing is also the main reference for digital typography. This technology allows individuals, businesses, and other organizations to self-publish a wide variety of content, from menus to...
@MattE.Эллен I suggested that one too, in TeX SE chat.
I also suggested asking here, though I did not specifically mention Chat. Would such a question be on-topic here?
@FaheemMitha on the main site? technically yes, so long as it follows the sing-word-requests rules. whether people accept it is usually down to a roll of the dice, but well formatted questions have a good chance
@MattE.Эллен sing-word-requests?
Oh, single. Never mind.
@MattE.Эллен Well, I figured it was on-topic here, which is why I suggested it. Whether there actually exists any suitable terminology is another matter. Barbara Beeton of TeX suggested "document processing system", which seems as good as anything. Though it's not a single word. Does one need to ask for a single word? That seems unreasonably limiting.
@FaheemMitha oh, no, it could be a or similar question, but it would still need to follow the rules in the tag info
apart from where it says you need to be looking for a single word
@MattE.Эллен Yes, I understand.
oh! apparently phrase-requests has its rules described in its info
2 hours later…
Kodachrome of New York in 1964 by Evelyn Hofer
@MattE.Эллен as you guys suggested, I have just asked it in the main site. Is there anything I need to improve in the question?
Q: What common name can be used to classify LaTeX and office suites together?

rafIf someone wants to put LaTeX and office suites (like MS Word, Powerpoint, etc.) together in the same line in his CV/resume in the following way: Programming Languages: C++, Python (*): LaTeX, Microsoft Office, LibreOffice What should be put in the place of '(*)' here? From the chatrooms in TeX...

looks good to me
@MattE.Эллен thank you.
@MattE.Эллен sadly, my question's got downvote. That's why I was hesitating to post the question in the first place. :(
@raf that sucks. you can never tell what people will do
@Cerberus I dunno. it seems like humans invented physics to explain the universe.
but I suppose, colloquially, between friends, you can say physics created the universe
as a treat
@MattE.Эллен yes. :( I wish it's compulsory to provide a short explanation while downvoting any question or answer on SE. It would help the OP to improve his question/answer.
@raf the problem there is that it in some cases that leads to arguments. Helpful comments are nice, but you have to be pretty brave to leave one without knowing how the person will react!
@MattE.Эллен Oh, right. I didn't think that way. I agree. But how about if the OP receives the downvote explanation as an "anonymous message" from the downvoter?
@raf that could work.
@MattE.Эллен Let's be colloquial!
It is Friday, after all :D
The Amazon rainforest
@raf I think that it might improve the question if you edit in the fact that LaTeX isn't a word processor, to let people know that that's a term you've eliminated
that's quite a jump
@MattE.Эллен Thanks Physics!
<<Before your maximum health was 100 HP.
Now you can reach up to 120 HP!>>

Is it correct?
@MattE.Эллен I have added it. Thank you for the suggestion.
no problem!
@Curio Writing obscures some things that are obvious in speech.
> Before, your maximum health was 100 HP.
"Before now (pause) your maximum health was 100 HP"
ie, presumably, up to now, up to the current time, when you didn't have access to our product, you could get a maximum of 100 health points. But if you buy our product you can get more than that, up to 120 HP
or something like that.
"our product" being a cupboard capable of storing 20 bottles of HP sauce.
Hot pepper does a lot to improve your maximum health.
it will reject Daddy's or Heinz. Only HP
@Mitch I think it's too long XD
@tchrist that's why you spice UP your life
@Curio Wait... were you writing that and wanted to check if it was correct, or did you want to understand somebody else's text.
@MattE.Эллен They're identical.
also A1 steak sauce
Well I wanted to know if it's correct
or add thickener to your favorite Worcestershire sauce
which reminds me of a story
well not a story
more of an anecdote
which I've recounted here before
it's way too
laborious to try to search for it
@Mitch brown and saucy
and the anecdote is...
should I use quotes?
No, but what I should do is stop editorializing
like that
you can varicate after
@Curio It's more easily understood if you put a comma after the 'before'.
Some would call that correct and without the comma incorrect.
@MattE.Эллен before, you can prevaricate. before you can prevaricate.
so to continue with the anecdote
and that's not editorializing, just giving a landmark so to speak, a discourse marker, so that you know what's going to happen next.
I went to one of the Harry Potter World theme parks.
(I can't remember which one. was it sunny? Yes. Was it Florida? Maybe. Are there others? Also maybe)
There's one just outside London
And in the area called Hogsmeade (where they sell mostly Hogscrap)
@MattE.Эллен I am not such a citizen of the world that I have had the pleasure of visiting the London one.
Maybe I've been to the real one up in an unnamed are of Scotland (it's obviously in Scotland, right?)
just to answer your question re: are there other ones. I was being presumptive that since it was sunny it wasn't over here
Or is she just intimating that it is Scotlandish?
Oh, yes, Hogwarts is definitely in Scotland
@MattE.Эллен Look man it's Friday...there's time during the rest of the week to slam the awful weather of Southern England when we could all just agree that it is much much better than further north.
@MattE.Эллен It's not timeless and placeless (as far as contemporary UK goes)?
I mean does she say "Hey mofos, Hogwarts is in Scotland"?
@Mitch I can't remember. it's probably on Pottermore...
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry () is a fictional British boarding school of magic for students aged eleven to eighteen, and is the primary setting for the first six books in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series and serves as a major setting in the Wizarding World universe. == History == === Establishment === Founded in the 10th century by Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff and Salazar Slytherin, Hogwarts was established in the Highlands of Scotland to educate young wizards and witches as well as to keep students safe from muggle persecution. Theory has it that Rowena...
if you trust Wikipedia...
So I'm in Hogsmeade and they have a streetside stand selling Butterbeer. UNeffing believable, the real Butterbeer? That sounds awful. Yes, I think I'll have some, and eff it a round of Butterbeer for the whole effing family.
@MattE.Эллен Exactly
> Whereas propofol causes brain activity to become dominated by very low-frequency rhythms, ketamine includes periods of high power in high frequency rhythms. Those two very different means of achieving unconsciousness seems to suggest that consciousness is a state that can be lost in multiple ways, Brown said. medicalxpress.com/news/…
Propofol was the drug that killed Michael Jackson
And I take a sip (worried that it might actually be made of beer and butter)
shit, throw a pickle and some pound cake in there too while you're at it.
and hmmm...that taste... strange yet it is exactly what you would think some magical magicians would be drinking in a magician's pub in magical north of magical effing GB.
And then you realize... all those years ago, when the adults are handing out the soda cans from an ice cooler to all the kids, and you get a Pepsi and you get a Coke and you get a coke and hey a Grape Nehi and you get a ... oh this is the last one, you get a 'Cream Soda'
WTS is a cream soda you may ask?
@Mitch ah, yes, the taste of Irn Bru
It's soda where they add all the ingredients to make it a soda.
except they don't put in the stuff to make it a coke or a pepsi or a dr pepper or a grape nehi or anything.
It's just soda with a lot of sugar
maybe vanilla
they all have that
its basically cotton candy in drink form
and the amount of cotton candy you'd need to make a drink is phenomenal
it's.a lot of sugar
also it's colored beige
light beige
not ecru
to look like beer
or eggshell
a beer that has gone bad
can beer go bad?
like it has a fungus
(can beer go good?)
@Mitch like yeast? :p
As far as I'm concerned, it can go
@MattE.Эллен Oh
another fungus?
Hey it's probiotic!
I'll stick to cider. It can count as one of my five a day
You let anything sit around long enough it turns into some fancy food
milk becomes cheese
cheese becomes more cheese
(I could send a picture of inside my fridge)
so with one glass of milk, we can have infinite cheese!
grape juice becomes wine
wine becomes grappa
not sure if that's more or less fancy
some awful porridge of old wheat and some plants that grow by the roadside becomes some older and warmer juice of wheat and roadside plants.
I'm calling that beer
@MattE.Эллен YES!
@MattE.Эллен more fancy?
a different fancy
and old dead rotting fish washed up in the salty sandy shore become
we call it 'smoked'
if it still has parts of its eyes it's rotten.
No eyes, smoked.
I mean what a rip off gazpacho is.
leave an egg in the sand for 100 years, it's a century egg
chop up some tomatoes, don't bother to cook it, let it sit in your fridge for awhile
"Hey what's this" "It's soup"
@MattE.Эллен Calling it a century old doesn't make me think better of it.
sounds like a money making scheme
@MattE.Эллен always on the make
a side hustle
it all adds up
just tell the right rich person that the working class love it and bam! you'll be sold out by summer
I have some left over soda syrup but without the flavor syrup to make the different brands. What shall I do with it? Throw it away?
also 2000 pages of unneeded teen angst
at least have real kids problems
"Oh woe is me I didn't know I was Jesus and now there's all this pressure on me"
News flash: Most kids aren't Jesus
depends where you live
(I mean Jesus wasn't really Jesus but that's another Friday morning)
@MattE.Эллен Touché
So the fact that 'butterbeer' was really just cream soda is the same to me as realizing HP sauce is the same as A1 sauce.
Except that HP/A1 is actually good.
so now you just have to empty 20 bottles of it into a cupboard
Not that cream soda is bad... it's just...
I remember a guy who kept cream soda in the fridge at work..."Seems nice o have a drink at work, but why, for the love of God, is it cream soda?"
"Oh that's easy. That way nobody will steal it."
That guy was not otherwise a total weirdo
Great logic, plan well executed.
now you have a drink forever
@CowperKettle that'sa different argument AFAIK, and not a philosophicalone, per se. The idea is that we trace the origin of time right up to the Big Bang, so the entirety of our scientific endeavor depends on time, a concept that ceases to exist before Big Bang. In other words, we don't know what happened before Big Bang snd we don't care, it can't have had any influence on the laws of the universe.
@Mitch that sounds nauseating. What on Earth is cream soda
@Mitch it's safe enough to assume no one was Jesus statistically speaking.
@Mitch Sugared carbonated water is bad for you and makes no sense any way you think of it. Incredibly Coca-Cola made a lot of money doing it, and are considered a "wonderful" business by the likes of Warren Buffet.
@FaheemMitha It probably causes diabetes like smoking causes lung cancer.
"Are" or "is". Probably "is". Since a corporation is probably singular. Not 100%, though.
@M.A.R. It is bottled nausea. The taste is like thin maple syrup with some extra vanilla
@Mitch Well, there are lots of ways to ingest sugar, but still, it's nasty stuff, and a mad choice for a beverage.
@FaheemMitha That's a question for ELU main.
Incidentally, diabetes is correlated with weight gain. Not sugar intake per se.
@FaheemMitha And by 'mad' I take it you mean that everyone wants it.
Except insofar as sugar intake is correlelated with weight gain.
@Mitch Not everyone. I never could stand the stuff. I was a confused child, but not that confused.
@FaheemMitha Oh.
I was going off the mechanism of 'sugar shock', that repeatedly ingesting high pure sugar is training your system for later diabetes action.
In India (or at least Bombay), they referred to the stuff as a "soft drink". I'm not sure if that is international terminology.
@Mitch Yes, that might be the case. But any candy would do that.
@FaheemMitha There's the throat burning effervescence -and0 carbolic acid. Not for everyone.
Possibly eating lots of bananas would do that.
but a good automotive engine cleaner nonetheless
@FaheemMitha yeah 'soft drink' is also what I would call it.
Anyway, capitalism is a strange beast. Let's admire companies like Coca-Cola and Microsoft, for example. Which are both basically bad news. Because they make lots of money. And let's not talk about the weapons manufacturers.
@Mitch Oh, so not India-specific, then.
They call hot water heaters geysers here. I bet that's India-specific.
"Your character didn't use to kill his mates"

How can I say this in another way? Similar to <<used to protect>> and <<didn't want their death>>
> Nearly 29% of participants reduced their levels of physical activity during and after the first lockdown in England (March to August 2020), according to a study involving 35,915 adults, published in Scientific Reports.
Odd. I greatly increased my physical activity in 2020, it was the only year during which I ran more than 2000 km/year.
> Folks who took about 7,000 steps a day had a 50% to 70% lower risk of dying from all causes during after 11 years of follow-up when compared with people who took fewer steps each day.medicalxpress.com/news/2021-09-day-longer-life.html
By the way, Dickens was a devoted walker, walking many miles in a one go
@Curio My character would not usually kill his mates?
1 hour later…
Cream soda (also known as creme soda or creaming soda) is a sweet soft drink. Generally flavored with vanilla and based on the taste of an ice cream soda, a wide range of variations can be found worldwide. == History and development == A recipe for cream soda written by E. M. Sheldon and published in Michigan Farmer in 1852 called for water, cream of tartar (Potassium bitartrate), Epsom salts, sugar, egg, and milk, to be mixed, then heated, and mixed when cool with water and a quarter teaspoonful of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to make an effervescent drink. It was suggested as a temperance...
2 hours later…
> Van alle coronapatiënten in het ziekenhuis is 90 procent niet gevaccineerd.
Of all Corona patients in hospitals, 90% are unvaccinated. This while 85% of adults have been vaccinated by now.
OMG the worst thing about Friday is that it's almost over.
That means your week-end begins?
@Cerberus oh
Things are looking up then
@Cerberus didn't they have to go to church?
Didn't they have weeks back then? By all logic that there is, doesn't that then imply that there must be an end to each of these weeks?
Don't believe everything you think.
@Mitch There were Sundays, but not week-ends!
I'm just trying to work out the math of there being distinct weeks but no end to individual weeks
I wonder how other countries deal with it
Maybe their math is different
Like in France, or rather in French, 0 is s positive number
And it is not a non-negative number
Vive la diffërence!
@Mitch Weeks have ends, but that doesn't mean those ends need names?

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