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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Post is mostly images (17): Tooth mug/glass by Vinod menon P on english.SE
@Cerberus Indeed.
Jan 11 at 21:51, by Robusto
user image
@Cerberus The guy on the right looks like it could be a sibling of yours.
But the black one is his sibling. The difference (of black) is one of degree, not kind.
@Xanne if you want Wikipedia links to onebox, you should remove the .m which means it's the mobile version of the link
@Robusto They look like they could be the same (non-)breed!
Her brother (left) Apollo is much fluffier than she, with a huge, fluffy tail.
My mother said one and the same litter may contain half-siblings!
Did you know this?
And did @tchrist?
@Cerberus Yes, they're not a distinct breed.
@Cerberus Yes.
I didn't!
Yeah, it's weird.
@Robusto We had a cat named Panda as well.
By the way, I am no fan of pet breeds.
I prefer normal cats with normal faces and normal bodies.
The short-haired one, Artemis, is currently happily purring and dozing with her toes touching me.
But now she has woken up from the sound of Apollo eating in the hall.
Now they prowl the house together.
@Cerberus I don't like heavily modified cats: pug noses, hairless, tailless, that sort of thing. Regular barn cats are more my speed.
@Cerberus Ye gods!
> Old English Cream "creme," French literally "cu" (um), from Proto-Germanic *eme-, a compound of *cum- (from PIE root *cream-pie")
@Cerberus Yes, but that's usually not the reason why. It's simply that all the key traits for coat in cats are on separate genes, so you can have one litter with a surprising variety of pelages.
Most of them are simple dominant–recessives. So being long haired is recessive.
So HH, Hh, and hH cats are all short haired, and only hh ones are long haired.
Some of the other common traits for them work that way too.
White is a separate gene from red–black, but red–black is only on the X chromosome.
Cat coat genetics determine the coloration, pattern, length, and texture of feline fur. Understanding how is challenging because many genes are involved. The variations among cat coats are physical properties and should not be confused with cat breeds. A cat may display the coat of a certain breed without actually being that breed. For example, a Siberian could wear point coloration, the stereotypical coat of a Siamese. == Solid colors == === Eumelanin === The browning gene B/b/bl codes for TYRP1 (Q4VNX8), an enzyme involved in the metabolic pathway for eumelanin pigment production. Its dominant...
@Cerberus Yes, dying is a bit more definitive than happiness, but even with the extreme vagueness of personality or emotion, if you have enough instances, a 4% difference can be a significant difference if the effect size is relatively much bigger than the comparison effect ('stable over a lifetime')
You could say politicians are choosing people instead of people choosing politicians.
@Cerberus newspapers are a few steps removed from usually very temperate journal article writing. A journal article may bend over backwards to provide all the values, give nuance, eschew hyperbole, cast extreme doubt on results 'Telomere length possibly preserved over 20 generations'. But then a university press will say 'Lifespan extensions found by our prof'. And then the New York Post will say 'You will never die'
along the way, relative risk gives better headlines, so they dump the boring absolute risk.
@Cerberus And did the fathers?
1 hour later…
7 hours later…
A medical helicopter flew to a remote Siberian village to pick up a covid patient in severe condition. Some locals verbally attacked the visitors, telling them to get the hell out of here, because "they flew in to infect us with some plague".
The year is 2021.
@tchrist: Our cases were in the low 100s, and yesterday they jumped to 271. This is not good news.
3 hours later…
> Report. I did not vaccinate against covid because I've been baptised and it can't harm me. Signed: Chief Firefigher of Unit so and so, Kaluga Region, Internal Service Segreant K.U. Samsonov.
Well, people are free to have their own opinion.
> DeepMind says it will release the structure of every protein known to science
Artificial intelligence is making strides
@CowperKettle I guess DeepMind can't keep a secret.
@CowperKettle Something about that sentence sounds off.
@Robusto Or it finally got the ransom payment
Q: How do I "apologise" to my cat?

AlexanderHow do I apologise to a cat / undo accidental actions? Let's say, I'm going to the bathroom at night, my cat tries to weave between legs and accidentally got kicked. Or, I'm drinking water, the cat is in the lap, I cough and spill some of that "yucky cold wet waterrr" from the cup (again, acciden...

That guy should fix his life.
It's pretty obvious he should 1) not get up in the middle of the night to pee. He should hold it.
2) learn how to drink effing water. WHat is he some kind of child? oh yes I see. Mr 'Yucky' is mentally 4 years old (No offense to 4-year-olds)
If he dresses me up as a toreador I'm gonna...
I think I've made my casa
@Mitch I draw the line at apologizing to cats. Especially when what they do could be construed as an attempt to kill me.
@Robusto whoa whoa whoa. What are you saying? Are you saying that you wouldn't be honored to be taken out by a cat?
I suppose I'd have to accept that some humans are like that, especially since they seem to have almost as much sense as a dog.
---Death--- Cat be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not soe,
For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill mee.
Effing cats man
Good creatures, do you love your lives
And have you ears for sense?
Here is a knife like other knives,
That cost me eighteen pence.

I need but stick it in my heart
And down will come the sky,
And earth's foundations will depart
And all you folk will die.
When I leave the flat for some reason, I say to one of my two cats: "you will be the main person here for the duration. Keep the flat neat and tidy, it's now your responsibility". And he looks quite understanding.
@CowperKettle We had to separate our cats this morning. They ran out of brotherly love.
1 hour later…
How octopuses mate: The male tears off an arm, throws it at the female, and says "Here, go fuck yourself."
4 hours later…
@Robusto I agree. I don't like stump noses either, I don't like British Shorthairs.
@tchrist Ah, I see, I shall tell them.
@Mitch I don't know what the mother looks like!

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